Chris Lumens c03c6e852d Revert "Be more convincing in eradicating errant temp vg paths. (#722952) (dlehman)"
This reverts commit 1e5f3f3da9.  This was meant to
go onto f16-branch.
2011-10-19 14:20:17 -04:00

4277 lines
221 KiB

%define livearches %{ix86} x86_64 ppc ppc64
Summary: Graphical system installer
Name: anaconda
Version: 17.1
Release: 1%{?dist}
License: GPLv2+
Group: Applications/System
# To generate Source0 do:
# git clone
# git checkout -b archive-branch anaconda-%{version}-%{release}
# ./
# make dist
Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
# Versions of required components (done so we make sure the buildrequires
# match the requires versions of things).
%define dmver 1.02.17-6
%define gettextver 0.11
%define genisoimagever 1.1.9-4
%define gconfversion 2.28.1
%define intltoolver 0.31.2-3
%define libnlver 1.0
%define libselinuxver 1.6
%define pykickstartver 1.99.4
%define rpmpythonver 4.2-0.61
%define slangver 2.0.6-2
%define yumver 2.9.2
%define partedver 1.8.1
%define pypartedver 2.5-2
%define syscfgdatever 1.9.48
%define pythonpyblockver 0.45
%define e2fsver 1.41.0
%define nmver 1:0.7.1-3.git20090414
%define dbusver 1.2.3
%define createrepover 0.4.7
%define yumutilsver 1.1.11-3
%define iscsiver
%define pythoncryptsetupver 0.1.1
%define mehver 0.8
%define sckeyboardver 1.3.1
%define libblkidver 2.17.1-1
%define fcoeutilsver 1.0.12-3.20100323git
%define isomd5sumver 1.0.6
BuildRequires: audit-libs-devel
BuildRequires: bzip2-devel
BuildRequires: device-mapper-devel >= %{dmver}
BuildRequires: e2fsprogs-devel >= %{e2fsver}
BuildRequires: elfutils-devel
BuildRequires: gettext >= %{gettextver}
BuildRequires: gtk2-devel
BuildRequires: intltool >= %{intltoolver}
BuildRequires: isomd5sum-static >= %{isomd5sumver}
BuildRequires: libarchive-devel
BuildRequires: libX11-devel
BuildRequires: libXt-devel
BuildRequires: libXxf86misc-devel
BuildRequires: libblkid-devel >= %{libblkidver}
BuildRequires: libcurl-devel
BuildRequires: libnl-devel >= %{libnlver}
BuildRequires: libselinux-devel >= %{libselinuxver}
BuildRequires: libsepol-devel
BuildRequires: libxml2-python
BuildRequires: newt-devel
BuildRequires: pango-devel
BuildRequires: pykickstart >= %{pykickstartver}
BuildRequires: python-devel
BuildRequires: python-pyblock >= %{pythonpyblockver}
BuildRequires: python-urlgrabber >= 3.9.1-5
BuildRequires: python-nose
BuildRequires: rpm-devel
BuildRequires: rpm-python >= %{rpmpythonver}
BuildRequires: slang-devel >= %{slangver}
BuildRequires: transifex-client
BuildRequires: xmlto
BuildRequires: yum >= %{yumver}
BuildRequires: zlib-devel
BuildRequires: NetworkManager-devel >= %{nmver}
BuildRequires: NetworkManager-glib-devel >= %{nmver}
BuildRequires: dbus-devel >= %{dbusver}, dbus-python
BuildRequires: system-config-keyboard >= %{sckeyboardver}
%ifarch %livearches
BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
BuildRequires: iscsi-initiator-utils-devel >= %{iscsiver}
%ifarch s390 s390x
BuildRequires: s390utils-devel
Requires: python-meh >= %{mehver}
Requires: policycoreutils
Requires: rpm-python >= %{rpmpythonver}
Requires: comps-extras
Requires: parted >= %{partedver}
Requires: pyparted >= %{pypartedver}
Requires: yum >= %{yumver}
Requires: libxml2-python
Requires: python-urlgrabber >= 3.9.1-5
Requires: system-logos
Requires: pykickstart >= %{pykickstartver}
Requires: system-config-date >= %{syscfgdatever}
Requires: device-mapper >= %{dmver}
Requires: device-mapper-libs >= %{dmver}
Requires: dosfstools
Requires: e2fsprogs >= %{e2fsver}
Requires: gzip
Requires: libarchive
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 ia64
Requires: dmidecode
Requires: python-pyblock >= %{pythonpyblockver}
Requires: libuser-python
Requires: newt-python
Requires: authconfig
Requires: system-config-firewall-base
Requires: cryptsetup-luks
Requires: python-cryptsetup >= %{pythoncryptsetupver}
Requires: mdadm
Requires: lvm2
Requires: util-linux-ng >= 2.15.1
Requires: system-config-keyboard >= %{sckeyboardver}
Requires: dbus-python
Requires: cracklib-python
Requires: python-bugzilla
Requires: python-nss
Requires: tigervnc-server-minimal
%ifarch %livearches
Requires: usermode
Requires: zenity
Requires: createrepo >= %{createrepover}
Requires: squashfs-tools
Requires: genisoimage >= %{genisoimagever}
Requires: GConf2 >= %{gconfversion}
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
Requires: syslinux >= 3.73
Requires: makebootfat
Requires: device-mapper
%ifarch s390 s390x
Requires: openssh
Requires: isomd5sum
Requires: yum-utils >= %{yumutilsver}
Requires: NetworkManager >= %{nmver}
Requires: dhclient
Requires: anaconda-yum-plugins
Requires: libselinux-python >= %{libselinuxver}
Requires: fcoe-utils >= %{fcoeutilsver}
%ifarch %{sparc}
Requires: elftoaout piggyback
Obsoletes: anaconda-images <= 10
Provides: anaconda-images = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes: anaconda-runtime < %{version}-%{release}
Provides: anaconda-runtime = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes: booty
The anaconda package contains the program which was used to install your
%setup -q
%configure --disable-static
%{__make} %{?_smp_mflags}
%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}
%{__make} install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
find %{buildroot} -type f -name "*.la" | xargs %{__rm}
%ifarch %livearches
desktop-file-install --vendor="" --dir=%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/liveinst.desktop
%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/liveinst %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/liveinst
%find_lang %{name}
%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}
%ifarch %livearches
update-desktop-database &> /dev/null || :
%ifarch %livearches
update-desktop-database &> /dev/null || :
%files -f %{name}.lang
%doc docs/command-line.txt
%doc docs/install-methods.txt
%doc docs/mediacheck.txt
%doc docs/anaconda-release-notes.txt
%ifarch i386 i486 i586 i686 x86_64
%ifarch %livearches
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/*
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/security/console.apps/*
* Tue Oct 11 2011 Chris Lumens <> - 17.1-1
- Pull grub-efi and efibootmgr into the package list as needed. (#742042)
- analog: properly log where NetworkManager (also) communicates.
- analog: bump the version to rsyslog 5 (akozumpl)
- reference to list of free regions is shadowed by a double.
- Handle strange lang boot argument values. (akozumpl)
- LANG_DEFAULT lives in lang.c. (akozumpl)
- Include docs/transifex.txt in release dist. (dcantrell)
- fcoe: modprobe the VLAN layer module. (akozumpl)
- Remove some raid error checking pykickstart can do for us. (clumens)
- Set default BOOTPROTO=dhcp for network service (minimal installs) (#741199)
- remove argument ROOT_PATH from getDefaultKeyboard() calls (removed from
method with 3e8d08cac6aa89f001c5b32dba251a62a45ed7f4) (vpodzime)
- Default to an active network device after reboot on Fedora (ONBOOT) (#498207)
- Fix: Allow EFI slot_ids in hexdecimal (#742141). (fabian.deutsch)
- Move the fedora logo to the left. (akozumpl)
- fcoe: fix detecting FCoE NIC (mcb30)
- Do not show loop devices in the filtering UI. (akozumpl)
- dispatcher: do not request "group-selection" with "tasksel". (akozumpl)
- upgrade: do not insist on running the "bootloader" step. (akozumpl)
- Fix sigsegv in setKickstartNetwork() (strdup() from a NULL). (akozumpl)
- dracut args: "rhgb quiet" should come last. (akozumpl)
- Add nfsiso: handling to parseNfsHostPathOpts (bcl)
- Only check relevant devices for dirty filesystems. (#741206) (dlehman)
- Make sure storage is reset just before partitioning, always. (dlehman)
- Move selection of default boot drive into bootloader. (dlehman)
- Show error dialog instead of traceback on fstab type mismatch. (#649171)
- Try a test mount and keep fstab mismatches if it succeeds. (#649171)
- Check the return value of get_file_list (#741466) (bcl)
- imount.c: include fcntl.h before ext2fs/ext2fs.h. (akozumpl)
- Write the grub.conf after setting up the new EFI bootloader (#741994)) (bcl)
- botoloader: write 'ip=eth0:dhcp,auto6' instead of 'ip=eth0:dhcp
ip=eth0:auto6' (akozumpl)
- gitingore: ignore po/* files. (akozumpl)
- Put bios boot partitions on all gpt disk on bios systems. (#738964) (dlehman)
- Change default bootloader timeout from 20sec to 5sec. (#727831) (dlehman)
- Bootloader stage1_drive is more than a suggestion. (#738964) (dlehman)
- Mark the live device's parent devices protected. (#738964) (dlehman)
- it is anaconda-shell (akozumpl)
- Improve the clarity of the missing bios boot partition error. (#731549)
- Remove tmp.mount (systemd handles this for us now) (wwoods)
- Move dependency info into the unit files (wwoods)
- move anaconda-shell.service to the correct filename (wwoods)
- make anaconda-shell.service a template, put it on tty2 & hvc1 (wwoods)
- Return after writing log message, not before. (rvykydal)
- Do not reactivate network device needlessly on s390 (#739846) (rvykydal)
- Start NM in loader on s390 until we have systemd init here too (#733680)
- Revert "Set debug_package to %{nil} so we don't strip our binaries."
- Fix createUser and createGroup to work with kickstart defaults (#739428)
- Update test for createUser and createGroup (#739428) (bcl)
- fcoe: handle Broadcom fcoe devices correctly. (akozumpl)
- fcoe: the control path in sysfs is now /sys/module/libfcoe (akozumpl)
- fcoe: load bnx2fc if relevant. (akozumpl)
- Fix post-commit lookup of extended partitions. (#737532) (dlehman)
- Don't reboot when closing the live installer via the window decoration.
- Use the luks format's mapName when creating temp LUKSDevice. (#722952)
- Reset device attr after using temp dev. (#722952) (dlehman)
- Make sure there are no tempvg paths even if formatting. (#737916) (dlehman)
* Thu Sep 15 2011 Chris Lumens <> - 17.0-1
- Sort partitioning commmands in anaconda-ks.cfg. (#736527) (dlehman)
- Install grub2 when upgrading on bios x86. (#735730) (dlehman)
- Default to installing a new bootloader on upgrade. (dlehman)
- Add a Reboot button to the congrats screen on live (#705189). (clumens)
- Add support for reserving space in lvm vgs via kickstart. (dlehman)
- iutil: make getArch() return ppc64 on ppc64 (#736721) (wwoods)
- iutil: add 'bits' arg to isPPC (like isX86) (wwoods)
- nfsiso: handle mismatching .iso architecture gracefully. (akozumpl)
- systemd: wants rsyslog.service (akozumpl)
- Improve checking if new biosboot partition is needed. (akozumpl)
- mpath: create /etc/multipath/bindings if we are using friendly names.
- isolate localeInfo and expandLangs() from into a separate
module. (akozumpl)
- Make sure we teardown root candidates in all cases. (#693095) (dlehman)
- Update parted partition by sector, not name, after create. (#733449)
- Determine existing md arrays' metadata version. (#731266) (dlehman)
- Don't check mountable before obtaining actual/existing fs size. (#733808)
- Fix traceback when installing over a system with broken rpm db. (akozumpl)
- kickstart: use 'bootloader --timeout' even if it is zero. (akozumpl)
- Fix some things using old bootloader/platform stuff. (dlehman)
- Fix traceback when validating unallocated partition requests. (#733670)
- Require BIOS boot partition for GPT bootdisk on BIOS systems. (dlehman)
- Prevent grub2 from trying to access floppy drives. (dlehman)
- Limit grub stage2 md members' device type and metadata version. (dlehman)
- Remove unnecessary ROOT_PATH constant passing. (akozumpl)
- Moving anaconda.rootPath to constants.ROOT_PATH. (akozumpl)
- Remove deprecated --rootPath and --test. (akozumpl)
- Tidy warnings.showwarning into (akozumpl)
- cosmetic: remove trailing whitespace in (akozumpl)
- ut: cleanup after (akozumpl)
- ut: move tests/ to tests/pyanaconda_test/
- Close out the yum history before running %post scripts (#730857). (clumens)
- Remove unused attribute 'bootable' from DeviceFormat classes. (dlehman)
- Allow btrfs stage2 with grub2. (#732594) (dlehman)
- Clean up return values of GRUB2._gpt_disk_has_bios_boot. (dlehman)
- Force grub2 install to partition's boot block. (#727679) (dlehman)
- Don't crash because we don't have support for linear md. (#646157) (dlehman)
- Clean up obsolete extended partitions if partitioning fails. (#672010)
- Convert a None from to an empty list. (akozumpl)
- Honor kickstart 'autopart --nolvm' option (jlaska)
- Allow answering the uninitialized disk question more than once. (akozumpl)
* Thu Aug 18 2011 Chris Lumens <> - 16.15-1
- i18n: Do not include newlines in the reinit dialog's label. (akozumpl)
- Move the trusted_boot setting into (#731260). (clumens)
- Put nolock instead of ,nolock to options if provided options are empty
(#727522) (msivak)
- Deal with zFCP multipath devices in the filter UI (#618535) (dcantrell)
- matchpathcon doesn't like strings like "//lib64", so remove a slash
(#730863). (clumens)
- Fix check so we actually disallow use of preexisting root filesystems.
- Correctly handle reqs with max size no larger than base size. (#730009)
- Set the default grub2 entry to the OS we just installed. (dlehman)
- Create 'console=..' configuration also for grub2. (akozumpl)
- Copy /etc/multipath/wwids to the sysimage. (akozumpl)
- add multiboot support for tboot (gang.wei)
- Fix createUser (bcl)
- raid ui: compute max number of spares based on raid members selected.
- Remove definite articles in the bootloader translation strings. (akozumpl)
- Avoid final hang if no reboot action is specified in kickstart. (akozumpl)
- Check before setting partition label (#729599) (bcl)
- Remove as many of the /selinux path hardcodings as possible (#729563).
- Raise informative error for ks=bootif, missing BOOTIF case (#681803).
- dispatcher: do not show install steps in upgrade. (akozumpl)
- edd: fix traceback on Xen. (akozumpl)
- ConditionKernelCommandLine is a setting for Unit, not Service. (clumens)
- The script sections should operate on an AnacondaKSScript instance (#728468).
- Restart NetworkManager to use anaconda's initial ifcfg config (#727951)
- simplify requirements (wwoods)
- make anaconda-shell.service more like getty (wwoods)
- ut: fix (akozumpl)
- Fix more dispatcher problems. (akozumpl)
- Check if the potential dep is in done, not the leaf. (#728891) (dlehman)
- Don't crash when checking unpartitioned devices for disklabel. (#720070)
- Remove "-Alpha" or "-Beta" from yum's $releasever (#728868). (clumens)
- Fix extra quote in grub.conf header string (bcl)
- Set EFI mountpoint when using existing partition (#727933) (bcl)
- Set the boot partition's name (bcl)
- Set boot partition's boot flag, stage2 has priority, fallback to stage1 (bcl)
- exec params need to all be strings (bcl)
- Fix efi_product_path regex (#728007) (bcl)
- Remove unneeded if block (bcl)
- Add some useful logging for partitioning and boot device choices (bcl)
- Add a space to DiskChunk repr string (bcl)
- ssl: 'noverifyssl' kernel boot argument. (akozumpl)
- Cleanup existing formats' device attr after lvm dialog edit. (#723303)
- Fix handling of skipped LUKS devices the second time through. (#727814)
- booty tests removed in cd66c6bf33cae14e74001349043e585e348e2e9a (#728477)
- gui: translate custom_icon to stock icon name in detailedMessageWindow()
- ut: should not fail if executed by itself. (akozumpl)
- Handle rpmdb open errors by throwing out the root candidate (#723167).
- Don't raise Retry dialog in loader kickstart networking (#722276) (rvykydal)
- Honor linksleep boot option (#713991) (rvykydal)
- Don't write duplicate lines for encrypted block devices. (dlehman)
- Setup default for non_linux_format_types (bcl)
- don't build functions not used on s390(x) (dan)
- variable 'i' ununsed on s390(x) (dan)
- use macro name instead of value (vpodzime)
- Annotate the list of what pylint warnings and errors we ignore. (clumens)
- Locally disable some E1101 "errors" that pylint doesn't understand. (clumens)
- Move out the parts of Device.__str__ that are StorageDevice specific.
- Fix a udev import to be more explicit. This shuts up pylint. (clumens)
- Disable error reporting for properties with the .setter syntax. (clumens)
- Disable E1103 (the "some types could not be inferred" message). (clumens)
- Delete the Mocked pyanaconda.product to fix product tests. (clumens)
- Fix import errors in the unit tests. (clumens)
- Remove the booty unit tests. (clumens)
- We also need to catch ValueError on mock.disk.TestFile.__del__. (clumens)
- Only warn when swaps with no UUID are preexisting. (dlehman)
- Fix scan of already-active mdbiosraidarrays before scan of container.
- Remove dogtail support. No one uses it anyway. (clumens)
- Show all disks in text mode cleardisks selector. (#714836) (dlehman)
- Fix a traceback when user makes a partition whose size is out-of-bounds.
- Add a warning about the fstab implications of swap devices with no UUID.
- Fail gracefully when device name collisions occur in kickstart. (dlehman)
- Don't traceback if disks go missing before/during partitioning. (dlehman)
- dispatcher: allow requesting a step without insisting. (akozumpl)
- edd: fix syntax in situation when two edd directories point to the same
device. (akozumpl)
- ut: cleanup the taking-over-io mechanism. (akozumpl)
- Fix broken unit tests (cmdline, network). (akozumpl)
* Tue Jul 26 2011 Chris Lumens <> - 16.14-1
- Change IsBeta to IsFinal (mgracik)
- edd: do not traceback with cciss devices. (akozumpl)
- edd: do not traceback when can not find the respective pci device. (akozumpl)
- Use unsigned long long type in doTotalMemory() (dcantrell)
- Do not traceback on mpath errors caused by faulty hardware. (akozumpl)
- Fix a bunch of stupid little errors pylint caught. (clumens)
- There's no more booty module, so don't bother checking it. (clumens)
- Ignore false positives in (clumens)
- Ignore reimport warnings from pylint. (clumens)
- Handle any amount of whitespace between keyword and rhbz reference.
- dispath -> dispatch in (clumens)
* Wed Jul 20 2011 Chris Lumens <> - 16.13-1
- progressWindow takes a bunch of new arguments for pulsing (#723345).
- request_step -> request_steps in anaconda. (clumens)
- Add a writeKS method for encrypted partitions. (clumens)
- Don't associate LVs' formats with their parent VG. (dlehman)
- Use os-prober to generate GRUB2 dual-boot menu entries. (dlehman)
- Fix GRUB2 password handling and GRUB1 kickstart password handling. (dlehman)
- changes needed to have per-connection ifcfg files for wifi connections
- do not care about wifi connections in kickstart (already active from stage1)
- do not take anaconda's netdevices into account while searching for APs
- remove key-files writing in loader (no more needed, NM does it itself)
- do not write default ifcfg files for wireless devices (vpodzime)
- Remove the 11.x history from anaconda.spec. (clumens)
* Mon Jul 11 2011 Chris Lumens <> - 16.12-1
- Remove hasFreeDiskSpace and related code. (dlehman)
- Use protected for pvs of incomplete vgs and get rid of immutable. (dlehman)
- Use mdadm's default metadata format instead of hardcoding 1.1. (dlehman)
- Only show warning about no biosboot on gpt on gpt. (dlehman)
- Plumb the cleanupOnly= option through to Storage.reset(). (clumens)
- i18n: Maintain the translated repo name upon modifying. (akozumpl)
- Log errors during dependency resolution. (clumens)
- Fix a bug where language names aren't translated to native. (clumens)
- Remove things from utils/ that lorax obsoletes. (clumens)
- Remove things from scripts/ that lorax obsoletes. (clumens)
- Handle systems with more than 2147483647 kB of memory (#704593). (dcantrell)
- Remove support for the ext4migrate option (#712195). (dcantrell)
- edd: refactor and enhance the edd module. (akozumpl)
- unit tests: provide 'glob.glob' and 'os.listdir' in the DiskIO class.
- Pulsing progress bar instead of the static popup during device discovery.
- yum: handle PackageSackErrors separately in AnacondaYum._run. (akozumpl)
- We need a later version of pykickstart with the wpakey parameter. (clumens)
- Remove KillMode= from systemd control files. (clumens)
- Add a property to Platform for accessing boot stage1 constraints. (dlehman)
- Simplify lvm growing by using units of pesize instead of MB. (dlehman)
- Move platform-specific boot-related data into Platform. (dlehman)
- Make /home autoreq grow a bit faster in relation to root. (dlehman)
- Update upd-bootiso for F16 (bcl)
- Allow a .iso file to be specified instead of a directory (#707846) (bcl)
- Fix typo from 573ef017. (akozumpl)
- Keep dracut settings in sets instead of many long strings. (akozumpl)
* Wed Jun 22 2011 Chris Lumens <> - 16.11-1
- be more defensive -- check values for nonsenses (vpodzime)
- enable netmask setting for wireless connections (vpodzime)
- enable dns settings of wireless connection (vpodzime)
- enable gateway settings of wireless connection (vpodzime)
- enable wpa in kickstart (vpodzime)
- enable establishing wpa connection in "early networking" (vpodzime)
- ut: remove trailing whitespace in (akozumpl)
- 'part' command checks if the disk is partitionable. (akozumpl)
- Correct and simplify handling of "bootable" partition requests. (dlehman)
- Don't check the fstype for /boot req weight. (dlehman)
- Freeze the lvm button when custom partitioning is selected. (dlehman)
- Use the same code for growing lvs that we use for growing partitions.
- Fix check for whether new lv size will fit in vg's free space. (dlehman)
- Sun disklabel hacks. (#697100) (dlehman)
- Maximize extended partition even when logical reqs' sizes are capped.
- Don't magically adjust fstype when mountpoint is set to "/boot". (dlehman)
- Handle partition allocation failures due to alignment adjustments. (dlehman)
- Include protected attribute in StorageDevice.__str__. (dlehman)
- Log results of protected device spec resolution. (dlehman)
- Implement an option that lets anaconda name mpath devices by the wwid.
- In kickstart, specify multipaths by their wwids. (akozumpl)
- multipath: allow mpath<X> specfifications in kickstart. (akozumpl)
- multipath: do not set any mpath aliases explicitly. (akozumpl)
- Use global proxy setting if no repo proxy is set (#712926) (bcl)
- Remove duplicate code. (rvykydal)
- Fix typo (DispatcherError->DispatchError). (dlehman)
- Allow autopart without lvm. (dlehman)
* Wed Jun 08 2011 Chris Lumens <> - 16.10-1
- Update to the latest pykickstart version. (clumens)
- Fix a typo to make encrypted installs get farther. (clumens)
- Fix the filter UI to sort capacity as numbers, not characters (#614504).
- Fix up swap unmount logic (#708966) (bcl)
- Use read-only locking for lvm commands in udev rules. (dlehman)
- Check if LVs still fit when removing a PV from a VG. (#682276) (dlehman)
- Don't get tripped by partial fstab option matches. (#699167) (dlehman)
- RAID gui: fix how the "Number of spares" spin button is manipulated.
- imount.c: first wait() for mount then close its stdin/stdout. (akozumpl)
- Fix a couple of action obsoletes bugs. (dlehman)
- Schedule an action when destroying the old format on an encrypted lv.
- Revert "Make sure new devices' formats have their device attr set." (dlehman)
- Set formats' device attr when associating the format with a device. (dlehman)
- cosmetic, iscsi: make the 'no credentials' string more general. (akozumpl)
* Mon May 23 2011 Chris Lumens <> - 16.9-1
- Add kickstart support for biosboot. (dlehman)
- Make sure new devices' formats have their device attr set. (dlehman)
- Don't crash if is_valid_foo methods are called with None. (dlehman)
- Unit tests cleanups (akozumpl)
- Remove trailing whitespace in file tests/mock/ (akozumpl)
- Remove erronious (vestigial?) call to Platform.isEfi (pjones)
- Remove upgrade_swap_gui from (akozumpl)
- ut: if _isys is not available dispatch_test and indexed_dict_test are
failing. (akozumpl)
- Cherry-pick from rhel5-branch, by Will Woods. (wwoods)
- Pythonize some code from for pleasure. (rvykydal)
- Honor DEFROUTE=no when inferring system-wide GATEWAY (rvykydal)
- Get rid of overrideDHCPHostname. (rvykydal)
- HOSTNAME is not per-device/ifcfg setting. (rvykydal)
- Do not set hostname in stage 1. (rvykydal)
- Do not write out /etc/sysconfig/network in stage 1. (rvykydal)
- ut: make pyanaconda_test/ pass (akozumpl)
- dispatch: break out step initialization into a separate method. (akozumpl)
- dispatch: implement method of saving/restoring all steps scheduling.
- upgrade: there are no "checkdeps" and "dependencies" steps. (akozumpl)
- ut: make upgrade_test pass. (akozumpl)
- cosmetic: dispatch.request_step is dispatch.request_steps. (akozumpl)
- cosmetic: dispatch.skipStep is dispatch.skip_steps (akozumpl)
- cosmetic: move the dir property in with other public methods.
- dispatch: fix remaining places using the old dispatch interface. (akozumpl)
- dispatch: remove "upgradeswapsuggestion" and "addswap" steps. (akozumpl)
- dispatch: Fix rules for running the bootloader and instbootloader steps.
- dispatch: Fix rules for running the partitioning step. (akozumpl)
- dispatch: clean up step skipping manipulations in kickstart. (akozumpl)
- dispatch: All skips are permanent now. (akozumpl)
- Cleanup how an installer interface can declare steps it does not implement.
- Throw away the dispatcher 'skipList' and give Step a state. (akozumpl)
- dispatch: use IndexedDict objects instead of a list of tuples. (akozumpl)
- IndexedDict class for storing the installer steps (akozumpl)
- Add a shortcut for Configure Network (#705022) (mgracik)
- vgreduce now activates some lvs, which I do not understand. (dlehman)
- Audit storage log statements' log levels and clean up some things. (dlehman)
- Convert Device, DeviceFormat __str__ to __repr__ and add __str__. (dlehman)
* Tue May 17 2011 Chris Lumens <> - 16.8-1
- Relabel /var/lock as well (#701575). (clumens)
- filled in hasFreeDiskSpace (#683632) (hamzy)
- Add a python program to record memory usage during installation. (clumens)
- Add a timestamp to every line in install.log/upgrade.log. (clumens)
- storage: add SparseFileDevice (wwoods)
- FileDevice._create: don't alloc memory equal to file size, close fd (wwoods)
- Text mode upgrade should default to upgrade (#704588) (bcl)
- Trim "/dev/" correctly in list-harddrives (#702430). (dcantrell)
- Include missing parentheses in lvm/md device map names. (dlehman)
- Make sure stage1 and stage2 devices are in in case of md,lvm.
