%define livearches %{ix86} x86_64 ppc ppc64 Summary: Graphical system installer Name: anaconda Version: Release: 1 License: GPLv2+ Group: Applications/System URL: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Anaconda Source0: anaconda-%{version}.tar.bz2 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) # Versions of required components (done so we make sure the buildrequires # match the requires versions of things). %define dmver 1.02.17-6 %define gettextver 0.11 %define intltoolver 0.31.2-3 %define libdhcpver 1.99.8-1 %define libnlver 1.0 %define libselinuxver 1.6 %define mkinitrdver 5.1.2-1 %define pykickstartver 0.96 %define rpmpythonver 4.2-0.61 %define slangver 2.0.6-2 %define yumver 2.9.2 %define rhplver 0.170 %define partedver 1.8.1 %define syscfgdatever 1.9.0 %define pythonpyblockver 0.24-1 %define libbdevidver 5.1.2-1 %define rhpxlver 0.25 %define desktopfileutilsver 0.8 BuildRequires: audit-libs-devel BuildRequires: booty BuildRequires: bzip2-devel BuildRequires: device-mapper-devel >= %{dmver} BuildRequires: e2fsprogs-devel BuildRequires: elfutils-devel BuildRequires: gettext >= %{gettextver} BuildRequires: gtk2-devel BuildRequires: intltool >= %{intltoolver} BuildRequires: isomd5sum-devel BuildRequires: libX11-devel BuildRequires: libXt-devel BuildRequires: libXxf86misc-devel BuildRequires: libdhcp-devel >= %{libdhcpver} BuildRequires: libnl-devel >= %{libnlver} BuildRequires: libselinux-devel >= %{libselinuxver} BuildRequires: libsepol-devel BuildRequires: libxml2-python BuildRequires: mkinitrd-devel >= %{mkinitrdver} BuildRequires: newt-devel BuildRequires: pango-devel BuildRequires: popt-devel BuildRequires: pykickstart >= %{pykickstartver} BuildRequires: python-devel BuildRequires: python-urlgrabber BuildRequires: rhpl BuildRequires: rpm-python >= %{rpmpythonver} BuildRequires: slang-devel >= %{slangver} BuildRequires: xmlto BuildRequires: yum >= %{yumver} BuildRequires: zlib-devel %ifarch %livearches BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils %endif Requires: policycoreutils Requires: rpm-python >= %{rpmpythonver} Requires: comps-extras Requires: rhpl >= %{rhplver} Requires: booty Requires: parted >= %{partedver} Requires: pyparted >= %{partedver} Requires: yum >= %{yumver} Requires: libxml2-python Requires: python-urlgrabber Requires: system-logos Requires: pykickstart >= %{pykickstartver} Requires: system-config-date >= %{syscfgdatever} Requires: device-mapper >= %{dmver} Requires: device-mapper-libs >= %{dmver} Requires: dosfstools Requires: e2fsprogs %ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 ia64 Requires: dmidecode %endif Requires: python-pyblock >= %{pythonpyblockver} Requires: libbdevid >= %{libbdevidver} Requires: libbdevid-python Requires: audit-libs Requires: libuser-python Requires: newt-python Requires: authconfig Requires: gnome-python2-gtkhtml2 Requires: system-config-firewall Requires: cryptsetup-luks Requires: mdadm Requires: lvm2 Requires: util-linux-ng %ifnarch s390 s390x ppc64 Requires: rhpxl >= %{rhpxlver} Requires: system-config-keyboard %endif Requires: hal, dbus-python Requires: cracklib-python Requires: python-bugzilla %ifarch %livearches Requires: usermode Requires: zenity Requires(post): desktop-file-utils >= %{desktopfileutilsver} Requires(postun): desktop-file-utils >= %{desktopfileutilsver} %endif Requires: createrepo >= 0.4.7, squashfs-tools, mkisofs %ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 Requires: syslinux Requires: makebootfat Requires: device-mapper %endif %ifarch s390 s390x Requires: openssh %endif Requires: busybox-anaconda Requires: isomd5sum Requires: yum-utils >= 1.1.11-3 Obsoletes: anaconda-images <= 10 Obsoletes: anaconda-runtime < %{version}-%{release} Provides: anaconda-runtime = %{version}-%{release} %description The anaconda package contains the program which was used to install your system. These files are of little use on an already installed system. %prep %setup -q %build %{__make} depend %{__make} %{?_smp_mflags} %install %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot} %{__make} install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} %ifarch %livearches desktop-file-install --vendor="" --dir=%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/liveinst.desktop %endif %find_lang %{name} %clean %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot} %ifarch %livearches %post /usr/bin/update-desktop-database %{_datadir}/applications %endif %ifarch %livearches %postun /usr/bin/update-desktop-database %{_datadir}/applications %endif %files -f %{name}.lang %defattr(-,root,root) %doc COPYING %doc ChangeLog %doc docs/command-line.txt %doc docs/install-methods.txt %doc docs/kickstart-docs.txt %doc docs/mediacheck.txt %doc docs/anaconda-release-notes.txt %{_bindir}/mini-wm %{_sbindir}/anaconda %ifarch i386 x86_64 %{_sbindir}/gptsync %{_sbindir}/showpart %endif %{_datadir}/anaconda %{_prefix}/lib/anaconda %{_prefix}/lib/anaconda-runtime %ifarch %livearches %{_bindir}/liveinst %{_sbindir}/liveinst %{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/* %{_sysconfdir}/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/* %{_sysconfdir}/security/console.apps/* %{_datadir}/applications/*.desktop %endif %triggerun -- anaconda < 8.0-1 /sbin/chkconfig --del reconfig >/dev/null 2>&1 || : %changelog * Wed Jul 23 2008 Chris Lumens - - Add support for filing bugs straight into bugzilla. (clumens) - Running git-tag -f from a makefile rule is a bad idea (katzj) - A text message in rescue.py is not gettext-ized (atodorov) - Code cleanup - handling of --serial (atodorov) - Offer physical NIC identification in stage 1 (#261101) (dcantrell) - Specify a default cio_ignore parameter for s390x (#253075) (dcantrell) - Fix getting the stage2 image when doing kickstart installs. (clumens) - Convert package names to unicode before displaying the error message (#446826). (clumens) - When there is text mode specified in the kickstart file, disable the vnc question (#455612) (msivak) - We no longer add the fstype to the hd: method in loader. (clumens) - Check DHCP by default on the text network configurator screen. (clumens) - Support booting from FCP-attached CD/DVD drive on s390 (#184648) (dcantrell) * Thu Jul 17 2008 Chris Lumens - - Support xdriver= again (katzj) - Fix loadkeys on serial console (niels.devos) - don't change from cmdline to textmode on lowmem systems (niels.devos) - Update the VNC over text mode patch, so it correctly passes the password to VNC server (#455612) (msivak) - Set interface MTU if user specified mtu= param (#435874) (dcantrell) - Bring up the network before attempting to mount the NFSISO source. (clumens) - Catch mount errors when adding NFS repos (#455645). (clumens) - Fix a traceback when trying to save exceptiona via scp. (clumens) - Give a progress bar when cleaning up after upgrades (#208725). (clumens) - Look for repo config files in /etc/anaconda.repos.d. (clumens) - baseurl should be a list, mirrorlist should not. (clumens) - It's called crypto_blkcipher.ko these days. (clumens) * Tue Jul 15 2008 David Cantrell - - Add a text-mode network config dialog so default installs can work. (clumens) - Use the right format for the NFS methodstr, but harder this time. (clumens) - Ask the user if he wants to use VNC instead of text mode (#453551) (msivak) - Fix a segfault when displaying the wrong CD message. (clumens) - Use the right format for the NFS methodstr. (clumens) - Use correct path for FAK plugins in upd-instroot (jgranado) * Fri Jul 11 2008 Chris Lumens - - Remove an extra tab that was causing problems with the Iloko translation. (clumens) - Use the right stage2.img path for kickstart URL installs (#452140). (clumens) - Convert package errors to unicode before displaying them (#441200). (clumens) - Display a status message while waiting for the CD to become ready. (clumens) - Fix window title to be the same as all others. (clumens) - In cmdline mode, give some feedback when transferring loader files. (clumens) - If network config info isn't provided for cmdline, abort. (clumens) - If we're not given a method in cmdline mode, we have to quit. (clumens) - In cmdline mode, set language to the default if none is provided. (clumens) - Don't stop on the method screen if stage2= is provided. (clumens) - Add support for NFS to the repo editor (#443733). (clumens) - Fix whitespace silliness. (pjones) - Fix closing the drive door so that if the kernel happens to start giving us the right error code, we'll handle it correctly... (pjones) - Fix the mysterious Error: OK message. (clumens) - The return value from mediaCheckCdrom is totally useless. (clumens) - Add better error handling when initializing yum (#453695). (clumens) - Add functions for creating repos as well. (clumens) - Don't handle all possible exceptions as if they were repo errors. (clumens) - Reorganize to make it easier to reset the "base" repository. (clumens) - Remove the pkgSack when a repo is disabled. (clumens) - Use the new method of calling the NetworkConfigurator. (clumens) - Add an updated repo editor. (clumens) - Don't suggest text mode to the poor, poor user. (pjones) * Wed Jul 09 2008 Chris Lumens - - Filter out source and debuginfo repos from the UI. (clumens) - Add the MD5 sum to the boot.iso to avoid errors in loader (#453698). (clumens) - Don't strip too much off the NFS directory path. (clumens) - Log stage2 url better. (pjones) - Fix minor whitespace nits. (pjones) - Use %m rather than strerror() where appropriate. (pjones) - Make setupCdrom() actually return the path to the stage2 image it found. (pjones) - Don't unconditionally pass --lang for live installs (#454101) (katzj) - Set up rhgb for plymouth on live. And conditionalize rhgb + runlevel 5 (katzj) - Set up rhgb if plymouth is installed as well as rhgb (katzj) - Get the math right on how many usec per second... (pjones) - Import missing module "network". (pjones) - Wait up to 45 seconds for "No medium found" to stop happening (pjones) * Thu Jul 03 2008 Peter Jones - - Add dmraid-libs to PACKAGES so new dmraid won't break installs. * Thu Jul 03 2008 Peter Jones - - Fix double free in setupCdrom - Fix missing psudo->pseudo spelling fix (katzj, #453843) - Include missing X libraries in stage2.img * Tue Jul 01 2008 Chris Lumens - - Remove old livecd flag (katzj) - Explicitly setup livecd install by passing --liveinst to anaconda (katzj) - Check return value of asprintf() consistently (dcantrell) - Per strtol(3) man page, set errno=0 before call. (dcantrell) - Rescue mode no longer needs access to a methodstr (#453044). (clumens) - Use strtol() instead of atoi() (dcantrell) - Spell pseudo correctly. (pjones) * Wed Jun 25 2008 Chris Lumens - Query for anaconda rather than anaconda-runtime in buildinstall (jkeating). * Mon Jun 23 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Remove from being installed too (katzj) - Remove anaconda-runtime as a separate subpackage (katzj) - Remove the stuff we're not calling. (pjones) - Remove this since we don't use it anymore (katzj) - Don't continue on using the base installclass if we can't find one (katzj) - Get rid of wlite and unicode-lite; these were necessary to support (pjones) - Remove pkgorder and splittree; these should be in pungi (katzj) - Add the .treeinfo file into the exception report. (clumens) - Fix a typo (#452140). (clumens) * Fri Jun 20 2008 Chris Lumens - - Remove ancient block of code to upgrade Netscape Communicator. (clumens) - Move enableNetwork into the interface. Bring network up for scp. (clumens) - If we can't mount for some reason, don't traceback (#452159). (clumens) - Fix the upgrade button traceback (#374891). (clumens) * Wed Jun 18 2008 Chris Lumens - - Enable media check again, and let it check the boot.iso. (clumens) - Substitute the version from buildstamp for $releasever if needed. (clumens) - Remove the askmethod cmdline option. (clumens) - Lots of work to make loader only look for stage2.img, and stage2 do all the install method configuration. (clumens) - Add the --stage2= and --repo= options, deprecate --method=. (clumens) - Fix pkgorder to include deps of kernel early. (pjones) - Deal with udev losing udevcontrol/udevtrigger (katzj) - Boot in graphical mode if /usr/bin/kdm exists. (clumens) - bootProto isn't a global variable (#451689). (clumens) * Fri Jun 13 2008 Chris Lumens - - Add a mirrorlist option. (jkeating) - Don't display garbage when prompting for the updates device. (clumens) - Don't write out yum repo config files in kickstart.py. (clumens) - It doesn't make sense to insert a disk into a partition, so don't ask. (clumens) - Unmount /mnt/sysimage/dev manually since it doesn't get an entry. (clumens) - Link ld-linux.so.2 to ld-*.*.*.so (dcantrell) - Quote the repo name in anaconda-ks.cfg in case it includes spaces. (clumens) - Move all the exception classes into a single file. (clumens) - And import iutil a the end as well. (clumens) - Don't display obsoleted packages in the UI. (clumens) * Thu Jun 05 2008 Chris Lumens - - Fix text mode button translations (#450176). (clumens) - Remove a rogue call to textdomain. (clumens) - Make "upd-updates /tmp/updates.img" update everything newer in the current (pjones) - _xmltrans is undefined. Try xmltrans instead. (clumens) - Fix reference to cost vs. priority (#450168). (clumens) - Don't do the "exec shell on tty1" thing in vnc if we've got virtual terminals. (pjones) - Import N_ (#450163). (clumens) - raise "NotImplementedError", not "NotImplemented" (pjones) - Need to import iutil before we use it. (clumens) - Don't reference PartitioningError.value . (pjones) * Wed Jun 04 2008 Chris Lumens - - Can't reference iutil.whatever from inside iutil.py. (clumens) - When using the boot.iso and URL installs, download the .treeinfo file. (clumens) - Fix a couple typos in the getArch commit. (clumens) - Be consistent with data type. (dcantrell) - Replace rhpl.getArch() calls with iutil calls. (dcantrell) - Expand iutil.isX86() and added iutil.getArch() (dcantrell) - Add isAlpha() test function to iutil. (dcantrell) - Create architecture test functions in iutil (dcantrell) - Removed mystrstr() function in loader2/init.c (dcantrell) - Don't support Arabic in text mode installs since we don't even do RTL. (clumens) - Removed old strace debugging in loader2/init (dcantrell) - Keep only one copy of this code for group sorting/display around (katzj) - Stop using rhpl.translate and use gettext directly (katzj) - Add a descriptive comment to the top of /etc/fstab (#448966). (clumens) - Use "message" instead of "value" on errors, and stringify on the front side. (pjones) - Translate package descriptions (#449455). (clumens) - Translate password error messages (#439981). (clumens) - Fix traceback starting vnc (#449295) (katzj) - Add Hewbrew to lang-table (oron) - Fix errors in python string formatting (#449130). (clumens) * Thu May 29 2008 Chris Lumens - - Allow ext4 migration again for testing at least (katzj) - Remount filesystems after migration (#440055) (katzj) - Add blkid to the keepfiles list so jkeating will whine less (pjones) - Don't allow vfat /boot (katzj) - Use the base yum doConfigSetup method. (clumens) - Include the yum repo files from fedora-release in stage2. (clumens) - No longer maintain our own list of extra repos. (clumens) - Sort the repos in the UI. (clumens) - Add cost, includepkgs, and excludepkgs to the ks repo objects (#448501). (clumens) - Stop pretending to support Greek text mode (#208841) (katzj) - Make it clear you need to reboot to use the installed system (#238297) (katzj) - Activate LVM for when we do meta-resizing (#441706) (katzj) - List Norweigian as Bokmål (#437355) (katzj) - Simplify the install classes. (clumens) - Don't show the EFI filesystem unless we're on an EFI platform (katzj) - Add nfsv4 so that we don't nuke them on upgrades (#448145) (katzj) - When there are errors reading the live CD, offer a retry. (clumens) - Can't recover from buildTransaction errors on a per-repo basis (#447796). (clumens) - Set default partition size to 200 MB in the custom partitioning UI. (clumens) - Limit the size of things in exception dumps to 1k. (clumens) - Catch IOErrors one place they seem to happen most. (clumens) - Add a unique user agent for anaconda's grabbing in stage2 (katzj) - Remove text mode help support as well. (clumens) - Check for all the non-mkfs utilities required for each filesystem type. (clumens) - More partitioning error handling fixes (#446453). (clumens) - Require cracklib-python for the rootpassword screen. (notting) - Use pykickstart's deprecated versions of the xconfig and monitor classes. (clumens) - Fix tyop in upgrade migrate screen (#446363) (katzj) * Tue May 13 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Just call the XStartupCB() function directly and randr to the desired resolution (katzj) - Stop writing out an xorg.conf (katzj) - Make the "dump to removable device" option work in anaconda. (jgranado) * Mon May 12 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Stop neutering DRI (notting) - make scripts/buildinstall take multiple repos (wwoods) - Don't worry about telling people that interactive text mode is in wrong lang (katzj) - Allow cpio updates.img in the tree for URL installs. (dlehman) - Declare unpackCpioBall for use from within urlinstall.c. (dlehman) - Don't unlink an image we retrieved but could not mount as it could be .cgz. (dlehman) - Don't run lspci with an explicit path (katzj) - Include lspci on all images (#445974) (katzj) - Add support for attaching gdbserver to the loader early on. (clumens) - Add virtio max partition count (markmc) - Sort virtio devices first (markmc) - Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.fedorahosted.org/git/anaconda (andrewm) - 2008-05-08 Andrew Martynov - - Write per-interface DNS info to ifcfg files (#443244) (dcantrell) - Clean up sanityCheckHostname() in network.py (dcantrell) - Activate autorepeat for GUI installs. (jgranado) * Fri Apr 25 2008 David Cantrell - - Preserve 'set the hostname' setting when going Next/Back (#443414) (dcantrell) - Avoid traceback on network configuration screen (#444184) (dcantrell) - Add missing backslashes for the .profile here document. (dcantrell) - Label the efi boot filesystem on ia64 as well. (pjones) - Don't use size to determine if a partition is an EFI system partition; instead, (pjones) - Handle the DVD having a disknumber of ALL. (443291) (jkeating) - Make the LUKS passphrase prompt fit on an 80x25 screen. (#442100) (dlehman) - Don't dd the image from /dev/zero _and_ use "mkdosfs -C " (pjones) - label the filesystem in efidisk.img so that HAL and such won't try to mount it. (pjones) - fix testiso Makefile target - boot.iso, not netinst.iso (wwoods) * Thu Apr 24 2008 Chris Lumens - - Use the execWithCapture wrapper to be consistent. (jgranado) - Call the mdadm with full path. (jgranado) - Use the correct ls(1) alias. (dcantrell) - Set PS1 and ls(1) alias for tty2 shell. (dcantrell) - Lookinig for the capabilities file in xen is valid in more cases. (jgranado) - Avoid putting virtualization option when in Xen or VMware. (#443373) (jgranado) - If the stage2 image is on a CD, don't bother copying it (#441336). (clumens) - Once we've found the stage2 media on CD, always use it (#443736). (clumens) - Change mount point for CD to /mnt/stage2 when looking for stage2 (#443755). (clumens) - Switch to using 'yum clean all' to clean up after preupgrade (#374921) (katzj) - Handle .utf8 vs .UTF-8 (#443408) (katzj) - Avoid dividing by zero (#439160) (katzj) - Changes related to BZ #230949 (dcantrell) - $XORGDRIVERS no longer exists (markmc) - Bump version. (katzj) - Write IPv6 values to /etc/sysconfig/... correctly (#433290) (dcantrell) - Use the right base class for autopart handler. (clumens) * Fri Apr 18 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Listing the directories before expiring yum caches helps (katzj) * Fri Apr 18 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Don't look for .discinfo on the rescue CD (#442098). (clumens) - Use /var/cache/yum as the cachedir since /tmp might be too small (#443083). (clumens) - Revert "Don't look for a .discinfo file in rescue mode (jvonau, #442098)." (clumens) - Revert "Fix figuring out that the CD has stage2 on it and should be mounted." (clumens) - We've always expected devices to be strings, not unicode (#443040) (katzj) - Resizing lvs on top of RAID fails, make the error not a traceback (katzj) - Don't put an extra slash on the error message (jgranado) - Kernel changed howw the uevent API works for firmware loading *AGAIN*. (pjones) - Expose the log file descriptors so fwloader can avoid closing them (pjones) - Minor UI tweaks to passphrase dialogs (katzj) - Nuke preupgrade cache once we're done (#442832) (katzj) - Support bringing up the network if needed with preupgrade (#442610) (katzj) - Use a real GtkDialog instead of some crazy hacked up dialog (katzj) - Fix handling of pre-existing raids for the upgrade/rescue case (#441770) (katzj) - Add missing / (Doug Chapman, #442751) (katzj) * Wed Apr 16 2008 David Cantrell - - Fix figuring out that the CD has stage2 on it and should be mounted. (clumens) - Don't copy the stage2 image on NFS installs (#438377). (clumens) * Tue Apr 15 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Don't use megabytes for the livecd size for copying. (notting) - find moved (katzj) - Fix up silly syntax error that crept in to this commit (katzj) - Back to using the raw version of the docs (#442540) (katzj) - Expire yum caches on upgrade (#374921) (katzj) - Include KERNEL== in udev rules (#440568) (dwmw2) - Don't look for a .discinfo file in rescue mode (jvonau, #442098). (clumens) - Slower machines may take more than five seconds for hal to start (#442113) (katzj) - Pass the full device path (notting) - Only include the parts of grub that will work without crazy tricks (#429785) (katzj) * Thu Apr 10 2008 Peter Jones - - Fix destdir handling in upd-kernel (markmc) - Get rid of module ball remnants in mk-images (markmc) - Make upd-kernel handle version numbers the way we do them now (markmc) - Fix ia64 kernel path problems (katzj, #441846) - Don't tag more than one partRequest with mountpoint=/boot/efi (pjones) - Don't treat tiny disks as EFI System Partitions during autopart (pjones) * Thu Apr 10 2008 Chris Lumens - - ide-cd_mod, not ide-cd_rom (thanks to jwb) (katzj) * Wed Apr 09 2008 Peter Jones - - Ignore some warnings copying into /etc and /var (clumens) - Try to mount the NFS source in the loader to verify it is correct (clumens) - Be as clean as possible when looking for files/directories (jgranado, #431392) - More ia64 kernel finding fixage (katzj, #441708) - Fix read permissions on efidisk.img (pjones) - Use the mount flags passed to isys.mount() (pjones) * Wed Apr 09 2008 Peter Jones - - Fix device-mapper dep. * Tue Apr 08 2008 Peter Jones - - Handle EFI partitions somewhat better (pjones) - Fix typo in mk-images.efi's parted usage (pjones) * Tue Apr 08 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Set the initial state of the auto-encrypt checkbutton (#441018) (katzj) - Don't treat RAID devices as "disks" to avoid lots of odd behavior (#438358) (katzj) - Log a message if we disable selinux on upgrade (katzj) - Build efiboot.img on x86_64 and i386 . (pjones) - When splitting srpms, only link srpms, nothing else. (jkeating) - Don't cause the text to flicker between installed packages. (clumens) - Don't cause the screen to jump up and down between packages (#441160). (clumens) - Fix zooming and centering in the timezone screen (#439832). (clumens) - Handle ia64 kernel path (katzj) - And add nas to the list (#439255) (katzj) - Set parent so that the dialog centers (#441361) (katzj) - Don't show the label column (#441352) (katzj) - Do string substitution after we've translated (#441053) (katzj) - Set domain on glade file so translations show up (#441053) (katzj) - fix compression of modules (notting) - More build fixing due to translation breakage. (katzj) - Add code to create efiboot.img on i386 and x86_64 (pjones) - Remove gnome-panel too, it's no longer multilib. (jkeating) - Fix raising new NoSuchGroup exception. (clumens) - remove debugging print (notting) - Support encrypted RAID member devices. (#429600) (dlehman) - No longer require Amiga partitions on Pegasos (dwmw2) - Don't copy the stage2 image every time or on the way back. (clumens) - Make lukscb.get_data("encrypt") always return a valid value. (pjones) - Set the scrollbar color so it doesn't surprise me the same way in the future. (pjones) - Translation updates. * Sun Apr 06 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Another day, another broken translation commit to fix. (katzj) - Work around GL crashes in anaconda X by disabling them. (jkeating) - Clean up "finishing upgrade" wait window (katzj) - Stop refreshing like mad in text-mode on WaitWindow.refresh() (katzj) - Avoid progress bars going off the end and making newt unhappy (katzj) - Brute force hack to avoid the number of packages overflowing (#436588) (katzj) - Revert "Change the default level in /etc/sysconfig/init now (#440058)." (notting) - Add gnome-applets to the upgrade blacklist, fix kmymoney2 typo. (jkeating) - Don't enable encryption by default (katzj) - Print our mount commands to /dev/tty5 for easier debugging. (clumens) - Change the default level in /etc/sysconfig/init now (#440058). (clumens) - Make the Back button work when asking for tcp/ip information in loader.c. (#233655) (jgranado) - Have work in the network configuration stage (#250982) (jgranado) - Use a better test to see if a package group doesn't exist (#439922). (clumens) - avoid behavior in (#208970) (jgranado) - Correctly label the xen images in the .treeinfo file (jgranado) - Translation updates * Wed Apr 02 2008 Chris Lumens - - Only do verbose hal logging if loglevel=debug (katzj) - Avoid AttributeError in HardDriveDict (#432362) (pjones) - Don't use %n with gettext to avoid segfaults (#439861) (katzj) - Require live installs to be to an ext2 or ext3 filesystem (#397871) (katzj) - Don't allow migrations to ext4 for now (katzj) - Change ext4 parameter to ext4, not iamanext4developer (katzj) - Bootable requests can not be on logical volumes (#439270). (clumens) - Don't allow /boot to be migrated to ext4 (#439944) (katzj) - Fix for ia64 (#439876) (katzj) - Update pkgorder group listings to match current Fedora defaults. (jkeating) - Lame attempt to try to avoid race condition with udev creating device nodes (katzj) - Don't traceback if stdout is an fd either (katzj) - iutil doesn't need isys anymore (katzj) - Free memory only after we're done using it (#439642). (clumens) - Fix a segfault freeing memory on boot.iso+hdiso installs. (clumens) * Mon Mar 31 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Fix my tyop (katzj) - Fuzzy broken string again (katzj) * Sun Mar 30 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Fix broken translations. Again. (katzj) * Sun Mar 30 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Translation updates - Allow GPT disk labels on ppc/ppc64. (dcantrell) - Tear down the right loopback device before going to stage2. (clumens) - Don't pass None as stdout or stderr. (clumens) - Make sure there's a stdout to write to. (clumens) - Handle fstype munging in isys.readFSType instead of in various other places. (dlehman) - Fix a typo in new encrypted LV code. (dlehman) - Partitioning UI for handling of preexisting encrypted devices. (dlehman) - Support discovery of preexisting rootfs on LV. (dlehman) - Improve handling of logical volume device names when encrypted. (dlehman) - Add support for discovery of preexisting LUKS encrypted devices. (dlehman) - Add support for retrieving LUKS UUIDs. (dlehman) - Refresh po files (katzj) - Mark for translation based on feedback from translators (katzj) - Just relabel all of /etc/sysconfig (#439315) (katzj) - When dhcp is selected ensure that bootproto is set to dhcp (RPL-2301) (elliot) - Fix for test mode repo bits (katzj) - Try to make the size flow a little more for weird resolution screens (#439297) (katzj) - Add kmymoney to upgrade remove list (#439255) (katzj) * Thu Mar 27 2008 Chris Lumens - - Fix broken translation. (clumens) * Thu Mar 27 2008 Chris Lumens - - Have a fallback empty description for devices (#432362) (katzj) - os.path.join does not work the way we think it should. (clumens) - Remove the stage2 in all cases now that we're copying it basically all the time (katzj) - Add support for saving the exception to a local directory for live installs (katzj) - Catch errors on resize and present a dialog to the user (katzj) - Save resize output to a file (/tmp/resize.out) so that it's more useful (katzj) - Make sure we give the command that's run on stdout so that it's logged (katzj) - more mouse-related removals (notting) - Fix up autopart resizing for the multiple partitions to resize case (katzj) - Fix up the case where both method= and stage2= are given (katzj) - Remove mouse screens that haven't been used in 4 years (katzj) * Wed Mar 26 2008 Chris Lumens - - Only remove duplicate slashes from the front of the prefix. (clumens) - Ensure that we take into account new repos (katzj) - Handle kernel variants a little better at install time too (katzj) - Make a little bit more future proof for kernel version changing (katzj) - Add confirmation of closing the installer window (#437772) (katzj) - Fix SIGSEGV on all mounts without options (katzj) - Add support for encrypted logical volumes in kickstart. (clumens) - Add support for encrypted LVs. (dlehman) - Put in some handling for redundant method calls and devices containing '/'. (dlehman) * Tue Mar 25 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Fuzzy broken string (katzj) * Tue Mar 25 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Use anaconda-upgrade dir in the preupgrade case (katzj) - Have 'preupgrade' key doing an upgrade (katzj) - Fix what we expect to be the message from ntfsprogs (katzj) - Fix up compile error for new newt (katzj) - Don't traceback if we have little freespace partitions (#438696) (katzj) - Translation updates (ko, ru) * Mon Mar 24 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Translation updates (hi, fr, kn, de, ml, es, mr, ko, te) - Fix up more unicode shenanigans (#437993) (katzj) - Move /tmp/stage2.img to /mnt/sysimage to free up some memory (#438377). (clumens) - Be a little smarter about downloading repo metadata (#437972). (clumens) - Make sure that devices are set up before using them. (#437858) (dlehman) - Don't prepend /dev/ on bind mounts either. (clumens) - Use the repo name instead of id in the group file error message (#437972). (clumens) - Handle /dev being on hard drive devices in the second stage (katzj) - Fix the build (katzj) - The units for /sys/block/foo/size aren't bytes. Fixes finding some disks (katzj) - Remove the check for .discinfo on URL installs. (clumens) - Always unmount /mnt/source on hdiso installs before starting stage2. (clumens) - Always unmount /mnt/source on nfsiso installs before starting stage2. (clumens) - Make sure the first disc image is mounted before setting up repos. (clumens) - Fix $UPDATES for real (katzj) - Avoid piling up slashes in the UI when retrying (#437516). (clumens) - Require comps-extras now that we don't require pirut bringing it in (notting) - Put "ide-cd_mod" in the list of modules to pull in. (pjones) * Tue Mar 18 2008 Chris Lumens - - Fix format of method=hd: parameter (#438075). (clumens) - Work on support for NFSISO installs when using boot.iso. (clumens) - If a file doesn't exist, don't continue trying to loopback mount it. (clumens) - Make loopback mount error messages more useful. (clumens) - Focus root password entry box (#436885). (dcantrell) - Fix a traceback writing out the method string for hdiso installs. (clumens) - Fix use of sizeof on a malloc()'d char ** (pjones) - Fix up ppc boot check (#438005) (katzj) - Support reading the UUID from the disk like we do with labels. (clumens) - If the protected partition is not yet mounted, mount it now. (clumens) - Don't add /dev/ to LABEL= or UUID= devices either. (clumens) - Use arch instead of the name again in package nevra. (clumens) - Fix traceback with preexisting LUKS partitions in setFromDisk. (part of #437858) (dlehman) * Mon Mar 17 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Translation updates (de, fi, it, gu, ta, pa) - Fix a typo. (clumens) - Fix the build. (clumens) - Make sure we return the same kind of exception in all cases. (clumens) - Filter so we don't show LVM and RAID components when adding boot entry (#437501) (katzj) - Only print the filename we're fetching, as newt doesn't like long names. (clumens) - Fix off by one error reading .buildstamp (pjones) - Use the right path when trying to fetch .discinfo. (clumens) - Don't prepend /dev/ onto nfs devices. Also log mount errors to tty5. (pjones) * Sun Mar 16 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Update translations (pl, de) - Use i586 kernel (#437641) (katzj) - Give indication of success or failure for mediacheck (#437577) (katzj) - Ensure the UUID for the rootfs is random and not the same for every live image (katzj) - Make migration from ext3 -> ext4 saner on upgrade (#437567) (katzj) - Force filesystem mount options on /boot/efi . (pjones) - On HDISO installs, look for the stage2.img file in the right directory. (clumens) - Accept devices with or without a leading /dev/. (clumens) - .buildstamp no longer contains productPath, so change the default (#437509). (clumens) - Remove references to an uninitialized variable. (clumens) - Use shortname=winnt instead of shortname=win95 when mounting /boot/efi (pjones) - Do not strip leading or trailing whiltespace from passphrases. (#437499) (dlehman) - Set methodstr for nfsiso installs (#437541). (clumens) - Create and check /boot/efi correctly, and use preexisting one if available. (pjones) - Handle /boot/efi and /boot both as bootrequests (pjones) - Emit "efi" as /boot/efi's filesystem type (pjones) - Add EFI handling to the bootloader setup choices. (pjones) - Add efi to the ignoreable filesystem list. (pjones) - Add EFIFileSystem, and getMountName() to hide that it's really vfat. (pjones) - Add isEfiSystemPartition(), and use it where appropriate (pjones) - Call getAutoPartitionBoot with our partition list as an arg. (pjones) - Don't show the epoch in package selection either (#437502). (clumens) - Fix some errors on reporting which files are being downloaded. (clumens) - Revert "Handle /boot and /boot/efi separately, plus fixes" (pjones) - Handle /boot and /boot/efi separately, plus fixes (pjones) - Get rid of unused >1024 cylindar check, fix text of boot check exceptions. (pjones) - Make bootRequestCheck() check /each/ boot partition like it's supposed to, (pjones) - Fix shell quoting on numbers > 9, and fix an error message. (pjones) - Don't show the epoch in the progress bar (#437502). (clumens) - Include efibootmgr in the instroot (pjones) * Thu Mar 13 2008 Chris Lumens - - Don't unmount NFS source so NFSISO will work. (clumens) - Fix the format of the method=hd: parameter. (clumens) - Fix creating new users in kickstart. (clumens) - "gtk-edit" isn't valid in text mode. (clumens) - Ignore LUKS headers on partitions containing RAID signatures. (#437051) (dlehman) - The xconfig command with no X running doesn't make sense. (clumens) * Wed Mar 12 2008 Jeremy Katz - - yum.remove removes installed packages, not to be installed packages (#436226) (katzj) - Make the /tmp/updates vs RHupdates code at least a little readable. (pjones) - Allow vfat update images. (pjones) - Fix syntax error (pjones) - Add a progress bar for when we're downloading headers (#186789). (clumens) - mount will set up the loopback device if we let it. (clumens) - Fix mounting problems with NFSISO images. (clumens) - Simplify the logic for the upgrade arch check (katzj) - Add a fallback method for determining the architecture of installed system during an upgrade (#430115) (msivak) - Avoid a traceback (#436826) (katzj) - Make sure host lookups work for manual net config (#435574). (dcantrell) * Tue Mar 11 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Focus root password entry box (#436885). (dcantrell) - Make sure default is SHA-512 for libuser.conf. (dcantrell) - Fix detection of ISO images on a hard drive partition. (clumens) - Devices names aren't prefixed with /dev/. (clumens) - Filter out /dev/ram* devices from the list of hdiso partitions. (clumens) - But make sure that we've activated the keymap now that X follows its defaults (katzj) - Don't set a keyboard in the X config, we should just do this at runtime (katzj) - Writing out the nfs method line is a lot simpler now. (clumens) - Use /mnt/sysimage/tmp/cache for the yum cache, instead of the ramdisk. (clumens) - Translation updates (nl, gu, ml, mr, pa) * Mon Mar 10 2008 Chris Lumens - - Use the full path to the .discinfo file (#436855). (clumens) - List netinst.iso/boot.iso in .treeinfo (#436089) (katzj) - Convinced to change the name back to boot.iso (katzj) - Only pass the file path to {ftp,http}GetFileDesc. (clumens) - Pass the correct NFS method parameter to stage2 (#436360). (clumens) - Fix logging messages to not display the hostname twice. (clumens) - Fix traceback with text mode adding iscsi (#436480) (katzj) * Thu Mar 06 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Don't use the bits from $UPDATES unless $UPDATES exists (katzj) - Fix horkage with busybox stuff. There's now start-stop-daemon (katzj) - Require new enough version of yum-utils (katzj) - Pass the --archlist option to yumdownloader (jkeating) - Update pt_BR translation * Wed Mar 05 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Fix the build again (katzj) * Wed Mar 05 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Don't require some things which we fall back gracefully when not there (katzj) - Check for filesystem utilities to see if a filesystem is supported (katzj) - Write out keyboard settings before installing packages. (related to #429358) (dlehman) - Update pl translation - Make sure http:// or ftp:// is specified (#436089) (katzj) - Fix segfault when port is specified (#435219) (katzj) - Use ntfsresize -m to get minimum size (#431124) (katzj) - Use the right path to the .discinfo file when validating a tree. (clumens) * Tue Mar 04 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Fix the build. * Tue Mar 04 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Add --archlist to repoquery call. (jkeating) - Translation updates (pl, nl, ja) - Handle efibootmgr and grub.efi in upd-instroot. (pjones) - Merge in branch to implement stage2= parameter. (clumens) - Revert the memtest86 bits for EFI, since this gets run on multiple arches. (pjones) - Use iutil.isEfi() instead of testing for ia64-ness. (pjones) - Only do gptsync if we're not using EFI. (pjones) - Don't do gptsync if we're using EFI. (pjones) - Use gpt on all efi platforms. (pjones) - Rework isEfi() to be slightly more conservative. (pjones) - Test for using efi rather than arch==ia64 (pjones) - Don't copy memtest86 in on EFI since it won't work. (pjones) - Add comment regarding usage of elilo (pjones) - Free some variables so we can http GET twice if needed. (clumens) - Change the method config prompts. (clumens) - Support stage2= for CD installs in loader. (clumens) - Support stage2= for HD installs. (clumens) - Support stage2= for NFS installs. (clumens) - Support stage2= for URL installs. (clumens) - Update the method string handling for NFS and URL installs. (clumens) - mountStage2 now needs to take an extra argument for updates. (clumens) - If stage2= is given, it overrides the check for a CD stage2 image. (clumens) - Support the stage2= parameter, and add a flag for it. (clumens) * Mon Mar 03 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Only use UUID= for devices we would have labeled. Related to #435228 (katzj) - If we don't find a kernel package, then give a better error (katzj) - Translation updates (cs, de) * Sun Mar 02 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Fix a traceback when we have an error. Related to #433658 (katzj) - Add virtio_pci in hopes of getting virtio working (katzj) - Pull in the bits of pirut that we use so that we don't depend on pirut (katzj) - Default to RAID1 instead of RAID0 (#435579) (katzj) - Refresh po (katzj) - Fix traceback leaving task selection screen (#435556) (katzj) - More ext4 vs ext4dev nonsense. (#435517) (katzj) - Fix reverse name lookup. (pjones) * Thu Feb 28 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Don't write out /etc/rpm/platform anymore. (katzj) - anaconda-runtime now needs yum-utils (katzj) - Add 'testiso' target (katzj) - Remove rescue cd creation scripts (katzj) - Take --updates with location of additional updates beyond the package set used (katzj) - Change the ISOs we build (katzj) - Take advantage of yum repos being available (katzj) - Allow recovery from some missing repodata conditions. (clumens) - Rework the repo editor screen to be more modular. (clumens) - Move doPostImages to be run after the second stage build (katzj) - Ensure that group info for txmbrs is accurate after we reset (katzj) - Fix backwards logic for yum verbosity (katzj) - No more arc (#435175) (katzj) - Remove an unused method. (clumens) * Tue Feb 26 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Use non-deprecated HAL properties. (notting) - More crud to deal with the fact that rawhide trees are composed weird (katzj) - Gtk does not have the error type, use custom with proper icons. (#224636) (msivak) * Mon Feb 25 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Fix up symlinks that could be broken with our movement here (#434882) (wwoods) - pvops xen uses hvc as its console (#434763) (katzj) - Follow symlinks when looking for the anaconda-runtime package. (jkeating) * Sun Feb 24 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Write out UUID in the fstab (#364441) (katzj) - Add support for getting UUID using libblkid (katzj) - Fix calculation of sizes of LVs when resizing (#433024) (katzj) - Add back some bits for text mode (katzj) - Remove advanced bootloader bits (katzj) - Add support for actually changing where the boot loader gets installed as well (katzj) - Less text. (katzj) - Reorder things a little, clean up spacing (katzj) - Use a tooltip instead of a long bit of text that most people don't read (katzj) - Remove advanced checkbox (katzj) - Switch the grub installation radio to be a checkbutton. Cleanups for grub only (katzj) - Lets redirect to /dev/null to ensure that what we get in DIR is the result of pwd. (jgranado) - Catch the error emmited by lvm tools during logical volume creation process (#224636). (msivak) - Don't try to lock /etc/mtab, fix error detection when mount fails. (clumens) - Don't append (null) to the NFS mount options. (clumens) - There's no need to wait if the last download retry failed. (clumens) - the '-o' is appended to the mount command in imount.c (jgranado) - Use full path to device for mount in findExistingRootPartitions. (dlehman) - Map preexisting encrypted devs before mounting everything in mountRootPartition. (dlehman) - Fix traceback on test mount in findExistingRootPartitions. (dlehman) - Use SHA-512 by default for password encryption. (dcantrell) - Clean up root password user interfaces. (dcantrell) * Tue Feb 19 2008 Chris Lumens - - Default to the right timezone when language is changed (#432158). (clumens) - Fix another text mode network config traceback (#433475). (clumens) - More scripts cleanups. (jgranado) - Remove more references to ARC (#433229). (clumens) - Mount flags should be an optional argument (#433279, #433280). (clumens) - We don't need productpath anymore, so stop taking it as an option (katzj) - Set yum output level based on whether or not we've passed --debug or not (katzj) - Clean up invocation of mk-images from buildinstall (katzj) - Clean up invocation of upd-instroot from buildinstall (katzj) - Remove some legacy stuff that's no longer relevant from .discinfo/.treeinfo (katzj) - Don't depend on product path for finding the anaconda-runtime package (katzj) - Make buildinstall a little clearer (katzj) - Use $LIBDIR instead of lib globbing to avoid problems with chroots (katzj) - Add some error handling around populateTs. (clumens) * Thu Feb 14 2008 David Cantrell - - Fix up firmware inclusion. This didn't actually ever work. (katzj) - Fix up the groff related stuff for man pages to be done in the correct place (katzj) - remove yumcache (katzj) - Don't do fixmtimes anymore (katzj) - Don't compress translations (katzj) - Don't manually duplicate things from package %post scripts (katzj) - Remove some unused options (--discs and --buildinstdir) (katzj) - Keep /etc/nsswitch.conf and /etc/shells (katzj) - Stop forcing passive mode for FTP by patching urllib (katzj) - We don't use timezones.gz anymore anywhere (katzj) - We shouldn't need to remove files that are only in -devel packages (katzj) - Remove some obsolete files from the list to clean up noise in the output (katzj) - We want nss bits on all arches these days (katzj) - Just use default /etc/nsswitch.conf and /etc/shells (katzj) - alpha should have translations probably (katzj) - Remove some things that aren't used anymore (katzj) - Don't run pkgorder as a part of buildinstall anymore (katzj) - Remove duplicate file from the file lists (katzj) - Don't use the static versions of these anymore as they're likely to go away (katzj) - Remove weird s390 hack that shouldn't be needed any more (katzj) - Make makebootfat less noisy (katzj) - Get rid of dangling fobpath stuff; now that we're not mounting to create (katzj) - Ignore .bak files created by glade (katzj) - Get rid of duplication for yaboot stuff to make scripts less noisy (katzj) - Correct internationalization of exception handler text (msw) - More fixing of mount paths (#432720) (katzj) - securitylevel -> firewall in the spec file. (clumens) - Include util-linux-ng, which contains mount (#432720). (clumens) - When mounting stage2 on loopback, add -o loop to mount opts. (clumens) * Tue Feb 12 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Fix the build (katzj) * Tue Feb 12 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Handle modules with more than one description (#432414) (katzj) - Finish HDISO installs, at least for DVDs (#431132). (clumens) - Move migration to before mounting filesystems (katzj) - Fix silly thinko in Eric's patch (katzj) - Allow ext3->ext4 upgrades (sandeen) - Do the man pages in rescue mode the right way. (jgranado) - Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.fedorahosted.org/git/anaconda (notting) - Use /etc/adjtime as the configuration file for UTC/not-UTC. (notting) - Remove all our own mount code. (clumens) - Use the mount program instead of our own code. (clumens) - Add the real mount programs to stage1. (clumens) - Use the correct variables to get the ipv6 info. (#432035) (jgranado) - Update error messages to match function names. (dcantrell) - Rename nl.c to iface.c and functions to iface_* (dcantrell) - In rescue mode, show interface configuration (#429953) (dcantrell) - Add qla2xxx firmware (#377921) (katzj) - Rename base repo (#430806). (clumens) - Remove dep on anaconda from pkgorder (katzj) - Remove no longer used dumphdrlist script (katzj) * Thu Feb 07 