#!/bin/bash # vim: dict=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # runtest.sh of /CoreOS/curl/Sanity/non-root-user-download # Description: various download methods with non-root user # Author: Karel Srot # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing # to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms # and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be # useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied # warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public # License along with this program; if not, write to the Free # Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Include Beaker environment . /usr/bin/rhts-environment.sh || exit 1 . /usr/share/beakerlib/beakerlib.sh || exit 1 PACKAGE="curl" FTP_URL=ftp://ftp.scientificlinux.org/linux/fedora/releases/18/Live/x86_64/Fedora-18-x86_64-Live-CHECKSUM HTTP_URL=https://archives.fedoraproject.org/pub/archive/fedora/linux/releases/18/Live/x86_64/Fedora-18-x86_64-Live-CHECKSUM CONTENT=a276e06d244e04b765f0a35532d9036ad84f340b0bdcc32e0233a8fbc31d5bed PASSWORD=pAssw0rd OPTIONS="" rlIsRHEL 7 && OPTIONS="--insecure" rlJournalStart rlPhaseStartSetup rlAssertRpm $PACKAGE rlRun "TmpDir=\$(mktemp -d)" 0 "Creating tmp directory" rlRun "pushd $TmpDir" rlRun "useradd -m curltester" 0 "Adding the test user" rlRun "echo $PASSWORD | passwd --stdin curltester" 0 "Setting the password for the test user" rlRun "su - curltester -c 'echo $CONTENT > ~/testfile'" 0 "Creating ~curltester/testfile" [ -d $HOME/.ssh ] || ( mkdir $HOME/.ssh && restorecon HOME/.ssh ) rlFileBackup $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts /etc/hosts ssh-keygen -F localhost -f $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts || rlRun "ssh-keyscan localhost >> $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts" rlPhaseEnd rlPhaseStartTest "http download" rlRun "su - curltester -c 'curl $HTTP_URL' &> http.log" cat http.log rlAssertGrep "$CONTENT" http.log rlPhaseEnd rlPhaseStartTest "ftp download" rlRun "su - curltester -c 'curl $FTP_URL' &> ftp.log" cat ftp.log rlAssertGrep "$CONTENT" ftp.log rlPhaseEnd if ! rlIsRHEL 5; then # scp sftp not supported on RHEL5 rlPhaseStartTest "scp download" rlRun "curl -u curltester:$PASSWORD $OPTIONS scp://localhost/home/curltester/testfile &> scp.log" cat scp.log rlAssertGrep "$CONTENT" scp.log rlPhaseEnd rlPhaseStartTest "sftp download" rlRun "curl -u curltester:$PASSWORD $OPTIONS sftp://localhost/home/curltester/testfile &> sftp.log" cat sftp.log rlAssertGrep "$CONTENT" sftp.log rlPhaseEnd fi rlPhaseStartCleanup rlRun "rm -f $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts" rlFileRestore rlRun "popd" rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory" rlRun "userdel -r --force curltester" rlPhaseEnd rlJournalPrintText rlJournalEnd