Small fix for libs sub-package to better conform with packaging guidelines
Include cassandane sources in srpm
Rename imtest to cyr_imtest to solve conflict with python-fslpy (rhbz#2227990)
This updates Cassandane, adds an upstream patch to fix a bug which the
new Cassandane tests, and then disable the ImapTest tests because
imaptest itself is broken on rawhide.
Pull in a newer Cassandane snapshot and clean up the test lists. Down
to just five tests to figure out, plus nine that only fail on big-endian
machines which I've asked upstream to look into.
Basically Cyrus is completely fine on 64-bit little-endian machines.
"make check" fails on big-endian machines. The Cassandane tests fail on
32-bit machines.
Some of the Cassandane tests are known to be due to bugs in the tests
suite; Fedora's 32-bit Perl does not support 64-bit types ("Q" and "q")
in pack and unpack. This is being fixed in rawhide on our side, but it
won't be a complete solution because there are some failures elsewhere
in the test suite.
Fedora is the first to fully integrate Cassandane into the build
process, and we appear to be the only ones to do testing on big-endian
and 32-bit machines. So there's a bit of teething still to get through.
I still do intend to try and push this to F26 as upstream has requested.
fixed: cannot set unlimited quota through proxy
fixed: reconstruct tries to set timestamps again and again
fixed: response for LIST "" user is wrong
fixed: THREAD command doesn't support quoted charset
fixed crashes in mupdatetest and cyr_expire when using -x