* Fri Mar 08 2013 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> - 2012.87-9

- Major rework for the Fedora SharedSystemCertificates feature.
- Only ship a PEM bundle file using the BEGIN TRUSTED CERTIFICATE file format.
- Require the p11-kit package that contains tools to automatically create
  other file format bundles.
- Convert old file locations to symbolic links that point to dynamically
  generated files.
- Old files, which might have been locally modified, will be saved in backup
  files with .rpmsave extension.
- Added a update-ca-certificates script which can be used to regenerate
  the merged trusted output.
- Refer to the various README files that have been added for more detailed
  explanation of the new system.
- No longer require rsc for building.
- Add explanation for the future version numbering scheme,
  because the old numbering scheme was based on upstream using cvs,
  which is no longer true, and therefore can no longer be used.
- Includes changes from rhbz#873369.
This commit is contained in:
Kai Engert 2013-03-09 00:09:26 +01:00
parent 0ecb427592
commit d538ada99c
10 changed files with 390 additions and 83 deletions

README.etc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
This directory /etc/pki/ca-trust is used by a system of consolidated
CA certificates.
Please refer to the separate README files in the subdirectories
named "source" and "extracted".

README.extr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
This directory /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/ contains
CA certificate bundle files which are automatically created.
If your application isn't able to load the PKCS#11 module p11-kit-trust.so,
then you can use these files in your application to load a list of global
root CA certificates.
Please never manually edit the files stored in this directory,
because your changes will be lost and the files automatically overwritten,
each time the update-ca-trust command gets executed.
In order to install new trusted or distrusted certificates,
please rather install them in the
/usr/share/pki/ca-trust-source/ and /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/
Please refer to the README files in those directories to learn
how to install new files.

README.java Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
This directory /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/java/ contains
CA certificate bundle files which are automatically created
based on the information found in the
/usr/share/pki/ca-trust-source/ and /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/
All files are in the java keystore file format.
Distrust information cannot be represented in this file format,
and distrusted certificates are missing from these files.
File cacerts contains CA certificates
trusted for TLS server authentication.
If your application isn't able to load the PKCS#11 module p11-kit-trust.so,
then you can use these files in your application to load a list of global
root CA certificates.
Please never manually edit the files stored in this directory,
because your changes will be lost and the files automatically overwritten,
each time the update-ca-trust command gets executed.
In order to install new trusted or distrusted certificates,
please rather install them in the
/usr/share/pki/ca-trust-source/ and /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/
Please refer to the README files in those directories to learn
how to install new files.

README.openssl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
This directory /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/openssl/ contains
CA certificate bundle files which are automatically created
based on the information found in the
/usr/share/pki/ca-trust-source/ and /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/
All files are in the BEGIN/END TRUSTED CERTIFICATE file format,
as described in the x509(1) manual page.
File /ca-bundle.trust.crt contains the full set of all trusted
or distrusted certificates, including the associated trust flags.
If your application isn't able to load the PKCS#11 module p11-kit-trust.so,
then you can use these files in your application to load a list of global
root CA certificates.
Please never manually edit the files stored in this directory,
because your changes will be lost and the files automatically overwritten,
each time the update-ca-trust command gets executed.
In order to install new trusted or distrusted certificates,
please rather install them in the
/usr/share/pki/ca-trust-source/ and /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/
Please refer to the README files in those directories to learn
how to install new files.

README.pem Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
This directory /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/ contains
CA certificate bundle files which are automatically created
based on the information found in the
/usr/share/pki/ca-trust-source/ and /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/
All files are in the BEGIN/END CERTIFICATE file format,
as decribed in the x509(1) manual page.
Distrust information cannot be represented in this file format,
and distrusted certificates are missing from these files.
File tls-ca-bundle.pem contains CA certificates
trusted for TLS server authentication.
File email-ca-bundle.pem contains CA certificates
trusted for E-Mail protection.
File objsign-ca-bundle.pem contains CA certificates
trusted for code signing.
If your application isn't able to load the PKCS#11 module p11-kit-trust.so,
then you can use these files in your application to load a list of global
root CA certificates.
Please never manually edit the files stored in this directory,
because your changes will be lost and the files automatically overwritten,
each time the update-ca-trust command gets executed.
In order to install new trusted or distrusted certificates,
please rather install them in the
/usr/share/pki/ca-trust-source/ and /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/
Please refer to the README files in those directories to learn
how to install new files.

