- Add check boxes for common NFS mount options
- Clarify Software Update status if only security updates are available
- Create self-signed certificates with SubjectAltName
- Redesign navigation and support mobile browsing
- Use /etc/cockpit/krb5.keytab if present to support alternate keytabs
- Add project homepage link to Apps page
- Maintain issue(5) file with current Cockpit status
- Use event-driven refresh of oVirt data instead of polling
- Add NFS client support to the Storage page
- Add "Maintenance" switch for oVirt hosts
- Fix Terminal rendering issues in Chrome
- Prevent closing Terminal with Ctrl+W when focused
- Support the upcoming OpenShift 3.7 release
- Center the "Disconnected" message in the content area
- Fix two layout regressions on the Cluster page
- Remove long-obsolete "./configure --branding" option
- Support loading SSH keys from arbitrary paths
- Support X-Forwarded-Proto HTTP header for Kubernetes
- Fix Kubernetes connection hangs (regression in version 150)
- Automatically enable and start newly created timers on the Services page
- Support cockpit-dashboard installation into OSTree overlay on Atomic
- Support Kubernetes basic auth with Google Compute Engine 1.7.x
- Support sending non-maskable interrupt to VMs
- Fix building on fedora 27
- Add information about non-met conditions for systemd services
- Clear cockpit cookie on logout
- Show recent updates and live update log on Software Updates page
- Improve available Software Updates table layout for small/mobile screens
- Support OAuth Kubernetes logins to work with Google Compute Engine
- Fix reporting ABRT crashes that are already known to the server
- Scroll the virtual machine VNC console into view automatically
- Resize the terminal dynamically to use all available space
- Let the Machines page update immediately after changes
- Add delete VM functionality to the Machines page
- Retire support for external Machines provider API
- Always recommend rebooting after applying Software Updates
- Group D-Bus channels to avoid hitting connection limits
- Fix building on Fedora Rawhide/glibc 2.25.90
- Add "Software Updates" page for package (rpm/deb) based operating systems
- Fix cockpit-machines package to make inline VNC console actually work
- Fix Kubernetes authentication when Kubernetes configured for RBAC
- Build Docker page for s390x architecture
- Virtual machines display an interactive console, either in browser, or a popup viewer
- Fix Virtual Machines operations on non-English locales
- Add documentation explaining how to grant/restrict access via polkit rules
- Show more information about virtual machines, such as boot order
- Fix enablement of timer systemd units created on Services page
- Fix Storage crash on multiple iSCSI sessions
- cockpit-docker is now installable with docker-ce or other alternatives
- Hide docker push commands on Registry image pages for "pull" roles
- Only allow mdraid disk removal when it won't destroy data
- Allow DN style usernames in the Kubernetes dashboard
- Simplify protocol that cockpit talks to session authentication processes
- Read ~/.ssh/known_hosts for connecting to remote machines with ssh
- The Storage LVM setup can add unpartitioned free space as a physical volume
- NetworkManager's Team plugin can be used on architectures other than x86_64
- Cockpit's web server understands and properly responds to HTTP HEAD requests
- Allow parameter substitution in manifest when spawning peer bridges
- Show /etc/motd in the "System" task page
- Drop "System" service actions which are intended for scripts
- Make login page translatable
- NetworkManager now activates slave interfaces by itself
- Add call timeout option to the cockpit.dbus() API
- The Debian packaging is now able to apply binary patches
- Remotely managed machines are now configured in /etc/cockpit/machines.d/*.json
- Fix NetworkManager's "MTU" dialog layout
- Build the cockpit-tests package for releases too
- Split translations into individual packages
- Packages now configure alternate cockpit-bridge's to interact with the system
- Make basic SELinux functionality available without setroubleshootd
- Allow changing the MAC address for ethernet adapters and see them for bonds
- Hide "autoconnect" checkbox for network devices without settings
- Support for external providers other than libvirt on Machines page
- Some tooltip fixes
- Add option to restrict max read size to the Cockpit file API
- Relax dependencies on cockpit-bridge package on Debian/Ubuntu
- Rename cockpit-test-assets package to cockpit-tests
- When touching patched files handle case of only one file
- Always build the cockpit-tests subpackage
- Show session virtual machines on Machines page
- Fix use of the TAB key on login page
- Robust naming and detection of network bond master
- Debian packaging fixes
- Diagnostic sosreport feature now works on RHEL Atomic again
- The configure script has a --disable-ssh option to toggle libssh dep
- The configure --disable-ws option has been replaced with above.
