2022-05-26 04:51:19 +00:00
# NOTE: Even though ansible-core is in 8.6, it is only available
# at *runtime*, not at *buildtime* - so we can't have
# ansible-core as a build_dep on RHEL8
%if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} >= 9
%bcond_without ansible
%global ansible_build_dep ansible-core >= 2.11.0
%if 0%{?rhel} && ! 0%{?epel}
%bcond_with ansible
%bcond_without ansible
%global ansible_build_dep ansible >= 2.9.10
%bcond_with collection_artifact
# Do not convert .md to .html on RHEL 7 because tools the conversion are not available
%if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} >= 8
%bcond_without html
%bcond_with html
Name: ansible-collection-microsoft-sql
Url: https://github.com/linux-system-roles/mssql
Summary: The Ansible collection for Microsoft SQL Server management
2022-08-26 16:12:16 +00:00
Version: 1.2.3
Release: 1%{?dist}
2022-05-26 04:51:19 +00:00
#Group: Development/Libraries
License: MIT
%global installbase %{_datadir}/microsoft
%global _pkglicensedir %{_licensedir}/%{name}
%global collection_namespace microsoft
%global collection_name sql
%global collection_version %{version}
# Helper macros originally from macros.ansible by Igor Raits <ignatenkobrain>
# Not available on RHEL, so we must define those macros locally here without using ansible-galaxy
# Not used (yet). Could be made to point to AH in RHEL - but what about CentOS Stream?
#%%{!?ansible_collection_url:%%define ansible_collection_url() https://galaxy.ansible.com/%%{collection_namespace}/%%{collection_name}}
%if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} >= 8
%{!?ansible_collection_files:%define ansible_collection_files %{_datadir}/ansible/collections/ansible_collections/%{collection_namespace}/}
# Define undefined macro using "!?ansible_collection_files:..." does not work for rhel-7
%if %{?ansible_collection_files:0}%{!?ansible_collection_files:1}
%define ansible_collection_files %{_datadir}/ansible/collections/ansible_collections/%{collection_namespace}/
# ansible-core is in rhel 8.6 and later - default to ansible-core, but allow
# the use of ansible if present - we may revisit this if the automatic dependency
# generator is added to ansible-core in RHEL
# Fedora - the automatic generator will add this - no need to explicit declare
# it in the spec file
# EL7 - no dependency on ansible because there is no ansible in el7 - user is
# responsible for knowing they have to install ansible
%if 0%{?rhel} >= 8
Requires: (ansible-core >= 2.11.0 or ansible >= 2.9.0)
2022-06-21 01:27:08 +00:00
%if 0%{?fedora}
Requires: linux-system-roles
Requires: rhel-system-roles
2022-05-26 04:51:19 +00:00
%if %{with ansible}
BuildRequires: %{ansible_build_dep}
%if %{without ansible}
# We don't have ansible-galaxy.
# Simply copy everything instead of galaxy-installing the built artifact.
%define ansible_collection_build_install() tar -cf %{_tmppath}/%{collection_namespace}-%{collection_name}-%{version}.tar.gz .; mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{ansible_collection_files}%{collection_name}; (cd %{buildroot}%{ansible_collection_files}%{collection_name}; tar -xf %{_tmppath}/%{collection_namespace}-%{collection_name}-%{version}.tar.gz)
%define ansible_collection_build_install() ansible-galaxy collection build; ansible-galaxy collection install -n -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/ansible/collections %{collection_namespace}-%{collection_name}-%{version}.tar.gz