- Only do redundant mbr installation for mirrored stage2. (dlehman)
- Allow growable md member requests but only for RAID0. (dlehman)
- Let blkid/udev tell us which devices contain disklabels. (dlehman)
- Move selection of new disklabel's type from DiskLabel to Platform. (dlehman)
- Fix an omission from the integration of the new bootloader module. (dlehman)
- Rework bootloader constraint checking routines. (dlehman)
- Include a BIOS boot partition in X86 autopart on GPT. (dlehman)
- Add format class for BIOS boot partition. (dlehman)
- Update dracut kernel args (#702711) (bcl)
- Add btrfs min size of 256 MB. (#702603) (dlehman)
- Update the requirements for memory.. (dlehman)
- fix (akozumpl)
- remove references to "zfcpconfig". (akozumpl)
- Turn sshd setup, kicstart execution and the rescue mode into dispatch steps.
* Tue May 03 2011 Chris Lumens <> - 16.7-1
- Make grub2 the default bootloader on x86. (dlehman)
- Make sure bootloader stage1 device stays current through partitioning.
- Remove unused Platform.validBootLoaderPartSize method. (dlehman)
- Check that there is a stage1 req before validating it otherwise. (dlehman)
- set_preferred_stage2_type -> set_preferred_stage1_type (dlehman)
- Allow unsetting of stage1_device. (dlehman)
- Add a "boot drive" concept to the bootloader since stage1 types vary.
- Consistently refer to stage1 and stage2 device as such. (dlehman)
- Fix handling of missing boot device in doPartitioning. (dlehman)
- Finish removing bootloadersetup step. (dlehman)
- Add grub2 class, fix packages for some classes. (dlehman)
- Don't change bootloader names for various configurations. (dlehman)
- Add encrypted attribute to StorageDevice. (dlehman)
- iscsi: disable the 'Login' button with no nodes selected. (akozumpl)
- nuke: InstallControlWindow.busyCursor*() (akozumpl)
- iutil: remove excess imports. (akozumpl)
- Get rid of interface's entryWindow() and EntryWindow. (akozumpl)
- Allow DeviceFormat.cacheMajorminor to fail without an exception. (akozumpl)
- Don't check /boot fs when no bootloader is installed (#698312) (bcl)
- self.pulseWindow is not used anywhere. (akozumpl)
* Thu Apr 21 2011 Chris Lumens <> - 16.6-1
- Do not recreate the ssh keys if they exist already. (akozumpl)
- Display a banner when (re)starting Anaconda. (akozumpl)
- Most viewers of tty1 do not care about xrandr stderr output. (akozumpl)
- restart-anaconda: no need to redownload the updates. (akozumpl)
- Write 'edd' instead of 'ethX' for fcoe= dracut parameter. (dcantrell)
- When checking for allowing an upgrade, trim off any "-Alpha" or "-Beta".
- Make text for failed upgrade dialog clearer (#697193) (bcl)
- Fix a grammar error in the upgrade message (#697244). (clumens)
- If there are no RAID arrays, do not write an mdadm.conf (#696907). (clumens)
- loader: always call klogctl to disable kernel logging in the console.
- Set mainWindow size request to current res reported by xrandr (#694760)
- Fix SIGSEGV for netwowrk --device=<MAC> which is not found (#697432)
- Use correct interface to obtain HwAddress property (#693614) (rvykydal)
- Revert "Don't write HWADDR into ifcfg files (#690589)" (rvykydal)
- analog: turn off another harmful feature of rsyslogd. (akozumpl)
- analog: cleanup whitespace in the file. (akozumpl)
- Fix building with --disable-selinux (mark (clumens)
- Don't include system virtual filesystems in /etc/fstab (#693926). (clumens)
- Set ANACONDA=1 in the udev environment early in anaconda. (clumens)
- findFirstIsoImage needs to return a filename, so fix it. (clumens)
- Fix unmounting in anaconda-cleanup to deal with /mnt/sysimage as well.
- Remove the second upgrade check from (clumens)
- Cache the value of Format.majorminor(). (akozumpl)
- And call anaconda-cleanup from restart-anaconda. (clumens)
- Unmount everything in /mnt/install from anaconda-cleanup. (clumens)
- Move most anaconda mount points to be under /mnt/install. (clumens)
- Fix the initialization of LUKS device, we have to add the first keyslot (also
add key_file arguments for compatibility) (msivak)
- Add "quiet" to the x86-64 and i386 boot arguments. (clumens)
- Update restart-anaconda to work with systemd. (clumens)
- Remove init.[ch]. (clumens)
- Move debugging features into loader.c. (clumens)
- We no longer need to get the PID of init from loader. (clumens)
- Move serial console handling code out into its own file. (clumens)
- Make reboot/halt/shutdown decisions in anaconda instead of loader. (clumens)
- Remove all the custom shutdown/reboot/halt code in loader and init. (clumens)
- Move syslog starting into loader. (clumens)
- loader doesn't support arguments except from /proc/cmdline. (clumens)
- Don't build our own init anymore. (clumens)
- Remove the duplicate backtrace setup code in init.c. (clumens)
- Remove from init.c/loader.c things that systemd does for us. (clumens)
- Add the unit files necessary to have systemd start loader. (clumens)
* Mon Apr 11 2011 David Lehman <> - 16.5-1
- Remove maximum limit on EFI partition (#684860) (bcl)
- Changes for NetworkManager API 0.9 (rvykydal)
- Fix network --device=bootif value processing in stage2. (vpodzime)
- Ignore --device=ibft in stage 2 kickstart handling (#638131) (vpodzime)
- Don't write HWADDR into ifcfg files (#690589) (rvykydal)
- Fix network --device=<MAC> for static configurations (#693302) (rvykydal)
- Fix bad indentation from 026dacc3. (akozumpl)
- If we change language during Python, build the new locale files. (clumens)
- If we're not given a language on the command line, set up English. (clumens)
- No longer log that we're resetting the file context. (clumens)
- Do filesystem-specific sync operation after writing configuration. (dlehman)
- Add sync method to force data onto disk and/or journal. (dlehman)
- Update ui screens to use new bootloader module. (dlehman)
- Update remaining parts of anaconda to use new bootloader module. (dlehman)
- Update storage module for new platform and bootloader modules. (dlehman)
- Update for new bootloader module. (dlehman)
- Update for new bootloader module. (dlehman)
- Replace booty with a new bootloader module. (dlehman)
- Add "disks" attr to StorageDevice to list disks a device depends on.
- Prevent debug and kdump kernels from becoming the default (#693702)
- Use znet_cio_free to clear network devices from cio_ignore. (dcantrell)
- Remove deprecated targets from top level (dcantrell)
- Remove languages not available from Transifex. (dcantrell)
- Add Transifex instructions for anaconda developers. (dcantrell)
- Update to work with new translation system. (dcantrell)
- BuildRequires transifex-client (dcantrell)
- Ignore po/*.po files (dcantrell)
- Remove translation files. (dcantrell)
- Add transifex-client configuration file. (dcantrell)
- Fix syntax error from commit 9e696b62. (akozumpl)
- Rewrite nfs url parsing in loader (bcl)
- Fix order of nfs mountOpts in promptForNfs (bcl)
- timeout= in yaboot.conf is in tenths of seconds (#692409) (dcantrell)
- Install dracut-fips package when fips=1 is specified (#692350) (dcantrell)
- unicode-linedraw-chars.txt is no longer useful. (clumens)
- mkctype is no longer useful. (clumens)
- Fix a typo in swap upgrade strings (yurchor (clumens)
* Thu Mar 31 2011 Chris Lumens <> - 16.4-1
- Fix a syntax error from the previous translation commit. (clumens)
- crypttab should not be world-readable (#692254). (clumens)
- Improve the translatability of strings with more than one format specifier.
- Stop user if we have no /boot and / is an LV (dcantrell)
- Prevent singlePV lv requests from being > the size of any pv (dcantrell)
- Do not print out traceback when localedef is not present (msivak)
- Update our storage/crypto interface to use new cryptsetup API (msivak)
- Fix the logic surrounding use of the filterfunc for get_file_list (#691880).
- mount needs to be told "nfs" or it assumes any argument is a device
(#678414). (clumens)
- Fix rebooting after a kickstart error is detected. (akozumpl)
* Mon Mar 28 2011 Chris Lumens <> - 16.3-1
- Use a more general EnvironmentError to catch timezone-file errors. (akozumpl)
- Add shell command to upd-bootiso (bcl)
- Set debug_package to %{nil} so we don't strip our binaries. (pjones)
- Return values, not strings (bcl)
- Use proper store types for DataComboBoxes. (akozumpl)
- Fixup rindex usage (#678086) (bcl)
- Ensure new kernel is default in zipl.conf on upgrade installs (#683891)
- shutdown: kill processes in the anaconda process group. (akozumpl)
- After 17233a16, vncS is no longer a global. (akozumpl)
- shutdown.c: pidof and killall5 are in /sbin on rawhide. (akozumpl)
- Check size limits on pre-existing partitions (bcl)
- nuke createRepoWindow() (akozumpl)
- nuke titleBar*() (akozumpl)
- Fix --mtu option to kickstart network command (#689081) (icomfort)
- Implement a general version of InstallInterfaceBase.methodstrRepoWindow().
- Update icons and add a new 256x256 version (#689014). (clumens)
- Fix the filesystem migration dialog in text mode (#688314). (clumens)
- Don't fatal_error if required mounts are already mounted (wwoods)
- Don't fatal_error if remounting root read-write fails (wwoods)
- Align lv sizes when adding to vg total space used. (dlehman)
- Clean up display of free space in partitioning gui. (dlehman)
- Fix a syntax error in my last upgrade-related commit. (clumens)
- Remove some more xutils-related code. (clumens)
- Prevent Platform from importing storage stuff until it's necessary. (clumens)
- Restore stats from original mount on livecd (#683682) (bcl)
- Properly filter out new mounts for livecd install (#683682) (bcl)
- Mount livecd filesystems under /mnt (#683682) (bcl)
- Fix order of opts and host when processing kickstart nfs lines. (clumens)
- Rework the upgrade swap suggestion (#684603). (clumens)
- Log running version number as soon as possible (bcl)
- Collect LUKS passphrases to avoid making users enter them repeatedly.
- Don't include incomplete md arrays in the devicetree. (dlehman)
- Detect live environment if no args passed to anaconda-cleanup. (dlehman)
* Mon Mar 14 2011 Chris Lumens <> - 16.2-1
- iscsi: use the --target parameter from the iscsi kickstart command.
- Make the "comps" translation domain dynamic. (akozumpl)
- Add a missing include to fix the build. (clumens)
- Remove the last of the xutils module. (clumens)
- Fix a missing exception variable. (akozumpl)
- Add cmdline options and f15 support to upd-bootiso (bcl)
- Use yum's new callback mode when available (pmatilai)
- Pressing enter on the keyboard screen should go to the next screen (#683448).
- Do not allow use of preexisting root filesystem. (#629311) (dlehman)
- Stop using --update=super-minor when starting md arrays. (dlehman)
- Fix kickstart handling of md spares. (#683605) (dlehman)
- Fix sensitivity of options in text network config UI (#681580) (jlaska)
- Consolidate ip address checking into functions. (rvykydal)
- Add support for ipv6 to gateway boot option (#677609) (rvykydal)
- Fix parsing of ipv6 --gateway in kickstart (#677609) (rvykydal)
- Remove 'Back' button on depsolving exception for ks installs (#673170)
- Shorten the anaconda repo names (#679434). (clumens)
- fix mnemonics in the 'Add Repository' dialog (akozumpl)
- Create the virtio-ports on time. (akozumpl)
- Do not pass --sshd to stage2. (akozumpl)
- Handle boot loader upgrades on s390 (#682783) (dcantrell)
- Don't assume BOOTIF present for ksdevice=bootif. (rvykydal)
- syntax errors correcting (vpodzime)
- Apply one more fix for "logvol --label=" (#673584) (clumens)
- Fix test for resized LV to ensure we schedule the format resize action.
- Make sure a bootloader device is selected (#595951) (bcl)
- Another fix for the loader translations. (akozumpl)
- /var/log/dmesg doesn't exist in a live install. messages does, though.
- Don't try to unlink a config file that isn't there. (dlehman)
- Handle md name-mangling based on hostname/homehost WRT exclusiveDisks.
- Adjust DeviceTree.isIgnored's handling of loop, ram, and live devices.
- Allow scanning of already-active md devices. (#680226) (dlehman)
- Don't clobber exclusiveDisks unless there are disk images. (dlehman)
- Do on-demand scanning of md container if needed. (#678877) (dlehman)
- Fix md array spares test. (dlehman)
- Fix udev_device_is_md. (dlehman)
- Add /var/lib/yum to the list of directories we set context on (#681494).
- Pass createUser and createGroup an arguments dict. (clumens)
- Check all PV ancestor devices for growable partitions. (dlehman)
- Enable network if sshd boot option is used (#643738) (rvykydal)
- Fix setting of loaderData->method from repo= cmdline option. (rvykydal)
- Gotta catch 'em all parted exceptions. (akozumpl)
- Give an indication how many packages are left in cmdline mode (#681614).
- Dynamic strings make gettext translations fail. (akozumpl)
- devt.h is no longer useful, remove it. (clumens)
- Remove 'Back' button on depsolving exception for ks installs (#673170)
- Ensure remount requests go through isys.mount() (#678520) (dcantrell)
- Check repo instead of method type when enabling network in loader (#673824)
- Fix setting of some network values in loader kickstart (#679825). (rvykydal)
- Loader should activate, stage 2 configure network devices. (rvykydal)
- Do not activate first ks network device automatically in non-network
installs. (rvykydal)
- Always activate first kickstart network device (rvykydal)
- Make kickstart network command reconfigure active device in loader (rvykydal)
- Use NM for ibft configuration (rvykydal)
- Reset only ifcfg file of device we failed to activate (rvykydal)
- Initialize iface structure properly (rvykydal)
- Add kickstart network --nodefroute option (rvykydal)
- Add support for ks network --bootproto=ibft (rvykydal)
- Wait for activation of specific devices instead of NM (rvykydal)
- Parse all kickstart network commands in loader too (rvykydal)
- Activate all devices set by kickstart network --activate command (rvykydal)
- Parse new kickstart options network --activate and --nodefroute. (rvykydal)
- Fixup upgrade test for findExistingRoots change (#681267) (bcl)
- Change upgrade to use findExistingRootDevices (#681267) (bcl)
- Initialize locale before the kickstart/virtio check (#679702) (msivak)
* Tue Mar 01 2011 Chris Lumens <> - 16.1-1
- Fix another unused return value error message. (clumens)
* Tue Mar 01 2011 Chris Lumens <> - 16.0-1
- Pass correct class to super in SELinuxFS.mountable. (#677450) (dlehman)
- Clarify that loader method entries are looking for a tree. (clumens)
- Fix up remaining references (#680296) (bcl)
- Wipe out pre-existing problems before running transaction (#678201, pmatilai). (clumens)
- Attempt at fixing reboot behavior in kickstart (#676968). (clumens)
- brcm_iscsiuio is not in Fedora yet, handle that you can't find it. (akozumpl)
- Fix downloading .treeinfo files for --noverifyssl repos. (akozumpl)
- Fix syntax error from 0bf0cf13. (akozumpl)
- Pass --force when calling vgreduce --removemissing. (#679206) (dlehman)
- Only apply global passphrase to devices with no passphrase. (#679223) (dlehman)
- Perform terminations before unmounting filesystems on shutdown. (dlehman)
- Get size + summary from yum package object instead of callback key (pmatilai)
- Test for stringiness instead of explicit rpm.hdr class in install callback (pmatilai)
- Remove unused doneFiles counting from transaction callback (pmatilai)
- Handle nfsiso in promptForNfs as well (#678413). (clumens)
- If the umount in getFileFromNfs fails, log it. (clumens)
- Correct the return values of some backend base class methods. (#679107) (dlehman)
- Change xhost auth when doing a liveinst (#663294) (bcl)
- Override kernel cmdline updates (bcl)
- Write --noverifyssl to repos and urls in kickstart where fit. (akozumpl)
- Do all dm handling inside addUdevDMDevice. (#672030) (dlehman)
- Remove storage/, it is not used. (akozumpl)
- Be better at handling killed metacity. (akozumpl)
- Remove Dispatcher.firstStep. (akozumpl)
- remove InstallerControllerWindow.setup_theme() (akozumpl)
- Make the dispatcher call the shots. (akozumpl)
- icw._doExit is now icw.close() (akozumpl)
- remove trailing whitespace from and (akozumpl)
- gui: remove ics.setScreenNext() and ics.getScreenNext(). (akozumpl)
- Clean up vg name generator and default to "vg_image" in image installs. (dlehman)
- Fix calculation of md array spare count. (dlehman)
- createSuggestedVGName takes a hostname, not a Network instance. (dlehman)
- Show correct device path in PV create progress window. (dlehman)
- VNC does not support runtime SecurityTypes changes (#678150) (mgracik)
- Support cciss devices in get_sysfs_path_by_name(). (akozumpl)
- Don't clear partition 1 from mac disks even if it has no name. (#674105) (dlehman)
- Handle quotes around labels and UUIDs in /etc/fstab. (#670496) (dlehman)
- Clean up a bunch of exception handling code. (dlehman)
- Don't show loaderSegvHandler or its glibc entry point in tracebacks. (pjones)
- The default kickstart UI is graphical, specify other if you want it (#678095). (clumens)
- Only check for the addons of enabled repos (#677773). (clumens)
- Fix build - add Makefiles for new unittests to (wwoods)
- Fix a thinko when setting up the base repo for NFSISO (#676821). (clumens)
- Take out the part about anaconda being of little use (#677522). (clumens)
- Fix loading translations in loader (#677648). (clumens)
- Don't always attempt to load updates on kickstart installs (#677131). (clumens)
- s390x has firstboot now (dcantrell)
- Don't fail on missing %includes during loader kickstart processing (#676940). (clumens)
- Prompt for media check on DVD installs (#676551). (clumens)
- Tighten the focus of the dogtail and X try/except blocks. (dlehman)
- Stop overriding ext[234] filesystem defaults. (dlehman)
- Make Storage function in the absence of an Anaconda instance. (dlehman)
- Fix DeviceTree to function in the absence of an InstallInterface. (dlehman)
- Remove some udev hackery that was only needed for two-stage env. (dlehman)
- Move large anaconda.__main__ tasks into functions. (dlehman)
- Generate locale files on request (msivak)
- Fix up tests for changes in split media handling (wwoods)
- Update unit testing targets in (tmlcoch)
- Add new tests from the unittests branch (tmlcoch)
- Fix open method in mock/ (tmlcoch)
- Improve of mock/ (tmlcoch)
- Remove the old suite() crud from kickstart testing, python-nose work differenlty (msivak)
- Tag tests as slow or acceptance tests and split full testing from devel unit testing (msivak)
- Mock _isys and block modules in fw test. They are not needed. (msivak)
- In text mode we have to treat strings and lists separately while printing them (#676942) (msivak)
- Fix some whitespace errors in iscsi kickstart code. (pjones)
* Thu Feb 10 2011 Chris Lumens <> - 15.20-1
- Check for valid mountpoint before unmounting image. (#671922) (dlehman)
- Fix mis-management of luks dict when renaming encrypted lvs. (dlehman)
- Don't raise NotImplementedError from non-essential backend methods.
- Remove upgrade.findExistingRoots since it does nothing. (dlehman)
- tui: add reinitializeWindow() to the text interface. (akozumpl)
- typo: missing dot in the reinitialization dialog glade file. (akozumpl)
- gui: remove an unneeded parameter from questionInitializeDisk() (akozumpl)
- Remove quotes from udisks command in liveinst (#672022) (bcl)
- Fix iutil import in bootloader config screen (#676032). (clumens)
* Mon Feb 07 2011 Chris Lumens <> - 15.19-1
- Fix a typo. (clumens)
- Don't write our own udev persistent net rules; use udev's generator.
- Add upd-bootiso script (bcl)
- Fix typo in GPT warning (#675242) (bcl)
- remove unused variables (mschmidt)
- Fix support for "logvol --label=" (#673584). (clumens)
- Fix the taint flag check. (clumens)
- Set default resolution of to 800x600 (dcantrell)
- Make singlePV a more useful boolean, clean up _getSinglePV() (dcantrell)
- Remove width and height parameters from gui.readImageFromFile() (dcantrell)
- Sort singlePV=True requests so they come first. (dcantrell)
- Move reipl step to be after instbootloader step. (dcantrell)
- Remove 'Change device' button from bootloader screen on EFI systems (#582143)
- Add anaconda --version support (#673150). (clumens)
- Remove forced 800x600 geometry switch for Xvnc (dcantrell)
- writeMtab -> makeMtab (#673158). (clumens)
- Let dm_node_from_name admit it's defeated. (akozumpl)
- Disable partition resize support for DASD labels (#605912) (dcantrell)
* Tue Jan 25 2011 Chris Lumens <> - 15.18-1
- GCC seriously needs to be less picky. (clumens)
* Tue Jan 25 2011 Chris Lumens <> - 15.17-1
- Don't call preprocessKickstart from within anaconda as well. (clumens)
- We don't need the command names anymore. (clumens)
- Convert kickstart functions to use Python. (clumens)
- Move all kickstart functions into kickstart.c. (clumens)
- Get rid of the kickstart command codes, and alphabetize the command table.
- Add the flags required to link against python. (clumens)
- Remove ksReadCommands, convert to using pykickstart for parsing. (clumens)
- Add functions to support interfacing loader with pykickstart. (clumens)
- Fix syntax error from fdd06a4053e2965bdc1719425b6d99fe80ab1e18. (akozumpl)
- Only remove /tmp/updates and /tmp/updates.img if they exist. (clumens)
- YumBackend doesn't inherit from YumBase. AnacondaYum does. (#671577)
- After copying live rootfs to root device, grow it to fill the device.
- Make sure /boot is mapped to a single LVM PV on s390x (dcantrell)
- Unmount filesystems before shutdown or reboot on s390x (#605577) (dcantrell)
- And update to the latest version of the RAID command. (clumens)
- Make the advanced storage dialogs stay in the foreground. (akozumpl)
* Thu Jan 20 2011 Chris Lumens <> - 15.16-1
- Support passing updates= to liveinst via the boot command line. (clumens)
- Make lighter-weight versions of dm map name/node resolution functions.
- Make /etc/mtab a symlink to /proc/self/mounts. (#670381) (dlehman)
- Require the pykickstart version with "raid --label=" support. (clumens)
- No longer run hal-lock on live installs (#670312). (clumens)
- Add support for "raid --label=" (#670643). (clumens)
- -> storage in kickstart execute methods. (clumens)
- Don't prompt on broken lvm or uninitialized disks in cleanup mode. (dlehman)
* Wed Jan 19 2011 Chris Lumens <> - 15.15-1
- Fix booty error on s390 when /boot is not on LVM. (dcantrell)
- Don't offer minors of ignored md devices when creating new md devices.
- Make sure devices ignored by the devicetree are in _ignoredDisks. (dlehman)
- Don't try to add spares to active md arrays. (#652874) (dlehman)
- Fix the traceback from c6228535b26a63b0544f4a558a69076581b2a69f. (akozumpl)
- Those missing mnemonicks will not stand. (akozumpl)
- Provide a new mpath devicelib interface that does not reorder the devices.
- Enable support for static ipv6= cmdline option. (rvykydal)
- mpath: create /etc/multipath/bindings file. (akozumpl)
- Fix DMLinearDevice._postSetup to not take or pass an 'orig' arg. (dlehman)
- There's no more MainframeDiskDevice, so don't call its __str__. (clumens)
- We have to pass a blank argument list to execWithCapture. (clumens)
- We have to mount /boot/efi when we find an old one. (pjones)
- Only allow one EFI System Partition to exist at a time. (pjones)
- Conditionalize use of UEFI on boot.iso (pjones)
- Check fstab entries against fmt.mountType not fmt.type (pjones)
- Fix nfsiso install with options (#667839) (mgracik)
- Split out common code from device setup/teardown/create/destroy for reuse.
- Remove createParents methods. They don't do anything. (dlehman)
- Add status/progress ui abstraction to device classes. (dlehman)
- Remove unused code related to device probe methods. (dlehman)
- Suddenly, we need gnome-themes-standard. (akozumpl)
- Bold the warning for GPT on non-EFI (#614585) (bcl)
- Warn the user when using a GPT bootdisk on non-EFI systems (#614585) (bcl)
- Support /boot on logical volume on s390x (#618376) (dcantrell)
- Update example ssh command in linuxrc.s390 (dcantrell)
- Start rsyslogd from linuxrc.s390 (#601337) (dcantrell)
- Update spinbutton value in dialogs (#621490) (bcl)
- Convert to use the storage module where appropriate. (dlehman)
- Don't try to teardown the live device or associated loop devices. (dlehman)
- Add flag indicating whether a device can be activated/deactivated. (dlehman)
- Include the livecd OS image devices in the device tree. (dlehman)
- Include file-backed loop devices in the device tree. (dlehman)
- Use sysfs instead of losetup to find loop devs' backing files. (dlehman)
- Clean up and close yum/rpm files once we're done with them. (dlehman)
- logging: log_method_return() for devicetree.getDeviceByName() (akozumpl)
- logging: get rid of (akozumpl)
- mpath: filter out the slave devices and their partitions. (akozumpl)
- mpath: use both 'multipath -d' and 'multipath -ll' to get the topology.
- mpath: remove a harmful udev_trigger() in filter_gui (akozumpl)
- Support enabling repos listed but disabled in /etc/yum.repos.d (#663992).
- Add /sbin to the $PATH for the shell on tty2. (clumens)
- Make sure to set a self.anaconda reference on data objects too. (clumens)
* Thu Jan 06 2011 Chris Lumens <> - 15.14-1
- Adjust main window size based on install type (#667566) (bcl)
- Remove mknod-stub. We have the full one around now. (clumens)
- Use a different method to get the sysfs_path for device-mapper devices
(#665643). (clumens)
- Allow existing /var/log (bcl)
* Wed Dec 22 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 15.13-1
- Fix a syntax error in f16a565aa3a879a94862f4c3e5b2ede792ed05ef. (clumens)
- Pass --noeject to anaconda (#477887) (bcl)
* Wed Dec 22 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 15.12-1
- Use cio_ignore and *_cio_free commands in linuxrc.s390 (#633469) (dcantrell)
- Add /sbin/cio_ignore to the KEEPFILE list on s390x (dcantrell)
- Remove MainframeDiskDevice class, use description property. (dcantrell)
- Focus the dialog after a message window is closed (mgracik)
- Change the device reinitialization dialog (mgracik)
- Rename anaconda-image-cleanup and use it for all cleanup in liveinst.
- Add handling for cleanup of luks devices with unexpected map names. (dlehman)
- Add ability to clean up prior to live install. (dlehman)
- Fix looking up storage device IDs when writing out anaconda-ks.cfg (#591713).
- Don't write out a duplicate mtab to /mnt/sysimage (#568539). (clumens)
- Raise an exception if X*Display functions fail (#663294). (clumens)
- mpath: make sure /var/log exists exists early. (akozumpl)
- mpath: log the /etc/multipath.conf contents (akozumpl)
* Tue Dec 14 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 15.11-1
- Don't crash if losetup doesn't know anything about a device. (#662513)
- Set up disk images earlier so kickstart device filtering works on them.
