#!/bin/bash config=$1 target=$2 debug="false" rma="" if [ "x$debug" == "xtrue" ] ; then rma="-v" fi debug(){ if [ "x$debug" == "xtrue" ] ; then echo "$1" fi } #we should be pretty strict about removing once used (even "used" [with fail]) config file, as it may corrupt another installation clean(){ debug "cleanup: removing $config" rm -rf $config } if [ "x" == "x$config" ] ; then debug "no config file specified" exit 1 fi if [ ! -f "$config" ] ; then debug "$config file do not exists" # expected case, when no migration happened exit 0 fi if [ "x" == "x$target" ] ; then debug "no target dir specified" clean exit 2 fi if [ ! -d "$target" ] ; then debug "$target is not directory" clean exit 22 fi source=`cat $config` if [ "x" == "x$source" ] ; then debug "no information in $config" clean exit 3 fi if [ ! -d "$source" ] ; then debug "$source from $config is not directory" clean exit 33 fi listLinks(){ find $1 -type l -print0 | xargs -0 ls -ld | sed "s; \+-> \+;_->_;g" | sed "s;.* $1;$1;" } printIfExists(){ if [ -e $ffileCandidate ] ; then echo $1 else # stdout can be captured, therefore stderr debug "skipping not-existing link-target-dir $1" 1>&2 fi } createListOfLinksTargetsDirectories(){ pushd $source >/dev/null 2>&1 local links=`listLinks $1` for x in $links ; do echo "$x" | grep "jre-abrt" > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then continue fi local ffileCandidate=$(echo $x | sed "s/.*_->_//") ; # ignoring relative paths as they may lead who know where later # there can be simlink relative to position, so push is not catching all if [ "$ffileCandidate" != "${ffileCandidate#/}" ] ; then if [ -d $ffileCandidate ] ; then # should we accept the links to directories themselves? printIfExists $ffileCandidate else printIfExists `dirname $ffileCandidate` fi fi done | sort | uniq popd >/dev/null 2>&1 } sourceLinks=`listLinks $source` targetLinks=`listLinks $target` sourceLinksDirsTarget=`createListOfLinksTargetsDirectories $source` targetLinksDirsTarget=`createListOfLinksTargetsDirectories $target` debug "source: $source" debug "target: $target" debug "sourceLinks: $sourceLinks" debug "targetLinks: $targetLinks" debug "sourceLinksDirsTarget: $sourceLinksDirsTarget" debug "targetLinksDirsTarget: $targetLinksDirsTarget" sourceSearchPath="$source $sourceLinksDirsTarget" targetSearchPath="$target $targetLinksDirsTarget" work(){ if [ "X$1" == "Xrpmnew" -o "X$1" == "Xrpmorig" ] ; then debug "Working with $1 (1)" else debug "unknown parameter: $1" return 1 fi local files=`find $targetSearchPath | grep "\\.$1$"` for file in $files ; do local sf1=`echo $file | sed "s/\\.$1$//"` local sf2=`echo $sf1 | sed "s/$targetName/$srcName/"` # was file modified in origianl installation? rpm -Vf $source | grep -q $sf2 if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then if [ "X$1" == "Xrpmnew" ] ; then debug "$sf2 was NOT modified, removing possibly corrupted $sf1 and renaming from $file" mv $rma -f $file $sf1 if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then echo "restored $file to $sf1" else echo "FAILED to restore $file to $sf1" fi fi if [ "X$1" == "Xrpmorig" ] ; then debug "$sf2 was NOT modified, removing possibly corrupted $file" rm $rma $file fi else debug "$sf2 was modified, keeping $file, and removing the duplicated original" # information is now backuped, in new directory anyway. Removing future rpmsave to allow rpm -e rm -f $rma $sf2 # or its corresponding backup rm -f $rma $sf2.$1 fi done } srcName=`basename $source` targetName=`basename $target` work rpmnew work rpmorig debug "Working with rpmorig (2)" # simply moving old rpmsaves to new dir # fix for config (replace) leftovers files=`find $sourceSearchPath | grep "\\.rpmorig$"` for file in $files ; do rpmsaveTarget=`echo $file | sed "s/$srcName/$targetName/"` debug "relocating $file to $rpmsaveTarget" if [ -e $rpmsaveTarget ] ; then rm $rma $file else mv $rma $file $rpmsaveTarget fi done debug "Working with rpmsave (1)" files=`find $sourceSearchPath | grep "\\.rpmsave$"` for file in $files ; do rpmsaveTarget=`echo $file | sed "s/$srcName/$targetName/"` debug "relocating $file to $rpmsaveTarget" if [ -e $rpmsaveTarget ] ; then rm $rma $file else mv $rma $file $rpmsaveTarget fi done #warning: file /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk- remove failed: No such file or directory #warning: file /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk- remove failed: No such file or directory #warning: file /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk- remove failed: No such file or directory #those dirs might be mepty by installtion, filling to not be rmeoved later blackdirs="$source/jre/lib/applet $source/jre/lib/*/client $source/jre/lib/locale/*/LC_MESSAGE $source/jre/lib/*/xawt" for blackdir in $blackdirs; do if [ -e $blackdir ] ; then debug "nasty $blackdir exists, filling" touch $blackdir/C-J-C_placeholder else debug "nasty $blackdir DONT exists, ignoring" fi done debug "cleaning legacy leftowers" if [ "x$debug" == "xtrue" ] ; then find $sourceSearchPath -empty -type d -delete rmdir $rma $sourceSearchPath else find $sourceSearchPath -empty -type d -delete 2>/dev/null >/dev/null rmdir $rma $sourceSearchPath 2>/dev/null >/dev/null fi # and remove placeholders for blackdir in $blackdirs; do if [ -e $blackdir ] ; then debug "nasty $blackdir exists, cleaning placeholder" rm $blackdir/C-J-C_placeholder else debug "nasty $blackdir DONT exists, ignoring again" fi done clean