2022-08-26 16:12:16 +00:00
# For each role, call defsource() and the point to it with SourceN: %{archiveurlN}.
2022-05-26 04:51:19 +00:00
%global archiveext tar.gz
# list of source role names
%global rolenames %nil
# list of assignments that can be used to populate a bash associative array variable
%global rolestodir %nil
# list of target rolenames to copy the roles to
%global target_rolenames %nil
# list of collection rolenames to convert the roles to
%global collection_rolenames %nil
%define getarchivedir() %(p=%{basename:%{S:%{1}}}; echo ${p%%.%{archiveext}})
%global parenturl https://github.com/linux-system-roles
2022-08-26 16:12:16 +00:00
# You can feed either tag or commit to defsource
%define defsource() %{expand:%%global ref%{1} %{2}
2022-05-26 04:51:19 +00:00
%%global extractdir%{1} %%{expand:%%getarchivedir %{1}}
%%global archiveurl%{1} %%{parenturl}/%%{rolename%{1}}/archive/%%{ref%{1}}/%%{rolename%{1}}-%%{ref%{1}}.tar.gz
%%global rolenames %%{?rolenames} %%{rolename%{1}}
%%global roletodir%{1} [%{rolename%{1}}]="%{extractdir%{1}}"
%%global rolestodir %%{?rolestodir} %{roletodir%{1}}
%%{!?target_rolename%{1}:%%global target_rolename%{1} %%{rolename%{1}}}
%%global target_rolenames %%{?target_rolenames} [%{rolename%{1}}]="%{target_rolename%{1}}"
%%{!?collection_rolename%{1}:%%global collection_rolename%{1} %%{rolename%{1}}}
%%global collection_rolenames %%{?collection_rolenames} [%{rolename%{1}}]="%{collection_rolename%{1}}"
2022-08-26 16:12:16 +00:00
%defsource 1 1.2.3
2022-05-26 04:51:19 +00:00
%global rolename1 mssql
%global target_rolename1 sql-server
%global collection_rolename1 server
2022-08-26 16:12:16 +00:00
%global mainid cdc706f14614ef5e80bbce8db10beb369e889df9
2022-05-26 04:51:19 +00:00
Source: %{parenturl}/auto-maintenance/archive/%{mainid}/auto-maintenance-%{mainid}.tar.gz
Source1: %{archiveurl1}
BuildArch: noarch
%if %{with html}
# Requirements for md2html.sh to build the documentation
%if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} >= 9
BuildRequires: rubygem-kramdown-parser-gfm
BuildRequires: pandoc
BuildRequires: asciidoc
BuildRequires: highlight
# Requirements for galaxy_transform.py
BuildRequires: python3
%if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} >= 8
BuildRequires: %{py3_dist ruamel.yaml}
BuildRequires: python3-ruamel-yaml
%if %{undefined __ansible_provides}
Provides: ansible-collection(%{collection_namespace}.%{collection_name}) = %{collection_version}
# be compatible with the usual Fedora Provides:
Provides: ansible-collection-%{collection_namespace}-%{collection_name} = %{version}-%{release}
This RPM installs the Ansible collection for Microsoft SQL Server management
microsoft.sql. This RPM also installs the roles provided by the collection in
the legacy roles format for users of Ansible < 2.9.
%if %{with collection_artifact}
%package collection-artifact
Summary: Collection artifact to import to Automation Hub / Ansible Galaxy
%description collection-artifact
Collection artifact for %{name}. This package contains %{collection_namespace}-%{collection_name}-%{version}.tar.gz
%setup -q -a1 -n %{getarchivedir 0}
# Declare the array containing names of directories to copy roles to for prep
declare -A ROLESTODIR=(%{rolestodir})
for rolename in %{rolenames}; do
mv "${ROLESTODIR[${rolename}]}" ${rolename}
# Removing symlinks in tests/roles
for rolename in %{rolenames}; do
if [ -d ${rolename}/tests/roles ]; then
find ${rolename}/tests/roles -type l -exec rm {} \;
if [ -d ${rolename}/tests/roles/linux-system-roles.${rolename} ]; then
rm -r ${rolename}/tests/roles/linux-system-roles.${rolename}
# transform ambiguous #!/usr/bin/env python shebangs to python3 to stop brp-mangle-shebangs complaining
find -type f -executable -name '*.py' -exec \
sed -i -r -e '1s@^(#! */usr/bin/env python)(\s|$)@#\13\2@' '{}' +
%if %{with html}
# Convert README.md to README.html in the source roles
for rolename in %{rolenames}; do
readmes="${readmes} $rolename/README.md"
sh md2html.sh $readmes
mkdir .collections
# Copy README.md for the collection build
cp %{rolename1}/.collection/README.md lsr_role2collection/collection_readme.md
# Copy galaxy.yml for the collection build
cp %{rolename1}/.collection/galaxy.yml ./
2022-07-08 14:10:20 +00:00
2022-05-26 04:51:19 +00:00
# Ensure the correct entries in galaxy.yml
2022-07-08 14:10:20 +00:00
%if 0%{?rhel}
2022-06-21 01:27:08 +00:00
./galaxy_transform.py "%{collection_namespace}" "%{collection_name}" "%{collection_version}" \
"Ansible collection for Microsoft SQL Server management" \