- Don't try to parse network device info when doing disk image installs.
- Fix DeviceTree cleanup w/ inactive luks devs in cmdline mode. (dlehman)
- Add losetup to the install image, re-remove it from isys (#662183). (clumens)
- "anaconda" -> "self.anaconda" in kickstart execute methods. (clumens)
- Override the BaseHandler.dispatcher method. (clumens)
- Use chreipl to set the IPL device on s390x (#632325) (dcantrell)
- Add /usr/sbin/chreipl to KEEPFILE. (dcantrell)
- Create a MainframeDiskDevice class for common s390 attributes. (dcantrell)
- Do not shut down zFCP storage in Storage.shutdown() (#612626) (dcantrell)
- Clarify the ssh modes for installation on s390x (#621590). (dcantrell)
- devicelibs/ do not rely on other modules to import logging.
- filter_gui: device discovery configuration is under
* Wed Dec 08 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 15.10-1
- Fix the build. (clumens)
* Wed Dec 08 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 15.9-1
- Set installer environment hostname for sw raid LABELs (#640743) (rvykydal)
- Device destroy actions can only require other destroy actions. (#651589)
- Use wipefs from util-linux-ng instead of dd to wipe old sigs. (dlehman)
- Add cleanup-only mode to DeviceTree.populate. (dlehman)
- Add unit tests for storage.partitioning.getNextPartitionType. (dlehman)
- Only try logging to tty3 if we have permission to do so. (dlehman)
- Enable network when getting .treeinfo (#632526) (rvykydal)
- Fix default of network --device option to match rhel5 (#647462). (rvykydal)
- Do not backtrace if repo is specified through kickstart only (#659781).
- Restore list-harddrives output to what users expect (#654436) (dcantrell)
- Permit ext4 and ext2 for /boot on s390x (#638734) (dcantrell)
- Check for ARPHRD_ETHER and ARPHRD_SLIP types in getDevices (#596826)
- Preserve and otherwise ignore noauto fstab entries. (#660017) (dlehman)
- Fix "logvol --percent=" (#651445, jruemker). (clumens)
- Add chroot command to bash_history. (pjones)
- support for partial offload in udev_*_iscsi() functions. (akozumpl)
- iscsi: partial offload drivers. (akozumpl)
- analog: put it under /usr/bin so it's on the path in an installed system.
- Remove commented out broken code from LoopDevice.status. (dlehman)
- Don't traceback when the action list is empty. (#657891) (dlehman)
- Remove unused udev_device_is_{multipath,dmraid}_partition functions.
- Set dm-uuid for anaconda disk image devices from devicetree. (dlehman)
- Remove some unnecessarily hard-coded "/dev/mapper" strings. (dlehman)
- Put the backend logger's config file in /tmp. (dlehman)
- Move handling of /proc/bus/usb and /selinux into storage. (dlehman)
- swapoff -a is only needed for livecd, so only do it for livecd. (dlehman)
- Unlink backend logger config file when stopping logger. (dlehman)
- Make FileDevice.path more consistent. (dlehman)
- Add support for detecting already-active lvm. (dlehman)
- Fix addUdevDevice so we can actually handle already-in-tree devices.
- Make it possible to ignore md-fwraid member disks. (dlehman)
- Revert rpmdb symlink hack. (dlehman)
- Remove some unused code from (dlehman)
- Add support for installing onto block device image files. (dlehman)
- Generalize some of the device-mapper partition handling. (dlehman)
- Add support for loop devices. (dlehman)
- Add support for linear device-mapper devices. (dlehman)
- Fix PartitionDevice.path to work with device-mapper disks. (dlehman)
- There's no need to pass exclusiveDisks to doPartitioning separately.
- Move storage device scanning parameters into a separate class. (dlehman)
- Don't ignore %packages if --default is given (#621349, dcantrell). (clumens)
- Don't traceback when displaying %post error messages (#654074). (clumens)
- Display a warning message on TAINT_HARDWARE_UNSUPPORTED (#623140). (clumens)
- If getting .treeinfo fails, try treeinfo (#635065). (clumens)
- instPath -> rootPath (clumens)
- Add rdate, tty, which to install image (mgracik)
- Don't add --enablefingerprint unless fprintd-pam is installed (#656434).
* Tue Nov 30 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 15.8-1
- Ignore immutable disks in clearPartitions (#657115) (bcl)
- Add biosdevname to installer environment (Matt_Domsch)
- Add ntpdate to install.img (#614399) (mgracik)
- It's /usr/bin/gdbserver. (akozumpl)
- Handle dm-N devices pointed to by /dev/disk/ paths (#605312) (bcl)
- Resolve /dev/disk/ devices during rescue (#605312) (bcl)
- Do not auto-check all drives when creating a RAID partition (#641910).
- (Un)select all button in Partition Editor. (akozumpl)
- Show the total amount of space used by snapshots in the VG editor dialog.
- Add support for detecting lvm vorigin snapshot volumes. (#633038) (dlehman)
- Don't display free space at end of extended unless > 1MB. (#626025) (dlehman)
- Set SELinux context on /etc/localtime (#653867). (clumens)
- Get a little more output from the unittest runner. (clumens)
- Remove writeRpmPlatform, adjust callers. (#651132, #650490) (notting)
- Import as "pyanaconda.anaconda_log", not "anaconda_log". (clumens)
- A little too much got deleted from imount.c. (clumens)
- Remove the popping portion of kickstart %pre script notification. (clumens)
- Add pyanaconda/.libs to the PYTHONPATH for pylint. (clumens)
- Ignore several false positives and import errors while running pylint.
- Remove the parts required to make "make tests" work. (clumens)
- nosetests will only run tests if they are not executable and end in
- Set up the PYTHONPATH for running nosetests. (clumens)
- tsort_dict -> tsort in the test case. (clumens)
- Return mount's actual error codes instead of obfuscating them. (dlehman)
- Remove log message saying we don't know how to sanity check storage.
- Move check for ext2 filesystem journal from FS to Ext2FS. (dlehman)
- Remove mkdirChain() from isys, use g_mkdir_with_parents() (dcantrell)
- Do not force -O2 in CFLAGS. (dcantrell)
- Remove unused unpackCpioBall() function. (dcantrell)
- Use unpack_archive_file() instead of unpackCpioBall() (dcantrell)
- Use libarchive helper functions in explodeRPM() (dcantrell)
- Add libarchive helper functions for loader in unpack.c (dcantrell)
- Remove include lines for stubs.h from isys. (dcantrell)
- Remove isys cpio extraction code. (dcantrell)
* Tue Nov 09 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 15.7-1
- Unset bootloader password checkbox (#650865) (bcl)
- Fix typo in my ctc commit (#648858) (bcl)
- Fix ctc check logic (#648858) (bcl)
- timezones: fix a scrolling problem with the scdate's GUI TreeView. (akozumpl)
- timezones: remove unneeded imports (akozumpl)
- Fix variable substitution in kickstart files (bcl)
- Don't show the cleardisk dialog on upgrades (#649865). (clumens)
- Use a stronger RNG for password salt (mitr)
- Use SHA-512 for bootloader password encryption (mitr)
- Support grub --encrypted when set from kickstart (mitr, #554874). (clumens)
- use different approach to tweak gconf settings in the image (#642358).
- Allow loader to re-prompt for networking when network activation fails
- Support devices larger than 1.5TB (#649095, rspanton AT zepler DOT net).
- Fix test for CTC devices from yesterday. (clumens)
- iscsi, logging: reuse the global ISCSID in has_iscsi(). (akozumpl)
- iscsi: refactor the kickstart processing to use the new iscsi methods.
- Do not rely on presence of DEVICE setting in ifcfg files. (rvykydal)
- Do not sort settings in ifcfg file. (rvykydal)
- Remove obsolete networking code. (rvykydal)
- Support installation to CTC devices in loader (#648858, karsten). (clumens)
- Add more modules to the list of things liveinst must load. (clumens)
- Don't look for a CD number in readStampFileFromIso. (clumens)
- mediaCheckCdrom now supports checking only one piece of media. (clumens)
- Remove support for writing disc number info to .treeinfo and .discinfo.
- Remove support for split media transactions from (clumens)
- Remove unused currentMedia parameter. (clumens)
- mediaHandler no longer needs to worry about mounting anything. (clumens)
- Rework _switchCD and _switchMedia for a one-image world. (clumens)
- umountImage shouldn't care about currentMedia. (clumens)
- Remove presentRequiredMediaMessage and related code. (clumens)
- Rename findIsoImages to findFirstIsoImage. (clumens)
- verifyMedia no longer looks at the disc number. (clumens)
* Fri Oct 29 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 15.6-1
- We now need to BuildRequire dbus-python. (clumens)
* Fri Oct 29 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 15.5-1
- ui: mnemonics for autopartitioning type. (akozumpl)
- hwclock lives in /sbin now. (akozumpl)
- remove the commented out parts and never called methods.
- gui: remove "swapped" attribute from (akozumpl)
- Errors downloading .treeinfo files should not be logged as errors. (clumens)
- When we can't fetch group metadata, log why. (clumens)
- Log which step we're on in doLoaderMain. (clumens)
- On upgrades, inform the user what action is taking place (#493249). (clumens)
- Fix import to not drag in a conflicting ConfigParser. (clumens)
- If there are any troubles reading the treeinfo file, return no addons.
- Only build EFI images on x86_64 (jlaska, #646869). (clumens)
- restart-anaconda: full path to iscsiadm (akozumpl)
- iscsi: ISCSID needs to be declared global in has_iscsi() (akozumpl)
- Fix two problems with initrds for multipla kernels during a pungi compose.
- Fix the locale value for Bengali (India) (mgracik)
- specfile: anaconda requires GConf2 during runtime. (akozumpl)
- timezones: use more of s-c-date (#520631). (akozumpl)
- Don't hardcode the sshd location, either. (clumens)
- Move StorageTestCase into its own file for use by other tests. (dlehman)
- Actions' devices must be in the tree except for ActionCreateDevice. (dlehman)
- Fix StorageDevice.resizable to check self.format.type, not self.format.
- Cleanup some preconditions in DeviceAction constructors. (dlehman)
- Add device action test suite. (dlehman)
- Fix test environment python path. (dlehman)
- Reimplement action pruning and sorting using tsort and action deps. (dlehman)
- Add requires and obsoletes methods to DeviceAction classes. (dlehman)
- Add a topological sort implementation for use in sorting device actions.
- Only log storage to tty3 if we have permission to do so. (dlehman)
- Remove PartitionDevice.path hack. (dlehman)
- Use 'name' instead of 'device' for device name ctor arg in all Device
classes. (dlehman)
- Qualify devicelibs.lvm instead of relying on namespace clutter. (dlehman)
- Make the various DeviceAction.isFoo methods into properties. (dlehman)
- Establish a unique id for each DeviceAction instance. (dlehman)
- Add logpicker to keepfile list in upd-instroot. (tmlcoch)
* Thu Oct 21 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 15.4-1
- Allow importing in places where you won't have a .buildstamp.
- Search for iscsid in the $PATH, not in a hardcoded list of places (#645523).
- Use glib for getPartitionsList() (dcantrell)
- Include the SELinux policy file, not just the directory. (clumens)
- Remove the last references to install.img. (clumens)
- Properly identify device-mapper partitions set up by kpartx. (#644616)
- Don't ever try to mount ntfs filesystems. (#637319) (dlehman)
- We don't need to worry about 2.4 -> 2.6 updates anymore. (clumens)
- scsiWindow is unused. Kill it. (clumens)
* Mon Oct 18 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 15.3-1
- Don't recommend /usr as a mount point anymore (#643640). (clumens)
- Add some debugging prints. (clumens)
- Don't prompt for kbd, lang, or network on CD/DVD installs. (clumens)
- We no longer need to copy the install.img over and lochangefd to it.
- Also rework image loading for CD/DVD installs. (clumens)
- Remove a bunch of unused support functions. (clumens)
- Use parseDeviceAndDir instead of reimplementing the same things two more
times. (clumens)
- Rework how image loading works for HD installs. (clumens)
- Remove the unused mountNfsImage and all code that was only called by it.
- Rework how image loading works for NFS installs. (clumens)
- Remove the unused iurlinfo, urlInstallData, and fix up URL kickstarts.
- Initialize loaderData->method. (clumens)
- Remove the unused mountUrlImage function. (clumens)
- Rework how loading images works for URL installs. (clumens)
- urlinstTransfer and support functions do not operate on iurlinfo anymore.
- urlMainSetupPanel no longer takes an iurlinfo. (clumens)
- Deprecate stage2=, keep method= as it's been for a long time now. (clumens)
- migrate_runtime_directory no longer does anything useful. (clumens)
- Remove the method selection block from the beginning of doLoaderMain.
- Fix up copying of firmware. (clumens)
- Correct paths of things started by loader/init that have moved. (clumens)
- Step 3 of merging installer images: No longer create install.img. (clumens)
- makeinstimage is no longer used. (clumens)
- instbin is no longer used. (clumens)
- A couple minor changes to mk-images. (clumens)
- Step 2 of merging installer images: Move most everything out of makeinitrd.
- Step 1 of merging installer images: Don't copy files into a new root.
- No longer do the bin -> usr/bin copy song and dance. (clumens)
- Fix typo in (bcl)
- Clean up tabs in (bcl)
- Rework proxy handling so that .treeinfo also uses proxy (#634655) (bcl)
- Translate task and repo names based on the product.img (#622064). (clumens)
- Use baseurl instead of methodstr to get .treeinfo (#604246) (rvykydal)
- Be more resilient to config files missing sections and options (#590591).
- Add repos for all addons in all enabled repositories (#580697). (clumens)
- Add a method that fetches and returns the .treeinfo file. (clumens)
- All uses of perl must die. (clumens)
* Thu Oct 14 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 15.2-1
- And remove welcome_{gui,text}.py from the translations too. (clumens)
- A block quote in the middle of a python file does nothing. (clumens)
- Fix traceback after Delete in nm-c-e (#642370) (rvykydal)
- Fix ifcfg logging message. (rvykydal)
- Fix porting of ifcfg logging. (rvykydal)
- Rescan disks when moving back through upgrade check (#635778) (bcl)
- anaconda: Disable X server regenerations (#609245) (ajax)
- Attempt to bring the network up before saving a bug report (#635821).
- No one likes the welcome step anymore, so remove it. (clumens)
- iscsi, cosmetic: fix grammar in the iscsi dialogs. (akozumpl)
- iscsi: call iscsi.stabilize() at the end of the iscsi configuration.
- iscsi: consolidate logging in the UI (akozumpl)
- iscsi: allow separate discovery/login credentials in TUI. (akozumpl)
- iscsi: migrate the CRED_ constants and parse_ip() to partIntfHelpers.
- iscsi gui: use abstract methods in the iSCSIWizard interface. (akozumpl)
- iscsi gui: factor out the drive adding code. (akozumpl)
- iscsi gui: make the iSCSI wizard never return gtk constants. (akozumpl)
- isci: typo in a GUI checkbox (akozumpl)
- Add logpicker support into Makefiles,, and upd-
instroot. (tmlcoch)
- Add logpicker tool into utils (tmlcoch)
- gui: hide text in the proxy password field (#611825). (akozumpl)
- logging: be smarter logging UI module import errors. (akozumpl)
- text.messageWindow(): make it more resilient to the input. (akozumpl)
- Log that we are running %pre scripts to the console (#640256). (clumens)
- Preset default config for immediate Close in nm-c-e enablement (#636526)
- Fix non-dhcp network enablement in stage 2 (#640951) (rvykydal)
- Set focus after error message (#611430) (tmlcoch)
- When upgrading a package instead of installing, say so (#636520, jlaska).
- Do a better job of explaining how much memory is required to install
(#639056). (clumens)
- Get rid of mountLoopback and umountLoopback. (clumens)
- copyright notice in (akozumpl)
- restart-anaconda: log out of all iscsi nodes (akozumpl)
- remove EXN_ constants from (akozumpl)
- Honor selected hostname on Live CD (#638634) (rvykydal)
- Do not try to prompt for network for escrow in kickstart (#636533) (rvykydal)
- Sync up list of languages with contents of po/ directory. (clumens)
- Fix a storage logging import (#636621). (clumens)
- Fix a couple pylint-found errors. (clumens)
- Copy ifcfg.log into traceback and target system. (rvykydal)
- Improve logging of ifcfg stuff. (rvykydal)
- Refactor DNS resolver reset. (rvykydal)
- Add placeholders to ambiguous python strings (#634385). (clumens)
- Dynamically initialize MALLOC_PERTURB_ when loader starts. (pjones)
- btrfs will be a supported filesystem in F15 (josef). (clumens)
- Fix setting of $HOME (pjones)
- Limit progress bar amount to 1.0 (bcl)
* Fri Sep 24 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 15.1-1
- Properly rescan storage with Reset in partition GUI (#635778) (bcl)
- Save the partition type selection when moving back (#635778) (bcl)
- Properly rescan disks when moving back (#635778) (bcl)
- Reset resolver after network device activation (#632489) (rvykydal)
- Don't include the product name in the translation (#636415). (clumens)
- Clarify loopback mount log message (#633444). (clumens)
- pykickstart now raises KickstartError instead of IOError. (clumens)
- Fix EFI bootloader install problems (#635873, #635887) (bcl)
- Re-add cleardiskssel step when autopart is chosen. (#635332) (dlehman)
- Pull boot splash image from correct location (#635330) (bcl)
- Add files for polkit to initrd.img (#633315) (rvykydal)
- Remove old kernels with new bootloader (#633234) (bcl)
- Both the inittab and systemd sections can return. Move this part earlier.
- iscsi: discovery and node login wizard. (akozumpl)
- Pass xdriver to anaconda in liveinst (#633827) (bcl)
- Add test cases for the new Size class. (dcantrell)
- Add exceptions specific to the new Size class. (dcantrell)
- Create Size class for specifying device and fs sizes. (dcantrell)
- Fix importing the netconfig UI in rescue mode (#632510). (clumens)
- Add noeject support to cdrom eject handling (#477887) (bcl)
- Cleanup tabs in (bcl)
- Add noeject support to loader (#477887) (bcl)
- Remove BETANAG, instead reading it from .buildstamp (#628688). (clumens)
- Convert .buildstamp into a .ini-style file. (clumens)
- Remove productPath. (clumens)
- Remove any /tmp/yum.log that may be present on the installed system
(#630327). (clumens)
- If the filesystem doesn't support resize, there's no resizesb (#627153).
- Run anaconda in fullscreen mode. (clumens)
- minor: gtk.CellRendererText has no property 'active'. (akozumpl)
- restart-anaconda: kill iscsid too (akozumpl)
- ui: fix the default choice in the 'advanced storage options' dialog.
- iscsi: rename variable in addIscsiDrive. (akozumpl)
- ui: a couple of storage mnemonics. (akozumpl)
- updates: .glade files are in data/ui now. (akozumpl)
- Re-fix systemd default link (#627401, mschmidt). (clumens)
- Remove losetup and unlosetup from isys (bcl)
- Remove losetup usage (bcl)
- Various upd-instroot cleanups, most importantly for firstaidkit (#627758).
- Shrink locale-archive down to just what we support. (clumens)
- Remove the icon-theme.cache file from the initrd. (clumens)
- Remove /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active from the initrd (clumens)
- Remove the DRI modules from the initrd. (clumens)
- i18n: do not build translatable sentences from parts (#622545). (akozumpl)
- memory: install.img is now >150 MB so count 192 MB extra for it. (akozumpl)
- memory: check_memory() displays GUI dialog on livecd (#624534). (akozumpl)
- readvars should split variables into at most 2 pieces (bcl)
- Adding output to method selection process (bcl)
* Fri Aug 27 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 15.0-1
- systemd symlinks now reside in /lib (#627401). (clumens)
- filtering UI: don't be picky about udev wwid length. (akozumpl)
- mpath: put quotes around the wwids, they can have spaces. (akozumpl)
- Use blacklist_exceptions for mpath devices (#612399) (mfuruta)
- typo: repeated line in (akozumpl)
- mpath: do not deactivate mpath device upon its teardown. (akozumpl)
- mpath: teardown format from MultipathDevice.teardown() (#616273). (akozumpl)
- And change the tigervnc requires in the spec file too. (clumens)
- Kill joe. (pjones)
- Require tigervnc-server-minimal to remove perl from livecd (#627280).
- Use ID_SERIAL_RAW for multipath, if available (#626842). (clumens)
- mpath: filter member partitions wiser in lvm. (dcantrell)
- mpath: do not deactivate mpath partitions in teardown(). (akozumpl)
- Fix comparison between /dev/disk/* paths and udev symlinks (#621515).
- Remove telnetd.h from so make works again. (clumens)
- Reset labels on /var/cache/yum as well (#623434). (clumens)
- NetworkManager uses a different config file now (#623937). (clumens)
- Don't touch resolv.conf which is handled by NM (#622927) (rvykydal)
- logging: turn the loglevels into proper enum. (akozumpl)
- loader: parseCmdLineIp* takes just the value as an argument now. (akozumpl)
- logging: refactor printLogHeader (akozumpl)
- Remove the nousbstorage command line option (#624556). (clumens)
- Remove telnet support. (dlehman)
- Allow omission of --size for partitions, use default size. (dlehman)
- Fix the provides we look for when installing DUD (#618862) (msivak)
- Fix the paths for DD in postinstall phase Related: rhbz#619745 (msivak)
- Remove the final use of $LOADERBIN from scripts. (clumens)
- Only set noverifyssl on URL installs (#621469). (clumens)
- Base install/upgrade default on whether any candidates were found (#590505).
- fix 899f401611da021b3ec3882577ad860eae47f265 (akozumpl)
- Do not use autoconfiguration for DHCPv6 (#623216) (rvykydal)
- Add scripts/githooks/ with commit-msg script. (dcantrell)
- I don't need to pass "nomodeset" to stage2 after all. (clumens)
- After cancelled stage 2 network enablement remove temporary repo (#623639)
- Fix traceback when using duplicate name for added/edited repo (#623080)
- Fix traceback after Cancel in stage 2 network enablement dialog (#623017)
- Make sure "nomodeset" and "xdriver=" get passed on to stage2 (#623129).
- We checked for updated driver with wrong path prefix (#619745) (msivak)
- Proper detection of successful module update (#618862) (msivak)
- LVM and LUKS now align everything to 1MB boundaries. (#623458) (dlehman)
- Clearing of formatting from unpartitioned disks belongs in clearPartitions.
- Do disklabel handling for whole disk formats unknown to anaconda (#619721)
- Do not support "part --grow raid.XX" (#577432). (clumens)
- Update systemd's for the desired runlevel (#623102, mschmidt).
- Skip cleardiskssel on custom partitioning (#620647). (clumens)
- logging: typo in analog (akozumpl)
- logging: fix logic in getSyslog(). (akozumpl)
- Use full EFI path to map drives for grub (#598572) (bcl)
- Don't complain about upgrading the same release (#620953) (bcl)
- Don't crash on unnamed installs (#621685) (bcl)
- mpath: add MultipathDevices first, before their partitions. (akozumpl)
- ibft: always configure network devices if there's ibft available (#617860).
- Log exclusiveDisks, ignoredDisks, and reasons for ignoring devices. (dlehman)
- Include mpath/fwraid member devices in exclusiveDisks. (dlehman)
- Use part instead of device in PartitionWindow.populate() (#575749)
- Add support for ipv6 to text UI network enablement (#612476) (rvykydal)
- Remember user's choice when going back in Configure TCP/IP (#609570)
- Update generating of anaconda-ks.cfg for ipv6. (rvykydal)
- Update ks network command for ipv6 in anaconda. (rvykydal)
- Fix typo and set mpaths' sysfs path before querying udevdb. (#620712)
- The --loaderbin parameter to makeinitrd is unused. Kill it. (clumens)
- services is a set, not a list (#620900, akozumpl). (clumens)
- Set AUTO_VLAN=yes in fcoe config files (#618875) (dcantrell)
- The --initrdsize parameter to makeinitrd is unused. Kill it. (clumens)
- Honor bootdrive selection when autopartitioning (#620442) (hdegoede)
- shutdown: Use lstat to test for /lib64 (hdegoede)
- shutdown: don't unmount /sys and /proc (hdegoede)
* Mon Aug 02 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 14.14-1
- Write out correct nfs url for repo= in /root/anaconda-ks.cfg (#584580)
- mdadm -I no longer accepts --no-degraded (#620359) (hdegoede)
- Update buildinstall because of new man package name (mgracik)
- Clarify name of function that identifies biosraid member devices. (dlehman)
- Use dm subsystem functions to identify dmraid,mpath partitions. (dlehman)
- Move disk enumeration to a method of FilterWindow. (dlehman)
- Check if an mpath should be ignored before adding it to the devicetree.
- Add handling for mpath and fwraid devices in exclusiveDisks. (dlehman)
- Add functions to identify specific types of device-mapper devices. (dlehman)
- Ignore active fwraids and mpaths when setting up the filter ui. (dlehman)
- Include pyconfig*.h so that we can actually run python2.7 . (pjones)
- Remove translation of error strings in uncpio.c (bcl)
- Clean up tabs in uncpio.c (bcl)
- Redirect uncpio errors to syslog (#618181) (bcl)
- Make sure multipathd starts on systems using mpath storage (#615040)
- Handle systems where all disks have a whole disk format (#617554) (dcantrell)
- Include modprobe file for Mellanox 10GB driver (#611997) (dcantrell)
- Remove some more kickstart duplication (#617512). (clumens)
- Fix setup of LVs (bcl)
- Include the kickstart file in the traceback (bcl)
* Tue Jul 27 2010 Ales Kozumplik <> - 14.13-1
- Use readvars_parse_file in loader/init.c (dcantrell)
- Use readvars_parse_*() in loader/loader.c (dcantrell)
- Use readvars_parse_file() in loader/modules.c (dcantrell)
- Add readvars.c for parsing command line args and shell vars. (dcantrell)
- Check return value of chdir() (dcantrell)
- Remove handling for the "vesa" boot argument. (dcantrell)
- Remove USE_MINILIBC cruft from loader/init.c (dcantrell)
- Whitespace cleanup in loader/ (dcantrell)
- logging: remote logging for traceback dumps. (akozumpl)
- logging: also log X.log remotely (akozumpl)
- logging: autodetect the virtio-serial port. (akozumpl)
- does not properly recognize hpt45x_raid_member (#617438) (hdegoede)
- Show allowable prepboot size range in exception (#603188) (dcantrell)
- Remove storage init duplication (#6176512). (clumens)
- Skip the Filter UI in Basic Storage mode (#598420) (hdegoede)
- Make the shell in tty2 and ssh all go to /root like on a real system.
* Thu Jul 22 2010 Ales Kozumplik <> - 14.12-1
- Only write changed DASD attributes to rd_DASD params (#606783) (dcantrell)
- Propagate MACADDR from loaderData to iface (#595388) (dcantrell)
- Deal with media only for media repo package failures (#573492) (rvykydal)
- Support for ks: --ipv6 command, and ipv6 values for --gateway (#490794)
- analog: support reading the installation logs from a unix socket. (akozumpl)
- logging: support logging through virtio-serial (#576439). (akozumpl)
- modules.c: only log from _doLoadModule() if logging has been initialized.