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Fix error message on continuing after changing cds with mediacheck (katzj) - Fix the progress bar during mediacheck (#431138) (katzj) - Ensure we disable SELinux if the live image isn't using it (#417601) (katzj) - Correct nl_ip2str() cache iteration. (dcantrell) - Check the fstype of the live image (katzj) - Check for device existence rather than starting with /dev (katzj) - The FL_TEXT flag has no reason to be here. (#207657) (jgranado) - Don't traceback when getLabels is called with DiskSet.anaconda set to None. (dlehman) - Pass arguments correctly to anaconda (katzj) - Cancel on escape being pressed with autopart resizing (katzj) * Wed Feb 06 2008 Chris Lumens - - Make passwordEntry appear on the exn saving screen. (clumens) - Don't allow disabling default repositories. (clumens) - Make loopback device purposes line up with what stage2 expects. (clumens) - Fix methodstr handling for hdiso installs (#431132). (clumens) - Remove our own DNS functions, since glibc's are available now. (clumens) * Tue Feb 05 2008 Chris Lumens - - Copy over repodata from media after the install is done (#381721) (katzj) - Add resizing support in autopartitioning (katzj) - Fix test mode with python-fedora installed (katzj) - Add support for encrypted devices in rescue mode (dlehman). - Allow creation of LUKSDevice with no passphrase. (dlehman) - Fix hdiso installs in loader and in methodstr (#431132). (clumens) - Avoid infinite loop in nl_ip2str(). (dcantrell) - Force users to set a hostname (#408921) (dcantrell) - Forward-port RHEL-5 fixes for s390x issues. (dcantrell) - fsset.py tweaks for ext4dev & xfs (sandeen) - When editing the raid partitions show raid memebers. (#352721) (jgranado) - mdadm to create the mdadm.conf (#395881) (jgranado) * Wed Jan 30 2008 David Cantrell - - Initialize int in doConfigNetDevice() to fix compiler warnings. (dcantrell) * Wed Jan 30 2008 David Cantrell - - Handle putting updates ahead of anaconda in the updates= case too. (clumens) - Make sure the device name starts with /dev (#430811). (clumens) - Revert "Initial support for network --bootproto=ask (#401531)." (clumens) - (#186439) handle lv names with "-" when doing kickstart. (jgranado) - Remove the last references to makeDevInode (#430784). (clumens) - Don't traceback trying to raise an exception when making users (#430772). (clumens) * Mon Jan 28 2008 David Cantrell - - Go back to the method screen if back is hit on nfs config (#430477). (clumens) - Fix dmidecode dependency (#430394, Josh Boyer - - Fix generation of stage1 images. (notting) - Fix a typo in mk-images. (clumens) - Allow removing packages by glob now that yum supports it. (clumens) * Thu Jan 24 2008 Chris Lumens - - Fix a traceback on the driver selection screen (#428810). (clumens) - Map 'nousb', 'nofirewire', etc. to be proper module blacklists. (notting) - Clean off leading and trailing whitespace from descriptions. (notting) - Write out /etc/rpm/platform on livecd installs. (clumens) * Wed Jan 23 2008 David Cantrell - - Include new firstboot module. (clumens) - Conditionalize ntfsprogs as not all arches include it. (clumens) - Remove kudzu-probe-stub. (clumens) - Remove rogue references to kudzu. (clumens) - Add dogtail support (#172891, #239024). (clumens) - Fix some error reporting tracebacks. (clumens) * Tue Jan 22 2008 Chris Lumens - - Avoid possible SIGSEGV from empty loaderData values. (dcantrell) - Do not require glib2-devel for building. (dcantrell) - Use libnl to get interface MAC and IP addresses (dcantrell) - Don't refer to the libuser.conf when creating users (#428891). (clumens) - pcspkr works (or isn't even present), per testing on #fedora-devel (notting) - Inline spufs loading for ppc. (notting) - Load iscsi_tcp, so that iSCSI actually works (notting) - inline ipv6 module loading (notting) - If we execWith a program, require the package containing it. (clumens) - Add a repository editor. (clumens) - Add the default repo to the UI so it can be edited later. (clumens) - Fix non-latin-1 locale display in the loader. (notting) - Make sure anaconda has precedence in the search path (#331091). (clumens) - When starting RAID arrays, the device node may not already exist. (notting) - Fix a typo that's breaking kickstart network installs. (clumens) - Don't allow backing up to partitioning (#429618). (clumens) - Update font paths. (clumens) * Mon Jan 21 2008 David Cantrell - - Try to fix a problem creating users via kickstart (#428891, clumens) - Fix a loader segfault doing kickstart nfs installs (clumens) - Move more interactive steps ahead of partitioning (clumens) - If we can't possibly add advanced devices, don't offer it (#429210, clumens) - Don't flush after rescanning so recently attached disks are available (clumens) - If bootproto is dhcp, unset any static settings (#218489, dcantrell) - Add some groups to pkgorder to make the CDs come out right (pjones) - Fix traceback when using non-encrypted RAID (notting) - Complete the patch for dhcptimeout (#198147, #254032, msivak) * Wed Jan 16 2008 David L. Cantrell Jr. - - Require the latest libdhcp (dcantrell) - Don't set currentMedia when we're on a network install (#428927, clumens) - Don't offer two reboot options (clumens) - Remove fsopts that are already defaults (#429039, clumens) - Remove isofs module to get rid of a FATAL message (clumens) - Add the crc32c kernel module for iscsi (#405911, clumens) - Add MAC address to the network device selection screen (#428229, clumens) - Initial support for network --bootproto=ask (#401531, clumens) - Remove an extra newline (clumens) - Add firstaidkit to the rescue image (jgranado) - Fix the progress bar to hit 100%% on the last package (#428790, clumens) - Add some output so the startup delay doesn't seem quite so long (clumens) - Initial kickstart support for encrypted partitions (clumens) * Mon Jan 14 2008 David Cantrell - - Inherit from the right versions of pykickstart classes (clumens) - Update for nss files moving to /lib (clumens) - Remove unneeded arguments from detectHardware function (notting) - Symlink all udev support binaries to udevadm (notting) - /sbin/restorecon on /etc/modprobe.d (notting) - Add the kickstart syntax version to the kickstart file (clumens) - Require latest libdhcp to fix x86_64 SIGABRT problems * Sun Jan 13 2008 Chris Lumens - - Install new udev paths so HAL can talk to it (notting) - Also get DSO deps for setuid binaries (like X). (clumens) - Fix a bunch of pychecker errors. (clumens) * Fri Jan 11 2008 Chris Lumens - - Make sure the arch is listedat the top of all loader screens. (clumens) - Add the version number really early in the log file too. (clumens) - Require latest libdhcp (dcantrell) - Add nicdelay parameter to loader, so we can wait before sending DHCP requests. (msivak) - Add dhcpdelay to loader so we can modify the default dhcp timeout (#198147, #254032). (msivak) - Fix the selected device when disabling entries in Add advanced drive dialog. (#248447) (msivak) - Include mkfs.gfs2 (#356661). (clumens) - Use the new default Japanese font (#428070). (clumens) - More urlinstall loader fixes. (clumens) * Wed Jan 09 2008 Chris Lumens - - Fix encrypted autopart traceback. (dlehman) - Allow for better recovery if the CD/DVD is bad. (clumens) - If downloading the updates image fails, prompt for a new location. (clumens) - X now relies on libpciaccess, so add it to our list. (clumens) - Erase temporary packages after installing them on all methods. (clumens) * Mon Jan 07 2008 Chris Lumens - - Make text mode root password dialog default match GUI. (clumens) - Fix a segfault in making the URL dialog box. (clumens) * Sun Jan 06 2008 Chris Lumens - - Fix checking the timestamps on split media installs. (clumens) - Fix reference to isodir to avoid a post-install traceback. (clumens) - Use a better test when populating the URL panel in loader. (clumens) - Don't use error messages from dosfslabel as the label (#427457). (clumens) - No longer require kudzu (#427680). (clumens) * Thu Jan 03 2008 David Cantrell - - Require latest libdhcp (#378641) (dcantrell) * Thu Jan 03 2008 David Cantrell - - Precreate /etc/modprobe.d in installroot (jkeating) - 'import sets' in image.py (jkeating) - Fix traceback when displaying required media (clumens) * Tue Jan 01 2008 Jeremy Katz - - Make it obvious which partitions are being formatted and encrypted (katzj) - Set initial sensitivity of encrypt button correctly (katzj) - Fix traceback on invalid passphrase (#426887) (katzj) - Use mkstemp() instead of tempnam() (katzj) - Don't resize filesystems which are being formatted (#426466) (katzj) - Add cracklib-dicts (#426444) (katzj) - Fix build (notting) * Thu Dec 20 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Switch away from using kudzu in the loader (notting) - Use udev in the loader and a dynamically linked stage1 (notting) - Don't handle all aspects of module loading ourselves - just wrap modprobe. (notting) - Ensure there's an active net device (katzj) - Fix error reporting messages (sfernand, #242252). (clumens) - Don't immediately retry on downloading a package. (clumens) - Update to work with new system-config-keyboard. (clumens) * Mon Dec 17 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Validation of root password with cracklib (hhara) - Minor fixes to liveinst shell script (katzj) - Fix path to swapoff (katzj) - Make doMethodComplete not depend on the yum backend (katzj) - Remove another line related to the release notes (hhara) - GPLv2+ changes. (dcantrell) * Sat Dec 15 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Add support for encryption via autopart. (katzj) - Avoid unnecessary downloading and caching by not setting mediaid (#422801). (clumens) - Don't copy the stage2 image over for NFS installs. (clumens) - Remove an unused function. (clumens) - Allow going back to package selection after transaction errors. (clumens) - Add file conflicts to the transaction errors we show the user. (clumens) - Remove isomd5sum/.gitignore (dcantrell) * Thu Dec 13 2007 Chris Lumens - - Update list of crypto mods to load. (dlehman) - Create full paths before trying to make device nodes. (clumens) - Unmont filesystems after looking for upgrade targets. (clumens) - Update crypto module names to keep up with kernel. (dlehman) - Add mnemonics and make password entry prompts consistent. (katzj) - Clean up luksPassphrase validation UI. (hhara) - Blacklist ext4 from being a bootreq. (katzj) - Fix liveinst on the desktop for locales like pt_BR. (#417301) (katzj) - Fix a traceback when picking HTTP/FTP method. (clumens) - Use install system's IP address in kickstart file name. (#420281) (clumens) - Remove call to makeDMNode. (notting) - Fix retrying when looking for the install CD in loader. (clumens) * Mon Dec 10 2007 Chris Lumens - - Include lshal for debugging (katzj) - Remove isomd5sum in favor of libcheckisomd5. (notting, katzj) - makeDevInode no longer exists. (clumens) - Fix text mode to be able to autopartition (#409301) (katzj) - Fix method-related tracebacks (katzj, clumens) - Load ext2 module to allow installing to ext2 for livecd (#408251) (katzj) - Catch errors from yum, exit on them. (notting) - Switch to full dejavu-fonts, to match the installed OS default. (notting) * Fri Dec 07 2007 Chris Lumens - - Tweak save-exception-to-disk algorithm. (notting) - Merge the FTP and HTTP methods into a single URL method. (clumens) - Fixes to the live install method (katzj) - Use HAL and DBus for probing and device node creation in stage2. (notting) - Get rid of /tmp/ramfs usage. (katzj) * Thu Dec 06 2007 Chris Lumens - - Remove confirmation screen (katzj) - Use a better cio_ignore line (#253075). (dcantrell) - Remove the release notes code entirely. (clumens) - Remove existing InstallMethod code. (clumens) - Add a specfile rule to bump the version. (katzj) - Make the tag an annotated tag (katzj) - Fixup chunk of dwmw2's patch to be cleaner (katzj) - Update mk-images.ppc for new zImage wrapper (#409691) (dwmw2) - Remove gdb.i386 on upgrade (#407431) (katzj) - device nodes are in /dev (or, at least, should be) (notting) * Mon Dec 3 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Add support for the Efika platform (dwmw2) - Fix some tracebacks (clumens, #405951) - Actually include the crypto mods (dlehman) - Include more nss libs (clumens, #405921) - Remove some cruft (notting) - Use libblkid instead of our custom code for fstype and label probing - Fix tty switching in graphical install * Thu Nov 29 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Initial support for partition and LV resizing. VERY EXPERIMENTAL! - Commit partitioning changes to disk earlier - Add start of ext4 support - Fix some tracebacks - Add support back for alpha (Oliver Falk) * Wed Nov 28 2007 Chris Lumens - Fix the build by no longer including broken kernel headers (katzj). - Fix tracebacks when printing disk errors (#403501). - Fix tracebacks in displaying the text mode exception dialog (#403381). * Wed Nov 28 2007 Chris Lumens - Include libuser support libraries. - Include nss libraries so rpm works again (#396851). - Fix a traceback starting vnc mode. - Make --excludedocs work again (#401651). - Probe for USB on more busses (dwmw2, #401821). - Add linear.ko to the modules available for rescue mode (#151742). - Update implantisomd5 usage to give correct option name (#364611). - Start removing unneeded install method code. - Run %post scripts on upgrade (#392201). - Correct nicdelay patch (msivak, #349521). - Only run media check if we're installing off the CD (#362561). - Fix display of package names in non-English text installs (#376231). - Import isys (katzj, #390141). - Fully handle pae kernel (katzj, #388231). - Add initial support for encrypted block devices (dlehman). - Strip out the wiki markup from docs (Paul Frields, #387341). - Update Romanian keyboard layout and console font (#386751). * Thu Nov 15 2007 Chris Lumens - Pull in the /lib/ld-linux.so.2 symlink to stage2. - Don't segfault on unpartitioned updates devices (#372011). - Log errors and continue when we can't copy files during livecd (#376741). - Pull in glibc.i386 and openssl.i386 to stage2 (#367731). - Fix Macedonian translation (#374561). * Thu Nov 08 2007 Chris Lumens 11.4-1 - Add nicdelay= command line option (msivak, #349521). - Display more useful ks script error messages. - Set re-IPL device before reboot on s390x (bhinson, Jan Glauber). - Enable DASD formatting progress bar (Jan Glauber). - Add memory error handling to module loading code (HARA Hiroshi). - Add accelerator keys to the VG editor window (jgranado, #206479). - Turn off swap and lvm earlier to avoid dmraid problems (katzj, #357401). - Fix lang-names handling under parallel make (katzj, #358411). - Rework VNC startup (jgranado, #264841). - Fix help output for buildinstall (#355871). - Pull docs from the new wiki location (katzj, #356021). - Fix handling of XFS under livecd (katzj, #355351). - Don't show bridged network devices (katzj, #354561). - Fix handling of Sun disklabels (pjones). - Add --fsprofile=, deprecate --bytes-per-inode (pjones). - Rework exception handling dialog UI for future expansion. - Use the right path for locking under livecd (notting, #354571). - Add --disc-size= to splittree.py (#149234). - Write kickstart log files to the right tree when chrooted (#338541). - Offer to upgrade rpm platform on mismatched arch upgrades (msivak, #217132). - Don't ask to initialize partition tables in rescue mode (msivak, #331131). - Add CIFS tools to the rescue image (msivak). - Fix displaying ampersands in the package progress bar (dcantrell). - Ignore sg devices in the driveDict (katzj, #330931). - Create the USB boot image with makebootfat (jgranado). - Add ntfsprogs to the rescue image (jgranado, #220062). - Fix retrying when booting off the CD and using a URL method (#330641). - Allow users to use their own mke2fs.conf (pjones). - Don't log critical errors if we can retry fetching (sfernand, #350251). - Clean up usage of /tmp for device nodes (notting). - Fix shlib dep finding in upd-instroot (Orion Poplawski, pjones). - Fix runinst and hal-lock usage for livecd (katzj). - Write out IPV6* variables to ifcfg-eth* correctly (dcantrell, #328931). - Don't traceback when trying on a failed mirror (#349371). * Mon Oct 22 2007 Jeremy Katz - Fix warning about arch changes on upgrade (#222424) - Fix phantom kernels on upgrade (#325871) - Add some kde packages to the multilib upgrade blacklist (#339981) - Require policycoreutils (clumens, #343861) - Fix typo leading to traceback (clumens) - Fix processing of ks=nfs (clumens) - Memory freeing cleanups (pjones) * Sun Oct 21 2007 Jeremy Katz - Fix closing of some fds (pjones) - Fix ip address used in a few cases (clumens, #336761) - Filter out non-useful networking devices from being displayed (clumens, #338461) - Fix a quoting bug with pxelinux (#248170) - Label lost+found (pjones, #335621) - Update udev rules to not match wmaster (notting) - gptsync update (pjones) - Detect invalid harddrives given to bootloader --driveorder (#33861) * Wed Oct 17 2007 Peter Jones - Don't include 'sound-and-video' in 'Office and Productivity' since the former is enabled by default, and including it here causes disabling OaP to result in disabling s-a-v unintentionally. * Wed Oct 17 2007 Peter Jones - Fix liveinst build on ppc * Wed Oct 17 2007 Peter Jones - Don't build gptsync on ppc (katzj) - Remove obsolete no.po translation (clumens, #332141) - Update gptsync to 0.10 * Fri Oct 12 2007 Chris Lumens - Detect PS3 disks (katzj, #325111). - Fix lang setting for Romanian (#327431). - Fix segfault in constructing HTTP headers in the loader (#328191). - Remove ata_generic from the blacklist (katzj). - Add dbus to upgrade remove blacklist (katzj). - Extract firmware in mk-images (katzj). - Write udev network device name rules (notting, #264901). - Speed up upd-instroot quite a bit (Orion Poplawski). - Fix formatting of /etc/hosts (katzj). - Don't add labels to /etc/fstab for reused LVs (#216561). - Allow liveinst on ppc (katzj). * Wed Oct 10 2007 Jeremy Katz - Copy over modprobe.conf from live system - Don't traceback with unconfigured nics (#325071) - Disable selinux on upgrades if the user has booted with selinux=0 (#242510) - More speedups building stage2 images (Orion Poplawski) - Fix some translations (#322681) * Mon Oct 8 2007 Jeremy Katz - Use nodocs when building stage2 images (Orion Poplawski) - Add extra headers to ks.cfg request for arch and release (#315601) - Fix a traceback in partition sanity checking (#316551, #318841, #300721) - Hack to not ignore the ssb driver for wireless (#311421) - Set repo cost so we pull things from the DVD instead of network (#245696) - Make boot partitions 200 megs - Write reboot commands into generated anaconda-ks.cfg (clumens) - Don't reload the UI if we don't have to (clumens, #290781) - Use newer version of device command (clumens) * Fri Sep 28 2007 Chris Lumens - Fix rescue CD + nfs tree as well. - More wireless driver blacklist fixing (katzj). * Thu Sep 27 2007 Jeremy Katz - Support modname.option=value for passing options to kernel modules - Fix rescue CD + nfsiso (clumens) - Blacklist more wireless drivers that can't work - Make buildarch more predictable (#239897) * Tue Sep 25 2007 Jeremy Katz - A few upgrade fixes; look for packages in /var/cache/yum/anaconda-upgrade/packages so that you can predownload them - Point to the mirror list for the "Additional Fedora Software" - Font movement (#304271) - Fix where firmware is looked for * Mon Sep 24 2007 Jeremy Katz - Blacklist some modules to try to avoid #299351 - Copy over media.repo if it exists - Fix for pulling firmware - Remove a useless progress window (#240459) - Fix Romanian traceback (#292091) - Catch an exception on repo setup (#295381) - Fix network device tool tips - Fix display of groups being installed vs no (#296581) - Fix Serbian language/keyboard (msivak, #235709) - Honor "boot from" dropdown more (msivak, #243556, #243799) - Make sure people are adequately warned about booting from a drive they're not installing to (msivak, #243799) - Don't label lvm on live installs either (#297391) * Wed Sep 19 2007 Jeremy Katz - spec file cleanups (dcantrell) - lots of pychecker fixes (clumens) - revert writing out anaconda-ks.cfg earlier; breaks live installs (clumens) - Fix upgrade traceback (clumens, #296571) - Few live install fixes * Tue Sep 18 2007 Chris Lumens - Really include new Japanese font (katzj, #279931). - Use /dev/live-osimg-min if it exists (katzj). - Copy driver disk contents to /root (#289751). - Write out /root/anaconda-ks.cfg earlier (#292571). * Mon Sep 17 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Firewire module names changed again (#292421) - Some liveinst improvements (Douglas McClendon) - Create tape devices (dlehman) - Fix traceback on no more mirrors (dlehman) - Fix treeinfo path to stage2 (wwoods) - Remove unused graphics (notting) - Look at root path for kernels (Douglas McClendon) - Netlink fixes (pjones) * Thu Sep 13 2007 Chris Lumens - On the graphical netconfig screen, only check the gateway address if provided (dcantrell). - Don't show wireless adapters unless explicitly requested (katzj). - Add user and services commands and scripts to anaconda-ks.cfg - Fix handling of groups from the kickstart user command. - Support loading updates from partitioned devices. - Rework netlink code to support > 10 devices and not get caught in an infinite loop (pjones, dcantrell). - Fix args passed to iscsiadm (k.georgiou AT imperial DOT ac DOT uk, #283791). - Set flags.selinux (katzj, #244691). - Be more accepting when waiting for an sshd response (alanm AT redhat DOT com, #286031). - Probe USB to make USB network installs work (H.J. Lu, #285491). - Rework driver package installation to be more generic. - Turn off swaps we didn't turn on so livecds don't blow up (katzj). - Add new Chinese and Japanese font packages (katzj, #279931). - Fix another upgrade GUI traceback (#281031). - Correctly identify when the VNC server doesn't start. - Display the correct signal name when loader exits (pjones). - Change method for determining maximum LV size (msivak, #242508). * Wed Sep 5 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Make sure we find out about all nics (dcantrell) - Hard drive install fixing (clumens, #287241) - Make sure iniparse is in the image (notting, #276941) - Add the short hostname to the localhost entry (dcantrell, #253979) * Tue Sep 04 2007 Chris Lumens - Honor hostname= command line option (dcantrell, #186560). - Set the hostname if provided by the user or by DHCP (dcantrell, #180451). - Blacklist floppy and iscsi modules (notting). - Fix traceback on GUI network config screen (dcantrell). - Kickstart networking interface fixes (dcantrell, #260621). - Don't traceback when reading kickstart post scripts (#276851). - On kickstart installs, output the incoming packages section to anaconda-ks.cfg. * Fri Aug 31 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Some kickstart fixes (clumens, #269721) - More libraries (clumens) * Thu Aug 30 2007 Jeremy Katz - - quick and dirty fix for popt to be in stage2 * Thu Aug 30 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Use the right network kickstart object (clumens) - More firmware fixes (dcantrell, #177452) - Skip devices without firmware (dcantrell, #251941) - Attempt to fix out dso depsolving for stage2 * Tue Aug 28 2007 Chris Lumens - Fix symlink handling in stage2 creation (katzj). - Make man pages work when chrooted in rescue mode (jgranado, #254014). - Handle wireless drivers that require firmware (dcantrell). * Mon Aug 27 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Add