Name: cereal Version: 1.2.1 Release: 2%{?dist} Summary: A header-only C++11 serialization library License: BSD Url: Source0:{version}.tar.gz#/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: gcc-c++ BuildRequires: boost-devel BuildRequires: %{?fedora:cmake >= 3.0}%{?rhel:cmake3 >= 3.0} %description cereal is a header-only C++11 serialization library. cereal takes arbitrary data types and reversibly turns them into different representations, such as compact binary encodings, XML, or JSON. cereal was designed to be fast, light-weight, and easy to extend - it has no external dependencies and can be easily bundled with other code or used standalone. %package devel Summary: Development headers and libraries for %{name} %description devel cereal is a header-only C++11 serialization library. cereal takes arbitrary data types and reversibly turns them into different representations, such as compact binary encodings, XML, or JSON. cereal was designed to be fast, light-weight, and easy to extend - it has no external dependencies and can be easily bundled with other code or used standalone. This package contains development headers and libraries for the cereal library %prep %setup -q # sed -i 's/-Werror//' CMakeLists.txt %build mkdir %{_target_platform} pushd %{_target_platform} %{?fedora:%{cmake}}%{?rhel:%{cmake3}} .. -DSKIP_PORTABILITY_TEST=ON %make_build %install %make_install -C %{_target_platform} %check #test_portable_binary_archive is broken # make -C %{_target_platform} test ARGS="-V -E test_portable_binary_archive" %files devel %doc %license LICENSE %{_includedir}/%{name} %dir %{_datadir}/cmake %{_datadir}/cmake/%{name} %changelog * Sat Sep 03 2016 Christoph Junghans - 1.2.1-2 - Minor changes from review (bug #1372403) * Thu Sep 01 2016 Christoph Junghans - 1.2.1-1 - First release.