- break the dependency of modules.c on loader.h (akozumpl)
- Enforce limits on partition start/end sectors. (dlehman)
- Fix up import to make rescue mode work again (#616090). (clumens)
- Init g_type in is_wireless_device. (rvykydal)
- Add resolver reset to some network enablement places (#614001) (rvykydal)
- Fix config of ipv6 and ipv4 (auto + manual) in loader (#609576) (rvykydal)
- text: remove the needless complexity in the screen switching loop. (akozumpl)
- do not traceback when can't go back (#598493). (akozumpl)
- remove doShutdownX11Actions(). (akozumpl)
- Add uname to initrd.img (#614770) (dcantrell)
- Some people like to specify MAC addresses in lower case. (clumens)
- Remove support for interactive kickstart installs. (clumens)
- Improve parsing and pass the devel flag to loader through the command line
- When in devel mode, do not catch tracebacks, we want the core file (msivak)
- Add better debugging capabilities to loader (msivak)
- Add confirmation dialog when loading dlabel DDs (#570053) (msivak)
* Wed Jul 14 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 14.11-1
- Add the gobject-introspection package (#613695) (mgracik)
- Update pylint test for pylint 0.20.1 (bcl)
- Use long ints for comparisons, not floats (#608172) (bcl)
- Enforce the same logic on autopart shrink as on resize (#608172) (bcl)
- Don't crash when putting mpath devices into the filter name cache (#597223).
- Handle serial = None in the right place (#613623). (clumens)
- There's still no instdata on master (#613075). (clumens)
* Thu Jul 08 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 14.10-1
- Handle 16 digit hex strings for ID_SERIAL_SHORT (#611554) (dcantrell)
- Focus default advanced storage type in add dialog (#603726) (dcantrell)
- Add multipath member with addUdevDiskDevice instead of DiskDevice (#582254)
- add mime.cache to the stage2 image (#609596). (akozumpl)
- makeupdates: treat files under pyanaconda/ individually. (akozumpl)
- ssl: propagate 'url --noverifyssl' into yum repo configuration (#599040).
- ssl: support for 'url --noverifyssl' in loader. (akozumpl)
- ssl: support --noverifyssl in the repo kickstart command. (akozumpl)
- Fix a file descriptor leak in getDevices (#612153, mganisin). (clumens)
- Pass size of structure not a size of pointer to calloc (#592227) (msivak)
- Properly iterate over the netdevices list (#610769). (clumens)
- Require the static package instead of the devel one (#610797). (clumens)
- ui: C_reate mnemonics in Create Storage dialog. (akozumpl)
- fix insensitivities of 0783c488 (akozumpl)
- During an update don't erase old kernels (#594411) (bcl)
- booty and isys have moved, so update (clumens)
- Translate MAC addresses to devices in the second stage, too. (clumens)
- Fix prototype of getIPAddresses (#605659) (rvykydal)
- Account for ipv6 addresses too (#605659) (rvykydal)
- Use progressbar instead of waitwindow for repo setup (#584996) (rvykydal)
- Don't deactivate active device before running nm-c-e (#608773) (rvykydal)
- Control all devs by NM by default + filtering (iSCSI, FCoE) (#606745)
- anaconda's lvm vgreduce invocation is not filtering out disks (609479)
- Clean up proxy handling in (#604137) (bcl)
- Write out missing space on 'part' lines in ks file (#605938) (dcantrell)
- Make sure swap devices are included in dracut args (#607646) (dcantrell)
- Catch DeviceNotFoundError in cleardisks (#607661) (dcantrell)
- Do not proceed after partitioning errors in text mode (#599484) (bcl)
- fixup exclude/excludepkgs usage (#607664) (bcl)
- yum calls it "exclude" instead of "excludepkgs" (#607664). (clumens)
- Add full proxy URL to writeKS (#602705) (bcl)
- Fix repo --includepkgs=, and add more to anaconda-ks.cfg's repo line
(#602705). (clumens)
- Add a slash to the path pointing to hdinstall dir (#592154) (msivak)
- Don't resize lv's formatting unless also resizing the lv. (#575046) (dlehman)
- Show sane non-removable drives too in the DD dialog (#594548) (msivak)
* Mon Jun 28 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 14.9-1
- Update to use the latest pykickstart. (clumens)
- Import anaconda_log correctly to avoid the double import problem. (clumens)
- Move isys and booty into the pyanaconda/ directory, adjust paths to match.
- network.dracutSetupstring: properly handle ipv6 (#605232) (hdegoede)
- Support for converged traffic during install to FCoE LUN (#604763) (hdegoede)
- Take into account the fact that some formats have no min/max size. (dlehman)
- Put dhcp configuration files in /etc/dhcp (#468436) (dcantrell)
- Autopart PVs require enough space for a default-sized partition. (dlehman)
- Enforce format min/max size for fixed-size requests. (dlehman)
- Fix min/max size definitions for PReP Boot format class. (dlehman)
- Constrain lvmpv, mdmember, and swap partitions to a single disk. (#605756)
- Enforce maximum start sector for partitions. (#604059) (dlehman)
- Handle nm-c-e using prefix instead of netmask (#607762) (hdegoede)
- Handle "(#BUGNUM, author)" in git log summary lines. (dcantrell)
- Allow running an alternate program from liveinst. (clumens)
- fix syntax error. (akozumpl)
- modules: make iscsi and similar imports look less ridiculous (akozumpl)
- modules: fix getlangnames. (akozumpl)
- updates: link files in also on lower directory levels. (akozumpl)
- modules: dont treat booty special. (akozumpl)
- modules: dont treat isys special. (akozumpl)
- modules: necessary changes to the import statements under pyanaconda/textw
- modules: a change to an import statements in isys/ (akozumpl)
- modules: necessary changes to the import statements under pyanaconda/iw
- modules: changes to the import statements directly under pyanaconda/
- modules: necessary changes to the installclasses import statements.
- modules: necessary changes to the import statements under booty/ (akozumpl)
- modules: necessary changes to the import statements under storage/ (akozumpl)
- modules: pyanaconda.textw and pyanaconda.iw are now regular modules.
- modules: remove the hacks in setupPythonPath(). (akozumpl)
- Be specific when telling lvm to ignore devices. (dlehman)
- analog: fix options.output traceback (akozumpl)
- Handle questionInitializeDASD in cmdline mode (#605846) (dcantrell)
- Set SELinux context on dasd.conf and zfcp.conf (#605597) (dcantrell)
- Add --fsprofile= to the anaconda-ks.cfg (#605944). (clumens)
- Add the proxy tests to the top-level test framework. (clumens)
- Fix pyanaconda.kickstart import, and init logging before doing anything else.
- Do not assume /dev/loop0 and /dev/loop1 are available. (clumens)
- tearDown -> tearDownModules. (clumens)
- Fix test suite files. (clumens)
- Check before running post scripts on kickstart rescue (#605754, atodorov).
- Make sure lvm ignores unknown devicemapper devices (hdegoede)
- Put [] around ipv6 addr on the dracut cmdline (#605300) (hdegoede)
- Revert "Select default and mandatory packages when enabling repos."
(#605289). (clumens)
- Fix the build. (clumens)
- Set repo.proxy only after fully assembled (#602712) (bcl)
- Change proxy regex in loader to match python proxy regex (#602712) (bcl)
- Add test cases for proxy regex (#602712) (bcl)
- Replace POSIX regex classes with character ranges (#602712) (bcl)
- Set wireless devices to NM_CONTROLLED by default (#594881) (rvykydal)
- Add iSCSI radio button to button group (#603726) (dcantrell)
- Fall back on regular device name (#604776) (dcantrell)
- Honor --timeout=NUM from kickstart files on s390 (#603032) (dcantrell)
- Use Decimal instead of float for label calculations (#604639) (bcl)
- Check for proper Proxy URL in loader (#604126) (bcl)
- fix: syntax error in (akozumpl)
- fix: zfcp.startup() survives without an interface (#604542). (akozumpl)
- Fix a typo (#604628) (rvykydal)
- Revert "Retain user's UTC checkbox setting (#591125)" (bcl)
- Use method from isys for wireless devs checking (#473803) (rvykydal)
- Do not ask for interface twice in stage 1 (#594802) (rvykydal)
- Fix parsing of ifcfg OPTIONS parameter (#597205) (rvykydal)
- Don't overwrite 70-persistent-net.rules (#597625) (rvykydal)
- Wait only for activation of devices controlled by NM (#598432) (rvykydal)
- Show zFCP errors in dialog boxes rather than tracebacks (#598087) (maier)
- Show by-path names for DASD and zFCP, WWID for mpath (#580507) (maier)
- Remember autopart UI choice when going back (#596146) (dcantrell)
- Make parent directories for ks scriptlet log files (#597279) (dcantrell)
- Adjust the paths used for updates (bcl)
- Raise an error when an md dev is not in the tree after scanning all slaves
- Raise an exception when an md dev is in the tree under the wrong name
* Fri Jun 11 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 14.8-1
- Rebind hybrid lcs/ctc network devices to correct driver if necessary
(#596826) (maier)
- Get netdev name without CONFIG_SYSFS_DEPRECATED_V2 in linuxrc.s390 (#596826)
- Replace rd_CCW with final dracut option rd_ZNET for network-rootfs on s390
- Do parse DOMAIN for DNS search suffixes in loader (#595388) (maier)
- Allow loader to parse DNS and write DNS1, DNS2, ... itself (again). (#595388)
- GATEWAY in linuxrc.s390's ifcfg is really IPv4 only (#595388) (maier)
- Handle OPTIONS in ifcfg files transparently in loader (#595388) (maier)
- If only (clumens)
- Catch and display KickstartErrors coming from execute() cleanly (#603059).
- Forcibly remove packages from deselected groups (#495621). (clumens)
- Default to aes-xts-plain64 for new luks devices. (#600295) (dlehman)
- Put another '/' in the rhinstall-install.img path (#601838). (clumens)
- Fix driver disc repo baseurl (#602343) (msivak)
- or -> and (clumens)
- fix: do not check root devices from hasWindows (#592860). (akozumpl)
- fix: kickstart sshpw command dysfunctional (#602308). (akozumpl)
- Include /sbin/blkid in the initrd.img (dcantrell)
- Correct initrd.img load address on s390 (dcantrell)
- Remove duplicate md handling code from 70-anaconda.rules (#599197)
- Add md arrays to the devicetree with a md# name rather then md/# (hdegoede)
- "Finding" -> "Examining" storage devices (#594804). (clumens)
- In the filter UI, also ignore devices that do not report a size (#594803).
- translations: scdate can translate timezones better then us. (akozumpl)
- fix: the po path has to be bound for too. (akozumpl)
- translations: don't say context=yes if you don't mean it. (akozumpl)
- translations: loader header files strings missing in anaconda.pot. (akozumpl)
- fix error saving screenshots during package install (#594826). (akozumpl)
- Re-get partedPartition after re-adding failed-to-remove partition. (dlehman)
- Select default and mandatory packages when enabling repos. (dlehman)
- do not import block from isys. not needed. (#601291). (akozumpl)
- removal: gui.InstallKeyWindow. (akozumpl)
- Make minimum shrink size 1 not 0 (#602442) (bcl)
- Initialize Decimal for partition slices (#602376) (bcl)
- Make sure lvm2 gets installed when we are using lvm (#601644) (hdegoede)
- Handle FCoE over vlan properly (#486244) (hdegoede)
- Tell user when nothing can be upgraded (#592605) (bcl)
- netork -> network (clumens)
- Redownload and extract updates.img during anaconda restart. (akozumpl)
- Restarting anaconda. (akozumpl)
- New version. (clumens)
* Fri Jun 04 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 14.7-1
- Assign the trimmed identifier so it gets used in the UI. (clumens)
- Remember disk selections when going back to the text partition UI (#596113).
- Fix typo in libblkid requires (#599821). (clumens)
- Fix green strips showing up (#582744) (bcl)
- Remember when IPv4 IPADDR has been read from ifcfg file in loader (#595388)
- Don't let loader write HWADDR to ifcfg file on s390. (#595388) (maier)
- Tell which stacks to configure in /etc/sysconfig/network on s390 (#595388)
- Really ignore deprecated parm/conf file options in linuxrc.s390 (#595388)
- Correctly pass netdev name from linuxrc.s390 to loader (#595382) (maier)
- Re-enable usable pdb with vnc on s390x (maier)
- Fix most of what is necessary for install over IPv6 on s390 (#594090)
- Remove long deprecated writing of alias for network in linuxrc.s390 (maier)
- Fix backtrace when a vg starts with freespace (#597925) (hdegoede)
- Only kill init for reboot/halt and then exit linuxrc.s390 (maier)
- Fix a couple small errors found by checkbot. (clumens)
- Retain user's UTC checkbox setting (#591125) (bcl)
- Fix up pylint to work with the new source layout. (clumens)
- Replace the Serial Number column with an Identifier column (#560666).
- Adjust mdraid size estimates (#587442) (bcl)
- Extra debugging output (#587442) (bcl)
- Set NM_CONTROLLED=no iscsi for storage devices only on system (#598070)
- Improve handling of auto and unknown types in fstab. (#577260) (dlehman)
- Give blkid the final word on device format detection. (#593637) (dlehman)
- Allow ignoredisk to be interactive without the rest of the UI (#596804)
- memory: check for URL install in loader too (#596993). (akozumpl)
- spec: python-pyblock has to be in BuildRequires too. (akozumpl)
- Ignore errors upon restoring /lib and /usr after unmounting filesystems
- Make sure we still have an elf interpreter after unmounting fs (#598222)
- booty: remove hack city hack (hdegoede)
- Remove booty/checkbootloader hacky raid set handling (hdegoede)
- booty: make getDiskPart deal with devices instead of names (hdegoede)
- booty: move grub specific mangling of partition number to the grub code
- booty make getDiskPart use the devicetree (hdegoede)
- booty: make grubbyPartitionName and grubbydiskName take a device (hdegoede)
- booty: make matchingBootTargets and addMemberMbrs deal with devices instead
of names (hdegoede)
- booty: make getPhysicalDevices take and return Devices rather then device
names (hdegoede)
- booty: Make getPhysicalDevices only return physical devices (#593718)
- booty: Don't create entries for devices backing / (hdegoede)
- Add simple firewall unit test (msivak)
- Improve module cleanup in our TestCase class and fix issues in FS mock class.
- Find tests using python-nose and create make unittest target (msivak)
- Update .gitignore file to account for new directory structure. (dcantrell)
- Update po/Rules-* files to account for new directory structure. (dcantrell)
- Structure the repo layout so it matches final structure better and make isys
a real Python package. (msivak)
- Add more sanity checks to the mountpoint (#592185) (bcl)
- Make sure the product.img directory is mounted before copying (#587696).
- Put a missing close brace back into isys.c. (clumens)
- refactoring: put totalMemory() into isys. (akozumpl)
* Wed May 26 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 14.6-1
- Set repository in kickstart harddrive command (#592239) (rvykydal)
- nm-c-e integration: fix some leftovers from patch porting. (rvykydal)
- Add missing logging import to installinterfacebase (hdegoede)
- Give pre-existing mdraid arrays the proper name in the UI (#596227)
- Add nm-c-e translations to stage 2 (#594982) (rvykydal)
- set the resolution with resolution= from the cmdline (#594918). (akozumpl)
- cleanup: never uses runres for anything, off it goes. (akozumpl)
- Skip the bootloader placement window if we're on UEFI (#582143) (pjones)
- Add some more stuff to .bash_history (pjones)
- Support cio_ignore functionality for zFCP devices (#533492) (dcantrell)
- Add missing newline for 'nfs' line in ks file (#591479) (dcantrell)
- Correct problem with initrd.addrsize generation (#546422) (dcantrell)
- Fix rescue mode startup with kickstart file and without (#515896) (msivak)
- More checkbot fixes. (clumens)
- fix: traceback in check_memory() (#595284). (akozumpl)
- Drop init questions from (hdegoede)
- Move init questions to InstallInterfaceBase (hdegoede)
- Make re-init all inconsistent lvm mean re-init all instead of ignore all
- Read cciss devices correctly from 'multipath -d' output (#559507) (dcantrell)
- On NFS installs, look for product.img and updates.img under images/
(#594811). (clumens)
- Remove yum cache for anaconda's temporary repos (#593649). (clumens)
- Use correct NM dbus interfaces (#594716) (rvykydal)
- Change the configuration of depmod and link modules to better place (#593941)
- Make ssid and wepkey in boot params and stage 1 kickstart work (#473803)
- logging: remove addLogger() (akozumpl)
- iutil: execWithCallback() and execWithPulseProgress() return an object.
- logging: simplify stdout logging in execWithCallback(). (akozumpl)
- logging: use stderr parameter in execWithCallback(). (akozumpl)
- logging: remove addSysLogHandler() (akozumpl)
- analog: handle a config file we can't open. (akozumpl)
- clearer error messages for missing iscsi initiator name (hdegoede)
- fedora is part of iSCSI initiator name (#594659) (hdegoede)
- Add default iSCSI initiator name in rescue mode (#594434) (hdegoede)
- Do not allow editing of extended partitions (#593754) (hdegoede)
- Check for sane mountpoint in raid dialog (#592185) (bcl)
- Check for sane mountpoint in lvm dialog (#592185) (bcl)
- Check for sane mountpoint in partition dialog (#592185) (bcl)
- Cleaned up sanityCheckMountPoint (bcl)
- Don't autostep past the end of the install screens (#593556) (bcl)
- Add missing rpm macros file to get rid of the rpm warnings (msivak)
- Add the rpmrc file to the initrd.img (#508242) (mgracik)
- fix: syntax error in from 9e69c5f36f79410d9df1502fe69f02f4d06173ab.
- Keep track of pvcount for non existing vgs (#593871) (hdegoede)
- Improve module cleanup in our TestCase class and fix issues in FS mock class.
- Don't drop encryption when re-editing new encrypted partitions. (#582888)
- Return disk to prior state following failed partition removal. (#580088)
- Display unpartitioned disks in main partitioning gui. (#588637) (dlehman)
- Pick up mountpoint for existing formats on encrypted LVs. (#587002) (dlehman)
- Automatic partitioning should yield no more than one PReP partition.
- Pass short type names for PartSpec ctor. (dlehman)
- Setting up lvs should never fail (hdegoede)
- We no longer need to handle lvs which are part of an incomplete vg (hdegoede)
- Don't clear immutable devices (#593642) (hdegoede)
- Store immutable info into the device for easier access (hdegoede)
- Reset vg blacklist when initializing storage (hdegoede)
- Handle vgs with duplicate names (#591469) (hdegoede)
- Delay setting up lvs until other devices are scanned (hdegoede)
- anaconda udev rules should not get lvm info based in volgroup name (hdegoede)
- Move creation of lv devices into its own function (hdegoede)
- livecd: window icon (#583333). (akozumpl)
- FcoeDiskDevice.dracutSetupString(): use the right dracut syntax (#486244)
- improve the memory checking so it reflects better the hungry architectures.
- logging: fix SIGSEGV when trying to log after closeLog() is called.
- Updates to scripts/makebumpver. (dcantrell)
- Suppress failures to tear down /dev/loop devices (#591829) (bcl)
- Fix the order of arguments in archive read callback and archive closing.
- Use "kernel-modules = version" style for locating rpms providing driver
updates (msivak)
- Move depmod configuration into new directory structure to get rid of depmod
warning (#508242) (msivak)
- Fix descriptor leak and iteration progress in driverdisc code (#592225)
- Add lsof command to initrd.img (mgracik)
- Add hmac file for sshd (#592186) (mgracik)
- Enable fips mode after fips mode installation (#592188) (mgracik)
- Add nslookup to the install.img (#591064) (mgracik)
- Add the chk files for libraries to the install.img (#590701) (mgracik)
- Add the eject command to the install.img (#591070) (mgracik)
- Add hmac file for libgcrypt to install.img (#590701) (mgracik)
- Don't remove *.hmac files when creating install images (mgracik)
- Added clear command to the install.img (#586499) (mgracik)
- Added chvt to the install.img (#575844) (mgracik)
- Only install non-branded anaconda icon on liveinst arches (dcantrell)
- Fix of typo. (rvykydal)
- Fix two minor errors found by checkbot. (clumens)
- Fix bad patches reordering (#473803) (rvykydal)
- scripts/analog: normalize paths before generating the config. (akozumpl)
- gui: "_use anyway" mnemonic. (akozumpl)
- logging: give loglevels for the shortened names. (akozumpl)
- logging: remove references to the 'bootloaderadvanced' step. (akozumpl)
- logging: remove references to some more steps. (akozumpl)
- Move importing of tested modules into setUp methods (msivak)
- Add Mock classes (msivak)
- gui, autopart: don't let a too verbose translation ruin all teh fun
(#591955). (akozumpl)
- Update po/ for nm-connection-editor integration. (dcantrell)
- Fix typo in loader/nfsinstall.c (dcantrell)
- Add the best package for this arch to the optional package selector
(#591653). (clumens)
- Swap server and opts on the split() call (#591479) (dcantrell)
- Handle devices that don't have a /dev/disk/by-path/ symlink (#563242)
- Make sure we write out multipath.conf before discovery (#563242) (pjones)
- Handle >2 way /sbin/multipath output better (#563242) (pjones)
- Look for updates.img and product.img on NFS installs. (clumens)
- And add a menu to the right hand side so you can see the new column.
- Don't ask if we have ESSID specified by kickstart or stage 1 (#473803)
- Make ks option network --wepkey work in stage 2 (#473803) (rvykydal)
- Add support for wireless configuration using nm-c-e in stage 2 (#473803)
- Write out ifcfg files only when necessary (#520146) (rvykydal)
- Use separate method for copying network configuration to system (#520146).
- Network: remove functions that are not used anymore (#520146) (rvykydal)
- Wait for specific activated network devices (#520146). (rvykydal)
- Set network devices configured in ks to be nm-controlled (#520146).
- Remove no longer needed devices argument from Network.write() (#520146)
- Actually generate contents of 70-persistent-net.rules (#520146) (rvykydal)
- Disable [Configure Network] button if there are no net devs (#520146)
- Add net device description into selection dialog (#520146) (rvykydal)
- Check preselected install network device as nm-controlled (#520146)
- Don't ask when configuring net if we have only one network device (#520146)
- Do not mess value change with line formatting (#520146) (rvykydal)
- Log change of ifcfg files by nm-c-e (#520146) (rvykydal)
- Enable networking in stage 2 using nm-c-e (#520146) (rvykydal)
- Write ifcfg files via NetworkDevice in Network.write() method (#520146)
- Use ifcfg files via NetworkDevice in Network class (#520146) (rvykydal)
- Use proper attribute instead of NetworkDevice 'DESC' hack (#520146)
- Quote values when writing out to ifcfg files (#520146) (rvykydal)
- Network.__str__() little cleanup (#520146) (rvykydal)
- Use IfcfgFile class to back NetworkDevice objects (#520146) (rvykydal)
- Move some consts to module globals for use in other places (#520146)
- Add class for handling ifcfg files (#520146) (rvykydal)
- logging: the ibft message once again. (akozumpl)
- logging: no iBFT is not an error, fix spelling. (akozumpl)
- logging: log loader messages with LOG_LOCAL1 syslog facility. (akozumpl)
- logging: strip the extra newline in FCoE EDD log (akozumpl)
- logging: remove references to "confirminstall" and "confirmupgrade" steps.
- logging: remove all references to the "installtype" step. (akozumpl)
- Determine if an mdmember is biosraid earlier (#586298) (hdegoede)
- Set runlevel 5 based on the presence of both a display manager and X server.
(#588483) (notting)
- Add "Serial Number" column to the right side of the cleardisks UI. (clumens)
- Set permissions on initrd.addrsize to 0644 (#591455) (dcantrell)
- fix compile error after 7aace0bf0e0557cd914aa93e80a709a9f21f07f8 (akozumpl)
- autoconf: icons/ is missing makefiles (akozumpl)
- new version of report wont start without /etc/report.conf (akozumpl)
- Don't allow creating a new bootloader config in text mode (#580378).
- Fix verification of DDs, we were looking for wrong path (#508242) (msivak)
- Remove raid clone option and code (#587036) (hdegoede)
- cleanup booty x86 flag.serial handling (#589773) (hdegoede)
- isys/auditd was missing from .gitingore. (akozumpl)
- bootloader timeout default should be None not 0 (jkeating)
- Use iBFT if present and user didn't asked for anything else. (#590719)
- storage: LUKSDevice takes req_grow after its slave (#589450). (akozumpl)
- Correctly parse system-release (#590407) (lkundrak)
- Offer to ignore unformatted DASDs rather than forcing exit (#580456)
- Make Format and Resize checkboxes mutually exclusive (#589977) (dcantrell)
- Fix usage of deviceNameToDiskByPath in (#589967) (dcantrell)
- Advance line pointer & don't strdup(val) on error in readNetInfo (dcantrell)
- Add non-branded default liveinst icons for anaconda (#588737) (dcantrell)
- Add expanded=False to the base class's detailedMessageWindow as well.
- Add all possible install class locations to the search path (#587696).
- Use module reloading in driver disc operations (#590015) (msivak)
- Use gtk consts instead of magic ints. (rvykydal)
- Only initialize logging via a method, not with every import (#584054).
- Remove the check for partitions (#508242) (msivak)
- Close the dir descriptor after usage. (#589580) (msivak)
- Remove partitions after unpartitioned non-partition devices. (#588597)
- Work around device node creation issues when creating EFI images. (#589680)
- Clean up tabs in (bcl)
- Just use /dev/dasdX if we can't get a by-path link (dcantrell)
- Do not prepend /dev/disk/by-path in format DASD window (dcantrell)
- Use udev_device_get_by_path() to get /dev/disk/by-path link (dcantrell)
- Add udev_device_get_by_path() to return /dev/disk/by-path link (dcantrell)
- Expand the details pane when showing unformatted DASDs (#580463) (dcantrell)
- Log problem line if unquoting failed in readNetInfo() (dcantrell)
- Update generic.ins for s390x (#546422) (dcantrell)
- Rename geninitrdsz.c to addrsize.c (#546422) (dcantrell)
- Generate initrd.addrsize file correctly for LPAR booting (#546422)
- Only allow upgrading from one minor release of RHEL to another (#589052).
- fcoe: use fipvlan instead of fcoemon to bring up fcoe (#486244) (hdegoede)
- memory: increase the RAM limits, check for URL installs (#549653). (akozumpl)
- memory: build auditd as a standalone binary and run it so (#549653).
- gui: don't let metacity display the title right-click menu (#588642).
* Wed May 05 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 14.5-1
- Link /sbin/reboot and /sbin/halt to /sbin/init on s390x (#571370) (dcantrell)
- Don't clear bootloader radio selection on double click (#588771). (clumens)
- Add support to livecd for arbitrarily complex dir structures. (#504986)
- Grab everything in $LIBDIR/rsyslog/ (pjones)
- Do not automatically backtrace when telnetd quits (#588964). (clumens)
- Share terminology between the cleardisks text and panel headers (#587879).
- Allow displaying groups that only contain conditional packages (#475239).
