- Don't sleep(5) after xrandr (ajax) - Force DPI to 96 even harder (#458738) (ajax) - Don't try to switch VT to the one that X is on (ajax) - Only copy /etc/resolv.conf if instPath != '/' (dcantrell) - 'is not' -> '!=' (dcantrell) - Write --dhcpclass instead of --class to the anaconda ks file. (jgranado) - Fix 2 issues in pyparted found by pychecker (hdegoede) - Add a bit of documentation to the top of runpychecker.sh (hdegoede) - Add runpychecker.sh script and pychecker-false-positives file (hdegoede) - Fix saving tracebacks via scp while in text mode. (clumens) - Search for the hash in the whiteboard, not as the entire whiteboard. (clumens) - Fix various syntax errors caught by PyChecker (hdegoede) - Wouldn't it be nice to have some real documentation in filer.py? (clumens) - Make sure the productVersion given by .treeinfo exists in bugzilla (#468657). (clumens)
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