re-add some files
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
use Cyrus::IMAP::Admin;
# This script was created by Kevin J. Menard, Jr. <>.
# It requires root privileges to write to a file in /etc. Best use is
# to set this up as cron job. Works for me. Hope it does for you.
# Any questions/complaints/praise/whatever, send 'em to the address
# above. -- 08/16/2001
# These are the variables you might want to tweak.
my $quota_attr = "mailQuota";
my $mail_attr = "mailRoutingAddress";
my $user = "cyrus";
my $passwd = "blah";
# These are the ones that you shouldn't have to.
my @entries = ();
my $index = 0;
my $counter = 0;
my $old_timestamp = 0;
my $timestamp = "199412161032Z";
# Open the /etc/cyrus_ldap_quota_time file; it's a long name, but
# shouldn't interfere with existing files :) This file contains 1 line,
# the generalized time format of the last time the script ran. This is
# used for the search, so we only update quotas that have been modified
# since then.
if (-e "/etc/cyrus_ldap_quota_time")
open(TIME_FILE, "/etc/cyrus_ldap_quota_time") or die "could not
open the time file: $!\n";
while(<TIME_FILE>) { $old_timestamp = $_; }
# Now we deal with the case where the file doesn't exist, that is to
# say the first time the script was run.
unless ($old_timestamp == 0) { $timestamp = $old_timestamp; }
# Now that we have that information, we can overwrite the file with
# the new timestamp. Maybe this overkill, but this is only a
# temporary solution anyway.
open(TIME_FILE, ">/etc/cyrus_ldap_quota_time") or die "could not
create file: $!\n";
my @time = (localtime)[0..5];
printf TIME_FILE $time[5] + 1900;
printf TIME_FILE "%02d", $time[4] + 1;
for (my $i = 3; $i >= 0; $i--) { printf TIME_FILE "%02d", $time[$i];}
print TIME_FILE 'Z';
# This is where we do the search and then parse the results into a
# useable form. In this case, an arry of hash entries.
# Okay, this very ugly line sets up the LDAP search, and the strips
# away the meaningless stuff. This could be prettier, but I didn't
# want to add a dependency for an LDAP module, and everyone should
# have LDAP search. The greps are just to make things simpler.
(my $query = "ldapsearch -x '(&(modifyTimestamp>=$timestamp)($quota_attr=*))' $quota_attr $mail_attr
| grep -v ^# | grep -v ^dn | grep -v ^version | grep -v ^search | grep -v ^result | grep -v ^\$") =~ s!\n!!;
# Now actually do the commands in the above line.
my $result = `$query`;
# Split the output into an array, one entry per line.
my @output = split(/\n/, $result);
# Now go through each line . . .
foreach (@output)
# Split on the attribute:value boundary.
(my $key, my $value) = split(/: /);
# Handle mailRoutingAddress; strip away everything after '@'.
if ($value =~ m!@!)
($value, undef) = split (/@/, $value);
# Add each doctored up attribute:value pair to the entries array.
$entries[$index]{$key} = $value;
# A crude hack to make sure each of the two attributes makes it
# into one of the entries array element.
if ($counter % 2)
# Now here's the actual interaction with Cyrus IMAPd. It's all pretty
# self-explanatory.
my $imap = Cyrus::IMAP::Admin->new('localhost') or die "imap:
cannot connect to server: $!\n";
$imap->send(undef, undef, "LOGIN %s %s", $user, $passwd) or die
"could not send user:pass to the server: $!\n";
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#entries; $i++)
$imap->setquota("user." . $entries[$i]{$mail_attr}, "STORAGE",
or die "imap: could not set quota for
user.$entries[$i]{$mail_attr}: $!\n";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# imapcreate: create IMAP mailboxes with quotas
