- Check for audit log being writable by owner in auditd
- If auditd logging was suspended, it can be resumed with SIGUSR2 (#251639)
- Updated CAPP, LSPP, and NISPOM rules for new capabilities
- Added aulastlog utility
- Route DEAMON events into rt interface
- If event pipe is full, try again after doing local logging
- Optionally add node/machine name to records in audit daemon
- Update ausearch/aureport to specify nodes to search on
- Fix segfault interpretting saddr fields in avcs
- Adding perm field should not set syscall added flag in auditctl
- Fix segfault when aureport -if option is used
- Fix auditctl to better check keys on rule lines
- Add support for audit by TTY and other new event types
- Auditd config option for group permission of audit logs
- Swig messed up a variable in ppc's python bindings causing crashes.
- New audit event dispatcher
- Update syscall tables for 2.6.23 kernel
- Fix python traceback parsing watches without perm statement (Miloslav
- Update auditctl to handle legacy kernels when putting a watch on a dir
- Fix acct interpretation in auparse
- Apply patches fixing man pages and Makefile.am (Philipp Hahn)
- Apply patch correcting python libs permissions (Philipp Hahn)
- Fix auditd segfault on reload
- Fix bug in auparse library for file pointers and descriptors
- Extract subject information out of daemon events for ausearch
- Add support in libaudit for AUDIT_BIT_TEST(^) and AUDIT_MASK_TEST (&)
- Finish reworking auditd config parser
- In auparse, interpret open, fcntl, and clone flags
- In auparse, when interpreting execve record types, run args through
- Add support for OBJ_PID message type
- Event dispatcher updates
- Correct hidden variables in libauparse
- Added NISPOM sample rules
- Verify accessibility of files passed in auparse_init
- Fix bug in parser library interpreting socketcalls
- Add support for stdio FILE pointer in auparse_init
- Adjust init script to allow anyone to status auditd (#230626)
- Reduce text relocations in parser library
- Add -n option to auditd for no fork
- Add exec option to space_left, admin_space_left, disk_full, and
disk_error - eg EXEC /usr/local/script
- Finished search options for audit parsing library
- Fix ausearch -se to work correctly
- Fix auditd init script for /usr on netdev (#228528)
- Parse avc seperms better when there are more than one
- Updates for python 2.5
- update autrace to have resource usage mode
- update auditctl to support immutable config
- added audit_log_user_command function to libaudit api
- interpret capabilities
- added audit event parsing library
- updates for 2.6.20 kernel
- In ausearch & aureport, extract addr when hostname is unknown
- In ausearch & aureport, test audit log presence O_RDONLY
- New ausearch/aureport time keywords: recent, this-week, this-month,
- Added --add & --delete option to aureport
- Update res parsing in config change events
- Increase the size on audit daemon buffers
- Parse avc_path records in ausearch/aureport
- ausearch has new output mode, raw, for extracting events
- ausearch/aureport can now read stdin
- Rework AVC processing in ausearch/aureport
- Added long options to ausearch and aureport
- Fix some defines in libaudit.h
- Some auditd config strings were not initialized in aureport (#211443)
- Updated man pages
- Add Netlabel event types to libaudit
- Update aureports to current audit event types
- Update autrace a little
- Deprecated all the old audit_rule functions from public API
- Drop auparse library for the moment
- Make internal auditd buffers bigger for context info
- Correct address resolving of hostname in logging functions
- Do not allow multiple msgtypes in same audit rule in auditctl (#207666)
- Only =, != operators for arch & inode fields in auditctl (#206427)
- Updated audit message type table
- Remove watches from aureport since FS_WATCH is deprecated
- Add audit_log_avc back temporarily (#208152)
- Apply patches from Tony Jones correcting no kernel support messages
- Updated syscall tables for 2.6.18 kernel
- Remove deprecated functions: audit_log, audit_log_avc,
- Disallow syscall auditing on exclude list
- Improve time handling in ausearch and aureport (#191394)
- Attempt to reconstruct full path from relative for searching
- Fix a couple bugs regarding MLS labels
- Resurrect -p option
- Tighten rules with exclude filter
- Fix parsing issue which lead to segfault in some cases
- Fix option parsing to ignore malformed lines
- Update syscall tables for 2.6.17
- Add audit failure query function
- Switch out gethostbyname call with getaddrinfo
- Add audit by obj capability for 2.6.18 kernel
- Ausearch & aureport now fail if no args to -te
- New auditd.conf option to choose blocking/non-blocking dispatcher comm
- Ausearch improved search by label
- Apply patch to correctly show new operators when new listing format is
- Apply patch to pull kernel's audit.h into python bindings
- Collect signal sender's context
- Change auditctl to collect list of rules then delete them on -D
- Update capp.rules and lspp.rules to comment out rules for the possible
- Add new message types
- Support sigusr1 sender identity of newer kernels
- Add support for ppid in auditctl and ausearch
- fix auditctl to trim the '/' from watches
- Move audit daemon config files to /etc/audit for better SE Linux
- Add new keywords today, yesterday, now for ausearch and aureport
- Make audit_log_user_avc_message really send to syslog on error
- Updated syscall tables in auditctl
- Deprecated the 'possible' action for syscall rules in auditctl
- Update watch code to use file syscalls instead of 'all' in auditctl
- In aureport, add class between syscall and permission in avc report
- Fix bug where fsync is called in debug mode
- Add optional support for tty in SYSCALL records for ausearch/aureport
- Reinstate legacy rule operator support
- Add man pages
- Auditd ignore most signals
- Add syslog message to auditd saying what program was started for
- Remove audit_send_user from public api
- Fix bug in USER_LOGIN messages where ausearch does not translate
msg='uid=500: into acct name (#178102).
