Graphical system installer
- network: restrict applying of config from ks in initramfs with NM (#1768791) (rvykydal) - network: try to apply kickstart in initramfs only if neeeded (#1768791) (rvykydal) - Use default required space solution for LiveOS payload (jkonecny) - Fix Live Image module required value default (jkonecny) - Add defaults to payload required space base (jkonecny) - Move set up and tear down sources to payload base (jkonecny) - Move installation task API to base payload (jkonecny) - Move SpaceRequired API to payload base (jkonecny) - Add tests payload shared API for sources handling (jkonecny) - Add payload shared test API for sources (jkonecny) - Tweak payload_shared test class (jkonecny) - Use payload base interface for existing payloads (jkonecny) - Add payload base interface implementation (jkonecny) - Move payload base to payloads folder (jkonecny) - Move source base classes to payload.sources (jkonecny) - Add names to the network tests (vslavik) - Forbid trailing period (dot) in hostname (#1648107) (vslavik) - Remove the enum PartitioningMethod from the Storage spoke in GUI (vponcova) - Collections of callbacks in signals can be changed during emitting (vponcova) - Run the installation tasks of the DBus addons (vponcova) - Add DBus support for installation tasks for addons in the Boss (vponcova) - Provide fake installation tasks for the Baz addon (vponcova) - Add DBus support for installation tasks for addons (vponcova) - Add support for running DBus tasks in one task (vponcova) - Don't enable BLS for Xen machines (javierm) |
.gitignore | ||
anaconda.spec | ||
sources |