24 lines
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24 lines
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# no-documentation is fine for booth-arbitrator and booth (virtual package)
addFilter(r'booth-arbitrator\.[^:]+: W: no-documentation')
addFilter(r'booth\.[^:]+: W: no-documentation')
# permissions for chroot
addFilter(r'booth-core\.[^:]+: (E|W): non-standard-dir-perm /var/lib/booth 750')
addFilter(r'booth-core\.[^:]+: (E|W): non-standard-dir-perm /var/lib/booth/cores 750')
# booth is just metapackage
addFilter(r'booth\.[^:]+: (W|E): no-binary')
# pc should be in devel but it is not really devel file
addFilter(r'booth\.[^:]+: W: devel-file-in-non-devel-package /usr/share/pkgconfig/booth.pc')
# booth-(site|test) installs just scripts in /usr/lib
addFilter(r'booth-(site|test)\.[^:]+: (W|E): only-non-binary-in-usr-lib')
# dangling symlink is ok for geostore and boothd (they actually points to booth binary)
addFilter(r'booth-site\.[^:]+: (W|E): dangling-symlink /usr/sbin/geostore /usr/sbin/boothd')
addFilter(r'booth-test\.[^:]+: (W|E): dangling-symlink /usr/share/booth/tests/src/boothd /usr/sbin/boothd')
# booth unit test is distributed non-executable by upstream
addFilter(r'booth-test\.[^:]+: (W|E): non-executable-script /usr/share/booth/tests/unit-test.py')