- Change comm with dispatcher to socketpair from pipe
- Change auditd to use custom daemonize to avoid race in init scripts
- Update error message when deleting a rule that doesn't exist (#176239)
- Call shutdown_dispatcher when auditd stops
- Add new logging function audit_log_semanage_message
- Add error checking of year for aureport & ausearh
- Treat af_unix sockets as files for searching and reporting
- Update capp & lspp rules to combine syscalls for higher performance
- Adjusted the chkconfig line for auditd to start a little earlier
- Added skeleton program to docs for people to write their own dispatcher
- Apply patch from Ulrich Drepper that optimizes resource utilization
- Change ausearch and aureport to unlocked IO
- Fix auditd reconfig to change mail accts, too
- Fix stray pointer in sorting of aureport
- Added new message type
- Add results to all DAEMON messages
- Add --summary to get totals of reported objects
- Add ability to force log rotation by sending sigusr1 to auditd
- Add -i flag to auditctl to ignore errors when reading rules from a file
- Reformat aureports so date & time are always given
- Add cron script for log rotation to docs
- Added a couple more message types
- Added new standard logging format function
- Update default config
- Make ausearch -m take a list of message types
- Add email alert for admin_space_left in auditd
- Aureport cleanups
- Add anomaly & response to anomaly reports to aureport
- Summary report runs by default in aureport
- Updated syscall number tables
- added watch report to aureport
- added interpreting mode to aureport
- added user space avc standard message to libaudit
- aureport & ausearch now use builtin log locations when bad config file
- add email alert to low disk space warning actions in auditd
- added aureport program to analyse logs
- aureport added report option for each log's start and end time
- increased random number selected for initial seq number in auditd
- add new user space defines to libaudit.h
- add add standard logging functions to libaudit
- In auditctl, if -F arch is given with -t option, don't require list
- Update auditd man page
- Add size check to audit_send
- Update message for audit_open failure when kernel doesn't support audit
- fix 2 memory leaks and an out of bounds access in auditd
- fix case where auditd was closing netlink descriptor too early
- fix watch rules not to take field arguments in auditctl
- fix bug where inode, devmajor, devminor, exit, and success fields in
auditctl rules were not getting the correct value stored
- Remove warning for trimming file path in auditctl
- Make auditctl tolerate duplicate rule and watches
- auditd has new option so it doesn't overwrite log files
- Fixed bug in autrace that was reporting bad descriptor
- Fix auditctl blank line handling
- Trim trailing '/' from file system watches in auditctl
- Catch cases where parameter was passed without option being given to
- Add CAPP sample configuration
- Add some unlinks of the pid file in a couple error exits
- Make some options of auditctl not expect a reply
- Update support for user and watch filter lists
- Handle user space audit events in more uniform way
- Update all parsers for more robustness with new kernel changes
- Create quiet mode for error messages
- Make rotated logs readonly
- Get -f & -hn working in ausearch
- Added search by terminal, exe, and syscall to ausearch program
- Added -w parameter to match whole word in ausearch
- Raise rlimits for file size & cpu usage
- Added new disk_error_action config item to auditd.conf
- Rework memory management of event buffer
- Handled all errors in event logging thread