- Fix hasWindows() to actually work as advertised (hdegoede)
- Revert commit 27a4c7df871744454d1ca8979a576f9f45c67189 (hdegoede)
- Make deviceNameToDiskByPath check udev info instead of sysfs (dcantrell)
- Fix some minor problems in storage/ (#560702) (dcantrell)
- Read in network settings correctly, as configured by linuxrc.s390 (dcantrell)
- Clean up wording for oversized LVs (#587459) (dcantrell)
- Teach upd-instroot about i686 (jkeating)
- Make the rule for 70-anaconda.rules in updates.img be generic. (pjones)
- Do not use --quiet and --nostart when doing selinux configuration (#568528)
- Tell dracut it should activate the first swap device (#572771) (hdegoede)
- Remove broken hasWindows function from and its callers
- booty: remove dead code chunk (hdegoede)
- Don't add recovery partitions to the grub boot menu (#534066) (hdegoede)
- Use g_str_has_suffix() to check end of string (dcantrell)
- Find stage2 install.img on local hd installs (dcantrell)
- gui: gray out OK button while adding raid set (#587161). (akozumpl)
- Strip quoting from OPTIONS when composing rd_CCW line (#577193). (dcantrell)
- Default the global grub timeout to 5 for serial (jkeating)
- Print out device sizes in list-harddrives-stub as well (#587395). (clumens)
- Make sure a given path exists before calling os.statvfs on it (#587662).
- Wait for scsi adapters to be done with scanning their busses (#583143)
- Set CURL_FAILONERROR to catch url download errors (#586925) (dcantrell)
- Bring up network for local hd vnc kickstart installs (#522064) (dcantrell)
- gui: no close buttons etc. in window decoration (#582645) (akozumpl)
- Don't clear BIOS RAID member disks (#587066) (hdegoede)
- Remove devices from libparted's cache when destroying them (#586622)
- Offer to format unformatted DASD devices (#560702) (dcantrell)
- X input configuration has moved to /usr/share (#585621). (clumens)
- Disable button icons on stock GTK buttons (#579701). (akozumpl)
- Remove button icons from the glade files (#579701). (akozumpl)
- Don't traceback on CD-ROM driver in list-harddrives-stub (#586410). (clumens)
- Fetch ks files over NFS when ksdevice is not given (#541873) (dcantrell)
- put liveinst/console.apps/liveinst.h in .gitignore (akozumpl)
- Remove the README files (#583408). (clumens)
- Make it more clear what the purpose of the "Boot" column is (#584811).
- nfs: off by one error leaves extra slash in a path. (akozumpl)
- removal: umountStage2(). (akozumpl)
- nfs: direct mounting of stage2. (akozumpl)
- loader: strip trailing slash character from stage2= URL. (akozumpl)
- imount: allow bind mounts. (akozumpl)
- Make sure we use 1.0 mdraid metadata when the set is used for boot (#584596)
- Add a preCommitFixup hook to StorageDevice classes (hdegoede)
- Check for not having found any disks after populating the tree (#583906)
- Prune resize and format create/migrate actions if destroying a device.
- Schedule actions when removing existing extended partitions. (#568219)
- Don't try to zero out extended partitions. (dlehman)
- lvm: check resizing against format's targetSize (#580171). (akozumpl)
- Restore storage.clearPartType after reset when backing out of GUI. (#559233)
- Make Cancel button the default for 'Weak Password' dialog (#582660) (bcl)
- Set Create Storage focus to first active radio button (#582676) (bcl)
- BaseInstallClass no longer has a setInstallData method. (clumens)
- set the selected keyboard (#583289). (akozumpl)
- Make an installclass that we can inherit from for variants. (notting)
- Don't make all devices on the boot device selector immutable (#583028).
- Don't allow running as non-root (#583213). (clumens)
- Careful with that WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_DESKTOP, Eugene. (#582998) (akozumpl)
- Introduce flags.preexisting_x11. (akozumpl)
- Fix some HIG problems with the "Write Changes" dialog (#583405). (clumens)
- Fix up some HIG problems with the betanag dialog (#583404). (clumens)
- Fixup P_ usage in questionInitializeDASD (hdegoede)
- Prevent low-level formatting of DASDs in rescue mode (#582638) (hdegoede)
- Move the question about formatting DASD's to the interface class (hdegoede)
- Let the user know if adding a zfcp drive fails (#582632) (hdegoede)
- Fixup P_ usage in installinterfacebase (hdegoede)
- Check for presence of filesystem module in FS.mountable (#580520) (dcantrell)
- Check for fs utils when determining if an fs can be resized (#572431)
- Select "Advanced Storage Devices" by default on s390 (#580433). (clumens)
- Don't sigsegv on stage2= derived from invalid repo= parameter (#574746).
- Removed the tooltips showing link (#566773) (mgracik)
- Better filter for commits to ignore for the RPM changelog. (dcantrell)
- In groupListExists, log what groups don't exist. (notting)
- Do not append "rhgb quiet" to s390 boot loader config (#570743) (dcantrell)
- No instdata on master anymore. ( -> anaconda) (dlehman)
- Try to get boot reqs onto the selected boot device. (#560387) (dlehman)
- Ensure proper disklabel type on boot disk if CLEARPART_TYPE_ALL. (#570483,
#530225) (dlehman)
- Add proper support for destruction of disklabels. (dlehman)
- Three small fixes to action sorting. (dlehman)
* Thu Apr 15 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 14.4-1
- There is no rhbz list for non rhel branch builds. (dcantrell)
- pylint up, pychecker down. (clumens)
- Add a script for running pylint on anaconda (hdegoede)
- add_drive_text: Pass interface to iscsi.addTarget (hdegoede)
- Add a questionInitializeDisk method to the rescue interface (#582304)
- Add advanced storage support to rescue mode (#571808) (hdegoede)
- Put our mount / rw, ro, skip question in a loop (hdegoede)
- Move addDriveDialog() and friends to their own class (hdegoede)
- partition_text: Make addDriveDialog() not depend on
- Fix syntax error in (hdegoede)
- Fix various syntax errors (hdegoede)
- Read ~/.rhbzauth in scripts/makebumpver (dcantrell)
- Simplify HWADDR removal check on s390x (#546005) (dcantrell)
- Set minswap suggestion on s390x to 1 (#466289). (dcantrell)
- Check for and offer to format unformatted DASD devices (#560702). (dcantrell)
- Add /sbin/reboot and /sbin/halt to s390 initrd.img (#571370) (dcantrell)
- Do not append "rhgb quiet" to s390 boot loader config (#570743) (dcantrell)
- Increase ping timeout for gateway/dns server reachability check (#536815)
- Wait on all pids, not just udevd's. (#540923) (pjones)
- Use the new modularized anaconda path in (clumens)
- Fix a mismatched kickstart command as caught by the new test case. (clumens)
- Fix a typo. (clumens)
- Fix "make check" to run the tests against your git checkout of anaconda.
- Add a test case to verify that kickstart commands use the right handler.
- fixup isProtected changes for biosraid and mpath (hdegoede)
- Write an AUTO ... line to mdadm.conf (#537329) (hdegoede)
- Inherit the ZFCP command from the correct pykickstart class (#581829).
- Apply yet another translation patch (#573870). (clumens)
- Add bug mapping support to scripts/makebumpver. (dcantrell)
- syntax fixes for the 'bumpver' target. (dcantrell)
- Fix traceback in booty when ppc /boot lives on mdraid (#555272) (hdegoede)
- Call scripts/makebumpver from 'make bumpver' target. (dcantrell)
- Add docs/commit-log.txt explaining git commit log policies. (dcantrell)
- Move 'make bumpver' functionality to scripts/makebumpver (dcantrell)
- Fix some previously difficult-to-translate strings (#573870). (clumens)
- Default to /images/install.img if no dir is given in stage2=hd: (#528809)
- Startup notification in live installer (#530908). (akozumpl)
- init: switch back to tty1 after the installer finishes. (#577380) (akozumpl)
- Don't segfault if proxyUser or proxyPassword are empty (#580226). (clumens)
- yum requires the proxy settings to include a protocol (#576691). (clumens)
- Allow using pre-existing gpt labels for /boot on non EFI x86 (#572488)
- Log successful login to iscsi targets (hdegoede)
- storage/ handle iscsi ID_PATH IPV6 address containing : (#579761)
- Catch errors when downloading the escrow cert (#579992). (clumens)
- fix: mnemonics don't work in the welcome screen until user clicks. (akozumpl)
- refactoring setup_window() and setLanguage() are way too similar.
- removed unused parameter in setup_window() (akozumpl)
* Tue Apr 06 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 14.3-1
- Sort partition create actions before other unpartitioned devices.
(#574379) (dlehman)
- Update the partition scheme icons to better looking ones (#579697).
- Move some kickstart-specific storage init into storageInitialization.
- Call the right superclass's __init__ method. (clumens)
- Adjust paths that reference things that have moved. (clumens)
- Move compiled things out of /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime. (clumens)
- Move boot files, language data, keymaps, etc. to /usr/share/anaconda/.
- Move class Anaconda to (clumens)
- Install classes are now under the anaconda module directory. (clumens)
- lang-table and lang-names have moved to /usr/share/anaconda. (clumens)
- upd-instroot no longer needs to explicitly pull in the python parts.
- Adjust command stubs to use new anaconda module location. (clumens)
- Put /usr/lib*/python?.?/site-packages/pyanaconda at the front of
PYTHONPATH. (clumens)
- Adjust the Makefiles to install anaconda to /usr/lib{,64}/python?.?.
- ui: keep the bootloader device dialog always centered (#463489). (akozumpl)
- Reword the filter UI tooltip to be a little more clear (#576144). (clumens)
- Automatically select devices added via the "Add Advanced" button
(#579051). (clumens)
- Re-Check minimum size of partition after running fsck on it (#578955) (bcl)
- Take the request's format into account when deciding to resize (#578471).
- Schedule removal actions for any format on a --onpart= device (#576976).
- Fix early networking log message to correctly assign blame. (pjones)
- Restore xdriver=<driver> functionality (#577312) (msivak)
- loader: con Newt into thinking LANG is always en_US.UTF-8 (#576541).
- network.dracutSetupString(): handle hosts outside the subnet (#577193)
- Copy install.img to install target on http installs. (pjones)
- Make sure the install.img exists before attempting to copy (#578391).
- Write rd_CCW when root fs is on a network device on s390x (#577193)
- Keep /usr/bin/seq for the initrd.img (#558881). (dcantrell)
- fix: Tackle race condition issues during X startup. (akozumpl)
- Make checksum error message user-friendlier (#578151) (rvykydal)
- Enable network if it is needed when repo is added in UI (#577803).
- Do not try to commit diskLabels on non partitionable devices (#576145)
- Copy install.img and remount no matter how many discs (#577196) (pjones)
- Fix typo in linuxrc.s390. ctm should be ctcm. (dcantrell)
- Remove dasdSetup() from loader. (dcantrell)
- Add new return code check for isomd5sum's mediaCheckFile (#578160).
- Use symbolic constants of libcheckisomd5 (#555107) (rvykydal)
- Adapt for libcheckisomd5 callback abi change (#555107) (rvykydal)
- Include /sbin/*_cio_free commands in s390x initrd.img (#558881).
- Use /sbin/dasd_cio_free to free blacklisted DASDs (#558881) (dcantrell)
- Don't add duplicates to the transaction set (#575878, jantill). (clumens)
- fcoe: has been renamed to (hdegoede)
- Fix off-by-one error in string initialization (#577413) (msivak)
- Fix uninitialized variable compile error (#577501) (msivak)
- Do not write OPTIONS=layer2=1 on all architectures (#577005). (dcantrell)
- Show protected devices in the filter UI, but make them immutable
(#568343). (clumens)
- Turn protected devices into a property on the Anaconda object. (clumens)
* Thu Mar 25 2010 David Lehman <> - 14.2-1
- Unlock the CD tray door in isys.ejectcdrom() (#569377) (pjones)
- Try to pull in generic libraries as well as optimized ones (#572178)
- Translate the Back button in glade (#576082) (akozumpl)
- Make the kernel 'sshd' parameter work as expected (#572493) (akozumpl)
- Add originalFormat handling to editLVMLogicalVolume. (#576529) (dlehman)
- Fix a cut&paste error that caused a traceback (#574743) (dlehman)
- Remove isys/str.c, replace calls with glib.h or string.h calls. (dcantrell)
- Only look for extended partitions on partitioned devices (#576628)
- Fix referring to disks by-label, by-uuid, etc (#575855). (clumens)
- fcoe startEDD() add missing return statement (hdegoede)
- Add support for recognizing BIOS EDD configured FCoE drives (#513018)
- Update format of cdrom devices when looking for repos on media (#566269)
- Fix syntax for passing a mapping to a translatable string (#576085).
- Update filter for translation log entries. (dlehman)
* Mon Mar 22 2010 David Lehman <> - 14.1-1
- Don't pass size=1 for autopart PVs. Use PartitionDevice's default size.
- Update po/ to list all files with strings. (dcantrell)
- _diskLabelType is a string itself (hdegoede)
- Make python start with correct default unicode encoding (#539904).
- Add boot= argument to kernel cmdline when in fips mode (#573178) (hdegoede)
- Catch NotImplementedError when scanning for disklabels (#566722) (hdegoede)
- BIOS RAID sets get shown double when adding advanced storage (#574714)
- Filter UI do not start / stop BIOS RAID sets to get there size (#574587)
- Make filter UI honor nodmraid cmdline option (#574684) (hdegoede)
- Properly align the first partition we create (#574220) (hdegoede)
- Move disabling of cylinder alignment to disklabel format (hdegoede)
- put the analog script into the RPM (akozumpl)
- Fix focus, repaint, and stack issues for nm-c-e (#520146) (rvykydal)
- Connect nm-connection-editor to network config button (#520146). (rvykydal)
- Add "Configure Network" button to network UI screen (#520146). (rvykydal)
- Add nm-connection-editor to stage2 (#520146). (rvykydal)
- l10n: Updates to Spanish (Castilian) (es) translation (gguerrer)
- Don't try to set selinux context for read-only mountpoints. (dlehman)
- Derive stage2= from repo=nfsiso: correctly (#565885) (rvykydal)
- Include USB ATA bridge modules in initrd (#531532) (rvykydal)
- Remove hacks that don't apply in present repo setup flow. (rvykydal)
- Reset comps/groups info after editing repo in UI (#555585) (rvykydal)
- Set cache base directory for repos added/edited in UI. (rvykydal)
- Use None, not '', for empty repo proxy attributes (#572460) (rvykydal)
- livecd: show graphical error dialog when memory check fails (#572263)
- l10n: Updates to Sinhala (si) translation (snavin)
- use isSparc not isSPARC (dennis)
- set the bootloader to silo for sparc installs (dennis)
- sparc64 is a lib64 arch (dennis)
- Make sure that SPARC bootdisk Makefile is made (dennis)
- make sure we include sparc boot configs (dennis)
- add function to get the sparc system type (dennis)
- Sparc bootloader config not written to /etc (dennis)
- Fix generation of boot.iso on SPARC (dennis)
- l10n: Updates to Polish (pl) translation (raven)
- Keep the selected device count right when going back to filtering
(#572882). (clumens)
- Fully qualify _ped.IOException. (dlehman)
* Mon Mar 15 2010 David Lehman <> - 14.0-1
- Do not crash on .autorelabel when using read only rescue mount (#568367)
- parted.PartedDisk can throw IOExceptions too (#573539) (hdegoede)
- l10n: fix/updates to hungarian translation (snicore)
- l10n: updated translations (snicore)
- Use the disk name from kickstart in the shouldClear error message.
- Fix displaying error messages on cleanup/remove callback problems
(#572893). (clumens)
- Before running shouldClear, make sure a real disk was specified (#572523).
- Fix: execWithRedirect() unexpectedkeyword argument 'searchPath' (#572853)
- Tell and friends not to use hardware optimized libs (#572178)
- By default, libcurl does not appear to follow redirects (#572528).
- FcoeDiskDevice.dracutSetupString: handle DCB on / off option (hdegoede)
- Redo the 'sshd' flag. (ajax)
- Catch "Exception" when window manager is starting. (akozumpl)
- Preserve encryption setting when re-editing new encrypted LVs. (#568547)
- Never pass "<Not applicable>" as mountpoint to format constructors.
- Fix up device dialogs' handling of preexisting formatting. (dlehman)
- Set up devices using their original formats for certain action types.
(#565848) (dlehman)
- Keep a handle to devices' original format instance. (#565848) (dlehman)
- Pick up system's clock settings on upgrade. (#570299) (akozumpl)
- Do not crash when getDevices returns NULL (#567939) (msivak)
- Use new API in libblkid to look for driverdiscs on removable devices
(#508242) (msivak)
- Use new package structure of firstaidkit (#510346) (msivak)
- Add "crashkernel=auto" to grub.conf for RHEL installs (#561729) (hdegoede)
- Drop iscsi initrd generation hack (hdegoede)
- Fix recognition of partitions on mdraid arrays (#569462) (hdegoede)
- dcbd is being replaced with lldpad (#563790) (hdegoede)
- Use the same cache directory as yum now uses (#568996). (clumens)
- switch to tty1 before exit (#569071) (akozumpl)
- Reset conditionals of transaction info too. (#505189) (rvykydal)
- Use '--keyword=P_:1,2' for plural gettext string extraction (#567417).
- make sure the new logging also works when isys is imported as a python
module. (akozumpl)
- use the new logging approach in imount.c (akozumpl)
- allow logging into program.log and syslog through log.c (akozumpl)
- log.c: factor out common parts from logMessageV() (akozumpl)
- static variable rename in log.c (akozumpl)
- move log.c from loader into isys. (akozumpl)
- Analog, a generator of rsyslog config files to monitor remote installs.
- Remove isys/minifind.c and isys/minifind.h (dcantrell)
- Keep default metacity schema generated for gconf. (#520146) (rvykydal)
- metacity, fix a displaying problem with WaitWindow and ProgressWindow
(#520146) (akozumpl)
- Nuke addFrame()'s showtitle parameter (#520146). (akozumpl)
- Remove gui code we no longer need when mini-wm is gone (#520146) (akozumpl)
- Remove mini-wm.c. (#520146) (akozumpl)
- Introduces metacity window manager (#520146) (akozumpl)
- fix: do not initialize the install interface whenever is is accessed
(#565872) (akozumpl)
- Select/Deselect All should only apply to the current tab (#516143,
#568875). (clumens)
- Don't try to write firewall and auth information twice (#568528). (clumens)
- Fixes bug #569373 - Change udev_trigger block calls to use change action
- Include the report module and related support files (#562656). (clumens)
- report handles exn saving now, and doesn't require a Filer (#562656).
- Adapt to using report's UI API (#562656). (clumens)
- Do some editing of package and filter UI strings (#569039). (clumens)
* Thu Mar 04 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 13.33-1
- On live installs, the syslog is /var/log/dmesg. (#568814). (clumens)
- Set up udev environment so anaconda's udev rules run in livecd. (#568460)
- Ignore probably-spurious disklabels on unpartitionable devices. (#567832)
- The justConfigFile parameter doesn't do anything on x86, either (#568567).
- Add python-devel's gdbinit, which provides useful debugging macros.
- Minor style fix (indent "cat" correctly") (pjones)
- doReIPL should return when going back through steps, too (#563862).
- Skip the filter/cleardisk steps on upgrades, too (#568334). (clumens)
* Thu Feb 25 2010 David Lehman <> - 13.32-1
- Check for the real device-mapper nodes in /proc/swaps. (#567840) (dlehman)
- It's necessary to give each vfprintf invocation a fresh va_list (#568235)
- Don't unconditionally unskip the partition step on failure (#567889).
- rpm doesn't always give the callback a tuple (#567878). (clumens)
* Wed Feb 24 2010 David Cantrell <> - 13.31-1
- Revert "There is no kernel-PAE package anymore, use kernel for xen
(#559347)." (dcantrell)
- logging: make loader say 'loader' (#563009). (akozumpl)
- Make loader log into syslog (so remote logging works for it as well)
(#524980) (akozumpl)
* Tue Feb 23 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 13.30-1
- Revert "Add back hald for Xorg input device queries (#553780)" (clumens)
- No longer remove persistent udev rules files (#566948). (clumens)
- When BUILDARCH==ppc64, set BASEARCH to ppc (#524235). (dcantrell)
- There is no kernel-PAE package anymore, use kernel for xen (#559347).
- Fix a typo, leaving one less string needing translation (#567427).
- Don't show BIOS RAID and multipath members in the cleardisks UI (#567281).
* Mon Feb 22 2010 David Cantrell <> - 13.29-1
- DiskLabel.status can't be determined so return False. (#563526,#561074)
- Remove getDasdDevPort() and getDasdState() from (dcantrell)
- Replace calls to isys.getDasdPorts() with calls to new getDasdPorts()
- Add getDasdPorts() to storage/ (dcantrell)
- Remove isys/dasd.c, functions no longer needed in isys. (dcantrell)
- Fix creation of encrypted md members and pvs in kickstart. (#567396)
- Don't align free space geometries in getFreeRegions. (#565692) (dlehman)
- Align extended partitions like we do other partitions. (dlehman)
- Don't allow the host's LD_LIBRARY_PATH affect get_dso_deps (#565887).
- Remove a couple redundant network bring up calls. (clumens)
- Reset the resolver cache after bringing up the network (#562209). (clumens)
- Let's have /etc/xorg.conf.d in stage2 (#566396) (akozumpl)
- Add the filter UI screens to the list of translatable files (#567216).
- Don't traceback when a user tries to put /boot on an LV (#566569)
- RescueInterface should inherit from InstallInterfaceBase too (hdegoede)
* Fri Feb 19 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 13.28-1
- Allow --ignoremissing to work for @base and @core (#566752).
- Add device node names to the filter UI, hidden by default (#566375).
- logging: initialize tty3 logging in anaconda_log, along with all other
basic loggers. (akozumpl)
- logging: introduce stderr logger and use it for critical situations in (akozumpl)
- logging: Loggers live a cosmopolitan life, forget about them after
created. (akozumpl)
- logging: remove AnacondaLog's unused default parameter. (akozumpl)
- logging, fix: setting remote logging from kicstart (akozumpl)
- logging: addFileHandler does not set autoLevel by default (akozumpl)
- Allow deleting the interface property, too (#566186). (clumens)
* Tue Feb 16 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 13.27-1
- Fix hiding the advanced button on the filter UI (#555769, #565425,
#560016). (clumens)
- PartitionDevice._setDisk: self.disk can be None. (#565930) (dlehman)
- Add currentSize method to the PartitionDevice class (#565822) (hdegoede)
- Fix instData removal mis merge (hdegoede)
- Require a format to have a mountpoint before testing for RO (#565879).
- The step is named cleardiskssel, not cleardisksel (#565873). (clumens)
- Use the LUKS UUID, not the filesystem UUID for dracut. (#561373) (dlehman)
- Show the correct device path when formatting as swap or luks. (dlehman)
- Fix ordering of arguments to xfs_admin for writing fs label. (#556546)
- Log only the disks' names in PartitionDevice._setDisk. (dlehman)
- Check for the updates directory before using it (#565840). (clumens)
- Fix a handful of simple pychecker errors. (clumens)
- Add the .libs directories to PYTHONPATH so pychecker works again. (clumens)
- Warn when ignoring BIOS RAID members (#560932) (hdegoede)
- Intel BIOS RAID array not recognized (#565458) (hdegoede)
- Fix traceback in when dealing with RAID10 BIOSRAID (#565444)
- Remove newly added partition from disk if subsequent commit fails.
(#559907) (dlehman)
- Use property() so we can assign to anaconda.intf (#565639). (clumens)
- Don't always set anaconda.upgrade to be True (#565622). (clumens)
- Re-remove the end of line from pychecker-false-positives. (clumens)
- cryptPassword is not part of any class (#565611). (clumens)
- Fix another missing import (#565599). (clumens)
- Add a missing import (#565592). (clumens)
- createLuserConf is not a part of any class (#565306). (clumens)
* Fri Feb 12 2010 David Lehman <> - 13.26-1
- Fix return values for dasd_settle_all() in linuxrc.s390 (#558881).
- Don't reset the default package selection on text installs (#564103).
- Remove rules handled by the device-mapper package's rules. (dlehman)
- Raise default lvm extent size from 4MB to 32MB. (dlehman)
- Add udev_settle after setup of LUKSDevice. (#534043) (dlehman)
- Pass '--force' to vgremove to avoid interactive prompts. (#563873)
- Find rsyslog libs in $LIBDIR not /usr/$LIBDIR (jkeating)
- "_Do_ override BASEARCH with BUILDARCH, it does make sense (#524235)"
- Don't traceback during kickstart if no ignoredisk line is given (#563581).
- Allow any add-on python module to be updated via an updates.img. (clumens)
- Correct references to lcs and ctcm devices (#561816). (dcantrell)
- Use lsznet.raw from s390utils package (#563548). (dcantrell)
- Revert "Write ARP=no to ifcfg file when VSWITCH=1 is set on s390x
(#561926)." (dcantrell)
- Use /sys/devices/lcs instead of /sys/devices/cu3088 (#561816). (dcantrell)
- Wait for all DASDs to be online after autodetection (#558881). (dcantrell)
- Prompt user for install method when going back to STEP_METHOD. (dcantrell)
- Set initrd load address to 32MB for s390x (#546422). (dcantrell)
- Only show the error message if there was an error. (dlehman)
- Be even more clear about removing existing linux installations. (#493360)
- Improve reboot modes in init.c and shutdown.c. (akozumpl)
- Be more explicit in which libraries we link with. (clumens)
- Do not override BASEARCH with BUILDARCH, it doesn't make sense (#524235)
- platform.checkBootRequest(): Fix use of map instead of filter (hdegoede)
- Improve platform.checkBootRequest() mdarray handling (hdegoede)
- Fix backtrace when trying to use LV for /boot (#562325) (hdegoede)
- Add lsusb to rescue mode stage2 (#562616) (hdegoede)
- No longer refer to instdata in attrSkipList. (clumens)
- Clarify which storage exceptions are bugs (#557928). (clumens)
- Merge branch 'no-instdata' (clumens)
- Fix partitioning help spelling (#562823). (clumens)
- Keep the end sector aligned when resizing partitions (#560647) (hdegoede)
- Write ARP=no to ifcfg file when VSWITCH=1 is set on s390x (#561926).
- Don't return the passphrase from hasKey. Should return a boolean. (dlehman)
- Fix splitting of error strings from program.log. (dlehman)
- Take advantage of default size for new partitions. (dlehman)
- Add a default size of 500MB for new partition requests. (dlehman)
- Remove check for MD_DEVNAME from udev_device_is_md. (#562024) (dlehman)
- Don't try to specify bitmap for RAID0 since mdadm doesn't allow it.
(#562023) (dlehman)
- Use 0 for a default max_req_size instead of None. (dlehman)
- Add missing methods to RescueInterface (pjones)
- Clean up imports in __main__. (clumens)
- Nothing uses InstallData anymore, so it can completely be removed.
- Last attribute out of InstallData, please turn out the lights. (clumens)
- Move firstboot into the Anaconda object. (clumens)
- Move bootloader into the Anaconda object. (clumens)
- Move escrowCertificates into the Storage object. (clumens)
- Move storage into the Anaconda class. (clumens)
- Move desktop to the Anaconda object. (clumens)
- Move timezone to the Anaconda object. (clumens)
- Move firewall into Anaconda. (clumens)
- Move users and security to the Anaconda object. (clumens)
- Move network to the Anaconda object. (clumens)
- Move keyboard to the Anaconda object. (clumens)
- Move instLanguage to the Anaconda object. (clumens)
- Move the writeKS and write methods from InstallData to Anaconda. (clumens)
- Move upgrade-related data to the Anaconda object. (clumens)
- Make a bunch of Anaconda attributes into properties. (clumens)
- Move instProgress to be an attribute on the InstallInterface. (clumens)
- Finally remove the x_already_set hack. (clumens)
- Move instClass to be an attribute on Anaconda. (clumens)
- Use anaconda.ksdata instead of anaconda.isKickstart. (clumens)
- Move ksdata to be an attribute on Anaconda. (clumens)
- Remove backend and other pointless attributes from InstallData. (clumens)
- Move the isHeadless attribute onto the Anaconda class. (clumens)
- Set displayMode on the anaconda object, then refer to that everywhere.
