- fsset: Ignore all swap activation errors in turn_on_swap (vtrefny) - Don't try to use line buffering in binary mode (vponcova) - Add release notes for NTP dialog change (vslavik) - Change the NTP server dialog design (vslavik) - Rename spoke to Root Account (vslavik) - Don't set default of gpt option at cmdline parsing (cheeselee) - Change the root password spoke GUI design (vslavik) - Add release notes for visible warnings from initrd (jkonecny) - Split NTP dialog to its own glade file (vslavik)
2 lines
162 B
2 lines
162 B
SHA512 (anaconda-36.1.tar.bz2) = a40d461f22c3753fd6ecd76935552f32521f79958ef6fd5ab74c62494b16f6a3de73bd5a4a62a180792eeabbaee15e367e59bf5068550f6449634398127954c2