- os.path.exists -> os.path.lexists when checking for authconfig. (clumens) - Add support for tarfiles to liveimg kickstart command (bcl) - mountExistingSystem raises an exception with dirty FS (#1080210) (vpodzime) - Don't do yum lock logging when using updates.img (vpodzime) - Pass Size(0) instead of 0 to the ContainerDialog if no size is given (vpodzime) - Update the BaseWindow and HubWindow example UI fragments (dshea) - Convert GtkHBox and GtkVBox to GtkBox. (dshea) - Fix keyboard accelerator collisions from former stock buttons (dshea) - Set the secret agent icon in the glade file (dshea) - Remove stock labels and icons. (dshea) - Run the pykickstart version test on the commands in parse-dracut (dshea) - Don't reimport os - it's imported very early on. (clumens) - Use an alternative image if logo is missing (mkolman) - Update parse-kickstart for the new bootloader command. (clumens) - Make sure the error info message starts on a new line (vpodzime) - Define two env variables removing useless warnings (vpodzime) - Check boot args for None (#1075918) (bcl) - Revert "Enable make check in %check and add the necessary BuildRequires" (dshea) - Fix the argument list passed to the payloadInitialize thread (#1079628) (dshea) - Fix filtering the _storage_playground out (vpodzime) - Sync up step counts in install.py with reality. (clumens) - Avoid the "unable to init server" message. (dshea) - Do not attempt to run authconfig if it doesn't exist. (clumens) - Allow skipping installation of the core group, if asked for in kickstart. (clumens) - Drop the vconsole.font boot arg (#1074113) (vpodzime)
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