README.src Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
This directory /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/ contains CA certificates and
trust settings in the PEM file format. The trust settings found here will be
interpreted with a high priority, higher than the ones found in
You may install additional certificates or bundles into this directory.
Each file may contain one or many certificates and trust flags in a
PEM file format, as documented in the x509(1) manual page.
Allowed formats are:
- The BEGIN/END CERTIFICATE file format.
Such certificates will be trusted for TLS server auth, only.
Such certificates will be trusted or distrusted according to the
trust settings contained in the PEM format data blocks.
Applications that are able to use PKCS#11 modules can dynamically use
the merged set of certificates from
/usr/share/pki/ca-trust-source/ and /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/
by loading p11-kit-trust.so
Applications that rely on a static file for a list of trusted CAs
may load one of the files found in the /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted
directory. After modifying the set of files stored in the
/usr/share/pki/ca-trust-source/ or /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/
are modified, it is required to run the ca-update-trust command,
in order to update the merged files in /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/ .

README.usr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
This directory /usr/share/pki/ca-trust-source/ contains CA certificates and
trust settings in the PEM file format. The trust settings found here will be
interpreted with a low priority, lower than the ones found in
You may install additional certificates or bundles into this directory.
Each file may contain one or many certificates and trust flags in a
PEM file format, as documented in the x509(1) manual page.
Allowed formats are:
- The BEGIN/END CERTIFICATE file format.
Such certificates will be trusted for TLS server auth, only.
Such certificates will be trusted or distrusted according to the
trust settings contained in the PEM format data blocks.
Applications that are able to use PKCS#11 modules can dynamically use
the merged set of certificates from
/usr/share/pki/ca-trust-source/ and /etc/pki/ca-trust/source
by loading p11-kit-trust.so
Applications that rely on a static file for a list of trusted CAs
may load one of the files found in the /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted
directory. After modifying the set of files stored in the
/usr/share/pki/ca-trust-source/ or /etc/pki/ca-trust/source
are modified, it is required to run the ca-update-trust command,
in order to update the merged files in /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted .

