- Reset PartitionDevice attributes after failed edit. (#498026) (dlehman) - Add MultipathDevice.getDMNode(), because .updateSysfsPath() needs it. (pjones) - Add MultipathDevice.updateSysfsPath() (pjones) - Run implantisomd5 on boot.iso on x86. (bz#526902) (pjones) - Consider encryption when checking for duplicate mountpoint. (#526697) (dlehman) - Fix grub stage1 installation for /boot on md raid1. (rvykydal) - Do not show the VNC-over-text question, when there is not enough memory for GUI (#527979) (msivak) - Fix filtering out of 'Sending translation for' log messages in bumpver. (rvykydal) - Use addUdevPartitionDevice() for adding dmraid / multipath partitions (#527785) (hdegoede) - Set partedPartition system to the correct FS when creating an FS (hdegoede) - Reset parted flags in createFormat not destroyFormat (hdegoede) - Default to mbr bootloader target for mdraid 1 boot device too (#526822). (rvykydal) - Clear out state before calling XkbGetState. (clumens)
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