"https://github.com/linux-system-roles/mssql" \
"https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/administration_and_configuration_tasks_using_system_roles_in_rhel/assembly_configuring-microsoft-sql-server-using-microsoft-sql-server-ansible-role_assembly_updating-packages-to-enable-automation-for-the-rhel-system-roles" \
"https://github.com/linux-system-roles/mssql/blob/master/README.md" \
"https://bugzilla.redhat.com/enter_bug.cgi?product=Red%20Hat%20Enterprise%20Linux%208&component=ansible-collection-microsoft-sql" \
> galaxy.yml.tmp
2022-07-08 14:10:20 +00:00
./galaxy_transform.py "%{collection_namespace}" "%{collection_name}" "%{collection_version}" \
"Ansible collection for Microsoft SQL Server management" \
> galaxy.yml.tmp
2022-05-26 04:51:19 +00:00
mv galaxy.yml.tmp galaxy.yml
# Declare the array containing collection rolenames to convert roles to
declare -A COLLECTION_ROLENAMES=(%{collection_rolenames})
2022-07-08 14:10:20 +00:00
# Replace fedora.linux_system_roles with redhat.rhel_system_roles
%if 0%{?rhel}
for rolename in %{rolenames}; do
sed -i 's/fedora\.linux_system_roles/redhat.rhel_system_roles/g' \
2022-08-26 16:12:16 +00:00
$rolename/CHANGELOG.md \
$rolename/README.md \
$rolename/tasks/*.yml \
$rolename/tests/*.yml \
2022-07-08 14:10:20 +00:00
2022-05-26 04:51:19 +00:00
# Convert roles to the collection format
for rolename in %{rolenames}; do
python3 lsr_role2collection.py --role "$rolename" \
--src-path "$rolename" \
--src-owner linux-system-roles \
--dest-path .collections \
--readme lsr_role2collection/collection_readme.md \
--namespace %{collection_namespace} --collection %{collection_name} \
--new-role "${COLLECTION_ROLENAMES[${rolename}]}" \
2022-07-08 14:10:20 +00:00
--meta-runtime lsr_role2collection/runtime.yml
2022-05-26 04:51:19 +00:00
# removing dot files/dirs
rm -r .collections/ansible_collections/%{collection_namespace}/%{collection_name}/.[A-Za-z]*
# Copy galaxy.yml to the collection directory
cp -p galaxy.yml .collections/ansible_collections/%{collection_namespace}/%{collection_name}
2022-08-26 16:12:16 +00:00
# Update CHANGELOG.md with the current date and copy it to collection dir
curr_date=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')
sed -i "s/^\([%{version}] - \).*/\1$curr_date/g" \
mv .collections/ansible_collections/%{collection_namespace}/%{collection_name}/roles/%{collection_rolename1}/CHANGELOG.md \
2022-05-26 04:51:19 +00:00
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{installbase}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/ansible/roles
# Declare the array containing target rolenames to copy roles to
declare -A TARGET_ROLENAMES=(%{target_rolenames})
# Copy roles to the target directory within the microsoft directory and rename
for rolename in %{rolenames}; do
cp -pR "$rolename" "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{installbase}/${TARGET_ROLENAMES[${rolename}]}"
sed -i "s/linux-system-roles\.$rolename/microsoft\.${TARGET_ROLENAMES[${rolename}]}/g" \
# Generate symlinks for roles in /usr/share/ansible/roles
for rolename in %{rolenames}; do
ln -s "%{installbase}/${TARGET_ROLENAMES[${rolename}]}" "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/ansible/roles/microsoft.${TARGET_ROLENAMES[${rolename}]}"
# Copy README, COPYING, and LICENSE files to the corresponding directories
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_pkglicensedir}
for rolename in %{rolenames}; do
mkdir -p "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_pkgdocdir}/${TARGET_ROLENAMES[${rolename}]}"
cp -p "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{installbase}/${TARGET_ROLENAMES[${rolename}]}/README.md" \
%if %{with html}
cp -p "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{installbase}/${TARGET_ROLENAMES[${rolename}]}/README.html" \
if [ -f "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{installbase}/${TARGET_ROLENAMES[${rolename}]}/COPYING" ]; then
cp -p "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{installbase}/${TARGET_ROLENAMES[${rolename}]}/COPYING" \
if [ -f "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{installbase}/${TARGET_ROLENAMES[${rolename}]}/LICENSE" ]; then
cp -p "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{installbase}/${TARGET_ROLENAMES[${rolename}]}/LICENSE" \
# Remove dot files
rm -r $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{installbase}/*/.[A-Za-z]*
# Remove the molecule directory
rm -r $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{installbase}/*/molecule