an isomd5sum subpackage - Make sure we pull in all X drivers - Fix kickstart traceback (clumens) - Fix zfcp radio button to not be selectable (clumens, #254137) * Sat Aug 25 2007 Jeremy Katz - - BR popt-devel - and -static * Sat Aug 25 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Fix setting additional repo names (clumens) - Update install-methods doc (msivak, #252407) - Add an FS label column (msivak, #248436) - Allow changing/reconfiguring nic in the loader (dcantrell, #242019) - Fix man pages in rescue mode (jgranado, #243443) - Setup everything repo (jgranado, #254014) - Allow using the "rescue" CD as the second stage for all install types (#186641) - Fix firewire module name - Display arch more prominently (msivak, #244531) * Wed Aug 22 2007 Chris Lumens - Only add one slash to NFS path names (dcantrell, #253539). - Use dotted quad netmasks if provided (dcantrell, #243250). - Update system-config-date dependency (#253444). - Fix timezone screen size for livecd installs (katzj, #251851). - Check for themes in the installed root instead of host (katzj). - Add version information to the syslinux screens (katzj, #253632). - Add tooltips to UI for device names (jgranado, #125312). - Fix number of created SCSI device nodes (msivak, #241439). - Simplify upd-instroot (katzj). - Fix SIGSEGV in loader network config (dcantrell, #252988). - Network input validation cleanups (hhara AT miraclelinux DOT com). - Handle multiple module parameters in insmod (hhara AT miraclelinux DOT com). * Mon Aug 13 2007 Chris Lumens - Make the version number display more prominent. - Dynamically figure out the GTK and icon themes (katzj). - Purge lots of unneeded code that's in yum (katzj). - Don't check for bootable EFI partitions on RAID (#250353). - Remove SELinux stuff after policy creation (katzj). * Thu Aug 09 2007 Chris Lumens - Fix "noipv6 ip=dhcp" to not ask about v4 vs. v6 (katzj). - Blacklist the ata_generic module (katzj). - Don't double add packages to the transaction set (katzj, #249908). - Use find_lang (katzj, #251444). - Add newt-python and libuser-python packages (katzj, clumens, #251347). - Add dosfslabel (katzj, #251217). - Enable runlevel 5 if kdm is installed (#251194). - Fix disk selection in text UI (#247997, #251150). - Don't require a command line option for xfs (katzj). - Fix syntax error (pjones). - Rework loader flags (dcantrell, #250895). * Mon Aug 06 2007 Chris Lumens - Check the rpmdb of the installed root (katzj). - Fix mknod calls (hhara AT miraclelinux DOT com). - Generate module-info at build time (notting). - Use more specific error messages when copying stage2 fails (#250954). - Test using zenity for kickstart script progress reports (#147109). * Fri Aug 03 2007 Chris Lumens - Remove debug button from exception dialog on livecd installs. - Don't look at removed devices to find free space (#250148). - Build fixes. - Force formatting / on livecd installs (#250301). - Remove plip support (notting). - upd-instroot fixes (pjones). - Fix kickstart updates command. - Add more information to .treeinfo (wwoods). * Tue Jul 31 2007 Chris Lumens - isys cleanups. - Create device nodes much earlier (#249882). * Fri Jul 27 2007 Chris Lumens - Fix ppc keymaps (#249881). * Fri Jul 27 2007 Jeremy Katz - - fix nfsiso (#249882) * Thu Jul 26 2007 Bill Nottingham - - fix stage2 generation (jkeating) * Thu Jul 26 2007 Jeremy Katz - - GPT boot bits (pjones) - Fix loopback clobbering problem - Fix tui installs to not hang (dcantrell) - Fix stage2 generation to use the tree and not configured repos * Wed Jul 25 2007 Jeremy Katz - - fix media installs (#249371) * Tue Jul 24 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Rebuild keymaps (clumens, #240087) - Fix kickstart docs about dhcpclass (clumens, #248910) - Fix for usb-storage dance (pjones, #247830) - Fix protected partitions problem (clumens) - Improve stage2 generation * Thu Jul 19 2007 Chris Lumens - Mark iSCSI root with _netdev mount option (markmc AT redhat DOT com, #245725). - Support multiple bind mounts when reading /etc/fstab (#246424). - Support ISOs being on the root partition to upgrade (#244002). - Improve error reporting when mounting swap (#248558). - Add support for labeling FAT filesystems (pjones). - Make x86 machines using EFI use /boot/efi and mark as bootable (pjones). - Lots of partition initialization cleanups (pjones). - Don't generate two errors for SCSI devices with > 15 partitions (pjones). * Mon Jul 16 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Don't format rootfs for live installs (#248085) - Handle --only-use option for drives (clumens, #198526) - Avoid reserving labels that won't exist after partitioning is complete (clumens, #209291) * Thu Jul 12 2007 Chris Lumens - Don't call lvm.pvlist so much (pjones). - Don't log harmless unmounting errors (dlehman, #223059). - Handle F12 on the install key dialog (dlehman, #210673). - Create device nodes and probe for tape drives (dlehman, #218816). - Fix loader network configuration UI flow (lucasgf AT br DOT ibm DOT com, #247807). - Include yum-fedorakmod plugin (dlehman). - Don't map Fedora to Fedora Core in the betanag dialog (katzj). - String fixes (katzj, #246703). - Fix module path order so updates get used (pjones). - Install the PAE kernel when applicable (pjones, #207573). - Fix fsset entry sorting (jhutz AT cmu DOT edu, #242294). - Don't display garbage in the ksfile location dialog (#245936). * Thu Jun 28 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Fix traceback opening disks (dcantrell, #245609) - Fix live installs with /usr/local and /usr as separate partitions (#244913) - Driver disk reworking (clumens, #213318) - Write out additional repos in anaconda-ks.cfg (clumens, #206152) - Fix iscsi error reporting (pjones) - Add nss/nspr libs to stage2 (clumens) - Fix code to work with yum 3.2.1 (#245918) - Preserve owners on live install copy (#243479) * Fri Jun 22 2007 Chris Lumens - - Add a firmware loader, remove nash firmware bits (pjones). - Fix module loading to work for multiple modules.cgz locations (pjones). - Handle IPv4 CIDR prefixes in iscsi config (hhara AT miraclelinux DOT com). - Better error handling in iscsi config (dwpang AT redflag-linux DOT com, hhara AT miraclelinux DOT com). - Fix livecd traceback (#244764). - Copy over entire driver disk directory contents for new layout. * Mon Jun 18 2007 Chris Lumens - - Remove obsolete language and loader options (notting). - Remove unused gzlib implementation (pjones). - Finish removing split ISO loopback method (#244258). - libbz2 has changed location (#243566). * Fri Jun 15 2007 Jeremy Katz - - fix syntax error (jkeating) - don't capture passwords from kickstart in exception dumps (clumens) - don't write out unicode text to install.log (clumens, #243477) * Fri Jun 15 2007 Chris Lumens - - Fix call to mksquashfs in mk-images so we get stage2.img again. - Other minor image creation fixes. - Flush drive dict so zFCP devices get device nodes (dcantrell, #236903). * Tue Jun 12 2007 Chris Lumens - - Require libdhcp6client-static. - Remove loopback mounted split ISO install method. - Allow locking root and user accounts from kickstart (#240059). - Don't delete NFS mounts from /etc/fstab on upgrade (#242073). - Add support for Areca RAID controllers (#238014). - Use "disc" instead of "CD" in loader dialogs (#242830). - Don't show the X hatch pattern anymore (#195919). - Set a default clearpart type. - Permanently skip task and group selection on livecd (katzj, #242083). - Sync up repo representation with yum (dlehman). - Enable building on arm (Lennert Buytenhek). - Fix iscsi configuration traceback (#242379). - Enable all ZFCP LUNs (dcantrell, #207097). - Don't traceback on blank lines in modprobe.conf (#241991). - Fall back to English release notes (#241975). - Fix static network configuration (dcantrell, #221660). - Mount /dev/pts in rescue mode (dlehman, #228714). - Include dmidecode on ia64 (dlehman, #232947). - Correctly count SCSI disks (dlehman, #230526). - Don't traceback if we can't remove a ks script (#241878). - Preserve authconfig formatting (#241657). - Fix RAID superblock issues (katzj, #151653). - Bump early swap RAM limit (katzj, #232862). - Network configuration fixes (katzj, #240804). - Define Error to fix a livecd traceback (katzj, #241754). - Remove extra windows in text network config (notting, #241556). - Remove telnet mode (dcantrell). - Fix traceback on kickstart upgrades (#241395, #243159). - Make sure nics are brought up with DHCP config info (dcantrell). - Error out on invalid RAID superblocks (pjones, #151653). - loader UI flow fixes (dcantrell, #239958). - Fix various tracebacks in the partitioning code (dcantrell). - Fix network segfault (dcantrell, #240804). - Log real LVM errors instead of hiding them (katzj). * Mon May 21 2007 Jeremy Katz - - add esound to upgrade handling - fix selected group display when adding repos with the same groups (#237708) - check for Xvnc being executable (dcantrell) - add keyutils-libs (#240629) * Wed May 16 2007 Chris Lumens - - Add yum logger (katzj, #240226). - Fix up Bulgarian keyboard support (#240087). - Fix text mode language selection tracebacks. * Tue May 15 2007 Chris Lumens - - Set the timezone when language is changed in text mode (#239826). - Replace pump-stub with dhcpclient-stub (dcantrell, #239427). - Set preferred color on upgrades (pnasrat, #235757). - Fix livecd text mode traceback (katzj). - Kickstart documentation updates (#234187). - Increase early swap size on 64bit platforms (katzj, #238266). - Various network fixes (dcantrell). - Fix syslinux highlighting (katzk). * Fri May 4 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Set preferred rpm color (pnasrat, #235757) - Add mk-rescueimage.ia64 (prarit, #236221) - Be smarter about getting pid of iscsiadm (clumens, #223257) - Relabel all of /var/log (#236774) - Fixes for appletouch (#238355) - Fix homedir labeling (#238277) - Don't traceback in text mode without disks (#238695) - Fix vncconnect (clumens, #238827) - Don't eject too soon in kickstart (clumens, #238711, #239002) - Fix lvm activation/deactivation (pjones, #224635) * Mon Apr 30 2007 Jeremy Katz - - fix build * Mon Apr 30 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Don't write out ipv6 disabling bits (dcantrell, #237642) - Load pata_pcmcia late (#237674) - Fix release notes to display nicely with the livecd running at 800x600 - Add support for spufs (pnasrat, #237725) - Add libidn for ping (#237745) - Fix selinux context of /root (clumens, #237834) - Fix for mirror errors (dlehman) - Fix splittree (Joel Andres Granados, #233384) - Fix ppc32 netboot (pnasrat, #237988) - Fix %packages for media installs (clumens, #231121, #235881) - Fix rescue mode networking (dcantrell, #238080) - Adjust for unbreaking the yum API - Fix rescue mode traceback (#238261) - Fix for iscsi not being present (#238424) - Fix for upgrades with LVM (clumens, #234938) - Give some feedback while erases are being processed (#238256) * Mon Apr 23 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Fix FTP/HTTP installs booted from disc1/rescueCD - Ensure kickstart scripts are executed with the right cwd (clumens, #237317) - Fix net device comparison (dcantrell, #237431) - Fix multiple repos some more (#231543) * Fri Apr 20 2007 Chris Lumens - - Be smarter about detecting network link status (dcantrell, #236483). - Lots of yum mirror list and retry fixes (dlehman). - BR libdhcp-static (dcantrell). - Add Mist theme (katzj). - Update translation files (katzj, #237263). - Fix VNC traceback (#237194). - Fix error message for > 15 partitions per disk (dcantrell, #234686). * Thu Apr 19 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Add Romanian to language list (#237060) - Fix selinux context of /etc/modprobe.d - Move locale-archive.tmpl into the right place (clumens) - Don't duplicate filesystem entries (clumens, #236477) - Fix a python warning (dcantrell) - Fix release notes with live CD * Wed Apr 18 2007 Jeremy Katz - - More PS3 fixes (dwmw2, #236480, #236508) - Fix broadcast calculation (dcantrell, #236266) - Allow anaconda to install debuginfo (#236033) - Fixes for installs from live image running off of USB key - Don't nuke locale-archive (clumens, #236978) - Fix rescue image default (clumens, #236453) - Try to be smarter about resolution for 480i ps3 (#236510) * Tue Apr 17 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Some PS3 fixes (dwmw2) - Try to handle some of the problem cases with the ide -> libata driver changes (clumens, katzj, #229704) - Fix text mode package descriptions (clumens, #233662) - Fix netlink buffer size (dcantrell, #234764) - Fix how we disable ipv6 (dcantrell) - Add a few more packages to upgrade blacklists - Warn and try not to blow up with scsi disks with more than 15 partitions (dcantrell, katzj) * Fri Apr 13 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Fix SELinux labels on moved files with live install (#236282) - Add vmmouse driver * Thu Apr 12 2007 David Cantrell - - Don't write out remove lines for packages that don't exist on the installation arch (clumens) - Remove unused code from partedUtils.py (clumens) - Fix handling of plain text release notes (Elliot Peele) - Fix RAID minor number allocation in text mode UI (clumens) - Force /sbin and /usr/sbin in the PATH (katzj) - Don't copy stage2.img if it is not found (katzj) - Test given URL for HTTP/FTP install modes when stage2 is loaded from CD * Mon Apr 9 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Fix build on s390 - Ensure we exit at the end of the install. * Sun Apr 8 2007 Peter Jones - - Rebuild because aparently the s390 build produced a corrupt package... * Thu Apr 5 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Minor live install fixes - dasd fixes (dcantrell) * Wed Apr 4 2007 Jeremy Katz - - More live changes to fix installing from the live image running from RAM or a USB stick. Note: requires a livecd created with livecd-tools >= 006 - Make the end button Close for the live case (#225168) - Unmount installed filesystems at the end of the live install - Fix an autopart bug (clumens, #235279) * Tue Apr 3 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Clean up depsolve callback to work with yum depsolver - More live CD fixing * Tue Apr 03 2007 David Cantrell - - Correctly detect if there are no more mirrors to try (clumens, #232639) - Display size and model info per disk in PartitionTypeWindow in textw - Support fetching kickstart files from HTTP URLs that require login information (bnocera@redhat.com, #194247) - Improve CongratulationWindow.getScreen (katzj) - Add missing import to livecd.py (katzj) - Use correct syntax for hal-lock (katzj) - Don't traceback in cases where there are no drives (katzj, #234697) - Add fec_mpc52xx, ps3_storage, and gelic_net (#220009) - Display IP address of the VNC server (#234747) - Add OSA layer 2 support for System Z (bhinson@redhat.com, #233376) - Import constants in backend.py (clumens, #234782) - Add netxen_nic driver (clumens, #230245) * Fri Mar 30 2007 David Cantrell - - LiveCD fixes (katzj, #230945, #224208, #224213, #230943) - Handle IOErrors if we can't find the kickstart file (clumens) * Wed Mar 28 2007 Chris Lumens - - Fix partitioning under kickstart when using clearpart (#232936). - Add padding on the device stripe graph (#217294). - Fix probing RAID superblocks (#172648, #208970, #215231). - Support using hal locking on the live CD (katzj, #231201). - Fix text install UI flow (dcantrell). - Add IPv4 address validation for s390 (dcantrell, #234152). - Don't unnecessarily run DHCP on the add repos screen (dcantrell, #232512). - Netlink cache cleanups (dcantrell). - Package installation progress UI cleanups (dcantrell). - Only probe for network devices with loaded modules (dcantrell, #233507). - Better error handling on unprintable filesystem labels (#191679). - Live CD and lowres UI fixes (katzj). - Exit if the close button is clicked (katzj, #231775). - Always display an IP address in the VNC info message (#231934). - Handle dual IP stack manual configuration correctly (dcantrell, #232690). - zlib has moved (katzj). - Write out /etc/sysconfig/desktop file if there's a default (katzj, #233472). * Fri Mar 23 2007 Jeremy Katz - - fix xinit exiting * Wed Mar 21 2007 Chris Lumens - - livecd X fixes (katzj). - Handle mounting errors on the harddrive image method (#124793). - Fix timezone --isUtc for real. - More kickstart RAID10 fixes (#230268). - Fix ip=dhcp command line option (dcantrell, #233152). - Add cdc_ether module for USB networking (dcantrell, #174229). - Fix text mode timezone traceback. * Tue Mar 20 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Document asknetwork (clumens, #233035) - Fix no drives being selected by default with autopart (clumens) - Add bits for livecd install desktop file, etc * Mon Mar 19 2007 Chris Lumens - - Add new firewire modules (katzj, #231708). - String fixes (#232778). - Update for new system-config-date (#232905). - Fix package selection (#232701). - Default to no drives selected on the RAID screen (#195636). - Display a caps lock warning on the password screen (#207894). - Kickstart documentation updates (#209966). * Thu Mar 15 2007 David Cantrell - - Fix confusing wording in loader (clumens, #163329) - Don't tell the user to eject the CD at the end (clumens, #137275) - Remove some unused functions (clumens) - More intelligent error handling when the number of packages exceeds the CD size (clumens, #232104) - Partitioning UI string fixes (clumens, #203346) - Name the cciss module 'HP/Compaq Smart Array Controller (#210414) - More partitioning UI string fixes (#208394) * Tue Mar 13 2007 Chris Lumens - - String fixes (#231761). - Fix yum logging traceback. - Restore "Save to Remote" button on exception dialog. - Return NULL when dhcpv4 and dhcpv6 are disabled (dcantrell, #230941). - Handle configuration of lots of NICs much better (dcantrell, #228512). * Fri Mar 9 2007 David Cantrell - - Fix SIGSEGV for HTTP installs (#231576) - Some spec file cleanups to adhere to Fedora packaging guidelines * Thu Mar 8 2007 David Cantrell - - Remove duplicate Activate On Boot checkbox in iw netconfig - Set DHCPv6_DISABLE flag for auto neighbor discovery (#230941, #230949) - Set loaderData->ip appropriately in STEP_IP (#231290) - Replace hyphens in BOOTIF= parameter with colons (#209284) - In strcount() in libisys, return 0 if tmp is NULL (#231290) - Subclass Raid class in kickstart.py from F7_Raid (clumens) - Make sure ext2 filesystem module is loaded early (clumens, #230946) * Thu Mar 8 2007 Chris Lumens - - Fix translations to build correctly. - Fix traceback on upgrade due to yum API change. * Wed Mar 7 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Various buildinstall and splittree fixes to make things work better without an RPMS dir (Jesse Keating) - Minor package progress API changes - Minor backend fixes (Elliot Peele) - Minor translation related fixes * Tue Mar 6 2007 David Cantrell - - Smaller required height for main window for livecd installs (katzj) - Move utility functions around in isys - Init loopback in stage 1 using ioctl() rather than netlink (#229670) - Handle netlink messages for RTM_GETLINK that are larger than 4K (#230525) * Mon Mar 5 2007 Jeremy Katz - - ext2 is a module now - add a basic boot drive selector to the graphical autopartitioning screen * Mon Mar 5 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Fix some typos (clumens, dcantrell, katzj) - Use depsolving from yum instead of our own stuff now that the yum depsolving doesn't require header downloads - Misc backend cleanups - Fix deprecation warnings (#230951) - Networking fixing (#210370) - BR newt-static * Thu Mar 01 2007 Chris Lumens - - Support multiple %ksappend lines (#222201). - Set the ksdata after setting the initial timezone values (#230472). - New progress screen interface that's easier on backends (katzj). - Handle KickstartError exns better than just dumping a backtrace. - Add an updates ks command. - Apply a patch to support RAID10 (Orion Poplawski , #230268). - Fix reserve-size option on splittree.py (katzj, #230343). - Apply a patch to clean up strings (Paul W. Frields , #204564). - Focus the next button when enter is pressed on the password screen (#206568). * Mon Feb 26 2007 Chris Lumens - - Clean up partitioning text (katzj, #228198, #221791). - Write out the fstab after migrating (katzj, #223215). - More partitioning text fixes (#229959). - Desensitize drive selection box for custom layouts (#219207). - Support new kickstart extended group syntax. - Handle port numbers in the exception scp dialog (#227909). - Don't attempt to load a module when the device line is wrong (#227510). - Fix selecting the kernel-xen-devel package (dlehman, #226784). - Desensitize partition review checkbox when going back (dlehman, #220951). - Add key handling UI (dlehman). - Fix writing out /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ files (#227250). - Verify added repos when going back to the tasksel screen (#227762). - Don't include /usr/share/zonetab/zone.tab for translation (#229729). - Documentation updates (#189292, #173641). - Delete /etc/mtab if it exists on upgrade (#213818). - Add atl1.ko module to loader (#229641). - Don't traceback when cancel is pressed on iscsi add dialog (#229694). - Don't relabel disks that contain protected partitions (dlehman, #220331). - Clear non-protected partitions from disks if initAll is set (dlehman). - Allow access to regkey screen when going back (dlehman, #219361). * Wed Feb 21 2007 Chris Lumens - - Add dpi flag when starting X to fix tiny font size (#224665). - Set the default timezone for languages we can't display (#227625). - Add termcap files we were missing to fix b&w console (#228596, #229236). - Add files from vnc-libs package to fix VNC installs. * Tue Feb 20 2007 Chris Lumens - - Add libtinfo to the stage2 images. - Use new pykickstart organization. - Change default French layout to latin9 (#229269). - Add maketreeinfo.py script (Will Woods ). * Fri Feb 16 2007 David Cantrell - - Fix compiler warnings in wlite code - Remove obsolete code from network_gui.py - Rebuild to link with new libdhcp6client and new libdhcp * Wed Feb 14 2007 Peter Jones - - Get rid of unused X mouse handling (dcantrell) - Update for newer createrepo (jkeating) - Update for device-mapper/device-mapper-libs split * Tue Feb 13 2007 Chris Lumens - - Load the ext3 module earlier to fix hd installs (#223749, #224534). - Don't traceback in postconfig if it's not a kickstart install. - Fix autopart string (dcantrell, #228192). - Remove references to genheader (dcantrell). - Rework text network UI to more closely follow graphical (dcantrell). * Fri Feb 09 2007 David Cantrell - - BR device-mapper-devel * Fri Feb 09 2007 David Cantrell - - Require newest libdhcp - Remove obsolete findpackageset.py and genheader.py (clumens) - Update translation files (#227775, clumens) - BR glib2-static (clumens) - Add LVM exception handling classes (pjones) - Wrap lvm command calls with lvmExec() and lvmCapture() (pjones) - Remove obsolete fbconProbe() and doFbconProbe() (katzj) - Display 'DHCPv6' rather than 'DHCP' for IPv6/Prefix column - Make 'description' a property for correct i18n translations (pjones) - Add the postscripts step (#227470, clumens) - Do not try to run post scripts if ksdata is missing (clumens) - Allow going back to interface selection screen in stage1 (#213787, clumens) - Sort detailed package listing in text mode (clumens) - Don't try to second guess provided X resolutions or depths (clumens) - Preserve X resolution given in kickstart file (#158089, clumens) - Improve listing selected and deselected packages (#189873, clumens) - Fix argument passing for windows on kickstart installs (clumens) - Don't set up default partitions during kickstart installs (clumens) * Tue Jan 30 2007 Jeremy Katz - - pkgorder cleanup for various tree layouts (jkeating) - Use $TMPDIR in scripts (Steve Pritchard, #224438) - Wrap timezone label when it's long (clumens, #225444) - Map Fedora -> Fedora Core (notting) - Give a useful error when there's no comps information - Fix localboot from boot disks (pjones) - Kickstart fixes (clumens) * Fri Jan 26 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Fix pkgorder - Give indication of city being pointed at for timezone (clumens, #219417) * Wed Jan 24 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Disable extra repo for now * Wed Jan 24 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Fix rescue mode - Fix theming * Tue Jan 23 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Remove @everything parsing as promised - Package requirement fixes - Fix kickstart traceback (clumens, #223903) - Add more icons - Don't be too aggressive remaking device nodes - Fix rescue mode * Mon Jan 22 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Fix shell on tty2 with libncurses in /lib - Use echo icon theme - Add anaconda- to VCI (dcantrell, #220082) - Remove some no-longer-needed imports (clumens) - Require system-config-keyboard * Fri Jan 19 2007 Chris Lumens - - Kickstart and upgrade are no longer installclasses. - Update x86_64 syslinux config (katzj). - Support %packages --default (#221305). - Fix early kickstart UI traceback. - Remove cruft in x86 images (katzj). - Fix error handling in loader netconfig screen (dcantrell). - Add libthai to graphical install (katzj). * Thu Jan 18 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Fix so that package selection in the yum backend is actually enabled - UI tweaks so that we work better with a real window manager - Ensure that file contexts are reset to the right thing after a live CD copy - Fix another ks.cfg traceback - Make it easier to do a 32bit build on a 64bit host * Thu Jan 18 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Add backend for installing from a live CD - Make backend controllable from the installclass - Bring up loopback device in ks (clumens, #191424) - Fix traceback with writing ks.cfg (clumens) - Add support for new vesamenu bits in syslinux - Allow for updates.img to be a cpioball (dlehman) - Fix use of halt in ks.cfg (pjones, #222953) - Fix traceback in text mode network config (Elliot Peele) * Tue Jan 16 2007 Chris Lumens - - Remove deps when going back from package selection (dlehman, #222894). - Fix UI when going back from package selection (dlehman, #215493). - Update kickstart code to use new pykickstart API. - Fix loader test for NULL (yanmin.zhang AT intel.com, #222767). - Don't display the unsupported lang box in kickstart installs (#222096). - Error message fixes in package installation (katzj). - Update DHCP UI (dcantrell). - Correct behavior of escape key in release notes viewer (dcantrell, #220418). * Wed Jan 10 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Set NETWORKING_IPV6 based on whether we want ipv6 for any devices or not (dcantrell, katzj, #222147) - Little fixes so installs work. * Tue Jan 9 2007 Jeremy Katz - - Add pata* drivers - Fix segfault with ks= (clumens, #221904) - Fix starting sector for sparc (pjones) - Only ask about vnc if Xvnc is present (dcantrell) - Put a debug button on custom dialogs with flags.debug (pjones) - python2.5 fixes - Fix ftp/http being specified as the url (dcantrell, #220728) - Use a default dhcpclass (dcantrell, #220082) - Add --gaugefor checkisomd5 (Ryan Finnie, #220286) - Don't overly clear the root window text (clumens, #220905) - Handle crazy large disk sizes (clumens, #219414) - Try to fix USB sleeping bits - Translation fix (#221253) - Honor dhcpclass (#220057) * Sun Dec 17 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Clean up execConsole to work better (clumens, #210481, #16155) - Fixes due to earlier changes (dcantrell, #219789) - Build fix for new kernel headers * Thu Dec 14 2006 Jeremy Katz - - fix build for no more md START_ARRAY; note that this leaves swraid broken * Thu Dec 14 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Fix adding zfcp devices (dcantrell, #210635) - Fix rescue mode (clumens) - Do dasdfmt based on initlabel (dcantrell, #218861) - Adjust for official xvc0 major/minor - Abstract required media for different backends (Elliot Peele) - Fix overflow of source CDs (Dawei Pang) - EDD should work on x86_64 (#218123) - Better ipv6 config for second stage (dcantrell, #213110, #213112) - Fix iscsi typo, don't traceback when iscsi isn't present (#218513) - Unmount CD after install when using local stage2 with http install (clumens) - Don't set LIBUSER_CONF in %%post scripts (#218213) - Some python 2.5 updates * Tue Dec 05 2006 David Cantrell - - Describe nokill option (clumens, #218412) - Make sure / is mounted before /boot (clumens, #217292) - Scan for labels on logical volumes during upgrades (clumens, #217191) - URL install method traceback fixes (clumens) - Copy volume group format attribute to new request (clumens, #217585) - Default new volume group requests to formatted (clumens) - Bump parted version requirement * Thu Nov 30 2006 Chris Lumens - - Don't look for rhpxl's list of drivers anymore (#217890). - Init wreq structure before use (dcantrel, #215367). - Only compute broadcast and netaddr if IPv4 is enabled (dcantrel, #215451). - Fetch a new release notes file on language change (#217501). - Add support for Iloko language (katzj, #215644). - Fix Sinhala timezone (katzj, #217288). * Mon Nov 27 2006 Chris Lumens - - Set the home directory correctly for ks user command (#216681). - Pull in xinf files from X driver packages on url images. * Tue Nov 21 2006 Chris Lumens - - Use .discinfo files to determine if a CD tree exists instead of a set limit (pjones, #214787). - Allow fixing/retrying when unable to grab a ksfile (#216446). - Fix typos (pnasrat, #216410, #215232). - Set the RAID minor number in text installs (#215231). - Be smarter about detecting if iscsi is available (katzj, #216128). - Kernel naming fix (katzj, #215746). - Activate/login/logout of all iscsi devices (pjones). - Depsolve on optional/non-grouped packages (pnasrat, #214848). - Update kickstart documentation. - Don't always write out xconfig and monitor in anaconda-ks.cfg (#211977). - Follow drive order specified in kickstart file (#214881). - Unmount source on image installs before %post is run (#214677). - Check return value of getBiosDisk (pjones, #214653). - splittree shouldn't fail with non-rpms in the directory (jkeating). - Order bind mounts correctly on upgrades (#212270). - Always skip networking on kickstart installs (#214584). - Handle ipv6= command line option (dcantrell). - Split up ipv4 and ipv6 options, add radvd support (dcantrell, #213108, #213112). - Log exceptions when activating raid (pjones). - Update install method documentation (#214159). - Netconfig UI fixes (katzj, #213356). - Avoid traceback on unused PReP partitions (#211098). - Fix no free space traceback (ddearauj AT us.ibm.com, #213616(. - Fix implantisomd5 output formatting (#214046). - Remove virt group hacks (katzj). - Default to text install if a KVM lies to us about the monitor. - Split media FTP/HTTP loopback mount install fixes (pnasrat, #212014). * Thu Nov 2 2006 Chris Lumens - 11.2 - Add name resolution support for IPv6 AAAA and ip6.arpa records (dcantrell). - Center anaconda window (#213350). - Make sure to set a default on the physical extent combo (#212317). - Fix updates on USB keys under kickstart installs. - Set language support on text installs (pnasrat, #212511). - Fix downloading kickstart files from nonstandard port numbers (#212622). - Add more fonts (katzj, #207428). - Fix localhost6 line (dcantrell, #211800, #210050). - Disable keepalive so we don't run out of file handles (#212571). - Display an error if we try to clear nonexistent hard drives (#212377). - Fix lang-table typo (#212304). - Fix file descriptor leak (katzj, #212191). - Fix ZFCP config, kickstart handling, and module probing (katzj, #210094). - Fix widget names on netconfig dialog (notting). - Always bring up the network if specified in kickstart (#191424). - Add Sinhala and Telugu (katzj, #207426, #207428). - Fix iutil traceback (pnasrat, #211830). - Continue if vname or vparm are NULL (dcantrell, #211502). - Add fonts-telugu (katzj, #207428). - Fix package installation progress bar size (katzj, #210531, #211526). - Fix installation with CTC networking (katzj, #210195). - Force swap formatting on ppc upgrades (pnasrat, #206523). - Forget partitioning changes when going back in the UI (#211255). - Don't specify a stdout or stderr for s390 shells (#210481). - Fix window dragging jerkiness (krh). - Add --noipv4 and --noipv6 (dcantrell, #208334). - Correct --onbiosdisk handling (#210705). - Set runlevel 3 by default on VNC installs (#211318). - Fix download failures/retries (pnasrat, katzj, #211117). - Don't use unicode line drawing characters on vt100-nav (katzj, #208374). - Fix /tmp/netinfo parsing (dcantrell, #207991). - Use virtualization instead of xen for the group name (katzj). - Write out iscsi config to kickststart (katzj). - Add qla2400 and qla2xxx to late sort module list (katzj, #210886). - Use a better regex for finding ISO loopback mount points (#205133). - Set up baseUrl correctly when given a list of URLs (#210877). - Network config screen fixes (dcantrell). - Tweak min/max swap numbers for low memory (#189490). - Only run auditDaemon if not in test or rootpath mode (pjones). - Fixes for supporting medium-less devices (Rez Kabir AT dell.com, #207331). - yum API fixes (pnasrat). - System language doesn't have to be in lang-table (#176538). - Fix UI traceback (#210190). * Mon Oct 9 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Fix SELinux contexts for iscsi - Fix traceback if addrepos isn't shown (#209997) - Fix traceback looking up hostnames (clumens, #209672) - Fix split media (pnasrat) - Fix network to be enabled after install on non-network installs * Fri Oct 6 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Fix iscsi for toolchain changes and targets with multiple IPs - Validate ips like (dcantrel, #209654) * Fri Oct 6 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Fix endless spinning with redhat-lsb depcheck (#209665) - Fix usefbx (clumens) - Fix traceback with loopback isos (pnasrat) * Thu Oct 5 2006 Jeremy Katz - - minor yum api fix * Wed Oct 4 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Fix details in tui pkgselection (#209310) - Add Assamese (#207424) - More network UI sanity checking (dcantrel) - Disable release notes url clicking (dcantrel) - Fix traceback going back on upgrade (#205198) - Try to fix up sr_CS.UTF-8@Latn some more (#182591) * Tue Oct 03 2006 Chris Lumens - - More netconfig fixes (dcantrel). - Reset protected partitions list (#204405). - Handle more iscsi error cases (katzj, #208671). - Don't bring down network interfaces after fetching files (dcantrel, #201194). * Mon Oct 2 2006 Jeremy Katz - - More netconfig fixing (dcantrel) - Fix some translation problems (#206620) - Don't do netconfig on task toggle (#208562) - Some mpath/dmraid fixes (pjones, #208423) - Only set graphical if VNC is enabled in kickstart, not all kickstarts (clumens) - Ensure RAID levels get sorted (#208478) - Fix handling of locales we can't display (#208841) - Fix traceback in partition editing (clumens, #208677) - Try to fix sr_CS.UTF-8@Latn (#182591) - Ensure a depcheck on redhat-lsb (#201222) - Fix pkgorder to order "needed" groups early (#206778) * Thu Sep 28 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Disable repo writing for now - Fixup text network config (dcantrel) - More HTTP response codes (clumens) - Don't try to use updates disk image by default (clumens) - Give an error message when netconfig fails - Don't prompt for non-existent cd - Fix DNS with dhcp for extras on CD install * Wed Sep 27 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Give indication of no optional packages (#204242) - Don't give an error on partition mount errors looking for upgrades (#201805) - Firewire fix (notting) - Make initrd.size have 0644 perms (dcantrel, #197773) - More netconfig tweaks (dcantrel) - Support loopback URL mounts (pnasrat, #207904) - Turn off firstboot on s390 (clumens, #207926) - Set display mode if vnc ks (clumens, #204736) - Fix partitioning traceback (#208101) - Fix lowres (clumens) - xfs tweak (esandeen, #208323) - Add qla4xxx (#208324) and qla3xxx * Thu Sep 21 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Fix a few tracebacks (#207594, #207587) - Allow only iSCSI disks (#207471) - Fix bootdisk.img on x86_64 * Wed Sep 20 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Fix CD stage2 + URL installs (clumens, #205571, #206072) - Remove hostap (clumens, #196334) - Fix input validation for manual network config (dcantrel, #206148, #206678, #206537) - More network UI improvements (dcantrel) - Fix upgrade tracebacks (pnasrat, #206913) - Improved zfcp code (#204145) - Format swap on ppc upgrades (pnasrat, #206523) - Fix network interface bringup (dcantrel, #206192, #200109) - Allow running anaconda with --target arch for stateless (#206881) - Improve iscsi and zfcp TUI and kickstart config * Fri Sep 15 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Fix stage2 creation (prarit, #206638) - Add ehea driver (pjones) - Fix rescue mode for the early shell case * Thu Sep 14 2006 Chris Lumens - Compile fix (pjones). * Thu Sep 14 2006 Chris Lumens - Use -no-fragments to mksquashfs (katzj, #206472). - Fix scsi and usb module loading (pjones). - Better testing for driver disk correctness (katzj, #195899). - Support HTTP redirects in the loader (#188198, #204488). - Write out repo configuration (pnasrat, #199468). - Fix installing from additional repos on CD/DVD installs (katzj, #205846). - Network UI fixes (katzj). - --vesa -> --xdriver (pjones). - Fix when group selection should appear in kickstart installs. - Fix logical volume size checking again (#206039). - Skip attached devices without media present again (#205465). - Install fs packages if they're needed for installation (katzj, #205865). - Only collect network addresses for running interfaces (dcantrel). - zSeries initrd fixes (dcantrel, #197773). * Fri Sep 8 2006 Peter Jones - - Look for repodata where the CDs are mounted, not where they're stored (clumens) - Reverse traceback print order in the UI so most recent call is listed first (clumens, #204817) - Don't install device-mapper-multipath or kpartx except when selected or required by install media. * Thu Sep 07 2006 Chris Lumens - Allow opening release notes more than once (dcantrel, #203147). - Fix NFS iso installs. - More files to restorecon. - Rework GUI network configuration screen (dcantrel). - isys network cleanups (dcantrel). - Fix taking sreenshots (#204480). - Skip broken repositories in kickstart (#204831). - Pull in all policy modules in initrd making. - Fix yum traceback (katzj, #205450). - Add hptiop module (katzj, #205337). * Wed Sep 6 2006 Jeremy Katz - - unbreak xen installs - add hptiop drivers (#205337) - Fix a traceback (#205450) * Tue Sep 5 2006 Jeremy Katz - - fix the build some more * Tue Sep 5 2006 Jeremy Katz - - build fix (pjones) - traceback fix (dcantrel) * Tue Sep 5 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Update for newer iscsi code - Fix with yum API change - More files to restorecon (clumens) - Don't crash with duplicate repos (clumens) - Back to clearlooks (notting) - dmraid for dmraid, not kpartx (pjones) * Thu Aug 31 2006 Peter Jones - - Fix going back to the repo screen (clumens) - Install correct supplementary packages when using dmraid or multipath * Wed Aug 30 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Fix a case where images don't exist (#204648) - More making pkgorder quieter * Wed Aug 30 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Fix traceback on editing lvm (#204631) - Fix SELinux context setting - Don't do file logging in pkgorder * Tue Aug 29 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Fix ia64 pxeboot dir (#199274) - Remember manual TCP/IP settings (dcantrel, #202662) - Clean up extra repo stuff some more (clumens) * Tue Aug 29 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Sanity check more device names for LVM (notting, #2040387) - Exception handling fixes (clumens) - Fix Extras selection (clumens, #204267) - Setup repos later - Improved verbage (Paul Frields, #204249) - Filter out some non-addressable storage from hd dict (pjones) - Handle xen virtual serial - Reset file contexts on mountpoints (#202525) - Ensure programs used by anaconda are installed (clumens, #203216) * Wed Aug 23 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Run in English for CJKI text installs (clumens, #180417, #202738) - Don't mistake hard drives for CD drives (clumens, #202714) - Start to add s390x mpath support (pjones) - Whiteout scim-libs (clumens, #202543) - Fix LV size check with growing (clumens, #203095) - Fix graphical selection of drives (pjones) - Speed up mke2fs (pjones, #201645) - Add a simple audit daemon to get rid of audit spam (pjones) - Some tweaks to repo addition/task selection - Fix multipath for x86_64 (pjones, #203425) - Set language to English every time it's unsupported (clumens, #203331) * Wed Aug 16 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Fix text timezone typo (clumens, #202844) - Some installclass tweaking - Fix nfsiso to handle changing repopaths - Fix x86_64 install traceback (#202660) - Adjust for new theme * Tue Aug 15 2006 Chris Lumens - Make Turkish translation build again. * Tue Aug 15 2006 Chris Lumens - Fix serial console shell IO (#201479). - Don't traceback if URL install path is just "/" (#202368). - Fix font typo (katzj, #202167). - SELinux fixups (pjones). - Handle virtpconsole option again (katzj, #201749, #202450). - Kickstart install fixes (#202471, #202483). - Mark strings for translation (#199022). - Fix ISO install method traceback (#201775). - Don't enable the back button if there's no screen to show (#197766). - Don't clobber a working /etc/resolv.conf on VNC installs (#201874). - Remember user choices on network config (dcantrel, #200986, #200797). - More greek fixing (katzj, #196980). - Sync pkgorder with what distill is expecting (katzj, #201923). - RHEL upgrade tweaks (katzj, #201741). - Install class detection (katzj, #201745). - Fix text upgrade traceback (katzj, #201960). - Add more libraries for s390 (katzj, #200985). - Add SATA probing (pjones). - Add registration key options (katzj, #201738). - Don't automatically set UTC check box on kickstart installs (#181737). - Patch from Paul Schroder for nogr mode. * Tue Aug 08 2006 Paul Nasrat - Blacklist e2fsprogs.ppc64 on upgrades (#200233) - Set self.currentMedia to [] (dcantrel, #201722). - Remove multiple error messages (dcantrel, #201247) - Revert logMessage calls (clumens, #201707) * Mon Aug 07 2006 Chris Lumens - s390 build fix. * Mon Aug 07 2006 Chris Lumens - Fix password writing for interactive kickstart installs (#201455). - Don't check percentage on preexisting LVs (#193341). - Log added repos (#201212). - Start adding things for ia64 Xen (katzj). - Use new raid module name (katzj, #201361). - Look for ifconfig in the right place during rescue mode (#201372). - Fix segfault in FTP and HTTP path typos (#197403, #201243, #201367). - Don't display the askmethod screen on CD installs (#201108). - Do a better job at updating mkfs percentage bar (pjones). - Fix finding the release notes (#201232). - Add libvolume_id for gfs2-utils (katzj). * Wed Aug 02 2006 Paul Nasrat - Fix pkgorder isdir check - Reinstate frequent rescanning of devices (clumens) * Wed Aug 02 2006 Chris Lumens - Don't raise an exception when someone tries to delete empty space (pjones). - Fix X ks writing traceback (#201047). - Add file to describe initrd to fir LPAR installs (katzj, #197773). - Add libXau for s390 (katzj, #200985). - Sleep for disks to settle (katzj, #200589). * Tue Aug 1 2006 Peter Jones - - Fix iSCSI and MultiPath coexistance - Don't use mygethostbyname on ipv6 yet (dcantrell) - Better logging on nfsinstall and kickstart (dcantrell, #195203) - Remove ddc probing (clumens) * Mon Jul 31 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Fix method=http vs method=ftp (pjones) - Various xconfig fixes (clumens, #200755 #200758) - Fix FTP/HTTP installs by hostname (dcantrel, #200771) - Fix command-stubs/mknod (#200820) * Fri Jul 28 2006 Peter Jones - - Revert DNS changes from yesterday (dcantrel) - Do the backtrace initialization after analyzing args (katzj) - Use rhpxl for all X startup tasks (clumens, #199437) - Create users under the rootpath (patch from Clark Williams) - Update to use newer dmraid libraries - Remove /nss usage (dcantrell) * Thu Jul 27 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Don't allow ipv6-only nfs installs (dcantrel) - Fix segfault with ksdevice= (pjones, #200451) - Fix ipv6 ftp installs (dcantrel) - Ignore options we don't understand to our modprobe to help fix X startup on radeon - Use rootpath in a few places we had /mnt/sysimage hardcoded - Fix method= - Fix translation mismatch * Thu Jul 27 2006 Jeremy Katz - - And another fix for the RHEL installclass * Thu Jul 27 2006 Jeremy Katz - - FTP/HTTP ipv6 fixes (dcantrel) - Better prepboot handling (pnasrat) - RHEL installclass fixes * Wed Jul 26 2006 Peter Jones - - Fix md raid request class - Check for busybox utilties in /usr/sbin (katzj) - Be smarter about log files during kickstart (clumens) - Make multipath and dmraid work - Add Kannada language (katzj) - Don't show onboot for rescue mode (katzj) - Fix AF_INET6 usage when making in6_addr (dcantrell) * Tue Jul 25 2006 Paul Nasrat - - Fix noipv6 (pjones) - Fix nodmraid and nompath (katzj) - Make kickstart inherit from used installclass (katzj) - Hide rhel installclass by default (katzj) - Remove gstreamer/gstreamer-tools whiteout (#197139, katzj) * Mon Jul 24 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Fix build failure (pjones) - Fix error handling when adding iscsi - Make things a bit more flexible based on the install class - Fix noipv4 (dcantrel) - Try not to run dmidecode a bazillion times - Cleanups for various package selection things * Fri Jul 21 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Fix serial kickstart installs (clumens) - Add labels for LVM and RAID (clumens) - Show preexisting labels when they exist (clumens, #149375) - Fix traceback for no dosFilesystems (pnasrat) - Clean up to handle packages in $PRODUCTPATH or $PRODUCTPATH/RPMS - Various iscsi fixups * Thu Jul 20 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Fix drivelist sensitivity when adding devices - Fix text mode package selection (clumens, #186043) - Make GMT offset timezones available (clumens, #199076) - Use attr=2 for xfs per sandeen - Fix labels of stuff created before install starts (#199605) - Add Malayalam and Oriya (#197783) - Fix partitioning (#199459) * Wed Jul 19 2006 Chris Lumens - Bring down network interface after fetching files (dcantrel). - Use dejavu fonts instead of vera (katzj). - Tweak iSCSI, partitioning, and tasksel UI (katzj, #199451). - Fix busybox symlinks (katzj, #199463). - Use reboot instead of shutdown (katzj, #199262). - Fix DHCP error messages (dcantrel, #199452). * Tue Jul 18 2006 David Cantrell - - Fix va_copy() argument ordering in logMessageV() in loader * Tue Jul 18 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Add rudimentary firmware loading support to the loader (pjones) - Drop some whiteout (pnasrat, #196733) - Fix exec'ing of symlinks (clumens) - Add basic multipath support (pjones) - Basic support for multiple repo setup in graphical mode - Add missing files (clumens) * Mon Jul 17 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Clean up noipv4/noipv6 stuff stuff (clumens) - Fix exception handling for test mode - Lots of iscsi changes - Create mount points for protected partitions (clumens) - Add multipath kernel modules (pjones) - Add dhcp libs needed by isys to stage2 * Thu Jul 13 2006 David Cantrell - - Fix unknown error on shadow file (#196705, clumens) - Removed inet_calcGateway (clumens) - Don't guess gateway address in text network UI (#197578, clumens) - Change iutil.copyFile calls to shutil.copyfile (clumens) - Removed DRI enable/disable code from xsetup (clumens) - Removed copyFile, getArch, memInstalled, and rmrf from iutil (clumens) - Don't pass command as first argument to subprocess calls (clumens) - Added network debugging mode for readNetConfig() in loader - Removed "BOOTP" string from loader network config UI - Added new dialog for network device config in stage2 (katzj) - Write gateway address to correct struct in manualNetConfig - Removed IP_STRLEN macro since that's moved to libdhcp - Link and compile libisys with libdhcp - Added back 'confignetdevice' and 'pumpnetdevice' in iutil - Removed isys_calcNetmask and isys_calcNS (clumens) - Added xkeyboard-config to fix VT switching (katzj) * Tue Jul 11 2006 David Cantrell - - Many changes and fixes in the loader2 network configuration, both dhcp and manual IP entry - Fix stdin/stdout on VNC shells (clumens) - Check all bootloader entries for Windows (clumens) - Set UTC box in text install based on Windows existing or not (clumens) - Remove standalone argument for rhpxl call (clumens) - Remove call to deprecated method in yuminstall (clumens) - Fix group selection traceback in text mode (katzj, #197858) * Mon Jul 10 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Fix findExistingRoots (clumens, #197900) - Add smartctl to rescue image (dcantrel, #198052) - Allow relative --rootpath (markmc, #197669) - Try to fix up RAID6 (#197844) - Fix keymap generation with serial console (Alexander Dupuy, #198310) * Fri Jul 7 2006 David Cantrell - - Loader changes to support enabling/disabling IPv4 & IPv6 - Manual IP configuration changes in loader to better support IPv{4,6} - Let GFS2 command line option work (katzj) - Rescue mode shell fixes (clumens, #197315) - Add filesystem label chooser to rescue mode (clumens, #196345) - Use configured interface for VNC connections (clumens, #197721) - Init process cleanups - Log requiring package as well as require name (pnasrat) * Wed Jul 5 2006 Jeremy Katz - - fix typo * Wed Jul 5 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Add Marathi (#194572) - Try to let UI fit a little better in LVM dialog (#197334) - Give a message if we fail to make teh device node (markmc, #197514) - Fix rescue CD - Fix minstg2 linking error (#197593) - Log the transaction error - gfs2 fixes * Fri Jun 30 2006 David Cantrell - - Remove non-existent paths from LD_LIBRARY_PATH (katzj) - Calculate IPv4 broadcast address for static IP config - Started adding debugging mode to init - Return value checking for exec calls in init and loader - Do not use wait4() - WIFEXITED and WEXITSTATUS logic fixes - Remove runroot stuff from buildinstall (katzj) - Remove --comp argument from upd-instroot (katzj) - Do not allow /boot on GFS2 (katzj) - Move second images to images/ subdirectory (katzj) * Fri Jun 30 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Rebuild against new libdhcp for fixing more loader segfaults - Pass the debug log level to libdhcp (markmc, #197175) - Look for the ks.cfg on all cd drives (notting, #197192) - Add wlite here, use it (pjones, #196099, #186701) - Add the start of gfs2 support * Wed Jun 28 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Fix some memory leaks in the loader (pjones) - Display fs labels next to rescue choices (clumens, #196345) - Force graphical mode under vnc (clumens, #190099) - Fix splitting trees with symlinks (pnasrat, #195240) - Require system-config-date (clumens, #196452) - Ensure network UI bits end up written out (clumens, #196756) - Fix memory corruption in CD install (dcantrel) - Fix double free with ksdevice=macaddr (dcantrel) - Fix double free with HTTP/FTP installs (dcantrel, #195749) - Ensure keyboard layout gets set (clumens, #196466) - Fix text mode traceback for langs not supported in text mode (clumens, #196615) - Fix up for yum 2.9.2 * Fri Jun 23 2006 Jeremy Katz - - various pychecker inspired cleanups (clumsn) - don't try to unmount CDs twice (clumens) - filter devices without media rather than removable devices (clumens) - add iscsistart to second stage - fix pkgorder for yum api changes - fix manual ip entry (#196154) - fix tyop in zfcp gui - fix serial console being propagated to installed system (#196375) * Wed Jun 21 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Fix iscsi-related tracebacks (clumens/katzj) - Remove some hacks that were added for s390 so that we fix them right - Set MALLOC_CHECK_ and _MALLOC_PERTURB for the loader to help flush out possible problems - Fix kernel selection on s390 (#196150) - Fixes for inet_pton usage (pjones) - Use a longer timeout for dhcp requests * Wed Jun 21 2006 Jeremy Katz - - more tweaking of greek lang-table (#193872) - mark some strings for translation (#194617) - add back handling of ksdevice=macaddr (dcantrel, #195907) - copy libnss_dns* and libnss_files* to stage1 image to try to fix some of the dhcp oddities (dcantrel) - fix setupPythonUpdates (clumens) - wait for usb to be stable when reloading (pjones) - don't pass netlogger output as a format specifier (pjones) - fix traceback in zfcp_gui (#196097) - sort drive list more correctly in autopartitioning - bunch of tweaking to iscsi code - ensure that xvd devices are sorted as "first" so they're in front of things like iscsi devices * Fri Jun 16 2006 Jeremy Katz - - setfiles moved. more fixing of policy - Give info on when we add packages as deps (#189050) * Fri Jun 16 2006 Peter Jones - - require newer libdhcp - fix rescue mode console setup (clumens and pnasrat) * Thu Jun 15 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Some s390 fixes - dmraid fixing (pjones) * Thu Jun 15 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Ensure all kernel packages end up in pkgorder - Fix syntax errors in zfcp code - Fix broadcast address calculation on 64bit machines - Fix network config on s390 - Some minor iscsi tweaks * Thu Jun 15 2006 Jeremy Katz - - fix dep problem * Wed Jun 14 2006 Jeremy Katz - - add some more kernels to the pkgorder fun - don't try to switch cds if we've already got the right one inserted - libaudit for s390 - need openssh installed when building s390 trees * Wed Jun 14 2006 Jeremy Katz - - only select groups which exist * Wed Jun 14 2006 Jeremy Katz - - and fix ppc boot.iso (pnasrat) * Wed Jun 14 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Remove the step ordering debug commit - Fix traceback due to new xen kernel names - Another attempt at s390 - Include gptsync in install image so that mactels will boot * Wed Jun 14 2006 Jeremy Katz - - new xen kernel names - more trying to fix s390 * Tue Jun 13 2006 David Cantrell - - Fix logging segfaults in loader on x86_64 - More release notes viewer fixes * Tue Jun 13 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Fix text mode package selection (clumens) - Fix IP editing (clumens) - Fix segfault on x86_64 dhcp (dcantrel) - Filter out sitX devs (dcantrel) - More release notes fixes (dcantrel) - More pkgorder fixage * Tue Jun 13 2006 Jeremy Katz - - fix ppc images * Tue Jun 13 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Fix loader sigsegv (dcantrel, #194882) - Fix so we don't require yum.conf (clumens, #194987) - Fix s390 tree - Fix pkgorder for new yum API - Fix release notes (dcantrel) - More api fixing (clumens/nasrat) * Mon Jun 12 2006 Jeremy Katz - - make loader flags global (dcantrel) - fixups for yum 2.9, pull in yum-metadata-parser * Sat Jun 10 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Fix syslinux requires - Fix autopartitioning on the mactels - Close leaky fd in reiserfs label reading code so that partitioning succeeds in that case * Fri Jun 9 2006 Jeremy Katz - - fix dep problem (clumens) - initial pass at support for the intel-based macs - more trying to get s390 trees so they work - more ipv6 (dcantrel) - simplify error handling and return values in autopart code (clumens) - fix going back in a few places (clumens) - enable user_xattrs and acls by default * Thu Jun 08 2006 Chris Lumens - Revert anaconda-runtime files fix. * Thu Jun 08 2006 Chris Lumens - More IPv6 fixes (dcantrell). - Add ipv6 kernel module to image (dcantrell). - Add noipv6 installer flag (dcantrell). - Add dosfstools to requires (katzj). - Fix anaconda-runtime spec file segment (#189415, #194237). - Better partitioning error messages (#181571). - Warn if non-linux filesystems can't be mounted on upgrade (#185086). - Simplify IP address widgets for IPv6 support. - Use libdhcp instead of pump, fix requires (dcantrell). * Tue Jun 6 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Read from right stdin for kickstart scripts (Hannu Martikka, #192067) - Fix ip addr getting on 64bit boxes (clumens, #193609) - Don't specify window position (clumens) - Handle PE sizes we don't expect in the UI (clumens, #185272) - Rescue mode fixes (clumens) - Remove pointless back button (clumens, #187158) - Add user-agent to loader HTTP requests (clumens, #98617) - Use IP instead of hostname if needed (clumens, #191561) - Write out ipv6 localhost (clumens, #44984) - Add greek (#193872) - Fix s390x images (#192862) - Fix rhpxl location (clumens) * Tue May 30 2006 Chris Lumens - Require glib2-devel. - Look for libglib in the right place on 64-bit machines. * Tue May 30 2006 Chris Lumens - Fix going back in the UI. - Don't try to mount protected partitions twice. - Hook up new netlink code, debugging (dcantrell). - Package is actually named pyobject2 (katzj). * Thu May 25 2006 Chris Lumens - Fix required CD dialog (pnasrat). - More anaconda class in the interfaces (dcantrel). - More netlink helper functions (dcantrel). - Don't allow logical volumes to be smaller than the volume group's PE size in interactive installs (#186412). - Make error handling for missing packages more robust and allow retrying (clumens, pnasrat, #183974). - Fix hard drive installs (#185292, #187941). - Don't always show partition review dialog in text installs. - Fix text-mode installs by adding more stuff to minstg2.img (#191991). - Skip netlink messages with invalid ARP header (dcantrel). - Add pygobject to install images (katzj). * Wed May 24 2006 David Cantrell - Added Netlink helper functions to libisys.a - Do not pop wait window twice in writeBootloader (clumens) - For kickstart installs only: Do not allow logical volumes to be smaller than the volume group's PE size (#186412, clumens) - initrd fixes to account for glib2 library movement (clumens) * Tue May 23 2006 Chris Lumens - Fix unicode stubs (pjones). - Fix libdir on ppc64 (katzj). * Tue May 23 2006 Chris Lumens - Add slang-devel build requirement. * Tue May 23 2006 Chris Lumens - Display full package name in log (pnasrat, #189308). - Add flags for multipath (pjones). - Allow protected partitions to be mounted (#105722). - Fix pkgorder traceback. * Fri May 19 2006 David Cantrell - - Added asix driver (pjones) - Fix i18n build * Fri May 19 2006 David Cantrell - - Fix indendation error in handleRenderCallback() that caused hang - Use gobject.threads_init() model - Remove gtk.threads_enter()/gtk.threads_leave() wrappers - Disk and filesystem scanning fixes (clumens) * Thu May 18 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Few more liveCD tweaks - And clean up the ppc64 tree a little - Enable ipv6 by default (pnasrat) - Fix a traceback in finding root part (clumens) * Wed May 17 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Fix image building typo - Remove some dead code (clumens, dcantrel) - More thread fixing (dcantrel) - Fix rescue mode (clumens) - Fix upgrades (clumens) - Don't try to mount protected partitions on hd ugprades (clumens) - Hook copyExtraModules back up (clumens, #185344) - Don't modify the main fs for user/password info on --rootpath install - Fix kickstart bootloader install - Some fixes for live CD * Tue May 16 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Make mousedev loading less verbose for built-in case (#191814) - Ellipsize text (roozbeh, #191844) - Some more threads for release notes (dcantrel) - Remove lots of help related stuff (clumens) - Handle empty drive lists better looking for usb-storage and firewire (pjones) - Try to make ppc64 trees installable - Lots of cleanup to the scripts dir. * Mon May 15 2006 Chris Lumens - Fix anaconda class typos (katzj). - Unmount media after running post scripts (#191381). - Fix VNC installs. - Support --mtu= in kickstart files (#191328). - Rework release notes viewer (dcantrel). - Fix upgrade traceback. - Fix console keymaps (pjones, #190983, #191541). - Allow USB and firewire installs, with a warning (pjones). * Mon May 08 2006 Chris Lumens - s390x build fix. * Mon May 08 2006 Chris Lumens - Fix cmdline installs (clumens, pnasrat). - Enable multirepo support in kickstart (clumens, pnasrat). - Begin IPv6 preparations (dcantrel). - More release notes viewer fixes (dcantrel). * Thu May 4 2006 Jeremy Katz - - and fix the build * Thu May 04 2006 Paul Nasrat - - class Anaconda (pnasrat, clumens) - User/service kickstart handlers (clumens) - Don't include kernel fs headers (katzj) * Mon May 1 2006 Jeremy Katz - - fix build * Mon May 1 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Fix loopback mounted url installs (dcantrel, #189097, #183999) - Different message during upgrade post scripts (clumens, #189312) - Remove obsolete startx stub (clumens) - Default UTC box to checked if we don't find a windows partition (clumens) - Fix manual IP config (clumens) - Don't change timezone in rootpath mode (Jane Dogalt, #185930) - Don't symlink things that don't exist - Don't change network config in rootpath mode (#185930) - Warn on lack of space on upgrade (clumens, #189022) - Emit --useexisting and --noformat in anaconda-ks.cfg (clumens, #189123) - Handle NFS mount options (Dave Lehman, #168384) - Do firewall and auth config in rootpath mode - Make bootloader code handle live cd case * Tue Apr 18 2006 Chris Lumens - Pass version to mkstamp for discinfo files (jkeating). - Fix FTP method handling. - Don't download RPMs twice on FTP and HTTP methods (pnasrat, #183654). - Use libuser for setting root password. - Fix up rescue image script problems (dcantrel, #188011). * Tue Apr 04 2006 Chris Lumens - Fix up for rhpxl Modes changes. - Fix handling of video driver if there's no list of drivers available. - Add modes files and libuser to images. - Allow updates to contain entire directories that may be missing. - Clean up deprecation warnings. * Tue Mar 28 2006 Chris Lumens - Remove reference to pythondeps. * Tue Mar 28 2006 Chris Lumens - Prompt for reformatting ancient swap partitions (dcantrel, #122101) - Fix lots of deprecation warnings (dcantrel) - Check for suspend signatures in swap (dcantrel, #186018) - Support logging command in kickstart - Clean up URLs we try to fetch in the loader - Fix SELinux conditional inclusion (pjones) - Remove customClass - Always ignore disks listed in ignoredisks (#186438) - Fix loader segmentation fault (#186210) - Reiser fs label avoidance (dcantrel, #183183) - Remove traceonly mode - Add rhpl to minstg2.img (#185840) - Remove lots of unneeded code in isys, iutil, and elsewhere (clumens, dcantrel, pnasrat) * Tue Mar 21 2006 Jeremy Katz - - Fix text for rescue images - Fix some file contexts (#182252) - Update for new xen kernel names - Don't try to download package being erased (clumens, #184531) - Don't show group selection on ks upgrade (pnasrat, #184528) - Ignore conflicts on upgrade (pnasrat, #184461) - Don't traceback trying to mount auto fs's (clumens, #182730) - String fixes (clumens, #181916) - rootpath fix (clumens, #185172) - Prompt for missing images on hd installs (clumens, #185274) - Don't clobber network on upgrades (pnasrat, (#183203) - Fix some syntax errors (#185275) - Cap pe size at 128M (#185272) - Conditionalize selinux (msw) - Remove some obsolete code (msw, katzj) - Ensure we don't ask for no longer needed cds if packages are deselected (pnasrat, #185437) - Remove amharic and thai since we don't have fonts (clumens) - Let's try not doing traceonly and see the size difference for minstg2.img - Fix i5 (pnasrat, #186070) - Misc cleanups to iutil (clumens) - Use system-config-date for text-mode timezone too (clumens) * Mon Mar 6 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.92.17-1 - fix traceback in size check - disable size check on upgrade (clumens, #184112) - try to catch more failures to read repo metadata (clumens) - only do runlevel 5 if graphical install (dcantrel, #184013) - adjust to new xen kernel package naming - add 'vesa' flag to force the use of the vesa driver - more meaningful error messages on conflicts (pnasrat) - ensure some dirs are labelled correct (#182252) * Fri Mar 3 2006 Paul Nasrat - 10.92.16-1 - Support Everything/globs in ks (pnasrat, clumens, #177621) - Allow changes if not enough disk space (clumens, #183878) - Set controlling tty in rescue mode (dcantrel,#182222) - Sort list of languages (dcantrel) * Fri Mar 3 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.92.15-1 - conditional code is now in yum (pnasrat) - sort network devices smarter (clumens, #166842) - select needed fs entries (#183271) - more serbian fixes (#182591) * Tue Feb 28 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.92.14-1 - fix traceback in pkgorder - don't display xen - make partitioning type combo wider (dcantrel) - handle Serbian locales properly (#182591) * Mon Feb 27 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.92.12-1 - Dependency whiteout to fix ordering (clumens) - Fix swap on RAID in kickstart (#176537) - Add keymap overrides - Fix segfault with USB CD/DVD drives (#182589) * Fri Feb 24 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.92.11-1 - fix traceback with segv handler (pjones) - various language fixes (dcantrel) - be clearer about askmethod (#182535) * Thu Feb 23 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.92.10-1 - more bogl removal (dcantrel) - make the exception dumping less braindead about things we don't want dumped (clumens) - add backtrace handler to anaconda (pjones) - fix warnings with new yum in pkgorder - make conditional packages on deps work (pnasrat) - suppress some warnings (dcantrel) - text mode language fixes (dcantrel) * Thu Feb 23 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.92.9-1 - Fix text mode traceback (dcantrel) - Skip a few more things in traceback dumps - Attempt to fix pkgorder so that we require less CDs for "normal" installs * Wed Feb 22 2006 David Cantrell 10.92.8-1 - Removed obsolete bogl code (katzj) - Removed unused code in upgrade.py (pnasrat) - Check version and packages to upgrade (pnasrat) - Removed old IDE RAID code from isys (katzj) - Various traceback fixes - Don't use underline in device names for hotkeys in bootloader gui (pjones) - Mount /selinux in rescue mode (katzj) * Tue Feb 21 2006 Chris Lumens 10.92.7-1 - Give Language a default display_mode (dcantrel) - Get languages that need a default from localeInfo (dcantrel) * Tue Feb 21 2006 Chris Lumens 10.92.6-1 - Set a default language on text mode CJK installs (dcantrel, #180417) - Fix case-sensitive matching of devices (notting, #182231) - Be smarter about required media (pnasrat) - Set MTU in the loader (katzj) - Add dev package to remove blacklist (katzj, #181593) - Try to mount device as ext3 in hard drive installs (katzj) - Sanity check unknown package & group names (pnasrat) - Reboot after writing exception dump (#181745) - Confirm in interactive kickstart installs (#181741) - Fix showing kickstart package selection again - Don't traceback if we find a %%include file that doesn't exist yet (#181760) - Skip partitioning if logvol or raid is given in ks (#181806) - Initialize UTC checkbox (#181737) * Tue Feb 14 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.92.5-1 - Fix traceback in language group selection - No remote save traceback button if not network (clumens) - More fixes for minstg2.img (clumens) - Disable next/back while installing packages (dcantrel) - Bump minimum amounts for install, graphical and early swap - Enable Arabic for text mode (notting) * Tue Feb 14 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.92.4-1 - improve globbing for xen guest kernels - Don't add a kernel if one is already selected. * Mon Feb 13 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.92.3-1 - Don't debug log about missing help text (clumens) - Reduce deps for pkgorder - Updated kickstart docs (clumens) * Mon Feb 13 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.92.2-1 - more x86_64 xen guest fixing * Mon Feb 13 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.92.1-1 - try to fix x86_64 xen guest * Sun Feb 12 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.92.0-1 - Fix length of package name in text install (dcantrel, #180469) - Various minor cleanups - Support conditional packages for langsupport (pnasrat, #178029) * Thu Feb 09 2006 Chris Lumens 10.91.19-1 - Fix loader typo. * Thu Feb 09 2006 Chris Lumens 10.91.18-1 - Add iscsi support (Patrick Mansfield ) - Allow retry if CD image isn't found on NFS server (#109051, dcantrel) - Fix location of video modes data files - Add x86_64 kernel-xen-guest (katzj) - Better loader debugging support (katzj) * Wed Feb 08 2006 Paul Nasrat - 10.91.17-1 - Handle bind mounts correctly (#160911, dcantrel) - Upgrade package black list and make upgrades work - Disable repo conf for now - loader debuginfo - kickstart - suggest fix (#174597, clumens) * Mon Feb 6 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.91.16-1 - fix writing out instdata for root password, etc (#180310) * Mon Feb 6 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.91.15-1 - Remove debugging code that broke showing the Xen option on the task screen - More sqlite files (#171232) - Fix traceback for new method pirut depends on - Ensure /dev/root exists (Patrick Mansfield) - Force buttonbar on main screen active in congrats (dcantrel, #179924) - Always pass loglevel (dcantrel) - BR libXt-devel (dcantrel) - Don't try to make /dev/mapper devs (pjones) - More consistency in dev naming for dmraid (pjones) - Start of iscsi patches (Patrick Mansfield) - Fix pre-existing RAID chunksize reading (#178291) * Fri Feb 3 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.91.14-1 - Handle reiserfs labels (dcantrel, #125939) - Skip more steps in root mode (Jasper Hartline) - Update driver list for current kernels - Don't put mapper/ in the swap label (pjones) - Set file contexts on blkid.tab* (pjones) - Increase logical volume label field to 32 chars (dcantrel, #174661) - More exception trimming (clumens) - Fix args to writeConfiguration (clumens, #179928) - Fix format strings in label device, proper max for swap labels (pjones) - Make task definition more dynamic - Add a hack to remove the xen group if we're running on xen (#179387) * Thu Feb 2 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.91.13-1 - Speed up timezone screen (clumens) - Make kickstart interactive mode work (clumens) - Fix package selection screen (clumens) - Add sqlite to traceonly to help http/ftp memory usage - Write out repo config (pnasrat) - Fix colors on boot splashes (#178033) - Select lang groups before going to the screen (#178673) - Clean up handling of grub vs no boot loader (#159658) * Thu Feb 2 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.91.12-1 - improves %%packages section some more (clumens) - give a better error on kickstart lvm syntax errors (clumens) - display vncconnect error messages (clumens) - make swap labels shorter for cciss (dcantrel, #176074) - Make /dev/root for mkinitrd (#171662) - Use pirut stuff for graphical group selection * Tue Jan 31 2006 Paul Nasrat - 10.91.11-1 - Factor some yum stuff into yum - Text Clarification (#178105) - Don't use install only pkgs (#179381) - Various dmraid and bootloader fixes (pjones) * Tue Jan 31 2006 Peter Jones - 10.91.10-1 - add dmraid device renaming support for kickstart (pjones) - fix paths for expat (clumens) - remove unused functions (clumens) * Mon Jan 30 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.91.9-1 - Skip partition and bootloader screens if requested for textmode (dcantrel, #178739) - Don't create /etc/X11/X symlink (dcantrel, #179321) - Add ethiopic fonts - Fix traceback in upgrade examine (clumens) - Free up depsolving storage (pnasrat) - Fix group selection screen that I mistakenly removed (oops) - Remove some dead pieces (pnasrat, katzj) * Thu Jan 26 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.91.8-1 - Remove rpm whiteout (clumens, #178540) - Fix text in upgrade continue button (dcantrel, #178096) - Make %%packages in anaconda-ks.cfg shorter (pnasrat) - Fix text-mode drawing (clumens, #178386) - Release notes viewer fixes (dcantrel) - Reset -> reboot (dcantrel, #178566) - Create ia64 images again (prarit, #175632) - Make sure boot loader screen gets skipped (clumens, #178815) - Don't ask about VNC in kickstart - Don't ask for keyboard under Xen if it fails - Add more basic "task" selection screen - Text mode group selection is better now - Remove some dead code - Require squashfs-tools (clumens) - Fix rescue mode (dcantrel) - Don't have devices disappear out from under us (Patrick Mansfield) * Fri Jan 20 2006 David Cantrell - 10.91.7-1 - Save state when moving back to "upgrade or install" window (#178095). - Eject CD when in kickstart and given --eject parameter (clumens, #177554). - Translate combo box and comments (clumens, #178250). - Disable backend debugging mode for writeKS(). - Added a PYTHONSTARTUP file to autoload readline, etc. (pjones). - Write %%packages section in template kickstart file (clumens, pnasrat). * Wed Jan 18 2006 David Cantrell - 10.91.6-1 - i18n fixes (katzj) * Wed Jan 18 2006 David Cantrell - 10.91.5-1 - i386 and ppc rescue image script fixes (jkeating) - fix kickstart package deselection (clumens, #177530) - fix header download issues (pnasrat, #177596) - interface improvements on scp exception dialog (clumens, #177738) - rescue image additions (pjones, dcantrell, #155399) - misc kickstart fixes (clumens, #178041, #177519) - fix fetching repo data on http installs (clumens, #178001) - add gdk-pixbuf handler for XPM images (#177994) - timezone screen fixes (clumens, #178140) - add LSI mptsas driver to module-info (#178130) - dmraid fixes for kickstart installs (pjones) - add sr@Latn to lang-table (katzj, #175611) * Wed Jan 11 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.91.4-1 - Add xen kernels * Wed Jan 11 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.91.3-1 - remove some unneeded bits from the ppc boot.iso to make it smaller - fix some text display (notting, #177537) - Misc kickstart fixes (clumens) * Tue Jan 10 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.91.2-1 - fix hard drive installs (pjones) * Tue Jan 10 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.91.1-1 - more ppc rescue image (jkeating) - actually commit the dmraid fix (pjones) * Mon Jan 9 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.91.0-1 - tweaked selection stuff a little to be the same code as pirut - tweak exception window to have an image and be better sized (dcantrell) - write out RAID device name (clumens) - scroll group list properly (dcantrell) - fix ppc rescue image (jkeating) - dmraid detection fix (pjones) * Fri Jan 6 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.25-1 - no sr@Latn yet since the po files haven't been added * Fri Jan 6 2006 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.24-1 - move a11y stuff earlier - fix the text mode progress bar (pnasrat, #176367) - fix ppc drive unreadable warnings (#176024) - add serbian locales (#175611) - preserve review checkbox between combo box selections (dcantrell, #176212) - quote ethtool args (#176918) - various spacing cleanups (dcantrell) - a few fixes to the group selector (dcantrell) - don't try to make the timezone widget bigger than screen (clumens, #176025) - fix rescue mode traceback (clumens) - fix message wording on package retry (clumens, #155884) - quiet debug spew in anaconda.log (clumens, #171663) - add ppc rescue script from jkeating (#177003) * Tue Dec 20 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.23-1 - more pkgorder fixes (pnasrat) - fix some debug spew (notting) - segfaults in the loader should at least give us a stacktrace to work from - fix some padding on the network screen * Mon Dec 19 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.22-1 - add more encoding modules to traceonly (clumens, #175853) - Fix text installs (pnasrat, #175773) - Fix for yum API changes (pnasrat) - Don't install the smp kernel even if NX is available - Adjust to be more dynamic about colors with syslinux-splash's - Use the selected language for default keyboard layout (clumens, #172266) - Better naming for psuedo-filesystems in /etc/fstab (dcantrel, #176149) - Clean up image handling for new graphics - Don't do the splashscreen stuff anymore. If the window is too slow to appear, we should fix that instead * Thu Dec 15 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.21-1 - fix pkgorder for new group code - fix ub vs usb-storage - remove some redundant code (clumens) * Thu Dec 15 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.20-1 - Fixes for new timezone stuff (pnasrat) - Fix transaction sorting (pnasrat) - Enable dmraid by default * Wed Dec 14 2005 Chris Lumens 10.90.19-1 - Use system-config-date for timezone selection UI (#155271). - Work on vnc+shell spawning (dcantrell). - Whiteout fixes (pnasrat, katzj). - Progress bar fixes (katzj). - Depsolving speedups (katzj). * Mon Dec 12 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.18-1 - Handle monitor configuration in kickstart via "monitor" keyword instead of "xconfig" consistently (clumens) - Fix joe as nano (#175479) - Try to get hard drive installs working again - First steps towards using ub - Fix depcheck progress bar to actually give progress. * Sun Dec 11 2005 Peter Jones - 10.90.17-1 - Full dmraid support. (still disabled by default) * Sat Dec 10 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.16-1 - Ensure upgrades to depsolve and remove db locks (pnasrat) - Tweak for improved and sortable groups/categories - Put back basic text-mode package selection (#175443) * Thu Dec 8 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.15-1 - Fix various typos in the new group selection code (clumens) - Support bytesPerInode on RAID (Curtis Doty, #175288) - Stub some more for the loader to fix line-drawing chars again - Handle file read failures better (pnasrat) - Initial support for upgrades again (pnasrat) - Minor padding tweaks to the UI * Thu Dec 8 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.14-1 - Fix up for moved x locale data - Remove vnc hack now that VNC knows where to look for fonts - Don't go to text mode for no mouse (notting) - Update to work with yum 2.5.0 cvs snap - New package selection code - Add new chinese font back now that we're using squashfs (#172163) - The return of locale-archive usage * Mon Dec 05 2005 Chris Lumens 10.90.13-1 - Reword media check dialog (dcantrell, #174530). - gcc41 compile fixes (pjones). - Add genhomedircon, setfiles, and /etc/shells for selinux. * Thu Dec 1 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.12-1 - some release notes viewer fixing (dcantrell) - allow %%pre scripts in an %%include (clumens, #166100) - fix the squashfs stuff to actually work - hack around slang not initializing utf8 mode so that we have line drawing chars (#174761) * Thu Dec 1 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.11-1 - reworded media check prompt (dcantrell, #174472) - let's try squashfs... * Wed Nov 30 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.10-1 - Don't split transactions on not split install types (pnasrat, #174033) - Fix None vs "" for vncpasswd in test mode (Patrick Mansfield) - Make release notes viewer as large as the screen (dcantrell) - Allow system-logos instead of fedora-logos for the package name - Try to build SELinux policy so that things work with selinux 2.x policy (#174563) * Tue Nov 29 2005 Chris Lumens 10.90.9-1 - Another stab at including email.Utils everywhere (#173169). - Remove unneeded isys.sync calls (pjones). - Fix /dd.ig in initrd (Dan Carpenter). - Report no DNS servers if a hostname used (pnasrat, #168957). - Fix ppc32 from CD (katzj, #174135). - Don't look for hdlist when booting CD1 and using FTP/HTTP (katzj). - Fullscreen release notes viewer (dcantrell). * Mon Nov 21 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.8-1 - don't load pcspkr on ppc to avoid crashes on the g5 * Sun Nov 20 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.7-1 - fix backwards whiteout handling (#173738) - fix bug in depsolver which would bring in a package for an already satisfied dep * Sat Nov 19 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.6-1 - fix removal of packages to not traceback - fix anaconda.dmraid logging (clumens) * Fri Nov 18 2005 Paul Nasrat - 10.90.5-1 - Disable sqlite cache for pkgorder - Fix for new selinux context types (katzj) - vnc parameter handling (clumens) - Add ellipsis (notting) * Thu Nov 17 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.4-1 - don't traceback on unresolvable deps (#173508) - fix pkg.arch for %%packages - another hack for vnc - debug prints to log.debug (#173533) * Thu Nov 17 2005 Paul Nasrat - 10.90.3-1 - Add group processing to buildinstall - Add createrepo requires * Thu Nov 17 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.2-1 - more pkgorder fixing (clumens) - fix cd installs to not fall into the "not a real install method" case :) * Thu Nov 17 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.1-1 - add handling for dmraid/nodmraid - fix removals of packages which have already been removed - turn off dmraid by default - fix pkgorder (clumens) * Thu Nov 17 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.90.0 - more tree build fixes - fix group removal - non iso install fixes (clumens) - pkgorder fixing (clumens) - dmraid support (pjones) - crude language support group hack * Wed Nov 16 2005 Chris Lumens - Fix indentation. * Wed Nov 16 2005 Paul Nasrat - 10.89.20-1 - Restore YumSorter for pkgorder - Single anaconda installer yum class - Switching CD method * Wed Nov 16 2005 Jeremy Katz - - be explict about pango-devel being needed * Wed Nov 16 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.19-1 - Fix vt switching with modular X - Lots of CD install fixes (clumens, pnasrat) - Clean up exception dump stuff - Some more steps towards dm-raid support (pjones) - Log info messages * Wed Nov 16 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.18-1 - remove new chinese font since its too big for cramfs (#172163) - Fix typo in trimpciids (notting) - Don't build locale-archive for now since its too big for cramfs * Tue Nov 15 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.17-1 - missed an x lib somehow * Tue Nov 15 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.16-1 - lots of updates for modular X - allow a shell on tty1 if using vnc - various fixes for cd/install method stuff (pnasrat, clumens, katzj) - install smp kernel if NX present (#172345) - work with multiple videoaliases files (notting) * Tue Nov 15 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.15-1 - fix up for new selinux policy * Mon Nov 14 2005 Paul Nasrat 10.89.14-1 - Move sorter for CD/pkgorder into yuminstall - Add support for ub devices (katzj) * Mon Nov 14 2005 Paul Nasrat 10.89.13-1 - Reinstate image based install methods (excluding hd for now) - Clean up install method classes - device-mapper support (pjones) - Log warning on no network link (katzj) - Clean up error handling for pkgorder (clumens) * Fri Nov 11 2005 Chris Lumens 10.89.12-1 - Add buildreq for yum (katzj) - Fix loader log levels (katzj) - Add more libraries for dogtail (katzj) * Thu Nov 10 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.11-1 - Fix stdout logging to print stuff (clumens) - Start of some sorting/splitting stuff for CDs (pnasrat) - Make missing modules lower priority - Look for xen devices - Add some of the necessary requirements to try to get dogtail working (#172891) * Thu Nov 10 2005 Chris Lumens 10.89.10-1 - Add e2fsprogs-libs to the install images. * Wed Nov 9 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.9-1 - Create interface earlier to prevent kickstart traceback (clumens) - Logging fixes, everything should be in the logfile (clumens) - Get rid of help which is irrelevant - Clean up loader log levels * Tue Nov 8 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.8-1 - Fix backwards message on upgrade (#172030) - New chinese fonts (#172163) - Don't try to update a progress window that's already popped (clumens, #172232) - Fix snack deprecation warnings (clumens, #172232) - Get rid of some cruft in traceback dumps (clumens) - Add a method to check for "real" consoles, add xen console to the list of weird stuff - Basic support for transaction errors other than tracebacks... - Fix a kickstart traceback for authconfig - Add xenblk and xennet to module-info * Mon Nov 7 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.7-1 - More detailed error logging (pnasrat) - Add bnx2 driver (pjones) - Various kickstart fixes (clumens, #172356) - Fix shadow password convert (clumens) * Fri Oct 28 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.6-1 - Make char devices slightly later to avoid tracebacks during tree compose - Extract kernel-xen-guest for vmlinuz and initrd in images/xen - Kickstart fix (clumens) - Add some support for xen xvd blockdevs - Select kernel-xen-guest as appropriate - Ensure proper arch of glibc is selected (#171997) - Select all proper multilib parts of a package (#171026) * Thu Oct 27 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.5-1 - Another fix for kickstart + help hiding - Fix finding of kernel type - Make synaptics device nodes before X starts (clumens) - Use nofb by default - Add pycairo stuff (clumens) - Set minimum displayed log level to WARNING, everything is still in the logfiles (clumens) - Try to clean up syslog (clumens) - Allow installation of hypervisor + xen host kernel by booing with 'xen0' on the installer command line - Fix x86_64 traceback * Mon Oct 24 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.4-1 - changed the wrong field in lang-table * Mon Oct 24 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.3-1 - don't do xsetroot anymore - allow retrieving updates.img with updates=(http|ftp)://host/path/to.img (clumens) - some upd-instroot fixes (clumens) - only get yum filelists when needed (pnasrat) - clean up exception scp'ing (clumens) - don't write empty authconfig line (clumens, #171558) - make kickstart errors report line number of error (clumens) - select most appropriate kernel (kernel-smp, etc) - ensure we get a boot loader package installed - minor fix for ia64 image creation - tweaks to backend setup - don't have help as visible in the glade file so we don't have the pane appear when doing a kickstart install - use pl2 keymap for Polish (3171583) - allow passing product information with env vars to help live cd * Thu Oct 20 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.2-1 - fix references to second stage module stuff that caused breakage * Thu Oct 20 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.1-1 - fix for mkcramfs -> mkfs.cramfs - Use minstg2.img instead of netstg2.img/hdstg2.img in the loader * Thu Oct 20 2005 Jeremy Katz - 10.89.0-1 - Fix SELinux policy loading (clumens) - Fix translation import for kickstart (laroche) - Add yumcache (pnasrat) - Upgrade blacklisting (pnasrat) - Clean up exception copying (clumens) - Improve text mode exception dialog too (clumens) - Don't allow bootable partitions on XFS - Some speed improvements, progress bars, etc for package stuff (pnasrat) - Clean up image creation, move all modules to initrd.img. * Fri Oct 14 2005 Jeremy Katz - - fix typo causing traceback (pnasrat) - Create character device nodes to fix synaptics (clumens) * Wed Oct 12 2005 Jeremy Katz - - Handle missing metadata (pnasrat) - Give indication of kickstarts scriptlets running (#170017) - Fix a traceback with RAID (#170189) - Fix an FTP install traceback (#170428) - Clean up floppy stuff (clumens) - Clean up some warnings (clumens) - Make IDE device node creation cleaner - Change location of modes data files * Mon Oct 10 2005 Chris Lumens - Fix requirements for s390, s390x, ppc64. - Fix typo in scripts/upd-instroot. * Fri Oct 07 2005 Chris Lumens - Deal with new load_policy. (katzj) - Create an SELinux config. (katzj) - Use rhpxl instead of rhpl for X configuration. - Use pykickstart. * Wed Oct 05 2005 Chris Lumens - Add yuminstall (katzj, #169228) - Skip bootloader screen unless modifying partitions (katzj, #169817) - Don't skip manual partitioning on custom (katzj, #169001) - Partitioning UI fixes (katzj) - Don't overwrite empty strings in ksdata with None. - Move kickstart file handling into pykickstart package. - Kickstart LVM and RAID partitioning fixes. * Fri Sep 30 2005 Chris Lumens - More kickstart script fixes. * Tue Sep 27 2005 Chris Lumens - kickstart script fixes * Sat Sep 24 2005 Jeremy Katz - - single ppc boot images stuff from dwmw2 (pnasrat, #166625) - ppc netboot stuff from dwmw2 (pnasrat, #165239) - fix some of the yum backend for yum changes - Add a button to the traceback dialog to allow saving via scp (clumens) - Don't load the parallel port module (#169135) - Fix group deselection to not remove everything - Move repo setup and group selection earlier (pnasrat) * Tue Sep 20 2005 Jeremy Katz - - Some kickstart %packages fixes (clumens) - Don't copy null bytes into syslog (clumens) - New exception dialog (clumens) - Fix a traceback (pnasrat) - FTP/HTTP installation might now work (pnasrat) - Very basic group selection in the UI * Mon Sep 19 2005 Jeremy Katz - - fix a silly typo that would cause tracebacks - Look for help in /tmp/updates too (#168155) - Add skge driver (#168590) - Some fixes to hopefully get x86_64 trees working * Fri Sep 16 2005 Jeremy Katz - - Fix segfaults with nfs mounting - Start of url install methods (pnasrat) - Basic package/group selection is back in kickstart - Macro magic fixups - Use onboot by default for network devices in kickstart * Thu Sep 15 2005 Jeremy Katz - - Run pre scripts for kickstart (clumens) - Another tree fix - Handle NULL for device->driver from kudzu (notting) - Clean up internal mount stuff to be more extend-able * Wed Sep 14 2005 Jeremy Katz - - Fix runlevel setting (pnasrat) - More dead stuff fixing. * Tue Sep 13 2005 Jeremy Katz - - Fix pcmcia import traceback - Some more kickstart fixing (clumens) - Make SELinux/firewall defaults be done by the objects, not in the UI - This fixes booting with selinux=0, policy load failure, etc - Allow sparse updates.img with yum, urlgrabber and rpmUtils too - Some dead code removal - PCMCIA for the loader again (notting) - install.log tweaking * Mon Sep 12 2005 Jeremy Katz - - Add back genhdlist to try to fix multiarch composes (pnasrat) - Really fix disabling of upgrades - Some typo fixes for X configuration and post-install config - Remove some dead code related to boot disks, using fdisk/fdasd, X configuration, pcmcia - Move ppc X stuff to rhpl (clumens) - Fix some kickstart stuff (clumens) - Fix RPM logging output -> the log file - Use gtkhtml2 for release notes * Fri Sep 9 2005 Jeremy Katz - - more X fixage - build against new kudzu that doesn't segfault :) * Fri Sep 9 2005 Jeremy Katz - - More typo fixes (notting) - Fix rhpl requires * Fri Sep 9 2005 Jeremy Katz - - Fix typo that broke image building. - Start of getting post-install stuff working (pnasrat) * Fri Sep 09 2005 Chris Lumens - logging fix when running in test mode * Fri Sep 09 2005 Bill Nottingham - adapt to new X driver model in kudzu and associated rhpl changes - pcitable/modules.pcimap/modules.usbmap are no longer used in probing; remove support for them and add modules.alias usage - Turn off help (katzj) - Kickstart fixes (clumens) * Wed Sep 07 2005 Paul Nasrat - yum backend selinux file_context - Start using new kickstart code (clumens) - Error handling and messages for kickstart (clumens) - Partitioning kickstart fixups (clumens) * Thu Sep 01 2005 Paul Nasrat - Yum backend work (macro support, whitelist) - qla2100 (katzj, #167065) - Kickstart Parser (clumens) - authconfig handling changes (clumens) - Autopartitiong Traceback fix (katzj) * Fri Aug 26 2005 Jeremy Katz - More work from pnasrat on getting the yum backend working - Don't set some irrelevant network TYPE= (#136188, #157193) - New and improved autopartitioning screen * Fri Aug 19 2005 Paul Nasrat - Working towards new backend architecture * Thu Aug 18 2005 Chris Lumens - Rebuild for new cairo. - Add support for ksdevice=bootif (Alex Kiernan, #166135). - Fix /dev/tty3 logging problems. - Add support for Pegasos machines (dwmw2, #166103). - Switch to Sazanami font (#166045). - Fix for autopart not in lvm (msw). * Mon Aug 15 2005 Chris Lumens - Remove dead --ignoredeps code (katzj, #165224). - New logging system with log levels and remote logging capabilities. - Fix typo in network code (pnasrat, #165934). - Fix buffer overrun in md5sum code (Dustin Kirkland). - Add mptspi and mptfc drivers (katzj). - Timestamp fixes (dgregor, #163875). * Thu Jul 21 2005 Chris Lumens - Remove firewall configuration screen. Open SSH by default and set SELinux to enforced. * Wed Jul 20 2005 Paul Nasrat - Ensure boot flag only on correct partition on pmac (#157245) - Plug in yum for nfs:/ by default - Include sungem_phy for pmac * Wed Jul 13 2005 Chris Lumens - Fix pygtk bug on progress bars. - Bump ia64 boot.img size (katzj, #162801). - Fix for clearpart --none (katzj, #162445). - yum dependancy fixes (pnasrat). - name.arch fix for kickstart (pnasrat). - Fix multiple NICs in kickstart config files (#158556). * Thu Jul 07 2005 Paul Nasrat - Select kernel-devel (katzj #160533) - Fixups for ia64 images from prarit (katzj #162072) - Include yum libraries in stage2 - Remove gzread.py (clumens) * Wed Jun 29 2005 Chris Lumens - Mount "auto" filesystems on upgrade (#160986). - Add cairo for new pango/gtk (katzj). - Delete labels on swap and ext3 partitions before formatting. - Remove langsupport keyword from kickstart. * Mon Jun 20 2005 Bill Nottingham - - fix genhdlist * Fri Jun 17 2005 Jeremy Katz - - Fix release notes for ftp installs (#160262) - Fix fd leak in edd support (Jon Burgess, #160693) - Fix typo breaking pseries console (pnasrat, #160573) - Allow ignoring packages without specifying the arch (clumens, #160209) - Add gpart (clumens, #55532) - Some warning fixes. - Use full bterm font if available (#159505) - Fix