- Sort the attributes on class Anaconda for my future reference. (clumens)
- Install classes may no longer force text mode. (clumens)
- Add a Requires: for tigervnc-server (#561498). (clumens)
* Wed Feb 03 2010 David Lehman <> - 13.25-1
- Fix keymaps-override-ppc pickup in mk-images (#524235) (msivak)
- Fix typo in action sorting. Disklabels before partitions. (#560017)
- Display ID_PATH for zFCP devices instead of looking for a WWID. (clumens)
- Fix a variety of filtering UI problems caused by switching models around.
- Add ID_SERIAL in as a backup in case there's no ID_SERIAL_SHORT. (clumens)
- Display ID_PATH instead of WWID for DASDs as well. (clumens)
- Rename the WWID column to Identifier. (clumens)
- Enforce maximum partition sizes. (#528276) (dlehman)
- Log commands as a string instead of as a list of strings. (dlehman)
- Strip off the timestamp from error output pulled from program.log.
- Fix: execWithRedirect() logging stderr at wrong loglevel. (akozumpl)
- Fix: execWithCallback() not logging stderr. (akozumpl)
- Fix: ArithmeticError: Could not align to closest sector (#561278)
- Fixed parsing of strings with multiple values in pyudev (mgracik)
- On text kickstart installs, doBasePackageSelect still needs to run
(#559593). (clumens)
- Remove unused udev_parse_block_entry() function (hdegoede)
- Fixed the problem with string to list properties (#560262) (mgracik)
* Mon Feb 01 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 13.24-1
- Don't log the size of what we're unpacking anymore. (clumens)
- Fixup partition aligning (#560586) (hdegoede)
- Fix backtrace when adding mdraid arrays (#560360) (hdegoede)
- pyudev: explicitly specify all return value and argument types (#559394)
- Correctly add found multipath devices to our dict (#560029). (clumens)
- gtk.TreeStores are iterable, so use indices instead of iterators. (clumens)
- Build sorted models on top of filtered models to make column sorting work.
- Skip the filtering UI if there's only one disk in the machine. (clumens)
- Allow getScreen methods to indicate the screen should be skipped. (clumens)
- rename constants and a variable in so the names make more
sense. (akozumpl)
- anaconda, storage and yum: log to tty3 in the same format as we log into
tty4 (akozumpl)
- Remove /sys prefix in udev_enumerate_devices() (hdegoede)
- Use libudev's enumerate_devices function (#559394) (mgracik)
- Update =~ regexps in lsznet.raw for bash-4.1 (#558537). (dcantrell)
- Startup iscsi / fcoe / zfcp before listing drives in the filter UI
- cleardisk_gui: Fix going back to the cleardisks gui (hdegoede)
- cleardisk_gui: Base autoselection of bootdev on detected BIOS order
- Fix typo in (hdegoede)
- Remove no longer used isys EDD code (hdegoede)
- Hookup new python EDD code (#478996) (hdegoede)
- Add pure python EDD code parsing and compareDrives substitute (#478996)
- Include /etc/netconfig in the initrd for NFS (#557704). (clumens)
- Log system messages to /tmp/syslog instead of /tmp/messages.log. (clumens)
- Make sure we always check /lib64 and /lib in find_library (#555669).
- Make sure we get required nss-softokn libs in the images. (dcantrell)
- Add 5 second ping delay for gateway and dns test on s390x (#536815).
- Update =~ regexps in linuxrc.s390 for bash-4.1 (#558537). (dcantrell)
- Add strace to the stage2 image and initrd. (clumens)
- multipath gives us CCISS devices names with ! in them, but we expect /.
- Fix visibility counting on filter notebook pages. (clumens)
- Fix thinko in displaying the first filter notebook page that disks.
- DMRaidArrayDevice don't pass major/minor to DMDevice.__init__ (#558440)
- Filter UI: don't show cciss controllers without sets (hdegoede)
- Filter UI: give BIOS RAID sets a usable model string and display that
- Make MDRaidArray description the same as DMRaidArray (hdegoede)
- Add DMRaidArrayDevice description and model properties (#558440) (hdegoede)
- DMRaidArrayDevices exist when created (#558440) (hdegoede)
- Clarify syslinux menu text (#557774) (hdegoede)
- Use description property for MDRaidArrayDevice model (hdegoede)
- MDRaidArrayDevice: Get rid of the ugly self.devices[0].type checking
- Make storage.unusedMDFoo also check mdcontainer members (hdegoede)
- Remove MDRaidArrayDevice biosraid property (hdegoede)
- Give MD BIOS RAID arrays there own type (hdegoede)
- Check for devices with no media present in (#558177)
- multipath requires (pjones)
- init, fixes a bug in getSyslog() causing a SEGV (akozumpl)
* Fri Jan 22 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 13.23-1
- Only /boot needs to be on one of the bootFSTypes. (#557718) (dlehman)
- nss files moved around again, NM needs more (#557702) (dcantrell)
- Fix broken log message. (pjones)
- MDRaidMember.__str__ add biosraid attribute to the returned string
- Remove setting of _isDisk and _partitionable from iscsi and fcoe disk code
- Add isDisk property to MDRaidArrayDevice (hdegoede)
- Make isDisk a property (hdegoede)
- Remove DMRaidDevice.mediaPresent method (hdegoede)
- Honor clearPartDisks when clearing whole disk formatting formatted disks
- Fixup MDRaidArrayDevice.biosraid (hdegoede)
- Update exclusiveDisks when handling mdraid BIOSRAID in isIgnored (hdegoede)
- MDRaidDevice does not have serial, vendor or bus arguments (hdegoede)
- Don't traceback on devices without a serial (hdegoede)
- Make addUdevPartitionDevice add lvm filters for ignored partitions
- Remove BIOSRAID see if ignored again code from addUdevPartitionDevice
- Remove special partition handling from isIgnored (hdegoede)
- Fix MDRaidArrayDevice mediaPresent to not depend on paritioned state
- Special handling for mdraid BIOS RAID sets in exclusive disks (hdegoede)
- 2 small mdraid related storage/ changes (hdegoede)
- Fix an infinite loop by properly iterating over the disks store (#557856).
- Prevent init from telling us its story if the shutdown was planned.
- Add a description attribute to MDRaidArrayDevice (hdegoede)
- Don't do exclusiveDisks checking for BIOS RAID members (hdegoede)
- Fix a syntax error in (hdegoede)
- Make multipath support use device-mapper-multipath to setup mpaths.
- Make PartitionDevice have its own teardown() when used with mpath. (pjones)
- Create multipath.conf (pjones)
- Make sure MultipathDevice is setup correctly. (pjones)
- List biosraids w/ disks and don't include them w/ md arrays in partgui.
- Add biosraid property and use it in MDRaidArrayDevice.partitionable.
- Make partitionable a property of StorageDevice instead of a plain attr.
- Remove the multipath name generator, it is no longer used. (pjones)
- Set StorageDevice.exists before calling Device.__init__ (pjones)
- Add another command to .bash_history. (pjones)
- Introducing a proper syslog daemon allows us to remove the syslogd stub we
have. (akozumpl)
- Merge branch 'forward_all' (akozumpl)
- Python logging is talking to the syslog daemon. (akozumpl)
- make dracut only activate the root LV (#553295) (hdegoede)
* Wed Jan 20 2010 David Cantrell <> - 13.22-1
- Add mpath device to selection instead of its constituents. (pjones)
- Make all StorageDevice-s support .vendor and .model (pjones)
- Add a parser for 'multipath -d' output. (pjones)
- Multipath members should not be added to the ignored disk list. (pjones)
- Add udev accessor for ID_MODEL_FROM_DATABASE/ID_MODEL. (pjones)
- Add udev_device_get_multipath_name(). (pjones)
- Use mpath names instead of serials to group them. (pjones)
- Add an exception to use when multipath fails. (pjones)
- Add missing log_method_call()s. (pjones)
- Introduces rsylogd to anaconda (part of #524980) (akozumpl)
- Fix compile problem from 65a3c05. (akozumpl)
- Remove unnecessary free from the rpmextract error handler (msivak)
- Fix SIGSEGV in dlabel feature (#556390) (msivak)
- Support ignore all/reinit all on the disk reinitialization question
(#512011). (clumens)
- Handle reboot better on s390 (#533198) (dcantrell)
- Reset network setting input counters for IPv4 and IPv6 (#553761).
- Fix reading dasd status sysfs attribute (#536803). (dcantrell)
- Fix whitespace error that was introduced. (pjones)
- setStage2LocFromCmdline() shouldn't strdup so much. (pjones)
- s390 CHPID types must be treated in hex for lookup table to work (#552844)
- Fixed the setting of LD_LIBRARY_PATH in rescue (mgracik)
- Use StorageError insead of enumerating all the different storage errors.
- Get rid of "stage2param" in parseCmdLineFlags(); it is unused. (pjones)
- Make clearDisksWindow use device.model not device.partedDevice.model
- Include device-mapper-multipath in stage2.img (pjones)
- Load all scsi_dh_* modules, since they can't be modprobe by aliases...
- Display the first filter notebook page that has any disks on it. (clumens)
- The firmware and additional-web-server groups no longer exist (#555609).
- Fix a traceback adding RAID devices to the filtering UI. (clumens)
- reIPL code cleanup in loader (dcantrell)
- Show call depth with spaces in log_method_call() (pjones)
- iutil.execWithRedirect() hasn't used searchPath= since 2006. Take it out.
- Look for the SSH config file in /etc/ssh on s390 as well (#555691).
- Changed the architecture check from __ppc64__ to __powerpc64__ (#555669)
- Fix the blkid infinite loop. (#555601) (msivak)
- Testing mode was removed. (rvykydal)
- There's no reason to keep bits of mkinitrd in upd-instroot. (pjones)
- Support the new excludedGroupList in pykickstart (#554717). (clumens)
- Use passed in anaconda parameter instead of relying on handler (hdegoede)
- Fix stdoutLog not being defined (hdegoede)
- pylint error fixes round 2 (hdegoede)
- Fixup various errors detected by pylint (hdegoede)
- mdraid: various changes to options for new mdraid array creation (hdegoede)
- Emit a dracut setup string for the root device itself (hdegoede)
- Fix path mistakes in dasd_settle() in loader/linuxrc.s390 (dcantrell)
- Do not write HWADDR to ifcfg file on s390x for OSA Layer 2 (#546005)
- Poll DASD status for 'online' or 'unformatted' (#536803) (dcantrell)
- Add back hald for Xorg input device queries (#553780) (dcantrell)
- Support moving multiple rows at once in the cleardisks UI. (clumens)
- Allow disks in the filter and cleardisks UIs to be selected via
double-click. (clumens)
- Don't log the big parted.Partition string every time we do a flag op.
- Check for disklabels on unpartitionable devices. (#539482) (dlehman)
- Make partitioned attr depend on whether the device is partitionable.
- Make sure to clear partitions before destroying a disklabel. (dlehman)
- Raise an exception when /etc/fstab contradicts detected fs type (#536906)
- Don't include read-only filesystems in fsFreeSpace. (#540525) (dlehman)
- NTFS filesystems are not really modifiable in any real sense. Admit it.
* Tue Jan 12 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 13.21-1
- Fix implicit declaration of things in sys/stat.h. (clumens)
* Tue Jan 12 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 13.20-1
- devicetree.devices is a list, not a dict (#554455). (clumens)
- Try to copy the correct traceback file, not anacdump.txt. (clumens)
- Make sure /tmp/DD exists before trying to copy it. (clumens)
* Fri Jan 08 2010 David Cantrell <> - 13.19-1
- st_size is off64_t on i386, off_t on others. (dcantrell)
* Fri Jan 08 2010 David Cantrell <> - 13.18-1
- RPM version check correction. (dcantrell)
* Fri Jan 08 2010 David Cantrell <> - 13.17-1
- fstat->st_size is a long unsigned int, not a long long unsigned int.
- Use libarchive and rpm pkg-config files during build. (dcantrell)
- Take ignoredDisks into account on the filter screen as well. (clumens)
- Don't wait on the filtertype screen on kickstart installs. (clumens)
- Our overridden AutoPart class must be mentioned in commandMap. (clumens)
- Reword filter UI introductory text to be less confusing. (clumens)
- Install the driver discs according to what was loaded in stage1 (msivak)
- Use the updated DriverDisc code in loader (msivak)
- Backport the RHEL5 DriverDisc functionality (msivak)
- Include depmod in stage1 and set it to prefer the DD directory (msivak)
- Add a function to get paths to loaded modules (msivak)
- Add rpm extraction routines (use librpm and libarchive) (msivak)
- Add DriverDisc v3 documentation (msivak)
- When displaying the filter UI, check devices that are in exclusiveDisks.
- get rid of global import of anaconda_log (akozumpl)
- introduce loglevel flag and use it in yum's tty3 logging (akozumpl)
- Remove LoggerClass but maintain loglevel= functionality (akozumpl)
- Do not duplicate exclusiveDisks when going back to filtering UI. (rvykydal)
- Fixes problems in the manual network configuration screen in loader with
IPv6. (akozumpl)
- Bring back missing IPv6 pieces that were lost in time. (dcantrell)
- Add configuration option to enable/disable IPv6 support. (dcantrell)
- Ask about LVM inconsistencies only in storageinit step. (rvykydal)
- Ask about disk initialization only in storageinit step. (rvykydal)
- Fix partition request sorting based on number of allowed disks. (#540869)
* Wed Jan 06 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 13.16-1
- Add libblkid as a BuildRequires. (clumens)
* Wed Jan 06 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 13.15-1
- Also remove requirement for libbdevid (hdegoede).
- Update the python-pyblock version requirement, too. (clumens)
- Bump the required version numbers on a couple of components. (clumens)
- ID_BUS is not always defined (on virt, for instance) so handle that.
- opts should always be treated as a list inside isys.mount(). (clumens)
* Mon Jan 04 2010 Chris Lumens <> - 13.14-1
- Include fontconfig files needed for scaling of Meera fonts (#531742,
#551363). (clumens)
- Don't write dracut kernel cmdline paramters to anaconda-ks.cfg (hdegoede)
- Write dracut rd_NO_foo options to grub.conf (hdegoede)
- Add dracutSetupString methods to all relevant device classes (hdegoede)
- Avoid duplicate kernel cmdline options and cleanup booty dracut code
* Wed Dec 23 2009 Chris Lumens <> - 13.13-1
- lsreipl from s390-utils uses incorrect path (hamzy).
- fix for a bug in 05ce88b2 that split one line over several in program.log
- Dump the initial and final state of the system's storage devices. (dlehman)
- Add a "dict" attribute to Device and DeviceFormat classes. (dlehman)
- Sort Storage.devices by name (not path) for consistency. (dlehman)
- Put fsprofile support back in. (dlehman)
- Fix reset of lvm filtering (#527711) (rvykydal)
- Fix bootloader driveorder dialog. (rvykydal)
- Fix selection of default boot target in UI (#548695) (rvykydal)
- 'cleardiskssel' typos that made it impossible to run text install.
* Fri Dec 18 2009 David Cantrell <> - 13.12-1
- Use the per-disk flag to disable cylinder alignment for msdos disklabels.
- Don't include advanced devices in the total count on the basic filter UI.
- For iSCSI devices, put the path into the UI instead of a WWID. (clumens)
- Add udev_device_get_path. (clumens)
- Make Callbacks._update_size_label callable from outside the object.
- Do not show the "Add Advanced" button on the basic filtering screen.
- Log into program.log through the standard python logging (part of
#524980). (akozumpl)
- Fix typo from commit 13022cc2. (dlehman)
- Restore accidentally removed line in (hdegoede)
- yuminstall: Fix indentation error (hdegoede)
- No need to special case ignoring of dmraid sets (hdegoede)
* Wed Dec 16 2009 Chris Lumens <> - 13.11-1
- Clean up setting paths on preupgrade (jvonau). (clumens)
- And call freetmp, too. (Jerry)
- Add a method to remove /tmp/install.img on low memory conditions (jvonau).
- Make sure /mnt/stage2 is mounted before trying to unmount. (Jerry)
- Skip the mediaDevice check before attempting to mount the install.img.
- Remove install.img from /boot during preupgrade. (Jerry)
- Add __str__ methods to the DeviceFormat classes. (dlehman)
- Expand PartitionDevice.__str__ to include partition geometry and flags.
- Hide biosraid member devices that contain MDRaidMember formats. (dlehman)
- Move disklabel handling into handleUdevDeviceFormat with the others.
- DiskDevice.__init__ expects an "exists" parameter, so add it. (clumens)
- Fix multipath filtering. (clumens)
- Log error messages before displaying dialogs. (clumens)
- Include error messages when logging selinux context get/set failures.
- Catch failures to set selinux contexts so it doesn't cause a crash.
- Fix typo logging failure to get default file context. (dlehman)
- Use DiskLabel.alignment instead of getDiskAlignment. (dlehman)
- Add an alignment property to DiskLabel. (dlehman)
- Do not translate log messages (hdegoede)
- Make iscsi,etc startup use the iscsi,etc Singletons (hdegoede)
- kickstart: Move onlining of fcoe/iscsi/zfcp devices to parse phase
- Make the fcoe, iscsi and zfcp classes singletons (hdegoede)
- Remove call to no longer existing isys DriveDict method (hdegoede)
- Use the correct yum configuration file when searching for the -logos
package (kanarip)
- Fix two missing closing parens in previous commits. (clumens)
- Add an interface to select the fancy filtering UI vs. the regular one.
- Add a step to prompt for the cleardisks UI. (clumens)
- Add a dialog to configure advanced storage devices. (clumens)
- Add an early user interface for filtering storage devices. (clumens)
- Rework the upgrade vs. install screen a bit to make it look nicer.
- Add the updated and simplified parttype screen. (clumens)
- Add a method to determine whether a device is a CCISS RAID device.
- Move identifyMultipaths from DeviceTree to devicelibs. (clumens)
- Add a method to return a device's WWID. (clumens)
- Add a method to get the bus/interconnect from udev and store it on
devices. (clumens)
- Add a vendor getting udev method, though udev doesn't always know it.
- Add the serial number to all DiskDevices and subclasses. (clumens)
- Put less space between rows and allow text to be longer before wrapping.
- Allow InstallInterfaces to modify the installation steps. (clumens)
- Default /boot to 500 MB. (clumens)
- Some iscsi cleanups (hdegoede)
- Bring auto discovered drives online before parsing the ks file (hdegoede)
- Make a better effort at tearing down everything before action processing.
- Tighten restrictions on the type of disklabel on x86 and EFI boot disks.
- Use string instead of parted.diskType for disklabel types. (dlehman)
- A couple of cleanups to warnings about formatting preexisting devices.
- Rework udev_settle timeout handling (#544177) (hdegoede)
- Remove smp.c from the, too. (clumens)
- Nothing has a kernel-smp anymore so none of this code is useful. (clumens)
- Get rid of the goofy nested try statements. (clumens)
- update reIPL messages (hamzy)
- Change btrfs command line option (josef)
* Wed Dec 09 2009 Chris Lumens <> - 13.10-1
- Kickstart support for unpartitioned disks. (dlehman)
- Skip disklabel handling for biosraid and multipath members. (dlehman)
- Improve disklabel's name attr so we don't have to hide them anymore.
- Hide devices with certain formatting in the main partitioning UI. (dlehman)
- Automatic partitioning support for whole-disk formatting. (dlehman)
- Add support for whole-disk formatting. (dlehman)
- Add per-row control over sensitive property for CheckList and
WideCheckList. (dlehman)
- Use a function to add a device to the partition gui. (dlehman)
- Don't crash if there's no intf passed to getLUKSPassphrase. (dlehman)
- Remove unused selinux file context functions from isys. (dlehman)
- Use selinux python module for file context operations. (dlehman)
- Obtain device alignment information from parted. (#529051) (dlehman)
- Handle roots with or without trailing "/" in FileDevice.path. (#541473)
- sundries.h is no longer used. (clumens)
- Kill yet another unused lodaer flag. (clumens)
- stage1 (init): Make /tmp tmpfs large enough to hold install.img (#540146)
- With flags.setupFilesystems gone, justConfig can be removed from booty.
- Nothing sets flags.setupFilesystems anymore, so it can go too. (clumens)
- Remove test mode from the loader, too. (clumens)
- Complain if we're started in test or rootPath mode instead of aborting.
- Remove test mode. (clumens)
- Remove rootPath mode. (clumens)
- Enable method/repo nfs options in stage2. (rvykydal)
- Accept "nfs:" prefix in ks repo --baseurl setting beside "nfs://".
- Display url having invalid prefix in repo editing dialog. (rvykydal)
- Do not traceback on invalid ks repo --baseurl values (#543003) (rvykydal)
- Remove /etc/localtime before trying to copy into it (#533240). (akozumpl)
- Whenever storage code tries to log a method call, do so into the
'tmp/storage.log' file. (a part of #524980) (akozumpl)
- Make loader log time with milliseconds (part of #524980). (akozumpl)
- Log storage in the same format as the main anaconda log (a part of
#524980) (akozumpl)
* Tue Dec 01 2009 Chris Lumens <> - 13.9-1
- Improve text mode fcoe interface (hdegoede)
- Fix udev rule to test whether we're in anaconda. (dlehman)
- Fix support for new udev rules. (pjones)
- Display progress or wait window when creating devices. (dlehman)
- Display progress or wait window when formatting devices. (dlehman)
- Add optional progress windows to devicelibs create functions. (dlehman)
- Force mkswap to do its job. (dlehman)
- Don't try to get dm node or update sysfs path for lvm vgs. (dlehman)
- Log upon leaving installer steps as well as entering (a part of #524980).
- An unitialized variable in iw/ and a typo in
- Add DCB option to text mode FCoE setup (#513011) (hdegoede)
- Add DCB option to GUI FCoE setup (#513011) (hdegoede)
- Add DCB option to kickstart FCoE code (#513011) (hdegoede)
- Add support for DCB to (#513011) (hdegoede)
- Include fcoemon and dcbd in install.img for FCoE DCB support (#513011)
- Add RAID4 support (#541433) (oliva)
- Clear a partition's BOOT flag when formatting it (hdegoede)
- Do not set boot flag when there is already a partition with the flag
(#533658) (hdegoede)
- Fixes a syntax error in commit b495db2cd56c881a7e661ac55bd31069510cf662.
- If /boot is too small to preupgrade, don't allow going back (#499321).
- One reference to earlyKS somehow survived. Kill it. (clumens)
- Quote backticks when writing out the .bash_history file, and add another
cmd. (clumens)
- Set the default keyboard based on language before showing the UI
(#532843). (clumens)
- Don't attempt to get the size of a filesystem unless it's supported
(#540598). (clumens)
- Require /boot to be on a GPT or MSDOS disk label on x86 (#540588).
- Fix killall -USR2 anaconda writing out a traceback file. (clumens)
- Only check for DEVICE_DASD in S390.diskLabelType, not for all platforms.
- Use installclass to make the bootloader timeout 5 seconds on RHEL. (pjones)
- Make sure we get tcp_wrappers-libs installed for stage 2 (pjones)
- Mount usbfs before installing packages (#532397) (mmatsuya)
- Use fs with largest amount of freespace to store install.img (hdegoede)
- Always update booty drivelist before filling bootstore (#533335) (hdegoede)
- Enhance drive specification for clearpart, ignoredisk, and partition.
- Add a function that determines which devices match a given shell glob.
- Extend udev_resolve_devspec to allow specifying devices in more ways.
- Name log files something that doesn't conflict with the system (#539542).
- Adds interactive install support for NFS options (#537764) (akozumpl)
- Introduces check_asprintf macro that checks asprintfs return value and
terminates program in OOM scenarios. (akozumpl)
- Sleep if the kickstart file read fails (#537361) (akozumpl)
- Move libcurl initialization to urlinstTransfer() (#537870). (dcantrell)
- Replace all popt use with glib's option parsing code. (dcantrell)
- Clean up initProductInfo() in loader.c. (dcantrell)
- Use glib string parsing functions in driverselect.c. (dcantrell)
- If a package has %%pre/%%post scriptlet errors, abort the install
(#531599). (clumens)
- If a package has a dependency problem, offer to continue/abort (#511801).
- Generate more complete grub file when upgrading grub. (#533621)
- Added the libudev python bindings (mgracik)
- If the kickstart log file's path doesn't exist, make it. (clumens)
- Don't make chown or lsetfilecon errors fatal (#529940). (clumens)
- Get correct boot device in reIPL code for s390 (#537390). (hamzy)
- Expand the proxy table a little bit to reduce clutter (#537878). (clumens)
- Use glib data structures in loader's module handling code. (dcantrell)
- Various improvements to kickstart scriptlet reporting (#510636). (clumens)
* Thu Nov 12 2009 David Cantrell <> - 13.8-1
- Ignore merge commit messages when generating the rpm changelog. (dcantrell)
- Remove last references to hal. (dcantrell)
- Log calls to DiskLabel's commit and commitToDisk methods. (dlehman)
- Fix DiskLabel.status so it returns True, not self.partedDisk, when active.
- Write /etc/dasd.conf to target system on s390 (#533833). (dcantrell)
- Latest dracut has new syntax for rd_DASD. (dcantrell)
- Handle case of not enough space in VG more gracefully. (#533797) (dlehman)
- Make sure partitioning-related drive lists are sorted properly. (#534065)
- Remove the early kickstart processing pass (#532453). (clumens)
- Move all the important stuff out of the KickstartCommand.parse methods.
- These changes require a later version of pykickstart. (clumens)
- commandMap and dataMap are now updates to the existing dict. (clumens)
- Set a reference to the kickstart handler on BaseData objects. (clumens)
- Move exception setup to right after instdata is populated. (clumens)
- Leave one free logical block before each logical partition. (dlehman)
- Use Chunk's geometry attr to access the parted Geometry. (dlehman)
- Fix sorting of requests by mountpoint. It was backwards. (dlehman)
- Align logical partitions' start sector up one logical block for metadata.
- Use parted.Device's sectorSize attr instead of physicalSectorSize.
- Select partition layout based on potential for growth. (dlehman)
- Reimplement partition growing. (dlehman)
- Create and use a function to obtain a parted alignment for a disk.
- Create and use a new function to create and add new partitions to disk.
- Make and use a new function to remove non-existent partitions. (dlehman)
- Disable parted's cylinder alignment code. (dlehman)
- Use new functions for conversion between size and sector count. (dlehman)
- Consider whether a partition is growable when choosing free space.