pushd .collections/ansible_collections/%{collection_namespace}/%{collection_name}/
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_pkgdocdir}/collection
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_pkgdocdir}/collection/roles
# Copy the collection README files to the collection
cp -p %{buildroot}%{ansible_collection_files}%{collection_name}/README.md \
# Declare the array containing collection rolenames to convert roles to
declare -A COLLECTION_ROLENAMES=(%{collection_rolenames})
for rolename in %{rolenames}; do
if [ -f "%{buildroot}%{ansible_collection_files}%{collection_name}/roles/${COLLECTION_ROLENAMES[${rolename}]}/README.md" ]; then
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_pkgdocdir}/collection/roles/${COLLECTION_ROLENAMES[${rolename}]}
cp -p %{buildroot}%{ansible_collection_files}%{collection_name}/roles/${COLLECTION_ROLENAMES[${rolename}]}/README.md \
%if %{with html}
# converting README.md to README.html for collection in $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_pkgdocdir}/collection
for rolename in %{rolenames}; do
readmes="${readmes} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_pkgdocdir}/collection/roles/${COLLECTION_ROLENAMES[${rolename}]}/README.md"
sh md2html.sh $readmes
%if %{with collection_artifact}
# Copy collection artifact to /usr/share/ansible/collections/ for collection-artifact
pushd .collections/ansible_collections/%{collection_namespace}/%{collection_name}/
if [ -f %{collection_namespace}-%{collection_name}-%{version}.tar.gz ]; then
mv %{collection_namespace}-%{collection_name}-%{version}.tar.gz \
# generate the %files section in the file files_section.txt
format_item_for_files() {
# $1 is directory or file name in buildroot
# $2 - if true, and item is a directory, use %dir
local item
local files_item
if [ -L "$item" ]; then
echo "$files_item"
elif [ -d "$item" ]; then
if [[ "$item" == */doc* ]]; then
echo "%doc $files_item"
elif [ "${2:-false}" = true ]; then
echo "%dir $files_item"
echo "$files_item"
elif [[ "$item" == */README.md ]] || [[ "$item" == */README.html ]]; then
if [[ "$item" == */private_* ]]; then
# mark as regular file, not %doc
echo "$files_item"
echo "%doc $files_item"
elif [[ "$item" != */COPYING* ]] && [[ "$item" != */LICENSE* ]]; then
# Avoid dynamically using the license macro since the license macro
# is replaced with the value of License directive in the older rpmbuild.
echo "$files_item"
rm -f $files_section
touch $files_section
%if %{without ansible}
echo '%dir %{_datadir}/ansible' >> $files_section
echo '%dir %{_datadir}/ansible/roles' >> $files_section
%if "%{installbase}" != "%{_datadir}/ansible/roles"
echo '%dir %{installbase}' >> $files_section
echo '%dir %{ansible_collection_files}' >> $files_section
echo '%dir %{ansible_collection_files}%{collection_name}' >> $files_section
find %{buildroot}%{ansible_collection_files}%{collection_name} -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | \
while read item; do
if [[ "$item" == */roles ]]; then
format_item_for_files "$item" true >> $files_section
find "$item" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | while read roles_dir; do
format_item_for_files "$roles_dir" true >> $files_section
find "$roles_dir" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | while read roles_item; do
format_item_for_files "$roles_item" >> $files_section
format_item_for_files "$item" >> $files_section
find %{buildroot}%{installbase} -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | \
while read item; do
if [ -d "$item" ]; then
format_item_for_files "$item" true >> $files_section
find "$item" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | while read roles_item; do
format_item_for_files "$roles_item" >> $files_section
format_item_for_files "$item" >> $files_section
if [ "%{installbase}" != "%{_datadir}/ansible/roles" ]; then
find %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/ansible/roles -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | \
while read item; do
if [ -d "$item" ]; then
format_item_for_files "$item" true >> $files_section
find "$item" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | while read roles_item; do
format_item_for_files "$roles_item" >> $files_section
format_item_for_files "$item" >> $files_section
# cat files_section.txt
# done with files_section.txt generation
%files -f files_section.txt
%if %{with html}
%license %{_pkglicensedir}/*
%license %{installbase}/*/LICENSE*
%license %{ansible_collection_files}/%{collection_name}/LICENSE*
