Use IPP notifications for BrowsePoll when possible (bug ).

Resolves: rhbz#975241
This commit is contained in:
Tim Waugh 2013-10-01 17:14:07 +01:00
parent 6fdf3abc4f
commit db83b8d3c0
2 changed files with 489 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
diff -up cups-filters-1.0.38/utils/cups-browsed.c.browsepoll-notifications cups-filters-1.0.38/utils/cups-browsed.c
--- cups-filters-1.0.38/utils/cups-browsed.c.browsepoll-notifications 2013-08-14 10:24:38.000000000 +0100
+++ cups-filters-1.0.38/utils/cups-browsed.c 2013-10-01 17:12:54.257126326 +0100
@@ -100,6 +100,16 @@ typedef struct allow_s {
http_addr_t mask;
} allow_t;
+/* Data structure for a BrowsePoll server */
+typedef struct browsepoll_s {
+ char *server;
+ int port;
+ int major;
+ int minor;
+ gboolean can_subscribe;
+ int subscription_id;
+} browsepoll_t;
cups_array_t *remote_printers;
static cups_array_t *netifs;
static cups_array_t *browseallow;
@@ -118,7 +128,7 @@ static unsigned int BrowseRemoteProtocol
static unsigned int BrowseInterval = 60;
static unsigned int BrowseTimeout = 300;
static uint16_t BrowsePort = 631;
-static char **BrowsePoll = NULL;
+static browsepoll_t **BrowsePoll = NULL;
static size_t NumBrowsePoll = 0;
static char *DomainSocket = NULL;
@@ -234,6 +244,16 @@ void debug_printf(const char *format, ..
+static const char *
+password_callback (const char *prompt,
+ http_t *http,
+ const char *method,
+ const char *resource,
+ void *user_data)
+ return NULL;
static remote_printer_t *
create_local_queue (const char *name,
const char *uri,
@@ -1469,66 +1489,22 @@ send_browse_data (gpointer data)
return FALSE;
-browse_poll (gpointer data)
+static void
+browse_poll_get_printers (browsepoll_t *context, http_t *conn)
static const char * const rattrs[] = { "printer-uri-supported" };
- char *server = strdup (data);
ipp_t *request, *response = NULL;
ipp_attribute_t *attr;
- http_t *conn;
- int port = BrowsePort;
- char *colon,*slash;
- int major = 0;
- int minor = 0;
- slash = strchr (server, '/');
- if (slash) {
- *slash++ = '\0';
- if (!strcmp(slash, "version=1.0")) {
- major = 1;
- minor = 0;
- } else if (!strcmp(slash, "version=1.1")) {
- major = 1;
- minor = 1;
- } else if (!strcmp(slash, "version=2.0")) {
- major = 2;
- minor = 0;
- } else if (!strcmp(slash, "version=2.1")) {
- major = 2;
- minor = 1;
- } else if (!strcmp(slash, "version=2.2")) {
- major = 2;
- minor = 2;
- } else {
- debug_printf ("ignoring unknown server option: %s\n", slash);
- }
- }
- debug_printf ("cups-browsed: browse polling %s\n", server);
- colon = strchr (server, ':');
- if (colon) {
- char *endptr;
- unsigned long n;
- *colon++ = '\0';
- n = strtoul (colon, &endptr, 10);
- if (endptr != colon && n < INT_MAX)
- port = (int) n;
- }
- res_init ();
- conn = httpConnectEncrypt (server, port, HTTP_ENCRYPT_IF_REQUESTED);
- if (conn == NULL) {
- debug_printf("cups-browsed: browse poll failed to connect to %s\n", server);
- goto fail;
- }
+ debug_printf ("cups-browsed [BrowsePoll %s:%d]: CUPS-Get-Printers\n",
+ context->server, context->port);
request = ippNewRequest(CUPS_GET_PRINTERS);
- if (major > 0) {
- debug_printf("cups-browsed: setting IPP version %d.%d\n", major, minor);
- ippSetVersion (request, major, minor);
+ if (context->major > 0) {
+ debug_printf("cups-browsed [BrowsePoll %s:%d]: setting IPP version %d.%d\n",
+ context->server, context->port, context->major,
+ context->minor);
+ ippSetVersion (request, context->major, context->minor);
@@ -1550,8 +1526,8 @@ browse_poll (gpointer data)
response = cupsDoRequest(conn, request, "/");
if (cupsLastError() > IPP_OK_CONFLICT) {
- debug_printf("cups-browsed: browse poll failed for server %s: %s\n",
- server, cupsLastErrorString ());
+ debug_printf("cups-browsed [BrowsePoll %s:%d]: failed: %s\n",
