Graphical system installer
- Fix the timeout of DBus calls (vponcova) - Remove pydbus from the spec file (vponcova) - Test DBus support with Gio.TestDBus (vponcova) - Update the support for DBus properties (vponcova) - Create variants for the signal PropertiesChanged (vponcova) - Test the extended support for the DBus observer (vponcova) - Remove PropertiesCache (vponcova) - Extend the DBus observer (vponcova) - Test the extended support for DBus connection (vponcova) - Extend the support for DBus connections (vponcova) - Don't use pydbus in the function get_object_path (vponcova) - Test the client support for DBus objects (vponcova) - Add the client support for DBus objects (vponcova) - Test the server support for DBus objects (vponcova) - Add the server support for DBus objects (vponcova) - Extend DBus constants (vponcova) - Test the extended support for DBus specification (vponcova) - Extend the support for DBus specification (vponcova) - Test the support for parsing the XML specification (vponcova) - Add support for parsing the XML specification (vponcova) - Test the DBus signals (vponcova) - Extend the Signal class (vponcova) - Don't use signals from pydbus (vponcova) - Test the DBus error registration (vponcova) - Don't use DBus error registration from pydbus (vponcova) - Remove pydbus from the comments (vponcova) - Test the extended support for DBus typing (vponcova) - Extend the support for DBus typing (vponcova) - Don't import Variant from pydbus (vponcova) - Fix other payload module cyclic imports (vponcova) - Add code conventions to upstream (jkonecny) - Fix payload module cyclic imports (jkonecny) - Enable networking in the testing environment by default (vponcova) - network: adapt network config via kickstart from disk to NM in initramfs (#1757781) (rvykydal) - network: fix handling of ksdevice=bootif in initramfs (rvykydal) - Make sure we work with fresh data when trying to do netroot (vpodzime) - Make our manual triggering on network in dracut work (#1082500) (vpodzime) - iscsi: do not generate initiator for generated kickstart if iscsi is not used (rvykydal) - network: remove useless function (rvykydal) - network: remove Network command from anaconda (rvykydal) - network: remove parse method from Network command (rvykydal) - network: remove packages attribute from Network command (rvykydal) - Move payload live_os source under its directory (jkonecny) - Create an empty payload source live_os folder (jkonecny) - Move payload service constants to the main dir (jkonecny) - Remove folder (jkonecny) - Move rest of payload utils to live_image utils (jkonecny) - Move create_rescue_image to payload base utils (jkonecny) - Move get_kernel_version_list to payload base (jkonecny) - Move InstallFromTarTask to live_image payload (jkonecny) - Move InstallFromImageTask to payload.base (jkonecny) - Move UpdateBLSConfigurationTask to payload base (jkonecny) - Move DownloadProgress to payload live_image (jkonecny) - Move TeardownInstallationSourceImageTask to payload (jkonecny) - Move SetupInstallationSourceImageTask to payload (jkonecny) - Move CheckInstallationSourceImageTask to payload (jkonecny) - Fix imports after move of live_image payload (jkonecny) - Move lime_image code to the payloads folder (jkonecny) - Fix imports after move of live_os payload (jkonecny) - Move live_os code to the payloads folder (jkonecny) - Fix imports after move of DNF payload (jkonecny) - Move DNF handler to payloads folder (jkonecny) - Remove useless support for boot loader update (vponcova) |
.gitignore | ||
anaconda.spec | ||
sources |