- Don't let device names affect action order in general case. (dlehman) - Round up when aligning to pesize for space used. (#493656) (dlehman) - Improve handling for various nodev filesystems in fstab. (#493685, #493202) (dlehman) - Present the correct max lv size in the dialog. (dlehman) - Use the head of the current branch, not master, for scratch archives. (dlehman) - Make a top level StorageError that all others are based on. (dlehman) - Remove unused PRePDevice class. (dlehman) - Make the disk model an attribute of DiskDevice. (dlehman) - Handle format actions in cancelAction() (dcantrell) - Fix format check box for pre-existing partitions (#491675) (dcantrell) - Remove temporary directory used in _getExistingSize() (dcantrell) - Activate storage before looking up the hdiso source drive (#491781). (clumens) - Remove isys.getDeviceByToken since it is no longer used. (clumens) - Don't allow the rootfs on live installs to not match (#493206, #492727) (katzj) - Create setup and teardown functs for dmraid devs. (jgranado) - put xfs back where it belongs (sandeen) - Fix up the other caller of unmountCD to pass in a device (#493537). (clumens)
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