upstream_project_url: # enable notification of failed downstream jobs as issues issue_repository: specfile_path: cockpit-podman.spec upstream_package_name: cockpit-podman downstream_package_name: cockpit-podman # use the nicely formatted release description from our upstream release, instead of git shortlog copy_upstream_release_description: true actions: post-upstream-clone: make cockpit-podman.spec create-archive: make dist srpm_build_deps: - make - npm jobs: - job: tests trigger: pull_request targets: - fedora-36 - fedora-37 - fedora-development - centos-stream-9-x86_64 - job: copr_build trigger: release owner: "@cockpit" project: "cockpit-preview" preserve_project: True # HACK: hardcoding this list is redundant and hard to change; packit # should just use the existing config for permanent COPRs; # targets: - fedora-36 - fedora-37 - centos-stream-8-x86_64 - centos-stream-9-x86_64 actions: post-upstream-clone: make cockpit-podman.spec # HACK: tarball for releases (copr_build, koji, etc.), copying spec's Source0; this # really should be the default, see create-archive: - sh -exc "curl -L -O${PACKIT_PROJECT_VERSION}/${PACKIT_PROJECT_NAME_VERSION}.tar.xz" - sh -exc "ls ${PACKIT_PROJECT_NAME_VERSION}.tar.xz" - job: propose_downstream trigger: release dist_git_branches: - fedora-development - fedora-36 - fedora-37 - job: koji_build trigger: commit dist_git_branches: - fedora-development - fedora-36 - fedora-37 - job: bodhi_update trigger: commit dist_git_branches: # rawhide updates are created automatically - fedora-36 - fedora-37