+ context->server, context->port, cupsLastErrorString ());
goto fail;
@@ -1579,7 +1555,7 @@ browse_poll (gpointer data)
if (uri)
- found_cups_printer (server, uri, info);
+ found_cups_printer (context->server, uri, info);
if (!attr)
@@ -1590,12 +1566,226 @@ browse_poll (gpointer data)
if (response)
- if (conn)
- httpClose (conn);
+static void
+browse_poll_create_subscription (browsepoll_t *context, http_t *conn)
+ static const char * const events[] = { "printer-added",
+ "printer-changed",
+ "printer-config-changed",
+ "printer-modified",
+ "printer-deleted",
+ "printer-state-changed" };
+ ipp_t *request, *response = NULL;
+ ipp_attribute_t *attr;
+ debug_printf ("cups-browsed [BrowsePoll %s:%d]: IPP-Create-Subscription\n",
+ context->server, context->port);
+ if (context->major > 0) {
+ debug_printf("cups-browsed [BrowsePoll %s:%d]: setting IPP version %d.%d\n",
+ context->server, context->port, context->major,
+ context->minor);
+ ippSetVersion (request, context->major, context->minor);
+ }
+ ippAddString (request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_URI,
+ "printer-uri", NULL, "/");
+ "notify-pull-method", NULL, "ippget");
+ "notify-charset", NULL, "utf-8");
+ ippAddString (request, IPP_TAG_SUBSCRIPTION, IPP_TAG_NAME,
+ "requesting-user-name", NULL, cupsUser ());
+ "notify-events", sizeof (events) / sizeof (events[0]),
+ NULL, events);
+ "notify-time-interval", BrowseInterval);
+ response = cupsDoRequest (conn, request, "/");
+ if (!response || ippGetStatusCode (response) > IPP_OK_CONFLICT) {
+ debug_printf("cupsd-browsed [BrowsePoll %s:%d]: failed: %s\n",
+ context->server, context->port, cupsLastErrorString ());
+ context->subscription_id = -1;
+ context->can_subscribe = FALSE;
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ for (attr = ippFirstAttribute(response); attr;
+ attr = ippNextAttribute(response)) {
+ if (ippGetGroupTag (attr) == IPP_TAG_SUBSCRIPTION) {
+ if (ippGetValueTag (attr) == IPP_TAG_INTEGER &&
+ !strcmp (ippGetName (attr), "notify-subscription-id")) {
+ context->subscription_id = ippGetInteger (attr, 0);
+ debug_printf("cups-browsed [BrowsePoll %s:%d]: subscription ID=%d\n",
+ context->server, context->port, context->subscription_id);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!attr) {
+ debug_printf("cups-browsed [BrowsePoll %s:%d]: no ID returned\n",
+ context->server, context->port);
+ context->subscription_id = -1;
+ context->can_subscribe = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (response)
+ ippDelete(response);
+static void
+browse_poll_cancel_subscription (browsepoll_t *context)
+ ipp_t *request, *response = NULL;
+ http_t *conn = httpConnectEncrypt (context->server, context->port,
+ if (conn == NULL) {
+ debug_printf("cups-browsed [BrowsePoll %s:%d]: connection failure "
+ "attempting to cancel\n", context->server, context->port);
+ return;
+ }
+ debug_printf ("cups-browsed [BrowsePoll %s:%d] IPP-Cancel-Subscription\n",
+ context->server, context->port);
+ request = ippNewRequest(IPP_CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION);
+ if (context->major > 0) {
+ debug_printf("cups-browsed [BrowsePoll %s:%d]: setting IPP version %d.%d\n",
+ context->server, context->port, context->major,
+ context->minor);
+ ippSetVersion (request, context->major, context->minor);
+ }
+ ippAddString (request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_URI,
+ "printer-uri", NULL, "/");
+ ippAddString (request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_NAME,
+ "requesting-user-name", NULL, cupsUser ());
+ ippAddInteger (request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_INTEGER,
+ "notify-subscription-id", context->subscription_id);
+ response = cupsDoRequest (conn, request, "/");
+ if (!response || ippGetStatusCode (response) > IPP_OK_CONFLICT)
