- Revert "Reset dnf package sack" (bcl) - Ignore the home directory setting if no change was requested (#1119900) (dshea) - Set an upper limit on uids and gids. (dshea) - Remove the "Create a home directory" checkbox (dshea) - Fix a typo: inital -> initial (mkolman) - Don't create the configured.ini file (#1119166) (mkolman) - zRAM swap for Anaconda (vpodzime) - Split kickstart arg handling (bcl) - Update icon names used within python code. (dshea) - Add a check for whether icons used in glade files are valid (dshea) - Load icons by name instead of stock-id. (dshea) - Remove extra list() call with no effect (vpodzime) - Add NetworkManager-wifi dependency for the GUI subpackage (#1111417) (mkolman) - Python's octals changed; mount's didn't. (pjones) - Add a basic test for ostree-based installs. (clumens) - Print out exceptions at log level critical. (clumens) - Rename environment variables in run_gui_tests.sh. (clumens) - Rename gui/runtest.sh to fit in with the other test names. (clumens) - Write the grub config even on errors (#1114774) (bcl)
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92a01a7cec76aca7c0cd67cf686a97dd anaconda-21.48.tar.bz2