- Overview: Add CPU utilization to usage card
- Dashboard: Support SSH identity unlocking when adding new machines
- SElinux: Introduce an Ansible automation script
- Machines: Support “bridge” type network interfaces
- Machines: Support “bus” type disk configuration
- New overview design
- Session timeouts
- Banners on login screen
- Client certificate authentication
- Support for Fedora CoreOS
- Dropped support for pam_rhost
- Storage: Drop “default mount point” concept
- Machines: Support transient virtual networks and storage pools
- Machines: Sliders for disk size and memory in VM creation
- Logs: Improve crash reporting
- Firewall: UI restructuring
- Machines: Refactor Create VM dialog and introduce a download option
- Adjust menu to PatternFly's current navigation design
- Searching with keywords
- Software Updates: Use notifications for available updates info
- Web server security hardening
- Machines: VM creation and import dialog changes
- Machines: Enable interface type "direct" in NIC configuration
- systemd: Add more actions to services
- Redesigned logs all over cockpit
- Services: Design and accesibility improvements
- System: Show DIMM information on Hardware Info page
- Machines: VM creation dialog now shows the recommended memory for the selected OS
- cockpit-docker: Avoid file dependency (rhbz#1731686)
- PatternFly4 user interface design
- SELinux: Show changes
- Machines: Deletion of Virtual Networks
- Machines: Support more disk types
- Docker: Change menu label
- Web server: More flexible https redirection for proxies
- Logs: Filter log entries by service
- Machines: Support for Pausing/Resuming VMs
- Machines: Make Autostart property of a Virtual Network configurable
- Machines: Support for creating VM with option to boot from PXE
- Accessibility improvements
- Machines: Import existing image when creating VM
- Machines: Introduce virtual networks
- Services: Filtering of services by name, description, and state
- Machines: Show Storage Volume user
- Machines: Autostart configuration
- Terminal: Themes and context menu
- Storage: Responsive dialogs
- Software Updates: Show three most recent updates
- Machines: More operations for Storage Pools
- Domains: More information about the joined domain
- Storage: The options for VDO volumes are explained
- Machines: Support for oVirt will be dropped in the future
- Machines: Dialog and tab layout is now responsive
- Storage: Filesystem labels are validated upfront
- Storage: Some mount options are prefilled when needed
- Integration of Cockpit pages on the desktop
- Followup fixes related to the switch away from react-lite
- Graph layout and color improvements
- Machines: edit network interfaces
- Update look of lists to match Patternfly
- Kubernetes: Add creation of Virtual Machines
- Realms: Automatically set up Kerberos keytab for Cockpit web server
- Numbers now get formatted correctly for the selected language
- Storage: Show more details of sessions and services that keep NFS busy
- Machines: Detect if libvirtd is not running
- Machines: Show virtual machines that are being created
- Storage: Move NFS management into new details page
- System: Show available package updates and missing registration
- System: Fix inconsistent tooltips
- Logs: Change severities to officially defined syslog levels
- Machines: Add error notifications
- Accessibility improvements
- Reloading the page in the browser now reloads Cockpit package manifests
- Drop "Transfer data asynchronously" VDO option on Storage page
- Hide Docker storage pool reset button when it cannot work properly
- Update jQuery to version 3.3.1 (deprecated cockpit API!)
- New VMs can be created on Machines page
- VMs running in Kubernetes can now be deleted
- Improve LVM volume resizing
- Add new Hardware Information page
- Load Application metadata (Appstream) packages on demand on Debian/Ubuntu
- Rename cockpit-ovirt package to cockpit-machines-ovirt
- Stop advertising and supporting cockpit-bundled jQuery library
- Add kubevirt Virtual Machines overview
- Redesign package list on Software Updates page and show RHEL Errata
- Install AppStream collection metadata packages on demand on Apps page
- Add AppStream metadata to cockpit-sosreport for showing up on Apps page
- Change CPU graphs to use "100%" for a fully loaded multi-processor system
- Show storage, network, and other numbers with 3 digits of precision
- Add an example bastion container
- Configure data deduplication with VDO devices on Storage page
- Add serial console to virtual Machines page and redesign the Consoles tab
- Show more error message details for failures on virtual Machines page
- Add check boxes for common NFS mount options
- Clarify Software Update status if only security updates are available
- Create self-signed certificates with SubjectAltName