- Add test for NFS URL with ISO in path (#1848718) (jkonecny) - Fix issue when NFS path is pointing directly to ISO (#1848718) (jkonecny) - Rename function for a simple check for DNF repository (jkonecny) - Add tests for verify_valid_installtree function (#1844287) (jkonecny) - Move verify_valid_installtree to source module utils (#1844287) (jkonecny) - Do not test if repo is valid based on .treeinfo file (#1844287) (jkonecny) - Relabel whole /etc instead of only some parts (vslavik) - Clean up lists of files and directories to relabel (vslavik) - Use allowlist and blocklist in the Anaconda configuration file (vponcova) - Correctly set up the LUKS version when we click on a mount point (#1689699) (vponcova) - Fix the mock function for DBus.get_proxy (vponcova) - Fix the mock function for DBus.get_proxy (vponcova) - Simplify the workaround for the RHSM configuration proxy (vponcova) - Show pylint version in logs (vslavik) - Don't use the private attribute for a message bus (vponcova) - Ignore unknown variable (vslavik) - Split storage spoke dialogs to a separate module (vslavik) - Fix more SElinux contexts (vslavik) - Fix regression reading kernel list when collecting configurations (#1846156) (jkonecny)
2 lines
163 B
2 lines
163 B
SHA512 (anaconda-33.20.tar.bz2) = 4983d3b2fe026d1ebc4e48a03435575de829e7792fbd63fbeeb04b50cf2205c62df78bafe42e41dd57c1e0cda072e3eeb2057a802e829b436d6e8e2bbc228ab0