View File

@ -12,33 +12,72 @@
# release branch for the certdata.txt version.
%define pkidir %{_sysconfdir}/pki
%define catrustdir %{_sysconfdir}/pki/ca-trust
%define classic_tls_bundle ca-bundle.crt
%define trusted_all_bundle ca-bundle.trust.crt
%define java_bundle java/cacerts
Summary: The Mozilla CA root certificate bundle
Name: ca-certificates
# For the package version number, we use: year.{upstream version}
# The {upstream version} can be found as symbol NSS_BUILTINS_LIBRARY_VERSION at
# http://hg.mozilla.org/projects/nss/file/default/lib/ckfw/builtins/nssckbi.h
# which corresponds to
# http://hg.mozilla.org/projects/nss/file/default/lib/ckfw/builtins/certdata.txt
# (these revisions are the tip of development and might be unreleased).
# For the latest release used in RTM versions of Mozilla Firefox, check:
# https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-release/file/default/security/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/nssckbi.h
# https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-release/file/default/security/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/certdata.txt
# (until 2012.87 the version was based on the cvs revision ID of certdata.txt,
# but in 2013 the NSS projected was migrated to HG. Old version 2012.87 is
# equivalent to new version 2012.1.93, which would break the requirement
# to have increasing version numbers. However, the new scheme will work,
# because all future versions will start with 2013 or larger.)
Version: 2012.87
Release: 2%{?dist}.1
Release: 9%{?dist}
License: Public Domain
Group: System Environment/Base
URL: http://www.mozilla.org/
Source0: certdata.txt
Source1: blacklist.txt
Source1: update-ca-trust
Source2: generate-cacerts.pl
Source3: certdata2pem.py
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root
BuildRequires: perl, java-openjdk, python, rcs, openssl
Source11: README.usr
Source12: README.etc
Source13: README.extr
Source14: README.java
Source15: README.openssl
Source16: README.pem
Source17: README.src
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: p11-kit >= 0.16.3
Requires: p11-kit-trust >= 0.16.3
BuildRequires: perl
BuildRequires: java-openjdk
BuildRequires: python
BuildRequires: openssl
This package contains the set of CA certificates chosen by the
Mozilla Foundation for use with the Internet PKI.
rm -rf %{name}
mkdir %{name} %{name}/certs %{name}/java
mkdir %{name}
mkdir %{name}/certs
mkdir %{name}/java
pushd %{name}/certs
cp %{SOURCE0} %{SOURCE1} .
cp %{SOURCE0} .
python %{SOURCE3}
pushd %{name}
@ -46,18 +85,6 @@ pushd %{name}
cat <<EOF
# This is a bundle of X.509 certificates of public Certificate
# Authorities. It was generated from the Mozilla root CA list.
# Source: mozilla/security/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/certdata.txt
# Generated from:
ident -q %{SOURCE0} | sed '1d;s/^/#/';
echo '#';
) > ca-bundle.crt
cat <<EOF
# This is a bundle of X.509 certificates of public Certificate
# Authorities. It was generated from the Mozilla root CA list.
# These certificates are in the OpenSSL "TRUSTED CERTIFICATE"
# format and have trust bits set accordingly.
@ -67,67 +94,188 @@ EOF
ident -q %{SOURCE0} | sed '1d;s/^/#/';
echo '#';
) > ca-bundle.trust.crt
) > %{trusted_all_bundle}
for f in certs/*.crt; do
tbits=`sed -n '/^# openssl-trust/{s/^.*=//;p;}' $f`
case $tbits in
*serverAuth*) openssl x509 -text -in "$f" >> ca-bundle.crt ;;
distbits=`sed -n '/^# openssl-distrust/{s/^.*=//;p;}' $f`
if [ -n "$tbits" ]; then
for t in $tbits; do
targs="${targs} -addtrust $t"
openssl x509 -text -in "$f" -trustout $targs >> ca-bundle.trust.crt
if [ -n "$distbits" ]; then
for t in $distbits; do
targs="${targs} -addreject $t"
if [ -n "$targs" ]; then
openssl x509 -text -in "$f" -trustout $targs >> %{trusted_all_bundle}
pushd %{name}/java
test -s ../ca-bundle.crt || exit 1
%{__perl} %{SOURCE2} %{_bindir}/keytool ../ca-bundle.crt
touch -r %{SOURCE0} cacerts
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{%{pkidir}/tls/certs,%{pkidir}/java}
install -p -m 644 %{name}/ca-bundle.crt $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{pkidir}/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
install -p -m 644 %{name}/ca-bundle.trust.crt $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{pkidir}/tls/certs/ca-bundle.trust.crt
mkdir -p -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{pkidir}/tls/certs
mkdir -p -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{pkidir}/java
mkdir -p -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/ssl
mkdir -p -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{catrustdir}/source
mkdir -p -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{catrustdir}/extracted
mkdir -p -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{catrustdir}/extracted/pem
mkdir -p -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{catrustdir}/extracted/openssl
mkdir -p -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{catrustdir}/extracted/java
mkdir -p -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/pki/ca-trust-source
install -p -m 644 %{name}/ca-bundle.trust.crt $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/pki/ca-trust-source/ca-bundle.trust.crt
touch -r %{SOURCE0} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/pki/ca-trust-source/ca-bundle.trust.crt
mkdir -p -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
ln -s certs/ca-bundle.crt $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{pkidir}/tls/cert.pem
touch -r %{SOURCE0} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{pkidir}/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
touch -r %{SOURCE0} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{pkidir}/tls/certs/ca-bundle.trust.crt
install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE11} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/pki/ca-trust-source/README
install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE12} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{catrustdir}/README
install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE13} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{catrustdir}/extracted/README