- Allocate fixed-size requests before growable requests. (dlehman)
- For the catch-all case, put the message into the UI, not the exn
(#536854). (clumens)
- Add a missing binary to KEEPFILES (#533237) (msivak)
- Set boot flag for /boot on mdraid 1 array too (#533533). (rvykydal)
- Report no media present for cpqarray controllers with no disks attached
- Honor existing RUNKS conf file variable on s390 (#513951). (dcantrell)
- Add "Hipersockets" to qeth NETTYPE description (#511962). (dcantrell)
- Set custom_icon to error for advanced storage dialog errors (hdegoede)
- When creating a new md array check we have enough members (#533027)
- Convert string.find calls into something modern (jkeating)
- rescue: Don't copy to /tmp when not enough RAM (#531304,
#529392) (jvonau)
- isys: remove stray debug printf (#533597) (hdegoede)
- Don't activate / de-activate dmraid sets on setup / teardown (hdegoede)
- Remove previous mdadm bug 523334 workaorund (hdegoede)
- Don't stop mdraid containers or their arrays (#532971) (hdegoede)
- Include the command line to put anaconda into debugger mode in history.
- Allow remote(ish) debugging. (pjones)
- Make sure /var/log/lastlog is there so we don't have ugly logs. (pjones)
- Correct modopts initialization in loader (take 2) (#531932). (dcantrell)
- Get rid of dead code, and fix gettimespecofday's math. (pjones)
- Don't exec without forking first when calling udevadm. (pjones)
- If init or loader exit unexpectedly, traceback. (pjones)
- Fix the vim magic in this file to work. (pjones)
- Add handling for sshpw command. (pjones)
- Improve createLuserConf behavior and chroot behavior in users.* (pjones)
- Improve logging of ssh-keygen. (pjones)
- Remove tabs in "anaconda" (pjones)
- pidof is a symlink to killall5, so we need that as well. (pjones)
- Correctly initialize modopts in loader (#531932). (dcantrell)
- Increase the size of /boot a little bit (#530555). (clumens)
- Modify autopart requests to include a separate /home (#150670). (clumens)
- Take the spec's requiredSpace into account when creating LVs. (clumens)
- Add the PartSpec.__str__ method for debugging. (clumens)
- Trim the inital / off the mountpoint before making an LV name from it.
- Remove "anaconda" from attributes to skip (#532612, #532737). (clumens)
- Fix status for and consolidate handling of '-' in vg/lv names. (#527302)
- Rename "setupShellEnvironment" to "setupSshd". That's all it does.
- Put "killall -USR2 anaconda" in a pre-populated history. (pjones)
- Only try to split proxy commands out if there's actually one specified.
- Consolidate the parsing of nfs: locations for ks= and stage2= (#529197)
- Copy cio_ignore kernel parameter to zipl.conf on s390 (#475675).
- Do not modify /etc/hosts from setup package (#530343). (dcantrell)
- In execWithCallback(), support disabling stdout echo (#528386) (dcantrell)
- Select drives in partition dialog, preserving settings. (#529931) (dlehman)
- Clear pot and po updates after a 'make release' or 'make archive'.
- Use the new anaconda image in fedora-logos (#529267). (jkeating)
- Call udev_trigger with a "change" action and don't filter out dm devices.
- Remove unused attr_nomatch keyword argument from baseudev.udev_trigger.
- Fix logging of isys mount/umount into program.log. (rvykydal)
- Fix "resize failed: 1" errors for ext2/ext3/ext4 (#517491). (dcantrell)
- Log why we're exiting the installer in storage.DASD.startup() (dcantrell)
- Improve detailedMessageWindow() in (dcantrell)
- Use 'zerombr' kickstart command for DASDs needing dasdfmt (#528386).
- Add 'zerombr' to list of early kickstart commands we look for. (dcantrell)
* Thu Oct 29 2009 Chris Lumens <> - 13.7-1
- TypeError: '_ped.DiskType' object is not callable (#531730) (hdegoede)
- Fix upgrade of GRUB with md raid boot for versions F11 and earlier.
- Remove another code duplication in grub upgrade code. (rvykydal)
- Remove code duplication, use fixed code from writeGrub. (rvykydal)
- Remove target parameter from grub installation code - it is no more
needed. (rvykydal)
- Remove support for IUCV networking devices on s390. (#531494) (dcantrell)
- Find and format any unformatted DASD devices (#528386). (dcantrell)
- Improve detailedMessageWindow() in (dcantrell)
- Create execWithCallback() function in iutil. (dcantrell)
- preexist -> onPart (#531407). (clumens)
- Add sshd support for non-s390 platforms. (pjones)
- When doing initlabel on a dasd disk create a dasd disklabel (#531209)
- Rename platform.diskType to platform.diskLabelType (hdegoede)
- Fix arrow key cycling in the Edit Partition dialog (#519641). (clumens)
- Provide a single checkbox for a minimal install (#523839). (clumens)
- Fix DASD and zFCP device discovery (#530287). (dcantrell)
- Clarify the shrink target message (#530789). (clumens)
- Re-enable running udevadm. (clumens)
- max_logical -> max_logicals (#530786). (clumens)
- Filter out device-mapper devices when doing a udev_trigger. (dlehman)
- Expand udev_trigger to allow attr filtering and action specification.
- More udev fixups for device-mapper and cryptsetup temp devices. (#526699)
- Add the bcm5974 kernel module needed for some touchpads (#474225).
- /boot is already being checked by the superclass, so don't check again.
- Allow /boot to be on a variety of filesystems during kickstart (#529846).
- Platform.bootloaderPackage -> Platform.packages (clumens)
- Bootloader choice strings were marked with N_, but never translated
(#530017). (clumens)
- Handle more than x.y version numbers in 'make bumpver'. (dcantrell)
- Mark live device as protected instead of ignoring it. (#517260) (dlehman)
- Don't force logical with a free primary slot and an extended. (#527952)
- Use rpm to determine how to set bootloader args and default runlevel
(#527520). (clumens)
- Improve message given to user for fsck failures (#527626). (dcantrell)
- 'Packages completed' string should use P_() instead of N_(). (dcantrell)
- Reintegrate reipl to trigger reboot/halt on s390x correctly. (#528380)
- Put the icon back on the Back button on livecd installs (#526925).
- Make LOADER_FLAGS_NOSHELL default also for s390x not just s390 (#527063)
- Adapt standalone shutdown to nokill changes so s390x can use it. (#528380)
- Add dracutSetupData() method to DASDDevice (#526354). (dcantrell)
- Collect DASD kernel parameter information during device tree scan
(#526354). (dcantrell)
- Add dracutSetupString() method to ZFCPDiskDevice (#526354). (dcantrell)
- Write LAYER2 and PORTNO correctly as parts of OPTIONS to ifcfg for s390x
- Don't set unnecessary multipath defaults. (pjones)
- Add a "File Bug" button to all possibilitys in turnOnFilesystems
(#528006). (clumens)
- For cmdline mode, add the long text to what messageWindow will print
(#528006). (clumens)
- Use /dev/mapper/live-osimg-min instead of the old device node name
(#526789). (clumens)
- Remove double slash from nfs:// ks repo value for use in UI. (rvykydal)
- Make bootLoaderInfo new-style class, so that its properties work
correctly. (rvykydal)
- liveinst: deactivate mdraid arrays before running liveinst (#528235)
- Set parted filesystemtype for swap partitions (hdegoede)
* Tue Oct 13 2009 David Cantrell <> - 13.6-1
- BR system-config-keyboard (dcantrell)
* Tue Oct 13 2009 David Cantrell <> - 13.5-1
- Remove extra echo in 'make rpmlog'. (dcantrell)
- Do not traceback if network device doesn't have HwAddress property
(#506013). (rvykydal)
- Fix liveinst to (1) not unmount /dev/pts, (2) unmount in order (509632).
- Do not read DASD data from /tmp/install.cfg in booty (#526354). (dcantrell)
- Merge branch 'master' of ssh:// (notting)
- Support upgrading when the language isn't in lang-table (#528317).
- Fix task selection when tasks contain the same group. (#528193) (notting)
- Update drivelist with bootloader --driveorder ks option instead of
replacing it (#506073). (rvykydal)
- Use ID_SERIAL to write multipath.conf, but ID_SERIAL_SHORT for UI. (pjones)
- Don't run 70-anaconda.rules on an installed system (#527781). (clumens)
- Handle Installation Repo (base repo) as any other in repo edit UI.
- Fix methodstr editing dialog. (rvykydal)
- Store methodstr url of repo (#502208, #526022). (rvykydal)
- Show user of which repository he edits the url (methodstr editing).
- Don't traceback with malformed repo= nfs: parameter. (rvykydal)
* Mon Oct 12 2009 David Cantrell <> - 13.4-1
- Missing volume_key shouldn't break LUKS support completely. (#526899)
- Write multipathd.conf in anaconda so that dracut can find it. (pjones)
- We moved from dialog to newt.. (#528497) (msivak)
- Fix a segfault when stage2= boot parameter and kickstart url method is
used (#524417). (rvykydal)
- Fix parsing of optional portnr in iscsi target IP (#525118) (hdegoede)
* Fri Oct 09 2009 David Cantrell <> - 13.3-1
- Reset PartitionDevice attributes after failed edit. (#498026) (dlehman)
- Add MultipathDevice.getDMNode(), because .updateSysfsPath() needs it.
- Add MultipathDevice.updateSysfsPath() (pjones)
- Run implantisomd5 on boot.iso on x86. (bz#526902) (pjones)
- Consider encryption when checking for duplicate mountpoint. (#526697)
- Fix grub stage1 installation for /boot on md raid1. (rvykydal)
- Do not show the VNC-over-text question, when there is not enough memory
for GUI (#527979) (msivak)
- Fix filtering out of 'Sending translation for' log messages in bumpver.
- Use addUdevPartitionDevice() for adding dmraid / multipath partitions
(#527785) (hdegoede)
- Set partedPartition system to the correct FS when creating an FS (hdegoede)
- Reset parted flags in createFormat not destroyFormat (hdegoede)
- Default to mbr bootloader target for mdraid 1 boot device too (#526822).
- Clear out state before calling XkbGetState. (clumens)
* Thu Oct 08 2009 Radek Vykydal <> - 13.2-1
- Override fstabSpec in PartitionDevice for by-path DASD (#526364). (dcantrell)
- Create DASDDevice objects for DASD devices when building devicetree.
- Add udev_device_is_dasd() to detect DASD devices. (dcantrell)
- Change existing call to deviceNameToDiskByPath(). (dcantrell)
- Make storage.devices.deviceNameToDiskByPath() more robust. (dcantrell)
- Do not copy over 70-persistent.rules if instPath is '' (#527707) (dcantrell)
- Filter out 'Sending translation for' log messages in bumpver. (dcantrell)
- Don't copy _raidSet, but merely pass around a reference (hdegoede)
- Action...Format setup device before modifying the partition table (hdegoede)
- map() -> filter() in storage.writeEscrowPackets() (dcantrell)
- lokkit has moved to a subpackage, so require that (#523709). (clumens)
- Stop trying to run xrandr (#527678). (clumens)
- Only initialize escrow packet code if there's devices that need it (#527668).
- On lookup of a PartedDevice also check for _ped.DeviceException (#527699)
- Set related ayum attributes if media is found when editing methodstr
(#515441). (rvykydal)
- In repo editing UI do not use object we are creating (#515441). (rvykydal)
* Tue Oct 06 2009 David Cantrell <> - 13.1-1
- Tell udev to ignore temporary cryptsetup devices. (#526699) (dlehman)
- Have redhat.exec reference generic.prm, not redhat.parm (dcantrell)
- Bring back cio_ignore=all, !0.0.0009 for generic.prm on s390x (#463544)
- Take 70-persistent-net.rules generated at installation (#526322)
- Use $LIBDIR to find the boot-wrapper file. (jkeating)
- formatByDefault: Don't traceback when mountpoint is None (#522609)
- Don't warn /usr should be formatted when "Format as:" is already selected
- Bring up network interface before trying to use it for FCoE (hdegoede)
- DMRaidArray: Don't report no media present when in teared down state
- Wait for udev to settle before trying to find dmraid sets in udev DB
- Implement the double click for free space on the bar view (jgranado)
- Pass only cCB and dcCB to the StripeGraph classes. (jgranado)
- React to a double click on a "free row" in the tree view. (jgranado)
- Create getCurrentDeviceParent function. (jgranado)
- Make sure we don't exceed the 80 character threshold (jgranado)
- Display an LVM graph on the bar view when we click on the VG's free space
- Add a free row in the LVM tree view when necessary. (jgranado)
- Reorganize the tree view related to lvm. (jgranado)
- Remove unneeded variable (jgranado)
* Mon Oct 05 2009 David Cantrell <> - 13.0-1
- Remove an errant popd. Probably cut/paste error. (jkeating)
- Only add the .img file to .treeinfo if it exists. (jkeating)
- Make the netboot dir before trying to use it (jkeating)
- Only write network --netmask if one has been defined (#527083). (clumens)
- Add --label to anaconda-ks.cfg if needed (#526223). (clumens)
- Fix existing size calculation for NTFS (#520627) (dcantrell)
- Write label to filesystem if we have one set (#526226, #526242) (dcantrell)
- Add wget to the initrd, which is required for rhts. (clumens)
- Fix the check for no /boot request on PPC yet again (#526843). (clumens)
- Surround the stage2= parameter in quotes for RHEL (#526863). (clumens)
- Correct makeupdates script to work with deleted files. (jgranado)
- Stop dragging mkinitrd into the install (hdegoede)
- Add --keyword=P_ to xgettext command arguments. (dcantrell)
- Use named parameters for translatable strings with multiple params.
- Change 'support' to 'supported' in UnknownSwapError dialog (#526549)
- Force interface up before checking link status (#525071). (dcantrell)
- Only ignore partitions <1MB that are freespace. (#526445) (dlehman)
- Try to include error messages in lvm/mdadm exceptions. (dlehman)
- Add the create LV option. (jgranado)
- Give the proper orientation to the gtk objects. (jgranado)
- Show the information message when user hits a non-bar element. (jgranado)
- Control the sensitivity of the "delete" and "create" buttons (jgranado)
- Respond to double click on a VG, LV and RAID device. (jgranado)
- Remove the "Hide RAID/LVM" checkbox. (jgranado)
- Display a message in the bar view when user has no selected items.
- Cosmetic changes. (jgranado)
- The StripeGraph class does not need tree nor editCB (jgranado)
- Restrain from outputing any digits after the decimal point. (jgranado)
- Add a slice when the extended partition contains "free space" (jgranado)
- Reduce message size in clone screen. (jgranado)
- Add Slice size to the bar view (jgranado)
- Select the device in the treeview when its selected in the barview.
- Make canvas a class method. (jgranado)
- Incorporate all the Graph types in the custom screen. (jgranado)
- Add the Volume Group and md RAID array Graph classes (jgranado)
- Make the Bar View Code generic. (jgranado)
- Pass the device instead of the name to the add funciton. (jgranado)
- Display the device path with a smaller font and different color. (jgranado)
- Display bar view for the selected device only. (jgranado)
- Fix indentation in editCB (jgranado)
- Organize the creation of the custom screen into sections. (jgranado)
- Use a checkmark from a PNG image instead of a string. (jgranado)
- Put the size after the device name in the storage tree. (jgranado)
- Add the warning message for an invalid create. (jgranado)
- Reorganize the Customization screen a little. (jgranado)
- Remove unneeded functions & add the about messages for LVM and RAID.
- Have an intermediary screen for the "Create" action. (jgranado)
- New screen for "Create" action. (jgranado)
- New function to tell us if there is free space for a new partition.
- Edit LVM LV when user has a LV selected. (jgranado)
- Don't fail to commit partitions due to active lvm/md. (dlehman)
- Create and use DiskLabelCommitError for failure to commit. (dlehman)
- Work around partition renumbering in processActions. (dlehman)
- Re-get preexisting partitions using their original path. (dlehman)
- Don't store a copy of ActionDestroyFormat's device attr. (dlehman)
- Don't retry commiting partition table to disk (hdegoede)
- Stop /lib/udev/rules.d/65-md-incremental.rules from messing with mdraid
sets (hdegoede)
- Don't try to do format handling on drives without media (#523467)
- Wait for mdraid arrays to become clean before reboot / halt (hdegoede)
- Add repo --proxy= support to kickstart. (clumens)
- Pass the proxy config information to stage2. (clumens)
- Add support for proxies to the command line. (clumens)
- Add proxy support to kickstart in the loader. (clumens)
- Add a function to split up a proxy parameter into its parts. (clumens)
- libcurl supports https in addition to http, so change our tests. (clumens)
- getHostAndPath is only used by the nfs code, so move it. (clumens)
- Add initial loader UI support for proxies (#125917, #484788, #499085).
- We no longer need our own FTP/HTTP protocol support code. (clumens)
- Get rid of the convertURL/UI functions, make iurlinfo just store a string.
- Convert urlinstall.c to using the new urlinstTransfer function. (clumens)
- Add proxy support to urlinstTransfer by setting more curl options.
- Add the urlinstTransfer function, which replaces urlinst*Transfer.
- Add a function to construct an array of HTTP headers and cache the result.
- Add a CURL instance to the loader data. (clumens)
- Add checks for libcurl into the makefile process. (clumens)
- Add the packages needed to support libcurl. (clumens)
* Tue Sep 29 2009 David Cantrell <> - 12.32-1
- Improve loader messages in parseCmdLineFlags when passing vnc (#526350).
- Update po/anaconda.pot during a 'bumpver' run. (dcantrell)
- Add 'make release' as a synonym for 'make archive'. (dcantrell)
- Whitespace cleanup in loader/net.c. (dcantrell)
- Clean up getHostandPath() debugging messages for host & file. (dcantrell)
- Need an extra on the PS1 line in /.profile (dcantrell)
- Korean font package name changed (#525597) (dcantrell)
- We can't prompt for new network info in cmdline mode (#526262). (clumens)
- yaboot supports /boot on ext4 (#526219). (clumens)
- bootloader --append= should append, not set the args list (#524004).
- Don't check if /boot is under the 4MB mark on i/p Series (#526200).
- "minimal" has been renamed to "core" (#526191). (clumens)
- Remove some unused isys methods. (clumens)
- Make sure the disk holding /boot is setup before setting boot flag
(#526063) (hdegoede)
- Use temporary repo id for edited object to prevent Duplicate Repo error
(#524599). (rvykydal)
- Do not delete repo twice or when it had not been added actually (#524599).
- Disable repo before deleting it (#524599). (rvykydal)
- Log more, repo editing UI. (rvykydal)
- Make _enableRepo a little more readable. (rvykydal)
* Fri Sep 25 2009 David Cantrell <> - 12.31-1
- Move S390MODS to inside makeBootImages(), remove libiscsi_tcp. (dcantrell)
- Require the latest and greatest python-meh. (clumens)
- Add a stub enableNetwork method for cmdline mode (#525779). (clumens)
- Adapt to python-meh passing a bug description around. (clumens)
- Return None for next part type if all primary slots full. (#524859)
- Make sure the Minimal group is selected by default on RHEL installs
(#524561). (clumens)
* Thu Sep 24 2009 Chris Lumens <> - 12.30-1
- Simplify s390x module list generation. (dcantrell)
- Read cmsfs* commands from $IMGPATH/usr/sbin in mk-images (dcantrell)
- Use correct kernel-bootwrapper on ppc64. (dcantrell)
- Anaconda no longer requires hal. (notting)
* Tue Sep 22 2009 David Cantrell <> - 12.29-1
- Updated po/anaconda.pot (dcantrell)
- Remove ui/ from po/ (dcantrell)
* Tue Sep 22 2009 David Cantrell <> - 12.28-1
- Preserve whitespace in $CDLABEL in mk-images.x86 (dcantrell)
- Modify installclass for current RHEL development efforts.
- Add --brand switch support to buildinstall script. (dcantrell)
- Remove the installation number screen. (clumens)
- Remove kickstart-docs.txt, since it comes with pykickstart (#515168).
- ybin, mkofboot, and ofpath moved from /usr/sbin to /sbin (#524608).
- Honor ignoredisk --only-use. (#514353) (dlehman)
- Make sure user-selected mountpoint is not already in use. (#524584)
- Do not raise UI dialog in stage2 if network is set in ks (#487503).
- Use whiptail instead of dialog in rescue mode, supports serial line better
and looks nicer (msivak)
* Mon Sep 21 2009 David Cantrell <> - 12.27-1
- Require at least system-config-keyboard 1.3.1 or higher. (dcantrell)
- Fixes for rhel installclass. (dcantrell)
- Start with all modules from kernel/drivers/s390 on s390x (#524566)
- Do not require dhcpv6-client, package is now obsolete. (dcantrell)
- Take into account snapshots and mirrored volumes in lvm dialogs. (dlehman)
- Add handling for snapshot and mirrored logical volumes to DeviceTree.
- Add attrs to LVMLogicalVolumeDevice class for snapshots and mirrored lvs.
- Add function lvorigin to determine the name of a snapshot's origin lv.
- Add function udev_device_get_lv_attr to retrieve lv attribute strings.
- Include hidden volumes and lv attributes in udev db. (dlehman)
- Add 'install' user to start anaconda on s390x. (dcantrell)
- Set a default shell prompt for s390x installs. (dcantrell)
- Do not assume we found a module in addOption() in loader/modules.c
- Do not try to load floppy, edd, pcspkr, or iscsi_ibft on s390x. (dcantrell)
- Handle Esc keypress in (some more) dialogs as Cancel - (#520110).
- All the nss libraries have moved from /lib to /usr/lib (#524410). (clumens)
- Add python-nss as a requirement (#524307, #524313). (clumens)
- Call $LDSO --verify for the binary file -inside- the chroot. This fixes
building x86 boot images on a x86_64 host system. (thomas.jarosch)
- Just grab everything in a /usr/share/fonts/lohit* directory (#523906).
- Don't write an empty mdadm.conf (hdegoede)
- Write mdraid arrays to mdadm.conf in sorted order (hdegoede)
- containers and their sets must only have a UUID= parameter in mdamd.conf
- Updated anaconda.pot file. (dcantrell)
* Thu Sep 17 2009 David Cantrell <> - 12.26-1
- NetworkManagerSystemSettings.service no longer exists. (jkeating)
- udevsettle is no longer used (udevadm settle is called instead) so don't
put it in images. (jkeating)
- nm-system-settings is no longer shipped. (jkeating)
- Port from PolicyKit to polkit (jkeating)
- Keep po/anaconda.pot in the source tree (#522072) (dcantrell)
- Do not show Unknown as filesystem type for free space. (dcantrell)
- Catch failures from write(2) in utils/snarffont.c (dcantrell)
- Don't leak fds (#520154) (jgranado)
- Initialize the opts variable. (jgranado)
- Add the help messages for the new options of makeupdates script. (jgranado)
- Revert "The Madan font should no longer be used (apparently). (#523906)."
- Fix going back from hd install UI when stage2 is given as boot param
(#519206). (rvykydal)
- The Madan font should no longer be used (apparently). (#523906). (clumens)
- Update the pykickstart requirement to reflect the escrow stuff. (clumens)
- add requires for sparc arches on elftoaout and piggyback we need them to
make the tftp image (dennis)
- copy the sparc boot loader on all sparc arches (dennis)
- make sure we include sparc boot loaders on all sparc arches (dennis)
- make sure we get the sparc64 kernel on sparc (dennis)
- Check whatever contains /boot on PPC as well as the bootable part
(#523747). (clumens)
- make a call to rpmutils to get the basearch works on all arches that dont
have anaconda built on the basearch (dennis)
- s-c-keyboard is now provided on all architectures (#523445). (clumens)
* Tue Sep 15 2009 David Cantrell <> - 12.25-1
- Use pyblock for device-mapper devices' status. (dlehman)
- load_policy has moved from /usr/sbin to /sbin (#523506). (clumens)
- Collect all modules from modules.{ccwmap|networking} on s390x (#522519)
- Copy cmsfscat from /usr/sbin, not /usr/bin. (dcantrell)
- Remove duplicate search_cu() in linuxrc.s390 (dcantrell)
- Try harder to stop mdraid arrays (hdegoede)
- Log when we are skipping disks without media (hdegoede)
- Don't scan stopped md devices (hdegoede)
- Make udev_get_block_device() return None on failure (hdegoede)
- Do not pass --update=super-minor to mdadm for containers and sets there in
- Write mdadm.conf lines for mdraid container formats (imsm) (hdegoede)
- Really put appended kernel cmdline arguments at the end (hdegoede)
- Install dracut-network when using network storage (hdegoede)
- Make recreateInitrd() generate a dracut initrd (hdegoede)
- Use type of device rather than name in booty target selection. (hdegoede)
- write netroot=fcoe:... to kernel cmdline in grub.conf for dracut (hdegoede)
- write ifname=eth#:MAC to kernel cmdline in grub.conf for dracut (hdegoede)
- write iscsi initiator name to kernel cmdline in grub.conf for dracut
- Make iswmd the default (hdegoede)
- Use new icons in anaconda so we don't look so dated (#515601). (clumens)
- Prevent infinite loop in doClearPartitionedDevice. (dlehman)
- Rename doDeleteDependentDevices to doClearPartitionedDevice for clarity.
- Handle Esc keypress in dialogs as Cancel (#520110). (rvykydal)
- Don't use baseurl containing space in yum repo object (#516042). (rvykydal)
- Add escrow support (mitr)
- Add python-{nss,volume_key} to stage2, volume_key to rescue (mitr)
- Update for pykickstart with escrow support (mitr)
- Fix --encrypted when creating volumes in kickstart (mitr)
- Remove the "Remove dmraid Device" button, which isn't even hooked up.
- Require the right version of system-config-date (#523107). (clumens)
- Fix setting of "Add repository" dialog title. (rvykydal)
- Update state and name of repository in list after editing. (rvykydal)
- Fix busy cursor in repo editing (#518529) (rvykydal)
- Fix busy cursor stack popping when creating formats (#518529). (rvykydal)
- Remove partitions in reverse order when clearing disks. (dlehman)
- Improve the info provided to DeviceAction.__str__. (dlehman)
- Include device id in log lines since partitions can get renumbered.
- Don't try to preserve old format attrs when reinitializing pvs. (dlehman)
- remove the no longer used initcb and initlabel DiskDevice.__init__
arguments (hdegoede)
* Thu Sep 10 2009 Chris Lumens <> - 12.24-1
- dmidecode is in /usr/sbin, not /usr/bin. (clumens)
- Add cmsfscat to the initrd on s390 as well (#522535). (clumens)
- Fix the gawk/awk symlink mess in the initrd (#522535). (clumens)
- No longer use /usr/bin/env (#521337). (clumens)
- It's controlunits, not (clumens)
- Get DMRaidArrayDevice's a DiskLabel format when they are added to the tree
- Fix askmethod + stage2= (#516973, #519288, #518194) (rvykydal)
* Wed Sep 09 2009 David Cantrell <> - 12.23-1
- initrd-generic.img -> initramfs.img (hdegoede)
* Wed Sep 09 2009 David Cantrell <> - 12.22-1
- No longer require xfsdump, since anaconda doesn't use it anywhere
(#522180). (clumens)
- The zonetab module has moved (#521986). (clumens)
- No longer copy over the CD/DVD repodata or repo config file (#521358).
- language dracut kernel cmdline should be space seperated (#521113)
* Mon Sep 07 2009 David Cantrell <> - 12.21-1
- Require python-meh (#521661) (dcantrell)
- Handle UnknownSwapError when turning on existing swap volumes. (dcantrell)
- Check for a valid interface in swapErrorDialog, exit without one.
- On SuspendError, allow users to skip/format/exit like OldSwapError.
- Raise exception if detected swap volumes are not Linux v1 swap space.
