- network: create systemd .link files for ifname= boot options (#1695894) (rvykydal) - Bump Workstation root partition max size to 70 GiB (klember) - Add DBus support for finding optical media (vponcova) - Add DBus support for handling a device (vponcova) - Do not use ISO source as install tree root (#1691832) (jkonecny) - Fix bad assumption about base repo identification (#1691832) (jkonecny) - network tui: fix updating of a connection from UI (#1692677) (rvykydal) - network: fix copying of resolv.conf for cases where target /etc does not exist (#1695990) (rvykydal) - network: fix crash ensuring single connections for unplugged devices (#1695899) (rvykydal) - Add support for skipping attributes in the string representation (vponcova) - Raise the UnknownDeviceError exception (vponcova) - Add DBus support for resolving devices (vponcova) - Add DBus support for the available space (vponcova) - Move GetRequiredDeviceSize to the device tree module (vponcova) - Create the device tree module (vponcova) - Don't set the __repr__ methods of data classes (vponcova) - network: for vlan set DEVICE only if interfacename is specified in kickstart (rvykydal) - Change fips package requirement reason (jkonecny) - payload: raise exception on invalid Languages (jkonecny) - payload: Mark DefaultEnvironment API as temporary (jkonecny) - payload: fix default values for packages section (jkonecny) - Remove unused import for DNF (jkonecny) - payload: add converter for kickstart groups (jkonecny) - payload: switch multilib policy to names (jkonecny) - payload: add rest of the DNF/Packages attributes (jkonecny) - payload: add packages controlling properties (jkonecny) - payload: add package groups interface to Packages (jkonecny) - payload: adjust packages section attributes (jkonecny) - payload: move %packages parsing to DNF/Packages (jkonecny) - payload: add DBus packages dnf submodule (jkonecny) - payload: add the empty DNF handler (jkonecny) - payload: create internal Packages class (jkonecny) - payload: parse %packages section in module (jkonecny)
2 lines
162 B
2 lines
162 B
SHA512 (anaconda-31.8.tar.bz2) = 6ba01e5a6cfba450da0fe80d595a7144187ec709403d7999d1c34558bc188e7f1ff15bee198a832cbf321295f295941f1d8136584078161062b3486f0d97660f