- Do not rely on loaderData->noDns to tell if we have DNS configured. (dcantrell) - Skip askmethod dialog if user passes repo= and stage2= (dcantrell) - Reset resolver in get_connection() (dcantrell) - Fix problems dealing with PXE boot and the ksdevice= parameter. (dcantrell) - Disable more IPv6 code in loader for now. (dcantrell) - Write BOOTPROTO=static for manual IPv4 config. (dcantrell) - Disable IPv6 widgets for F-10. (dcantrell) - Add iwlagn driver firmware (#465508). (clumens) - Move starting HAL to after we've probed for hardware. (clumens) - Don't try to load a couple modules that no longer exist. (clumens) - The Chinese font package has changed names (#465290). (clumens) - Fix a traceback when there's no ksdevice given (#465638). (clumens) - Fix traceback in post install configuration (hans)
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