install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE14} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{catrustdir}/extracted/java/README
install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE15} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{catrustdir}/extracted/openssl/README
install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE16} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{catrustdir}/extracted/pem/README
install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE17} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{catrustdir}/source/README
# Install Java cacerts file.
mkdir -p -m 700 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{pkidir}/java
install -p -m 644 %{name}/java/cacerts $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{pkidir}/java/
install -p -m 644 %{name}/%{trusted_all_bundle} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/pki/ca-trust-source/%{trusted_all_bundle}
touch -r %{SOURCE0} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/pki/ca-trust-source/%{trusted_all_bundle}
# TODO: consider to dynamically create the update-ca-trust script from within
# this .spec file, in order to have the output file+directory names at once place only.
install -p -m 755 %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/update-ca-trust
# touch ghosted files that will be extracted dynamically
touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{catrustdir}/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem
touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{catrustdir}/extracted/pem/email-ca-bundle.pem
touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{catrustdir}/extracted/pem/objsign-ca-bundle.pem
touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{catrustdir}/extracted/openssl/%{trusted_all_bundle}
touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{catrustdir}/extracted/%{java_bundle}
# /etc/ssl/certs symlink for 3rd-party tools
mkdir -p -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/ssl
ln -s ../pki/tls/certs $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/ssl/certs
ln -s ../pki/tls/certs \
# legacy filenames
ln -s %{catrustdir}/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem \
ln -s %{catrustdir}/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem \
ln -s %{catrustdir}/extracted/openssl/%{trusted_all_bundle} \
ln -s %{catrustdir}/extracted/%{java_bundle} \
if [ $1 -gt 1 ] ; then
# Upgrade or Downgrade.
# If the classic filename is a regular file, then we are upgrading
# from an old package and we will move it to an .rpmsave backup file.
# If the filename is a symbolic link, then we are good already.
# If the system will later be downgraded to an old package with regular
# files, and afterwards updated again to a newer package with symlinks,
# and the old .rpmsave backup file didn't get cleaned up,
# then we don't backup again. We keep the older backup file.
# In other words, if an .rpmsave file already exists, we don't overwrite it.
if ! test -e %{pkidir}/%{java_bundle}.rpmsave; then
# no backup yet
if ! test -L %{pkidir}/%{java_bundle}; then
# it's an old regular file, not a link
mv -f %{pkidir}/%{java_bundle} %{pkidir}/%{java_bundle}.rpmsave
if ! test -e %{pkidir}/tls/certs/%{classic_tls_bundle}.rpmsave; then
# no backup yet
if ! test -L %{pkidir}/tls/certs/%{classic_tls_bundle}; then
# it's an old regular file, not a link
mv -f %{pkidir}/tls/certs/%{classic_tls_bundle} %{pkidir}/tls/certs/%{classic_tls_bundle}.rpmsave
if ! test -e %{pkidir}/tls/certs/%{trusted_all_bundle}.rpmsave; then
# no backup yet
if ! test -L %{pkidir}/tls/certs/%{trusted_all_bundle}; then
# it's an old regular file, not a link
mv -f %{pkidir}/tls/certs/%{trusted_all_bundle} %{pkidir}/tls/certs/%{trusted_all_bundle}.rpmsave
#if [ $1 -gt 1 ] ; then
# # when upgrading or downgrading
%dir %{pkidir}/java
%config(noreplace) %{pkidir}/java/cacerts
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/ssl
%dir %{pkidir}/tls
%dir %{pkidir}/tls/certs
%config(noreplace) %{pkidir}/tls/certs/ca-bundle.*crt
%dir %{pkidir}/java
%dir %{catrustdir}
%dir %{catrustdir}/source
%dir %{catrustdir}/extracted
%dir %{catrustdir}/extracted/pem
%dir %{catrustdir}/extracted/openssl
%dir %{catrustdir}/extracted/java
%dir %{_datadir}/pki/ca-trust-source/
# symlinks for old locations
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/ssl
# symlink directory
# master bundle file with trust
# update/extract tool
# files extracted files
%ghost %{catrustdir}/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem
%ghost %{catrustdir}/extracted/pem/email-ca-bundle.pem
%ghost %{catrustdir}/extracted/pem/objsign-ca-bundle.pem
%ghost %{catrustdir}/extracted/openssl/%{trusted_all_bundle}
%ghost %{catrustdir}/extracted/%{java_bundle}
* Fri Mar 08 2013 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> - 2012.87-9
- Major rework for the Fedora SharedSystemCertificates feature.
- Only ship a PEM bundle file using the BEGIN TRUSTED CERTIFICATE file format.
- Require the p11-kit package that contains tools to automatically create
other file format bundles.
- Convert old file locations to symbolic links that point to dynamically
generated files.
- Old files, which might have been locally modified, will be saved in backup
files with .rpmsave extension.
- Added a update-ca-certificates script which can be used to regenerate
the merged trusted output.
- Refer to the various README files that have been added for more detailed
explanation of the new system.
- No longer require rsc for building.
- Add explanation for the future version numbering scheme,
because the old numbering scheme was based on upstream using cvs,
which is no longer true, and therefore can no longer be used.
- Includes changes from rhbz#873369.
* Thu Mar 07 2013 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> - 2012.87-2.fc19.1
- Ship trust bundle file in /usr/share/pki/ca-trust-source/, temporarily in addition.
This location will soon become the only place containing this file.