%if %{with collection_artifact}
%files collection-artifact
2022-08-26 16:12:16 +00:00
* Thu Aug 25 2022 Sergei Petrosian <spetrosi@redhat.com> - 1.2.3-1
- Use firewall role to configure firewall for SQL Server
Resolves: rhbz#2120714
- Add mssql_ha_virtual_ip
Replace mssql_ha_db_name with mssql_ha_db_names to let users replicate multiple DBs
Resolves: rhbz#2066338
- Replace simple `mssql_input_sql_file` with `pre` and `post` variables
Resolves: rhbz#2120713
- Add Requires: linux-system-roles or rhel-system-roles
- Replace fedora.linux_system_roles:redhat.rhel_system_roles on RHEL
- Add downstream values to galaxy.yml
- Change defcommit to defsource that takes both tags and commits
- Update CHANGELOG.md with the current date and copy it to collection dir
2022-07-08 14:10:20 +00:00
* Mon Jul 4 2022 Sergei Petrosian <spetrosi@redhat.com> - 1.2.0-3
- Update mssql commit
Resolves: rhbz#2066338
- Add condition for upstream spec build for galaxy_transform
- Replace extra-mapping with replacing in the legacy format with sed
2022-06-21 01:27:08 +00:00
* Fri Jun 17 2022 Sergei Petrosian <spetrosi@redhat.com> - 1.2.0-2
Return mistakenly deleted galaxy.yml string and bump release
* Fri Jun 17 2022 Sergei Petrosian <spetrosi@redhat.com> - 1.2.0-1
- Add MVP HA functionality to the server role
Resolves: rhbz#2066338
- Add mssql_tls_remote_src to the server role
Resolves: rhbz#2039990
- Add Requires: linux-system-roles or rhel-system-roles
- Add downstream values to galaxy.yml
2022-05-26 04:51:19 +00:00
* Mon Mar 21 2022 Sergei Petrosian <spetrosi@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-3
- Fix inserting ansible_managed
2022-06-21 01:27:08 +00:00
Resolves: rhbz#2065206
2022-05-26 04:51:19 +00:00
- Users now can provide a custom URLs to pull packages and RPM key from
2022-06-21 01:27:08 +00:00
Resolves: rhbz#2067175
2022-05-26 04:51:19 +00:00
* Fri Mar 18 2022 Sergei Petrosian <spetrosi@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-2
- RHEL8.6, 9 - add "Requires: ansible-core or ansible"
2022-06-21 01:27:08 +00:00
Resolves: rhbz#2067172
2022-05-26 04:51:19 +00:00
* Thu Mar 17 2022 Sergei Petrosian <spetrosi@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-1
- Insert the "Ansible managed" comment to the /var/opt/mssql/mssql.conf file
2022-06-21 01:27:08 +00:00
Resolves rhbz#2065206
2022-05-26 04:51:19 +00:00
* Wed Jan 19 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 1.1.0-3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_36_Mass_Rebuild
* Wed Jul 21 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 1.1.0-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_35_Mass_Rebuild
* Wed Jul 21 2021 Sergei Petrosian <spetrosi@redhat.com> - 1.1.0-1
- Add support for Microsoft SQL Server 2017
* Mon Jul 19 2021 Sergei Petrosian <spetrosi@redhat.com> - 1.0.12-2
- Copy fix for RHEL 7 builds from rhel-system-roles
Link to the original fix:
* Tue Jul 13 2021 Sergei Petrosian <spetrosi@redhat.com> - 1.0.12-1
- Add the meta-runtime option from the latest auto-maintenance
- Use the latest mssql that ships fixes for issues #24,#25,#26,#27,#28,35
* Tue Jun 29 2021 Sergei Petrosian <spetrosi@redhat.com> - 1.0.11-3
- Add a missing slash at the {ansible_collection_files} definition for rhel 7
* Thu Jun 17 2021 Sergei Petrosian <spetrosi@redhat.com> - 1.0.11-2
- Make the ansible_collection_files macro defined in Fedora automatically and
in RHEL manually consistent - having slash at the end to clean double-slashes
* Thu Jun 17 2021 Sergei Petrosian <spetrosi@redhat.com> - 1.0.11-1
- Update the version to be consistent with the Galaxy collection at
* Wed Jun 16 2021 Sergei Petrosian <spetrosi@redhat.com> - 0.0.1-5
- Update commit hash for mssql
* Wed Jun 16 2021 Sergei Petrosian <spetrosi@redhat.com> - 0.0.1-4
- Generate symlinks for roles in /usr/share/ansible/roles
* Wed Jun 16 2021 Sergei Petrosian <spetrosi@redhat.com> - 0.0.1-3
- Copy changes made to linux-system-roles in this PR:
- Make spec file available for older versions of OSes.
- Drop python3-six dependency which was used by lsr_role2collection.py.
- Drop html files from rpm if the version has no markdown parser.
- Drop unnecessary python scripts which include python3 only code, e.g.,
Resolves rhbz#1970165
* Mon Jun 14 2021 Sergei Petrosian <spetrosi@redhat.com> - 0.0.1-2
- Fix long description lines
- Fix incorrect role includes in microsoft/sql-server/tests/
* Thu Jun 3 2021 Sergei Petrosian <spetrosi@redhat.com> - 0.0.1-1
- Initial release