- Don't create a PartitionDevice for devices that do not exist (#489122). (clumens) - A getter doesn't usually take a parameter (#489965). (clumens) - Do not write "Running..." to stdout, as that could be tty1. (clumens) - Call storage.exceptionDisks, not diskset.exceptionDisks. (#489615) (dlehman) - Fix typo. (jgranado) - Fix typo. (dlehman) - Add udev rules for handling for mdraid arrays. (dlehman) - Honor the zerombr kickstart directive. (dlehman) - currentSize is expected to be a float, so convert it to one (#489882). (clumens) - It's clearPartDisks, not clearPartDrives. (clumens) - Get rid of the mappings and ksID as well. (clumens) - Make sure the device has a diskType before attempting to check what it is. (clumens) - Update the volgroup command to work with the new storage code. (clumens) - Update the raid command to work with the new storage code. (clumens) - Update the part command to work with the new storage code. (clumens) - Update the logvol command to work with the new storage code. (clumens) - addPartRequest is no longer needed. (clumens) - Don't set default partitioning in every kickstart case. (clumens) - Clear partitions before scheduling requests. (clumens) - Always go through doAutoPart. (clumens) - Format modules import fix (mgracik) - Fixed the format modules import (mgracik) - Allow overriding the anaconda udev rules from an updates.img (hdegoede) - If a pv somehow does not contain a vg_name, do not try to get other vg info (hdegoede)
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