- Focus root password entry box (#436885). (dcantrell) - Make sure default is SHA-512 for libuser.conf. (dcantrell) - Fix detection of ISO images on a hard drive partition. (clumens) - Devices names aren't prefixed with /dev/. (clumens) - Filter out /dev/ram* devices from the list of hdiso partitions. (clumens) - But make sure that we've activated the keymap now that X follows its defaults (katzj) - Don't set a keyboard in the X config, we should just do this at runtime (katzj) - Writing out the nfs method line is a lot simpler now. (clumens) - Use /mnt/sysimage/tmp/cache for the yum cache, instead of the ramdisk. (clumens) - Translation updates (nl, gu, ml, mr, pa)
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