- Unit tests have been fixed on recent GLib versions
- Several Fedora and Debian packaging fixes
- Show security scan information about containers
- Choose whether password is cached and reused on login screen
- Allow renaming of active devices in networking interface
- More clearly indicate when checking network connectivity
- The remotectl command can now combine certificate and key files
- Support Openshift's certificate autogeneration when used as a pod
- The remotectl tool now checks for keys in certificate files
- Domain join operations can now be properly cancelled
- Make Kerberos authentication work even if gss-proxy is in use
- Javascript code can now export DBus interfaces
- When proxied, support X-Forwarded-Proto
- Ignore block devices with a zero size in the storage interface
- Cockpit is now properly translatable
- Display OSTree signatures
- New expandable views for storage devices
- No longer offer to format read-only block devices
- Use stored passphrases for LUKS devices properly
- Start testing on RHEL 7.3
- More strict about transport channels a bridge accepts
- System shutdown can be scheduled by date
- Build and test on Debian Jessie
- Deprecate older javascript files
- Properly terminate user sessions on the Accounts page
- Fix regression on login screen in older Internet Explorer browsers
- Fix regression where Date Picker was not shown in System Time dialog
- Release a second tarball with cached javascript dependencies
- Start verifying that Cockpit works on Ubuntu 16.04
- Enable and verify the network functionality on Debian
- Integration tests now log core dumps for diagnosis
* New containers page layout
* Quick filtering of containers and images on the container page
* Added sidebar for phisical volumes in a volume group
* Run a separate cockpit-ssh process when making SSH connections
* Allow connecting to remote machines from the login page
* Only connect to remote machines already known to Cockpit
* Fix bugs preventing journal page from working on Firefox 49
* Add tooltip describing group name in Roles list
* Adds basic VM Management and Monitoring
* MDRaid job improvements
* Show unmanaged network devices
* Better errors when formating storage devices
* Updated VNC example
* Port subscriptions package to react
* Allow branding.css to overide shell css
* Support PAM conversations on the Login screen
* Users can create systemd timer jobs
* Provide default names for volume groups and logical volumes
* Make Docker graphs work on Debian
* Only offer to format disks with supported file systems
* Show all managed NetworkManager devices
* Use webpack for building Cockpit javascript
* Cockpit URLs can be proxied with a configured HTTP path prefix
* Allow Cockpit packages to require a minimum version of Cockpit
* Translations fixes
* Add support for network teams
* Select translations for complex language names
* Don't allow formating extended partitions
* Can configure Openshift Registry so anonymous users can pull images
* Support for volumes when starting a docker container
* Support for setting environment variables in a docker container
* Fix regressions that broke display of localized text
* Setup Docker container and image storage through the UI
* Use Webpack to build Cockpit UI packages
* Update the Cockpit Vagrant development box to use Fedora 24
* Network configuration of the Ethernet MTU
* Red Hat Subscriptions can now specify activation keys and orgs
* Start integration testing on CentOS
* SSH Host keys are show on system page
* Machine ID is shown on system page
* Show intelligent password score error messages
* Show timer information for systemd timer jobs
* Use 'active-backup' as the default for new network bonds
* When changing system time check formats properly
* Hide the machine asset tag when no asset exists
* Disable the network on/off switch for unknown or unmanaged interfaces
* Show full string for system hardware info and operating system name
* Don't show network interfaces where NM_CONTROLLED=no is set
* Add textual fields to container memory and CPU sliders
* Display contianer memory and CPU resources on Debian
* Disable tuned correctly when clearing a performance profile
* Fix SELinux enforcing toggle switch and status
* Tarball build issue in 0.110 is now fixed
* The Containers page layouts have been tweaked
* Make the Containers resource limits work again
* Registry image now have layers displayed correctly
* API stabilization, structural cleanup
* SELinux Troubleshooting: documentation, support latest API
* Update Patternfly
* Use CockpitLang cookie and Accept-Language for localization
* Can now click through to perform administration tasks on Nodes on the Cluster dashboard
* Cockpit terminal now supports shells like fish
* SELinux troubleshooting alerts can now be dismissed
* Show SELinux icon for critical alerts
* SELinux enforcing mode can be turned off and on with a switch
* Kubernetes Nodes are now include charts about usage data
* Fix Debian dependency on Docker
* Update the look and feel of the toggle switch
* Update ListenStream documentation to include address info
* Display image stream import errors
* Add GlusterFS persistent volumes in Cluster dashboard
* Show a list of pending persistent volume claims
* jQuery Flot library is no longer part of the base1 package
* Fix Content-Security-Policy issues with jQuery Flot
* Add namespaces to cockpit CSS classes
* Display container image layers in a simpler graph
* Hide actions in Cluster projects listing that are not accessible
* Strict Content-Security-Policy in all shipped components of Cockpit
* Can now add and remove Openshift users to and from groups
* Add timeout setting for Cockpit authentication
* Registry interface now has checkbox for mirroring from insecure registries
* Kubernetes dashboard now allows deletion of Nodes
* Show errors correctly when deleting or modifying user accounts
* Add support for iSCSI cluster volumes
* Strict Content-Security-Policy in the dashboard, sosreport and realmd code
* Better list expansion and navigation behavior across Cockpit
* Don't show 'Computer OU' field when leaving a domain
* Remove usage of bootstrap-select
* Show errors properly in performance profile dialog
* Fix Cluster sidebar to react to window size
* Allow specifying specific tags in registry image streams
* Make registry project access policy more visible
* Strict Content-Security-Policy for subscriptions component
* New dialog for Kubernetes connection configuration
* Release to a cockpit-project Ubuntu PPA
* Remove jQuery usage from cockpit.js
* New styling for cluster dashboard
* Fix build issue on MIPS
* Can configure Docker restart policy for new containers
* Use a single dialog for creating logical volumes
* Package and test the storage UI on Debian
* Don't offer 'Computer OU' when joining IPA domains
* Don't distribute jshint build dependency due to its non-free license
* iSCSI initiator support on the storage page
* Page browser title now uses on operating system name
* Better look when Cockpit disconnects from the server
* Avoid use of NFS in the Vagrantfile
* Expand 'Tools' menu when navigating to one of its items
* Set a default $PATH in cockpit-bridge
* Handle interruptions during cockpit-ws start while reading from /dev/urandom
* Remove BIOS display from Server Summary page
* Support tuned descriptions
* Fix Content-Security-Policy in example manifest.json files
* Set system performance profile via tuned
* Support for WebSocket client in cockpit-bridge
* Support using Nulecule with Openshift
* Actually exit cockpit-ws when it's idle