- Handle OldSwapError (#510817) (dcantrell)
- Support a force=True argument on SwapSpace.create() (dcantrell)
- Skip all Makefiles and the liveinst subdirectory in 'make updates'
- Make anaconda know its version number (#520061) (dcantrell)
- Add top back to the stage2 image. (clumens)
- Do not put device node path, but the fs UUID in fstab for mdraid:
(#519337) (hdegoede)
- Expose common fsset methods and properties in class Storage. (dcantrell)
- Don't display the warning about not enough memory on a VNC install
(#521109). (clumens)
- The vtoc.h header has moved from the kernel to s390utils (karsten,
#520830). (clumens)
* Wed Sep 02 2009 David Cantrell <> - 12.20-1
- Rename mostlyclean-glade to mostlyclean-liveinst. (dcantrell)
- Handle rootPath referencing a chroot value or actual path (#519665)
- We convert cmdline args to longs in several places, so reduce to a
function. (clumens)
- Support rootpath overrides in fsset.rootDevice (#519665) (dcantrell)
- Pass anaconda.rootPath to FSSet() (dcantrell)
- Include ui, liveinst, and lang-table strings in po updates (#515411)
- Add some silent make support for sed, mkctype, and other commands.
- Recheck if a partition should be ignored after getting its disk (#518971)
- Fix traceback when editing a pre-existing logical volume (hdegoede)
- Do not traceback on an usb cardreader with no card present (hdegoede)
- Don't identify multi lun usb card readers as multipath (#517603) (hdegoede)
- Device class does not have a format member (hdegoede)
- Device class does not have a path member (hdegoede)
- Simplify to two basic settings, and a lot of support
(#517569). (clumens)
- clobber is a method of PartedDevice not PartedDisk (hdegoede)
- Remove unused fsFromConfig method (hdegoede)
- allocatePartitions: PartitionCount is a member of PartedDisk not
DiskDevice (hdegoede)
- New version. (clumens)
- Fix storage/ non-keyword arg after keyword arg (hdegoede)
- Remove a bunch of unnecessary semicolons (hdegoede)
- pylint does not like )
- Fix 55:udev_resolve_devspec: Using possibly undefined loop variable 'dev'
- MDRaidArrayDevice.totalDevices is a read only property so don't write it
- storage/ Undefined variable 'udev'
* Tue Sep 01 2009 Chris Lumens <> - 12.19-1
- NetworkManager changed *again*, use libnm-glib.pc now. (dcantrell)
- Save duplicates from /etc/fstab and don't traceback (#517498). (clumens)
- Update fstab header to reference blkid instead of vol_id. (dlehman)
- Sort fstab entries by mountpoint. (#498354) (dlehman)
- Don't hardcode path to tune2fs. (dlehman)
* Fri Aug 28 2009 David Cantrell <> - 12.18-1
- Append s390x packages to PACKAGES list, exclude /sbin/qetharp-2.4
- On kickstart installs, you can't select a different parttype
(#519137, #520058). (clumens)
- Don't try to create a primary partition if all slots are taken. (#519784)
- Fix handling of locked preexisting LUKS devices. (#502310) (dlehman)
- Fix up handling of preexisting partitions. (dlehman)
- Pick up mountpoint set for protected partitions. (#498591) (dlehman)
- Ignore partitions belonging to disks we've reinitialized. (dlehman)
- Handle newly initialized disklabels whether via ks or prompt. (#519235)
- Fix some indentation in the disklabel initialization block. (dlehman)
- Use commitToDisk() instead of commit() when only changing flags (hdegoede)
- Update PartitionDevice's partedPartition when the PartedDisks get reset
- Add --localscripts option to buildinstall. (dcantrell)
- Add missing dependencies for linuxrc.s390 and lsznet in mk-images
- Re-enable login of root user in initrd.img (dcantrell)
- Less log clutter with fixing symlink in instbin on s390x
- Fix typo in get_dso_deps() for searching /lib on s390x (dcantrell)
- Add hfsplus and netconsole kernel modules (#519756, #519785). (clumens)
- Adapt expandLangs to work with three character base lang names (#517770).
- Prevent resizes that would go past the end of the disk (#495520)
* Wed Aug 26 2009 Chris Lumens <> - 12.17-1
- dracut has initrd-generic-<version> instead of initrd-<version> (#519185)
- Do not try to commit disks changes to the os while partitions are in use
- disklabel.commit(): DeviceError -> DeviceFormatError (hdegoede)
- A "partition" having no partedPartition shouldn't be a traceback
(#519128). (clumens)
- Add some debugging code so we know what's going on for #504986 (katzj)
- Fix going back in "Inst. Method" and "Configure TCP/IP" screens in stage 1
(#515450) (rvykydal)
- Fix going back from stage1 nfs/url setup dialog. (rvykydal)
- When bringing up network in UI, update only ifcfg file of selected device
(#507084). (rvykydal)
- Update Optional packages button via popup menu too (#515912). (rvykydal)
- Remove the firstadkit-plugin-grub from non-grub archs (msivak)
- Use the path instead of the name for the questionInitialize function.
(#517926) (jgranado)
- Only add "rhgb quiet" to boot args for non-serial installs (#506508,
#510523). (clumens)
- On rpm unpack errors, display a fatal error message (#452724). (clumens)
- Use tee thread to ensure line buffered output to screen and log file at
the same moment... (#506664) (msivak)
- Ensure libraries are copied to initrd.img for xauth (#516369) (maier)
- Import shutil for upgrades (#519011). (clumens)
- Fix focus grabbing on both the password and hostname screens. (clumens)
- x86 and EFI platforms can now have /boot on ext4. (clumens)
- Use the Platform's idea of what filesystem /boot can be on. (clumens)
- Restore the #! line (ajax)
- Import _ped so it can be used for _ped.DiskLabelException. (pjones)
- Make sure LV and VG names fit within LVM limits (#517483) (dcantrell)
- Fix updates target to honor KEEP variable correctly. (dcantrell)
- Add support for the reiserfs filesystem (#504401) (dcantrell)
- Update instructions on how to generate source archive. (dcantrell)
- Use disk.description instead of trying to access parted attrs. (#518212)
- Fix disk.partedDisk -> disk.format.partedDisk. (dlehman)
- Fix a stupid typo in the logging. (clumens)
- If modifying a repo fails, do not delete it (#516053). (clumens)
- If repo setup fails, also make sure to delete it from yum. (clumens)
- Allow configuring additional NFS repositories, not just the base. (clumens)
- Consolidate "base repo" setup into an extra function. (clumens)
- Allocate memory for login and password and do not meddle with host pointer
so we can correctly free it (#483818) (msivak)
- Run make in silent mode by default. (jgranado)
- Allow creation of an updates image from a tag offset. (jgranado)
* Tue Aug 18 2009 David Cantrell <> - 12.16-1
- correctly deactivate zFCP LUN on s390 (maier)
- correctly activate zFCP LUN on s390 (maier)
- prevent getting started up or shutdown again while already in such state
- Remove unused reipl code in linuxrc.s390 (maier)
- Fix copying of shutdown to initrd.img in mk-images for s390x (#517888)
- 64 bit sparc linux does not define __sparc64__ we need to use
"(defined(__sparc__) && defined(__arch64__))" fixes building 64 bit sparc
- make tftp images as small as possible. we have a 10mb hardware limitation
on there size (dennis)
- make sure we correctly make the sparc tftp image (dennis)
- make sure we have glibc.sparcv9 installed in sparc installers not
glibc.sparcv9v (dennis)
- add the sparc screen font (dennis)
- add the files for sparc boot config setup to define IS_SPARC
- add mk-images.sparc script (dennis)
- add support for making sparc images (dennis)
- sparc no longer needs and special keyboard handling. it uses the standard
api's interfaces (dennis)
- setup termcap for sparc (dennis)
- Close %%packages with a %%end (#518063) (katzj)
- Call udev_settle from DiskLabel.commit to ensure it happens. (dlehman)
- Fix traceback in text mode upgrade. (#505435) (dlehman)
- Don't traceback if Delete button is hit when no device is selected.
- Clean up management of extended partitions we create. (#497293) (dlehman)
- Don't use StorageDevice for partitions w/ biosraid formatting. (#504002)
- Don't try to get the size of fstypes w/ no infofsProg defined. (dlehman)
- Change all disklabel manipulations to use the DiskLabel format class.
- Create a DiskLabel format class for partition tables. (dlehman)
- Add support for specifying a tag to makeupdates. (dlehman)
- Include changed files from the top level in the updates. (dlehman)
- If asked, put the system SN (as given by dmidecode) into an HTTP header.
- Add dmidecode to the initrd. (clumens)
- Add the kssendsn parameter and corresponding flag. (clumens)
- Don't keep testing if we're doing URL_METHOD_HTTP. (clumens)
- Later pyparted will define DEVICE_DM, so change the test to use it.
- Use the new GTK Tooltip API (#517389). (clumens)
- Fix a typo in a kickstart error string (#517760). (clumens)
- Be sure we have a sorted list of mountpoints for live mangling (#504986)
- Fix askmethod to work with stage= being specified (#516973) (katzj)
- Fix ordering on device list returned from identifyMultipaths() (pjones)
- Fix typo in mpath support. (pjones)
* Wed Aug 12 2009 David Cantrell <> - 12.15-1
- Make sure we have the ca cert to handle https repo connections. (517171)
* Wed Aug 12 2009 David Cantrell <> - 12.14-1
- Correctly inform the user once about obsolete parm/conf file options on
s390 (maier)
- Handle activation of DASDs in linuxrc.s390 since loader no longer works
- make IPv4 configuration in linuxrc.s390 compatible with NM in loader
- suggest disabled X11-forwarding for ssh login in linuxrc.s390 (maier)
- Fix an erroneous "!" in the test for doKill, and make reboot explicit.
* Mon Aug 10 2009 David Cantrell <> - 12.13-1
- Fix syntax error in identifyMultipaths() (dcantrell)
* Mon Aug 10 2009 David Cantrell <> - 12.12-1
- Honor network config boot params for CD-booted ks installs (#433214)
- Include ipcalc command in all initrd.img files, not just s390 (#516084)
- Don't to unmount /mnt/source unless something's mounted there (#516304).
- Honor nodmraid commandline option (#499733) (hdegoede)
- Don't try to multipath CD devices. (#516362) (pjones)
- booty: Do not strip the trailing p from a devicename like
mapper/isw_Vol0_tmp (hdegoede)
- booty: isw_Vol0_Stripe is not a disk isw_Vol0_Stri with an e part
(#505205) (hdegoede)
* Fri Aug 07 2009 Chris Lumens <> - 12.11-1
- upd-instroot: Inspect gtkrc for cursor theme (ajax)
- Support NFS repos in kickstart (#495620, #507093). (clumens)
- upd-instroot: xorg-x11-auth -> xorg-x11-xauth (ajax)
- Check to see if the arch string starts with ppc64. (#516144) (jgranado)
- vtActivate doesn't work on some ppc64 machines, so don't traceback
(#516206). (clumens)
- Make all sysfs path's be _without_ /sys prefix (#516168) (hdegoede)
- Do not go interactive if timezone in ks is not valid (#473647) (rvykydal)
- Fix going back from "NFS Setup" screen in stage 1 (#507064) (rvykydal)
* Thu Aug 06 2009 David Cantrell <> - 12.10-1
- Add missing 'i' in loader/loader.c for non-s390 arches. (dcantrell)
* Thu Aug 06 2009 David Cantrell <> - 12.9-1
- Avoid finding the word 'engine' in comments. (jkeating)
- Don't try to get dso deps of statically linked files. (jkeating)
- Call shutDown() correctly for s390 (karsten)
- Remove unused variable from loader/loader.c (karsten)
- Delete unpackaged files on non-livearches. (karsten)
- Do not set parted.PARTITION_BOOTABLE on s390. (root)
- Complete udev setup in linuxrc.s390 for automatic module loading (root)
- Recognize mpath devices when we see them. (pjones)
- Make DiskDevice.partedDisk a property. (pjones)
- Make questionInitializeDisk() somewhat less ugly. (pjones)
- Add a description to DiskDevice, and use it in the UI. (pjones)
- Get rid of Device.description, it is unused. (pjones)
- Close the opened file descriptors when necessary. (#499854) (jgranado)
- Add the glade files to the install image so save-to-bugzilla works
(#515444). (clumens)
- New system-config-keyboard has a different version then I expected
* Wed Aug 05 2009 Chris Lumens <> - 12.8-1
- Don't try to unmount the CD before we later unmount the CD (#515564).
- Do not offer going back when ugrade root for ks upgrade is not found
(#499321) (rvykydal)
- Rebuild .pot file and update translations. (clumens)
- Import the logging stuff (#515564). (clumens)
- Add keyboard kernel cmdline options to grub.conf for dracut (hdegoede)
- Fix backtrace in network.dracutSetupString in the static ip case (hdegoede)
- Write dracut i18n cmdline options to grub.conf (hdegoede)
- Pass InstalltData to booty __init__ as it needs access to many of its
members (hdegoede)
- Fix ctrl-alt-deleter behavior /before/ end of install. (pjones)
- Merge branch 'master' of ssh:// (notting)
- No longer use HAL in list-harddrives. (clumens)
- The names of a couple basic udev methods has changed. (clumens)
- Move basic udev methods out of the storage module (#514592). (clumens)
- We do not actually require gtkhtml2 or the python bindings for it.
- Fix some typos in rescue mode (#515091) (msivak)
- Add a dracutSetupString method to (hdegoede)
- Fix backtrace due to iscsi.getNode() not finding the iscsi node (hdegoede)
- Use dracutSetupString() method to add the kernel parameters needed for
dracut (hdegoede)
- Add a dracutSetupString method to classes (hdegoede)
- Differentiate between ibft discovered and manually added iscsi disks
- Store iscsi node pointer in iScsiDiskDevice objects (hdegoede)
- When checking logical partition dependcies, make sure the are one the same
disk (hdegoede)
- Only set iscsi nodes to autostart when none of the LUN's contain /
- Add functions to go from an iScsiDiskDevice to an libiscsi node (hdegoede)
* Fri Jul 31 2009 Chris Lumens <> - 12.7-1
- Fix up udev sillies (related to #514501) (katzj)
- Log when we unmount filesystems so we have a match for mount messages.
- Let's not exit from buildinstall.functions, say, ever (katzj)
- Rework shutDown() to better accomidate "nokill" better. (pjones)
- Make upgradeany boot option work again (#513227) (rvykydal)
- Update when upgrading (#513393) (rvykydal)
- Catch None devs (katzj)
* Wed Jul 29 2009 Chris Lumens <> - 12.6-1
- Fix CDLABEL substitution in syslinux.cfg for x86 boot.iso (katzj)
- And finish off the removal of rhpl (katzj)
- Use keyboard bits from system-config-keyboard now (katzj)
- Use python-meh instead of our own exception handling now (clumens)
- NM no longer exposes information through HAL (#514501). (clumens)
- Put mkdir into /sbin on the initrd, too. (clumens)
- Make sure is installed to initrd on s390 (dcantrell)
- Remove ChangeLog (#512502) (dcantrell)
- Add s390utils-cmsfs in upd-instroot for s390 (dcantrell)
- Make sure s390 gets /lib/ (dcantrell)
- Skip writeDisabledNetInfo() when loader starts on s390 (dcantrell)
- Fix part --onpart= to print the device name instead of the __str__.
- Just pull in all python modules for stage2 (katzj)
- Trim PACKAGES list in upd-instroot. (dcantrell)
- Update linuxrc.s390 and friends to reflect review comments. (maier)
- Log non-upgradable upgrade candidate roots. (rvykydal)
- unmountFilesystems -> umountFilesystems (#510970). (clumens)
- Disable devel repos on release (#503798) (katzj)
- Work around problems with live installs and dpi other than 96 (#506512)
- Fix obvious typo in font name (katzj)
* Wed Jul 22 2009 David Cantrell <> - 12.5-1
- New build because koji hates me.
* Wed Jul 22 2009 David Cantrell <> - 12.4-1
- Add scripts/makeupdates to generate updates.img files. (dcantrell)
- Add python-decorator to the stage2 image for pyparted (#513175). (clumens)
- Set stage2= on x86 boot.iso (katzj)
- Try to auto-find the CD even if stage2= is specified (katzj)
- Make sure we have a device before check if it's protected. (#510033)
- Remove unresolvable file devices from the devicetree. (#503830) (dlehman)
- Support multiple fstab entries of a single nodev fstype. (#505969)
- Refer to nodev devices as "none", not "nodev". (dlehman)
- Change DeviceTree.devices from a dict to a list. (dlehman)
- Show locked LUKS devices as "Encrypted (LUKS)", not "LUKS". (dlehman)
- Allow creation of four primary partitions on a disk. (#505269) (dlehman)
- Add a bunch more stuff to the initrd needed for networking. (clumens)
- Add more things to /sbin on the initrd that udev requires. (clumens)
- Add dmesg to the images. (clumens)
* Mon Jul 20 2009 David Cantrell <> - 12.3-1
- Set GECOS field for new user accounts specific in ks files (dcantrell)
- Show MAC address of network device in text mode too. (rvykydal)
- Fix selection of alternative iface in UI after fail (#507084). (rvykydal)
- Stop the cdrom device before ejecting (#505067) (msivak)
- Add hipersockets to NETTYPE description (bhinson, #511962). (clumens)
- Don't show formatting progress bar after mkfs has exited. (eric_kerin)
- Run firstaidkit-qs script instead of the shell (shows rescue menu)
(#508512) Add dialog package required for firstaidkit Create /etc/fstab in
ramdisk to make mount commands easier (#440327) (msivak)
- When ignoring partitions make sure lvm also ignores them (hdegoede)
- 70-anaconda.rules: pass --ignorelockingfailure to lvm invocation (hdegoede)
- Call mdadm -I with --no-degraded for all disks but the last (hdegoede)
- There is no /bin on the initrd so sleep needs to go into /sbin. (clumens)
- Add deviceNameToDiskByPath(). (dcantrell)
- Display drive model and size in MB in partitioning UI (#460697) (dcantrell)
- Lots of small grammar and wording changes. (pjones)
- Edit user-visible dialogs for style. (pjones)
- Get rid of sloppy elipses usage. (pjones)
- Don't write optical devices to /etc/fstab (#505697). (clumens)
- error messages of zFCP on s390: log or pass to the UI (maier)
- correctly delete a SCSI device provided by a zFCP LUN on s390 (maier)
- All other teardown methods take a "recursive" argument (#506166). (clumens)
- Clean yum caches following preupgrade, too (#503096). (clumens)
* Thu Jul 09 2009 David Cantrell <> - 12.2-1
- mdmon added to install.img (Jacek.Danecki)
- Remove some unnecessary code. (clumens)
- Use a method yum provides, rather than inventing our own. (clumens)
- Remove _catchallCategory. yum handles this for us now. (clumens)
- Write out NM_CONTROLLED=no for NICs used for FCoE (hdegoede)
- Add support for biosraid using mdadm (hdegoede)
- Reverse: "Support for MD containers" (hdegoede)
- When all udev_is-foo() checks fail return instead of backtracing (hdegoede)
- 70-anaconda.rules: always import blkid output (hdegoede)
- Make sure to have "self" as an argument. (clumens)
- Add kickstart fcoe command (hdegoede)
- Use the yum preconf object to do $releasever substitution. (clumens)
- Indicate LV status according to lv_attr active bit (#491754) (dcantrell)
- Include lv_attr in lvm.lvs() return value. (dcantrell)
- Fix list of 64-bit arches. (notting)
- We also need -DUSESELINUX if we want to call matchPathContext. (clumens)
- Clean up some arch code. (notting)
- Update /etc/hosts with hostname for loopback IP address (#506384)
- Add missing LAYER2 and PORTNO handling for s390x. (dcantrell)
- Ignore when generating updates.img (dcantrell)
- AC_ARG_WITH -> AC_ARG_ENABLE (dcantrell)
- dhclient now reads config files from /etc/dhcp (dcantrell)
- no "rhgb quiet" on s390 to enable visible boot progress and system
automation (#509881) (maier)
- fix backtrace in s390 reipl support due to missing
(#509877) (maier)
- Put sleep in /bin on the initrd (#505639). (clumens)
- Also include the grep programs. (clumens)
- Add programs from vim-minimal, coreutils, and util-linux-ng. (clumens)
- Move programs that aren't s390-specific into the main image. (clumens)
- Look for /bin/sh, not /sbin/busybox. (clumens)
- No longer symlink binaries to busybox. (clumens)
- No longer require busybox. (clumens)
* Mon Jul 06 2009 Chris Lumens <> - 12.1-1
- Include the rest of the libs isys needs to link against (#509572).
- Add FCoE disks to the devicetree with a type of FcoeDiskDevice (hdegoede)
- Add FcoeDiskDevice class to storage/ (hdegoede)
- Add FCoE support to storage/ (hdegoede)
- Write out configuration of FCoE to installed system (hdegoede)
- Initial FCoE support (hdegoede)
* Thu Jul 02 2009 Chris Lumens <> - 12.0-1
- network --bootproto no longer implies DHCP. (clumens)
- Don't unconditionally skip the network config screen in kickstart. (clumens)
- Allow creating new groups through kickstart. (clumens)
- Set focus on hostname entry in network UI screen (#494135) (rvykydal)
- Fix upgrade selected in UI after storage reset (#503302) (rvykydal)
- Add support for specifying upgrade partition in ks (#471232) (rvykydal)
- Add missing liveinst/* files. (dcantrell)
- Update code that checks for devices that contain install media. (dlehman)
- Rework tracking of devices containing installation media. (#497087) (dlehman)
- Add function storage.udev.udev_resolve_devspec. (dlehman)
- Prevent false positives in devtree's device lookup methods. (dlehman)
- Skip exceptionDisks if exn originated in devtree.populate. (#497240) (dlehman)
- Stop using rhpl.arch in writeRpmPlatform() (katzj)
- Move simpleconfig (back) into anaconda from rhpl (katzj)
- Use iutil arch specifiers rather than rhpl (katzj)
- Remove unused rhpl imports (katzj)
- Switch to using iutil.isS390 instead of rhpl.getArch (katzj)
- Stop using rhpl.translate (katzj)
- Default to /boot on ext4 (katzj)
- Allow /boot on ext4 now that we have a grub that allows it (katzj)
- Make sure the library directory is always set (notting)
- Write out "MAILADDR root" into mdadm.conf (#508321) (rvykydal)
- Do not install grub more times than needed. (rvykydal)
- Ensure we set the SELinux context correctly on symlinks (#505054) (katzj)
- udev dropped vol_id (#506360) (katzj)
- Handle installing multilib into the installer intramfs correctly. (notting)
- Set LIBDIR appropriately on PPC64. (notting)
- Fix grub upgrade (#505966) (rvykydal)
- Include yum.log in anacdump.txt too. (rvykydal)
- Access format options property instead of mountopts attr. (#506219) (dlehman)
- Be more careful about identifying NFS fstab entries. (dlehman)
- Don't add leading directory for files twice. (#503830) (dlehman)
- booty changes for iswmd (Jacek.Danecki)
- Support for MD containers. (Jacek.Danecki)
- New iswmd parameter for kernel cmdline (Jacek.Danecki)
- New udev rule for using mdadm for isw_raid_member (Jacek.Danecki)
- Use isohybrid to make boot.iso a hybrid image (katzj)
- Log yum messages. (rvykydal)
- Tell booty to rescan for bootable drivers when an extra disks get
added (hdegoede)
- Do not encourage VNC when doing kickstart text installs (#506534) (dcantrell)
- Rename bootstrap to (dcantrell)
- Include the contents of /proc/cmdline in exception reports (katzj)
- Include libwrap library for sshd and telnet in s390 installs (jgranado)
- Enforcing matching rootfs type on LVs as well as for partitions
(#504743) (katzj)
- Remove problem packages before attempting a re-download (#501887). (clumens)
- Be more explicit about what's lacking on EFI systems (#501341). (clumens)
- If not enough memory is installed, enforce swap partition creation
(#498742). (clumens)
- Convert to using automake/autoconf. (dcantrell)
- Convert po/ subdirectory to GNU gettext template system. (dcantrell)
- Restructure liveinst/ for the new build system. (dcantrell)
- Add m4/ subdirectory with autoconf macros. (dcantrell)
- Removed py-compile script. (dcantrell)
- Rename anaconda.spec to (dcantrell)
- Ignore autoconf and automake files in the tree. (dcantrell)
- Removed toplevel Makefile and (dcantrell)
- Show MAC address of network device in combo box (#504216) (dcantrell)
- Remove loader/tr/.cvsignore (dcantrell)
- Increase max NIC identification duration to 5 minutes (#473747). (dcantrell)
- Use /sbin/ipcalc for IP address validation (#460579) (dcantrell)
- Fix an obvious traceback when doing part --ondisk= (#504687). (clumens)
- Catch errors from bootloader installation (#502210). (clumens)
- Remove umask temporarily so device permissions are correct
(#383531, wmealing).
- Remove the name check on driver disk packages (#472951). (clumens)
- Make the installation key text more descriptive (#474375). (clumens)
- Fix discovery of existing raid/lvm for ks install without clearpart
(#503310, #503681) (rvykydal)
- Use the F12 version of the bootloader command. (clumens)
- It's /sbin/fsadm, not /sbin/e2fsadm (#504043). (clumens)
- Remove the bootloader --lba32 option. (clumens)
- Use gettext.ldngettext when necessary (#467603) (dcantrell)
- Test NM_CONTROLLED setting correctly in (#502466) (dcantrell)
- Show unknown partitions as "Unknown" in partition editor. (dcantrell)
- Add a type hint on popup windows (rstrode). (clumens)
- Use the F12 version of the driverdisk command. (clumens)
- Remove driverdisk --type, since mount can figure that out. (clumens)
- Fix an error when editing an unreachable repo (#503454). (clumens)
- If /etc/rpm/platform is found, move it out of the way. (clumens)
- We no longer write out /etc/rpm/platform, so don't offer to upgrade
it. (clumens)
- Remove locals containing "passphrase" or "password" from exns
(#503442). (clumens)
- Make progress bars modal (#493263, #498553, rstrode). (clumens)
- Make sure to import os.path if we are going to use it. (jgranado)
- ipcalc is copied to /usr/lib. (jgranado)
- Limit the trigger to block type devices. (jgranado)
- We need ipcalc for new s390 installation script. (jgranado)
- Fix off-by-one errors in read. (notting)
- sysconfig file changed names for system-config-firewall (katzj)
- Don't write out firewall settings if they already exist (#502479) (katzj)
- Make sure that the devices are correctly detected (#491700) (jgranado)
- Make the save-to-bugzilla dupe detection smarter. (clumens)
- If network --device=MAC is given, translate to device name
(#185522). (clumens)
- Add a function to convert MAC addresses to device names. (clumens)
- Move /boot checks from sanityCheck into Platform.checkBootRequest. (clumens)
- Return translated strings from checkBootRequest. (clumens)
- Check that /boot is on a Mac disk label for PPC installs (#497745). (clumens)
- Call checkBootRequest from sanityCheck. (clumens)
- Put some space in that big scary warning. (clumens)
- fond -> found (clumens)
- Use powers of two in swapSuggestion (#463885). (clumens)
- Trim "mapper/" off device names in the bootloader UI (#501057). (clumens)
- Make the weak password dialog comply with the HIG (#487435). (clumens)
- Add a newline to a cmdline mode string (#497575). (clumens)