+ debug_printf("cupsd-browsed [BrowsePoll %s:%d]: failed: %s\n",
+ context->server, context->port, cupsLastErrorString ());
- if (server)
- free (server);
+ if (response)
+ ippDelete(response);
+static gboolean
+browse_poll_get_notifications (browsepoll_t *context, http_t *conn)
+ ipp_t *request, *response = NULL;
+ ipp_attribute_t *attr;
+ ipp_status_t status;
+ gboolean get_printers = FALSE;
+ debug_printf ("cups-browsed [BrowsePoll %s:%d] IPP-Get-Notifications\n",
+ context->server, context->port);
+ request = ippNewRequest(IPP_GET_NOTIFICATIONS);
+ if (context->major > 0) {
+ debug_printf("cups-browsed [BrowsePoll %s:%d]: setting IPP version %d.%d\n",
+ context->server, context->port, context->major,
+ context->minor);
+ ippSetVersion (request, context->major, context->minor);
+ }
+ ippAddString (request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_URI,
+ "printer-uri", NULL, "/");
+ ippAddString (request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_NAME,
+ "requesting-user-name", NULL, cupsUser ());
+ ippAddInteger (request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_INTEGER,
+ "notify-subscription-ids", context->subscription_id);
+ response = cupsDoRequest (conn, request, "/");
+ if (!response)
+ status = cupsLastError ();
+ else
+ status = ippGetStatusCode (response);
+ if (status == IPP_NOT_FOUND) {
+ /* Subscription lease has expired. */
+ debug_printf ("cups-browsed [BrowsePoll %s:%d] Lease expired\n",
+ context->server, context->port);
+ browse_poll_create_subscription (context, conn);
+ get_printers = TRUE;
+ } else if (status > IPP_OK_CONFLICT) {
+ debug_printf("cupsd-browsed [BrowsePoll %s:%d]: failed: %s\n",
+ context->server, context->port, cupsLastErrorString ());
+ context->can_subscribe = FALSE;
+ browse_poll_cancel_subscription (context);
+ context->subscription_id = -1;
+ get_printers = TRUE;
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ for (attr = ippFirstAttribute(response); attr;
+ attr = ippNextAttribute(response))
+ if (ippGetGroupTag (attr) == IPP_TAG_EVENT_NOTIFICATION)
+ /* There is a printer-* event here. */
+ break;
+ if (attr) {
+ debug_printf("cups-browsed [BrowsePoll %s:%d]: printer-* event\n",
+ context->server, context->port);
+ get_printers = TRUE;
+ } else
+ debug_printf("cups-browsed [BrowsePoll %s:%d]: no events\n",
+ context->server, context->port);
+ if (response)
+ ippDelete(response);
+ return get_printers;
+browse_poll (gpointer data)
+ browsepoll_t *context = data;
+ http_t *conn = NULL;
+ gboolean get_printers = FALSE;
+ debug_printf ("cups-browsed: browse polling %s:%d\n",
+ context->server, context->port);
+ res_init ();
+ conn = httpConnectEncrypt (context->server, context->port,
+ if (conn == NULL) {
+ debug_printf("cups-browsed [BrowsePoll %s:%d]: failed to connect\n",
+ context->server, context->port);
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ if (context->can_subscribe) {
+ if (context->subscription_id == -1) {
+ /* The first time this callback is run we need to create the IPP
+ * subscription to watch to printer-* events. */
+ browse_poll_create_subscription (context, conn);
+ get_printers = TRUE;
+ } else
+ /* On subsequent runs, check for notifications using our
+ * subscription. */
+ get_printers = browse_poll_get_notifications (context, conn);
+ }
+ else
+ get_printers = TRUE;
+ if (get_printers)
+ browse_poll_get_printers (context, conn);
/* Call a new timeout handler so that we run again */
g_timeout_add_seconds (BrowseInterval, browse_poll, data);
@@ -1723,14 +1913,61 @@ read_configuration (const char *filename
BrowseLocalProtocols = BrowseRemoteProtocols = protocols;
} else if (!strcasecmp(line, "BrowsePoll") && value) {
- char **old = BrowsePoll;
- BrowsePoll = realloc (BrowsePoll, (NumBrowsePoll + 1) * sizeof (char *));
