- Add option help text for --image and --dirinstall flags (#1056791) (amulhern) - Update bumpver to allow Related bugs (bcl) - Fix up some pylint errors. (clumens) - If a user has been created, don't allow entering the user spoke (#1058564). (clumens) - Tweak passphrase wording a bit. (clumens) - Tweak the final progress messages to fit on the screen a little better (#1058463). (clumens) - Fix iscsi target selection checkbox in GUI (#1058653) (rvykydal) - network ks: allow setting only hostname with network command (#1051564) (rvykydal) - fcoe: add fcoe=<NIC>:<EDB> to boot options for nics added manually (#1040215) (rvykydal) - network GUI: ignore fcoe vlan devices (#1051268) (rvykydal) - Use an unused variable. (dshea) - Ignore an unused function warning on isys_init (dshea) - Remove unused isys files. (dshea) - Fix the handling of realloc failures. (dshea) - Run cppcheck on the C source files. (dshea) - Check RAID10 box for BTRFS (#1021856) (amulhern) - Make sure directory for DD extraction exists (vpodzime) - Handle --image arguments more thoroughly (#982164,#994488) (amulhern) - Remove the border from the custom part notebook. (clumens) - Style the Done button to make it more noticable (mizmo). (clumens) - Change the string used to test for serial console (#1054951) (dmarlin)
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