View File

@ -79,41 +79,12 @@ for line in open('certdata.txt', 'r'):
if len(obj.items()) > 0:
# Read blacklist.
blacklist = []
if os.path.exists('blacklist.txt'):
for line in open('blacklist.txt', 'r'):
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('#') or len(line) == 0:
item = line.split('#', 1)[0].strip()
# Build up trust database.
trust = dict()
trustmap = dict()
for obj in objects:
if obj['CKA_CLASS'] != 'CKO_NSS_TRUST':
if obj['CKA_LABEL'] in blacklist:
print "Certificate %s blacklisted, ignoring." % obj['CKA_LABEL']
trust[obj['CKA_LABEL']] = True
trust[obj['CKA_LABEL']] = True
trust[obj['CKA_LABEL']] = True
print '!'*74
print '!'*74
print "Ignoring certificate %s. SAUTH=%s, EPROT=%s" % \
label = obj['CKA_LABEL']
trustmap[label] = obj
print " added cert", label
@ -158,26 +129,32 @@ openssl_trust = {
for obj in objects:
print "producing cert file for " + obj['CKA_LABEL']
if not obj['CKA_LABEL'] in trust or not trust[obj['CKA_LABEL']]:
print " -> untrusted, ignoring"
fname = obj_to_filename(obj)
f = open(fname, 'w')
trustbits = []
distrustbits = []
openssl_trustflags = []
openssl_distrustflags = []
tobj = trustmap[obj['CKA_LABEL']]
for t in trust_types.keys():
if tobj.has_key(t) and tobj[t] == 'CKT_NSS_TRUSTED_DELEGATOR':
if t in openssl_trust:
if tobj.has_key(t) and tobj[t] == 'CKT_NSS_NOT_TRUSTED':
if t in openssl_trust:
f.write("# trust=" + " ".join(trustbits) + "\n")
f.write("# distrust=" + " ".join(distrustbits) + "\n")
if openssl_trustflags:
f.write("# openssl-trust=" + " ".join(openssl_trustflags) + "\n")
if openssl_distrustflags:
f.write("# openssl-distrust=" + " ".join(openssl_distrustflags) + "\n")
f.write("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n")
f.write("\n".join(textwrap.wrap(base64.b64encode(obj['CKA_VALUE']), 64)))
f.write("\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n")
print " -> written as '%s', trust = %s, openssl-trust = %s" % (fname, trustbits, openssl_trustflags)
print " -> written as '%s', trust = %s, openssl-trust = %s, distrust = %s, openssl-distrust = %s" % (fname, trustbits, openssl_trustflags, distrustbits, openssl_distrustflags)

update-ca-trust Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#set -vx
# OpenSSL PEM bundle that includes trust flags
/usr/bin/p11-kit extract --format=openssl-bundle --filter=certificates --overwrite $DEST/openssl/ca-bundle.trust.crt
/usr/bin/p11-kit extract --format=pem-bundle --filter=ca-anchors --overwrite --purpose server-auth $DEST/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem
/usr/bin/p11-kit extract --format=pem-bundle --filter=ca-anchors --overwrite --purpose email $DEST/pem/email-ca-bundle.pem
/usr/bin/p11-kit extract --format=pem-bundle --filter=ca-anchors --overwrite --purpose code-signing $DEST/pem/objsign-ca-bundle.pem
/usr/bin/p11-kit extract --format=java-cacerts --filter=ca-anchors --overwrite --purpose server-auth $DEST/java/cacerts