+ browsepoll_t **old = BrowsePoll;
+ BrowsePoll = realloc (BrowsePoll,
+ (NumBrowsePoll + 1) *
+ sizeof (browsepoll_t));
if (!BrowsePoll) {
debug_printf("cups-browsed: unable to realloc: ignoring BrowsePoll line\n");
BrowsePoll = old;
} else {
- debug_printf("cups-browsed: Adding BrowsePoll server: %s\n", value);
- BrowsePoll[NumBrowsePoll++] = strdup (value);
+ char *colon, *slash;
+ browsepoll_t *b = malloc (sizeof (browsepoll_t));
+ if (!b) {
+ debug_printf("cups-browsed: unable to malloc: ignoring BrowsePoll line\n");
+ BrowsePoll = old;
+ } else {
+ debug_printf("cups-browsed: Adding BrowsePoll server: %s\n", value);
+ b->server = strdup (value);
+ b->port = BrowsePort;
+ b->can_subscribe = TRUE; /* first assume subscriptions work */
+ b->subscription_id = -1;
+ slash = strchr (b->server, '/');
+ if (slash) {
+ *slash++ = '\0';
+ if (!strcmp (slash, "version=1.0")) {
+ b->major = 1;
+ b->minor = 0;
+ } else if (!strcmp (slash, "version=1.1")) {
+ b->major = 1;
+ b->minor = 1;
+ } else if (!strcmp (slash, "version=2.0")) {
+ b->major = 2;
+ b->minor = 0;
+ } else if (!strcmp (slash, "version=2.1")) {
+ b->major = 2;
+ b->minor = 1;
+ } else if (!strcmp (slash, "version=2.2")) {
+ b->major = 2;
+ b->minor = 2;
+ } else {
+ debug_printf ("ignoring unknown server option: %s\n", slash);
+ }
+ } else
+ b->major = 0;
+ colon = strchr (b->server, ':');
+ if (colon) {
+ char *endptr;
+ unsigned long n;
+ *colon++ = '\0';
+ n = strtoul (colon, &endptr, 10);
+ if (endptr != colon && n < INT_MAX)
+ b->port = (int) n;
+ }
+ BrowsePoll[NumBrowsePoll++] = b;
+ }
} else if (!strcasecmp(line, "BrowseAllow") && value) {
if (read_browseallow_value (value))
@@ -1972,6 +2209,10 @@ int main(int argc, char*argv[]) {
goto fail;
+ /* Override the default password callback so we don't end up
+ * prompting for it. */
+ cupsSetPasswordCB2 (password_callback, NULL);
/* Run the main loop */
gmainloop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);
recheck_timer ();
@@ -1994,7 +2235,7 @@ int main(int argc, char*argv[]) {
index < NumBrowsePoll;
index++) {
debug_printf ("cups-browsed: will browse poll %s every %ds\n",
- BrowsePoll[index], BrowseInterval);
+ BrowsePoll[index]->server, BrowseInterval);
g_idle_add (browse_poll, BrowsePoll[index]);
@@ -2018,6 +2259,21 @@ fail:
+ if (BrowsePoll) {
+ size_t index;
+ for (index = 0;
+ index < NumBrowsePoll;
+ index++) {
+ if (BrowsePoll[index]->can_subscribe &&
+ BrowsePoll[index]->subscription_id != -1)
+ browse_poll_cancel_subscription (BrowsePoll[index]);
+ free (BrowsePoll[index]->server);
+ free (BrowsePoll[index]);
+ }
+ free (BrowsePoll);
+ }
/* Free the data structures for Bonjour browsing */
if (sb1)

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Summary: OpenPrinting CUPS filters and backends
Name: cups-filters
Version: 1.0.38
Release: 3%{?dist}
Release: 4%{?dist}
# For a breakdown of the licensing, see COPYING file
# GPLv2: filters: commandto*, imagetoraster, pdftops, rasterto*,
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ Source0:{versio
Patch1: cups-filters-pdf-landscape.patch
Patch2: cups-filters-format-mismatch.patch
Patch3: cups-filters-browsepoll-notifications.patch
Requires: cups-filters-libs%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
@ -111,6 +112,9 @@ This is the development package for OpenPrinting CUPS filters and backends.
# Fixes for some printf-type format mismatches (bug #1014093).
%patch2 -p1 -b .format-mismatch
# Use IPP notifications for BrowsePoll when possible (bug #975241).
%patch3 -p1 -b .browsepoll-notifications
# work-around Rpath
@ -227,6 +231,9 @@ fi
* Tue Oct 1 2013 Tim Waugh <> - 1.0.38-4
- Use IPP notifications for BrowsePoll when possible (bug #975241).
* Tue Oct 1 2013 Tim Waugh <> - 1.0.38-3
- Fixes for some printf-type format mismatches (bug #1014093).