# Reads user names from standard input.
# launch without argument for a short help.
# originally found on
# (could not find any copyright info, thought)
# enhanced by Clément "nodens" Hermann <>
# I'd like to consider this as GPL'd (cf, but won't add any copyright without the original author's consent.
use Getopt::Long;
use Cyrus::IMAP::Admin;
use strict;
my $debug;
my $user;
my $pass;
my $quota;
my @part;
my $useunixhierarchy;
my @mailboxes;
my $delete;
my $cyrus;
sub usage {
print <<EOU;
imapcreate - create IMAP mailboxes with quotas
imapcreate [-d] [-u user] [-p pass] [-m mailbox1[,mailbox2][,mailbox<n>]]
[-q quota] [-t partition:list] [-s] [-v] <server>
-t : the partition to use. Default to the \"default\" partition
-q ; the quota, if a quota is needed. It is normally in KiloBytes, but you can use m,M,g or G suffix to use MB or GB instead, e.g 10k, 2048M or 100g
-m : a comma-separated mailbox list
-u : your cyrus admin user (usually cyrus or cyradm)
-p : your cyrus admin password (if not provided, it will be asked for)
-s : use the unix hierarchy separator (see imapd.conf(1))
-d : delete mailboxes instead of creating them
-v : run in debug mode, and print information on stdout
If no password is submitted with -p, we'll prompt for one.
if no mailbox name is specified with -m, read user names from standard input
imapcreate -u cyradm -m foo,bar,joe -q 50000 -t p1:p2
cat list.txt | imapcreate -u cyradm -p 'cyruspass' -q 50M
exit 1;
# Create a mailbox... usage : &CreateMailBox(user,partition[,quota]).
# You have to be authentified already. We use "$cyrus" as the connection name.
# partition can be 'default'
sub CreateMailBox {
my $mbuser = $_[0];
my $mbpart = $_[1];
my $mbquota = $_[2];
print "Creating $mbuser on $mbpart\n" if $debug;
if ($mbpart eq 'default') {
else {
$cyrus->createmailbox($mbuser, $mbpart);
warn $cyrus->error if $cyrus->error;
# Set the quota
if ($mbquota) {
print "Setting quota for $mbuser to $mbquota\n" if $debug;
$cyrus->setquota($mbuser, 'STORAGE', $mbquota);
warn $cyrus->error if $cyrus->error;
# Delete a mailbox. Usage: $DeleteMailBox($user)
# Assuming we use $user as the admin.
sub DeleteMailBox {
my $mbuser = $_[0];
my $delacl = "c";
print "Deleting $mbuser\n" if $debug;
$cyrus->setaclmailbox($mbuser, $user, $delacl);
warn $cyrus->error if $cyrus->error;
GetOptions("d|delete" => \$delete, "u|user=s" => \$user, "p|pass=s" => \$pass, "m|mailboxes=s" => \@mailboxes, "q|quota=s" => \$quota,
"t|part=s" => \@part, "s|UnixHierarchy" => \$useunixhierarchy, "v|verbose" => \$debug );
@part = split(/:/, join(':', @part));
push @part, 'default' unless @part;
my $pn = 0;
@mailboxes = split(/,/, join(',', @mailboxes));
my $server = shift(@ARGV) if (@ARGV);
usage unless $server;
# quotas formatting:
if ($quota) {
if ($quota =~ /^(\d+)([mk]?)$/i) {
my $numb = $1;
my $letter = $2;
if ($letter =~ /^m$/i) {
$quota = $numb * 1024;
print "debug: quota=$quota\n" if $debug;
} elsif ($letter =~ /^k$/i) {
$quota = $numb;
print "debug: quota=$quota\n" if $debug;
} else {
die "malformed quota: $quota (must be at least one digit eventually followed by m, M, k or K\n";
# $quota = $numb;
# print "debug: quota=$quota\n" if $debug;
} else {
die "malformed quota: $quota (must be at least one digit eventually followed by m, M, k or K\n";
# Authenticate
$cyrus = Cyrus::IMAP::Admin->new($server);
$cyrus->authenticate(-mechanism => 'login', -user => $user,
-password => $pass);
die $cyrus->error if $cyrus->error;
# if there isn't any mailbox defined yet, get them from standard input
if (! (defined $mailboxes[0])) {
# For all users
while (<>) {
my $mbox = $_;
push @mailboxes, $mbox;
# create/delete mailboxes for each user
foreach my $mailbox (@mailboxes) {
if ($useunixhierarchy) {
$mailbox = 'user/' . $mailbox;
} else {
$mailbox = 'user.' . $mailbox;
if ($delete) {
} else {
# Select the partition
my $pt = $part[$pn];
$pn += 1;
$pn = 0 unless $pn < @part;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user