quoting of pvs in anaconda-ks.cfg (#159193) - Fix segfault on upgrades - String tweaks (clumens, #159044, #156408) - Don't traceback on preexisting RAID (clumens, #159079, #159182) - Fix display size of PVs (clumens, #158696) - Don't consider drives without free space for partitions (pjones) - Langsupport fixes (clumens, #154572, #158389) - Hack around usb-storage slowness at finding devices that leads to the reload not occurring - Handle FC3 swap label format and convert to right format (#158195) - Only set things up to change the default kernel if we're booting us (#158195) - Fix deps on upgrades (#157754) - Try to keep install screen from moving with length of strings - Fix autopart problem leaving some freespace the size of where you started your partition growing - Allow excluding name.arch in kickstart (Dave Lehman, #158370) - Don't spew an error if essid or wepkey isn't set (#158223) - Add megaraid and other new drivers (#157420) - Left pad RAID uuid (clumens, #136051) - synaptics tweak (pnasrat) - Fix telnetd to use devpts instead of legacy ptys (#124248) * Thu May 19 2005 Jeremy Katz - - Handle longer arch strings (notting) - Fix traceback in network screen (#158134) - Include synaptics for X config (pnasrat) - Magic boot for mac vs mac64 on disc1/dvd (pnasrat) - Bump point at which we use graphical stage2 for http/ftp (#157274) - Use uuid in mdadm.conf, stop using copy of md.h (#136051) - Support deletion of bootloader entries in text mode (#125358) - Support RAID /boot on pSeries along with handling of multiple PReP partitions (Dustin Kirkland) * Tue May 17 2005 Jeremy Katz - - add arch to buildstamp (notting, #151927) - Fix am.po format strings * Tue May 17 2005 Jeremy Katz - - Fix execcon used for anaconda (pjones) - Fix traceback on tui netstg2.img install (#157709) - Fix various splittree bugs (clumens, #157722, #157721, #157723) - Blacklist perl.i386 on x86_64 to be removed on upgrade (pnasrat, #156658) - Fix drive sorting (clumens) - Remove %%installclass support for kickstart since it's never worked (#149690) - Fix name.arch in packages (pnasrat) - Remove bogus pre-existing RAID info on kickstart installs (clumens, #88359) - Pretend to have nano in the rescue environment - Don't load stage2.img into RAM for rescue mode if booted with 'linux text' (#155398) * Thu May 5 2005 Jeremy Katz - - and fix pkgorder for the gfs stuff * Thu May 5 2005 Jeremy Katz - - Better handling of the langsupport group (clumens) - Don't install the gfs stuff for all kernel variants, that brings in kernel-smp on an everything install (#156849) - Don't grow a partition beyond the largest freespace on a drive - HFS+ support - Pull in more selinux policy files to try to get /home labeled right - Fix typo causing segfault (pnasrat) * Tue May 3 2005 Jeremy Katz - - Try to use the fb res on pmac - Always reset terminal attrs on ppc (notting, #156411) - Remove bogus preexisting LVM info when doing kickstart installs (clumens, #156283) * Mon May 2 2005 Jeremy Katz - - Beep on CD insertion, not after - Fix language support selection (clumens) - Fix nfsiso (clumens) - Misc X config fixes for ppc. Boot with "usefbx" to use fbdev instead again (#149188) * Thu Apr 28 2005 Jeremy Katz - - Fix bind mounts (clumens, #151458) - Fix hard drive installs (clumens) - Re-add bluecurve icons - Attempt to fix Chinese * Wed Apr 28 2005 Peter Jones - - Fix mediacheck calls from cdinstall.c, and make mediacheck.c include its own header so typechecking works. * Wed Apr 27 2005 Jeremy Katz - - Don't spam about package downloads in cmdline mode (#155250) - Apply jnovy's patch to fix space calculations for > 2 TB devices (#155709) - Set default font for CJK better (clumens, #156052) - Add --label for part in kickstart (clumens, #79832) - Ensure decimal IP addrs (#156088) - Apply patch from Joe Pruett for rpmarch= fixes (#101971) - Don't set SUPPORTED unnecessarily (#115847) - Give more room for cyl #s (#119767) - Bump size of diskboot.img - Add back button for required media message (#114770) - Fix lvs showing up with a mountpoint of 0 (#153965) - Nuke some debug code - Don't try to unmount (tmpfs) /dev - Write a minimal mtab to avoid fsck/mount complaints (pjones) * Wed Apr 27 2005 Jeremy Katz - - Only select kernel-smp that matches the arch of kernel (#149618) - Apply the read of Dustin Kirkland's checkpoint fragment sum patch - Fix order of retry/reboot (#155884) - Probe macio (pnasrat, #154846) * Tue Apr 26 2005 Chris Lumens - Beep at CD prompt and on install completion (katzj, #109264, #116681). - Add kernel-smp-devel and kernel-hugemem-devel to exclude list (katzj). - Fix buffer overflow when CD/DVD images are several directories deep (#154715). - Fix media check (pjones). - Set language on CD and no pass installs (#149688). - Fix disappearing button bar (#151837). - Upgrade PReP on iSeries (pnasrat). * Thu Apr 21 2005 Chris Lumens - Allow mediacheck in kickstart (katzj, #116429) - Check for a drive being selected in autopart (katzj, #124296) - Fix traceback in language selection screen (#155103) - Mark "Downloading" for translation (katzj, #155214) - Applied Dustin Kirkland's checkpoint fragment sum patch for mediacheck. - Make anaconda-ks.cfg ro (pnasrat) - Ensure there are <= 27 RAID members (katzj, #155509) - Fix fsoptions for preexisting partitions in kickstart (#97560). * Fri Apr 15 2005 Chris Lumens - Decode source URL for writing to anaconda-ks.cfg (#154149). - Add kernel-xen?-devel to the exclude list (katzj, #154819). - Fix text wrapping (#153071, #154786). - Various UI fixes. - Select language packages for all selected languages (#153748, #154181). * Wed Apr 13 2005 Peter Jones - - revert last week's nptl hack in upd-instroot * Wed Apr 13 2005 Peter Jones - - Cut summaries off to avoid layout problems (katzj, #154459) - Add script to update loader in initrd (katzj) - Typo fixes in upgrade.py (katzj, #154522) - Fix rescue mode network enabling (katz, #153961) - Add libaudit to the graphical stage2 file list, for Xorg - Various language fixes (clumens, #152404) * Mon Apr 11 2005 Peter Jones - - Typo fixes in gui.py (menthos, #154324) - Don't try to do early swap in test mode, and use yesno not okcancel (msw) - If the install language is an unknown locale, use en_US.UTF_8 - Fix upgrade to make devices available in the changeroot * Thu Apr 7 2005 Peter Jones - - put ncurses in the net images, too. - (notting) put redhat-artwork in the GR images. * Thu Apr 7 2005 Peter Jones - - put readline in the net images - fix linxuthreads warnings in upd-instroot - (clumens) fix build-locale-archive * Wed Apr 6 2005 Elliot Lee - - Deal with GUI-mode language traceback * Wed Apr 6 2005 Elliot Lee - - Deal with text-mode language traceback - (clumens) Don't set SYSFONTACM * Wed Apr 06 2005 Peter Jones - - Don't remove libraries in stage2 that don't match the one from linuxthreads/ * Tue Apr 05 2005 Peter Jones - - Use linuxthreads libraries even if they're not the default, unless explicitly told to use nptl * Tue Apr 05 2005 Chris Lumens - - Make sure $LANG is set right for the second stage. - Fix kickstart traceback trying to skip a nonexistant step. - Import encodings.idna (sopwith, #153754). - Fix image building problems. - Fix kickstart traceback when using shortened forms of language names (#153656). * Mon Apr 04 2005 Chris Lumens - - Add locale information for 'C' to fix RPM building. * Sat Apr 2 2005 Jeremy Katz - - fix makefile deps to fix build * Fri Apr 01 2005 Chris Lumens - - Set default language for /etc/sysconfig/i18n (#149688). - Make sure hostname option isn't greyed out if using static IP (#149116). - Remove unused packages, python library bits, and locale info (katzj). - Add missing Indic font packages (katzj). - Various language fixups. * Wed Mar 30 2005 Jeremy Katz - - try not using maxcpus=1 for arches which still had it - don't use the reserved variable name str (sopwith) - various language fixups (clumens) * Tue Mar 29 2005 Jeremy Katz - - tree build fix * Tue Mar 29 2005 Jeremy Katz - - dead files can't really be installed (aka, fix the build) * Tue Mar 29 2005 Chris Lumens - - Adjust pcmcia module loading for new in-kernel ds (pjones, #151235) - Make the rescue images identify which arch they're for (pjones, #151501) - Delete LV snapshots before the parent LV (pjones, #151524) - Check various forms of a language nick. - Allow setting MTU on the command line (katzj, #151789) - Remove dead code in config file handling and sparc booting (katzj) - Product name and path simplification (katzj) - Fixes for lang-table format change (katzj, clumens) * Fri Mar 25 2005 Bill Nottingham - - fix typo in partedUtils.py * Thu Mar 24 2005 Jeremy Katz - - Switch theme to clearlooks - Add new Solaris partition id - Mark some more strings for translation - Fix xfs fs creation (Lars Hamann, #151378) * Wed Mar 23 2005 Chris Lumens - - Add libgcc for images. - Rewrite language handling. - Fix readImageFromFile deprecation warning (katzj). - Don't hide groups which just have metapkgs (katzj, #149182). - Load SELinux booleans (katzj, #151896). * Tue Mar 22 2005 Chris Lumens - - Try harder on the libstdc++ include. - Fix /etc/resolv.conf fir interactive kickstart installs (#151472). * Mon Mar 21 2005 Jeremy Katz - - Fix beta nag translation - Fix button growing (clumens, #151208) - Add libstdc++ for images (clumens) - Clean up congrats screen (clumens, #149526) - Fix CD ejecting in loader (pnasrat, #151232) - Exclude Xen kernels from everything install (#151490) - Add reserve_size for ppc to leave room on disc1 (#151234) - Add some more locales * Mon Mar 14 2005 Jeremy Katz - - fix swap detection on upgrade (pjones) - don't use os.read to make a buffer of '\x00' (pjones) - move availRaidLevels to raid.py from fsset.py (pjones) - fix Xvnc parameters (clumens, #150498) - unmount loopback-mounted ISO images to free loop0 (clumens, #150887) - fix warnings about gtk.TRUE and gtk.FALSE, partly based on a patch from Colin Charles. (pjones) - sqlite3->sqlite (pnasrat) - support longer package names in hdlist (pnasrat, #146820) - Fix handling of --debug (Ingo Pakleppa, #150920, #150925) - Fix for font location changes (#150889) - More cjk text shuffling (#149039) * Mon Mar 7 2005 Peter Jones - - supress lvm fd warning messages - fewer log messages when growing partitions - clamp LVs to pesize during grow * Mon Mar 7 2005 Jeremy Katz - - urlgrabber stuff is in its own package now * Sun Mar 6 2005 Peter Jones - - Empty blacklist in upgrade.py (notting, #142893) - Add new font package names (katzj) - Yet another fix of autopart with lvm (pjones) * Tue Mar 1 2005 Peter Jones - - gcc4 fixes (clumens, pjones) - build C files with -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 (pjones) * Mon Feb 28 2005 Chris Lumens - - Don't write out filesystems to fstab we haven't mounted (katzj, #149091). - Deal with multiple Apple Bootstrap partitions (pnasrat). - Set hostname sensitivity UI bug. - Eject CD when failing (pnasrat, #147272). - Better handling of Apple Bootstrap throughout (pjones). - Do ethtool setup everywhere (pnasrat, #145522). - Fix "debug" command line arg (pjones). - Import new libkrb5support library (#149856). - Add -once to ensure Xvnc exits (katzj, #137337). * Sun Feb 20 2005 Jeremy Katz - - revert some of the ppc changes so that lvm is used (nasrat) - Try to fix bogl stuff some more (#149039) - x86_64 install fixes (#149040) * Sun Feb 20 2005 Peter Jones - - get rid of lilo - make grub work with raid1 /boot and /root * Sat Feb 19 2005 Paul Nasrat - - Pull in translations - s390 linuxrc silence nonexistant group warnings (karsten) - ppc mac autopartitioning and G5 boot.iso (#121266) and (#149081) * Sat Feb 12 2005 Jeremy Katz - - fix x86_64 installs for bad urlgrabber import - Fix traceback with no %post (clumens) - Put hostname in the text entry (clumens, #132826) * Tue Feb 8 2005 Jeremy Katz - - Remove some old cruft - Fix-up for new module naming in gnome-python2-canvas 2.9.x - Add needed requirements for rpm 4.4 - Fix segfault when rpm tries to write to non-existent fd during transaction ordering - Support --erroronfail as an option for %pre/%post (clumens, #124386) * Tue Feb 8 2005 Jeremy Katz - - Use rhpl.archscore to fix iseries upgrades (pnasrat, #146915) - Only configure ksdevice if no --device (pnasrat, #138852) - Don't redraw help if disasbled on next button click (clumens, #145691) - Fix exception in exception handler (msw) - Rebuild for new librpm * Fri Feb 4 2005 Chris Lumens - - Support setting fs options in kickstart via --fsoptions (#97560) - Fix tracebacks * Wed Feb 2 2005 Jeremy Katz - - Fix some bugs in the reduce-font changes - Fix urlgrabber import - Remove langsupport screen, base additional language support off of groups selected * Wed Feb 2 2005 Jeremy Katz - - Fix deprecation warnings for pygtk 2.5 (clumens) - Fix bootloader --location=none (clumens, #146448) - Use urlgrabber (clumens) - Create reduced bogl font at upd-instroot time to include more characters (#92146, #140208) - Allow passing --src-discs=0 to get no srpm discs from splittree (based on patch from Armijn Hemel, #119070) - Mount pseudo-fs's with a more descriptive device name (#136820) - Minor tweaks to completion message (#138688) * Tue Jan 25 2005 Peter Jones - - Hopefully fix LVM size bug (#145183) - Support multiple iso sets in the same directory (#146053) * Wed Jan 19 2005 Chris Lumens - - Fix partitioning bugs (#101432, #137119) - Support --bytes-per-inode on a per-partition basis (#57550) * Thu Jan 13 2005 Jeremy Katz - - Fix some tracebacks with the new glade code - Use busybox ash instead of ash for netstg2.img/hdstg2.img - Initialize terminals to avoid color palette change from bterm (pjones, #137849) * Thu Jan 13 2005 Jeremy Katz - - Handle /sbin/lvm not existing anymore - Allow installclasses to turn off showing the upgrade option - Ensure that Core exists in your comps file (#143930) - Don't fall back to text mode if we fail to start graphics in test mode - Display better error messages for HTTP/FTP errors (clumens, #144546) - Switch main UI to use glade, set up infrastructure for use of glade - Remove some old code - Add buildprereq for intltool (fixed for b.g.o 163981) * Wed Jan 5 2005 Jeremy Katz - - Fix some typos (#143257, #144006) - Fix from Matthew Miller for multiple dns servers (#84409) - Fix formatting of fcp disks (#144199) - Include a README for x86_64 images (clumens, #143366) - Make an x86_64 rescue image (clumens, #143366) - Add libXfixes for new gtk2 * Thu Dec 23 2004 Jeremy Katz - - Use tmpfs not ramfs for /dev - Blacklist "root" as a VG name (#142785) - Better error message if swap can't be mounted (clumens, #143000) - Some fixes to the new /dev handling in init - Make more certain hwaddr gets written out (#143535) - Handle new swap label format (#143447) - Let the user know they're in rescue mode earlier (clumens, #136171) * Mon Dec 20 2004 Jeremy Katz - - Better error handling on device creation (#142273) - Reset package selection to defaults if selected (#142415) - LVM on RAID1 fix (nasrat, #141781) - Add support for biosdev in driverdisk from Rez Kabir (#142738) - Some more SX8 fixes - Create /dev as a tmpfs (#141570) - Remove some old code - Improve quoting of fstype in anaconda-ks.cfg (Danen Brücker) * Wed Dec 8 2004 Jeremy Katz - - Write out wepkey better (#140645) - Try to skip source isos with nfsiso (#106017) - Don't traceback for bad/missing / in fstab (nasrat, #141174) - Include pesize in generated ks.cfg (#141370) - Loop less on shutdown - Better handling of partial volume groups (#139058) * Tue Nov 30 2004 Jeremy Katz - - CTCPROT fix (karsten, #133088) - Fix LVM partitions becoming negative sized (nasrat, #141268) - Fix removal/editing of zfcp devices in gui (#140559) - Fix segfault (#140541, #140876) - Fix handling of pre-existing parts on disks that we then ignore (#131333) * Tue Nov 23 2004 Jeremy Katz - - Update python version in urllib hack - /init in initramfs instead of /linuxrc - Improved ppc console detection (nasrat, #134397) - Better handling of going back when out of space (#133773) - Better handling of LVM failures (#134263) - Set a default when boot loader to upgrade is indeterminate (#139603) - No more diet on i386 * Tue Nov 16 2004 Jeremy Katz - - Create initramfs images instead of initrds for boot media - Remove some old code in a few places - Allow passing --notksdevice in network lines of a ks.cfg to avoid confusion with multiple network lines and a ksdevice= (#136903) - Allow going back to change the network device if ksdevice= is passed and isn't correct (#136903) - Fix for console= to automatically imply serial as needed (#137971) * Mon Nov 15 2004 Jeremy Katz - - Do some more unmounts if we run out of space (#133773) - Fix for obsoletes E being long (nasrat, #138485) - Make serial imply nofb (#134167) - Set fstype to vfat if user selected /boot/efi in the mountpoint dropdown (#138580) - Copy the X log to the installed system - Add fix from HJ Lu to fix hang with no bootloader install (#138932) - Fix splittree error msg (nasrat, #139391) - Ignore IBM *STMF disks (#137920) * Mon Nov 8 2004 Jeremy Katz - - whrandom is deprecated in python 2.4, use random instead - fix some syntax errors - fallback to English for languages that can't do text-mode (#138308) - More CTCPROT/PORTNAME tweaks (karsten) * Sun Nov 7 2004 Jeremy Katz - - Switch to python 2.4 - Clean up warning on network screen from pygtk - Parse pxelinux IPAPPEND for loader network info, patch from Bastien Nocera (#134054) - Clean up handling of binaries busybox should override - Do misc package selection earlier so we know all the CDs needed when confirming the install (#122017) - Mark some strings for translation (#137197) - Don't reference boot disks in boot loader screen (#135851) - Add hardware address information to network screen (#131814) - Fix exception handling in label reading * Thu Nov 4 2004 Jeremy Katz - - Fix traceback with CJK upgrades (#137345) - Allow 128 bit WEP keys (#137447) - Fix race condition with X client startup (krh, #108777) - Fix segfault in hd kickstart install (twaugh, #137533) - Better handling of errors reading labels (#137846) - Try harder to find LCS interface names (karsten) - Improve CTCPROT handling (karsten) - Fix traceback going back in rescue mode network config (#137844) - Don't use busybox shutdown, poweroff, reboot (#137948) - Set permissions on anaconda logs - Make autopartioning better with native storage on legacy iSeries - Sync onboot behavior of gui/text network screens (#138011) - Load some drivers later to try to avoid having FC disks be sda - Sizes in ks.cfg need to be an integer (#138109) * Tue Oct 26 2004 Jeremy Katz - - Pull in firefox on upgrade if mozilla/netscape were installed (#137244) - Fix s390 tracebacks (#130123, #137239) * Tue Oct 26 2004 Jeremy Katz - - Handle our LVM autopart lines slightly better (#137120) - Use busybox sleep for s390 since sleep requires librt again (#131167) - Handle onboot in ks.cfg properly in the loader (#136903) - Punjabi shouldn't try to do text mode (#137030) - Add sgiioc4 driver for Altix CD installs (#136730) - pci.ids trimming (notting) * Wed Oct 20 2004 Jeremy Katz - - Create a netboot.img again for ppc64 (#125129) * Wed Oct 20 2004 Jeremy Katz - - Lowercase OSA addresses from the parm file too (karsten) * Tue Oct 19 2004 Jeremy Katz - - Lowercase OSA addresses to make the kernel happy (#133190) - Don't hard code the VG name used for auto-partitioning to avoid colliding with existing ones - Make sure that we don't do runlevel 5 if people don't have X, etc installed (#135895) - Update for new Indic font filenames * Mon Oct 18 2004 Jeremy Katz - - Fix traceback with %post logging (Gijs Hollestelle, #136154) - When using a local stage2.img for FTP/HTTP install, give an error earlier if you point at an invalid tree (#135603, #117155, #120101) - Add a trailing newline to /etc/sysconfig/kernel - Try to fix the icon theme - Rebuild against new dietlibc, hopefully fixes CJK text installs * Sun Oct 17 2004 Jeremy Katz - - Fix font size to fit on disk display better (#135731) - Write out part lines for autopart lvm correctly (#135714) - Remove empty row in drive order for boot loader (#135944) - Replace % in URLs to avoid format string weirdness (#135929) - Bind mount /dev for rescue mode (#135860) - Fix Dutch and Danish keyboard defaults (#135839) - add s2io 10GbE driver * Thu Oct 14 2004 Jeremy Katz - - Add fonts for ta, gu, bn, hi, pa (#119283) - Re-enable bterm for testing (#113910) - Fix segfault when using biospart with a ks hdinstall. Patch from Rez Kabir (#135609) - Write out /etc/sysconfig/kernel for use with new-kernel-pkg changes (#135161) - Fix telnet logins for s390 (karsten) - Hardcode LCS as eth instead of tr (karsten) * Tue Oct 12 2004 Jeremy Katz - - Only use "our" LVM partitions with auto-partitioning (#135440) - Remove localboot option from syslinux.cfg for diskboot.img (#135263) - Handle the great input method switch on upgrade (#129218) - Don't save the hwaddr for qeth (#135023) - Add rhgb boot loader arguments in postinstall (msw) - Reverse Norwegian blacklisting (#129453) (notting) - Add sata_nv, sata_sx4, ixgb, ahci, sx8 modules to the initrd (notting) * Thu Oct 7 2004 Jeremy Katz - - s390/s390x: Fix traceback with unpartitioned disks (karsten) - improve fit of bengali network screen (#134762) - don't allow formatting of a pre-existing partition without also mounting it (#134865) - Don't show "0" as a mountpoint for an LV that's not being mounted (#134867) - Add prelink config bits (#117867) - Sort packages in text package group details (#123437) - Don't traceback on upgrade if /dev/mapper/control exists (#124092) * Tue Oct 5 2004 Jeremy Katz - - Fix creation of scsi device nodes (#134709) - Fix multiple kickstart scriptlets with different interpreters (#134707) * Mon Oct 4 2004 Jeremy Katz - - Some zfcp fixes - Don't traceback if we have a %%include inside a scriptlet (#120252) - Fix SELinux for text-mode ftp/http installs (#134549) * Mon Oct 4 2004 Mike McLean - - add command line options to pkgorder (mikem) * Mon Oct 4 2004 Jeremy Katz - - Handle 32 raid devs (#134438) - Fix LCS PORTNAME (#134487) - Add logging of kickstart scripts with --log to %post/%pre - Copy /tmp/anaconda.log and /tmp/syslog to /var/log/anaconda.log and /var/log/anaconda.syslog respectively (#124370) - Fix Polish (#134554) - Add arch-specific package removal (#133396) - Include PPC PReP Boot partition in anaconda-ks.cfg (#133934) - Fix changing of VG name going through to boot loader setup (#132213) - Add support for > 128 SCSI disks (#134575) * Fri Oct 1 2004 Jeremy Katz - - add kickstart zfcp configuration (#133288, #130070) - Use NFSv3 for NFS installs. Fixes NFSISO installs from DVD (#122032) - Fix megaraid_mbox module name (#134369) - Another uninitialized fix (#133996) - Add the zh_CN font (#133330) * Thu Sep 30 2004 Jeremy Katz - - translation updates - Install compat-arch-support by default (#133514) - Warn if an older version is chosen for upgrading if product is RHEL (#134523) - Fix traceback on upgrade with possible lvm1 (#134258) - Make changing the DNS server work (#122554) - More fixes from pnasrat for arch handling on upgrade * Thu Sep 30 2004 Paul Nasrat - - Fix missing rpm.ts (#133045) * Wed Sep 29 2004 Jeremy Katz - - Don't ask about mouse type on remote X display (#133902) - Label swap filesystems (#127892) - Fix possible crash on hd kickstart installs (#133996) - Improve multiarch upgrade (#133045) - Avoid changing the default language when selecting additional language support (#134040) - Remove spurious blank option in upgrade combo (#134058) - Fix driver disk hang (#131112, #122952) - Fix detection of unformatted dasd (#130123) * Mon Sep 27 2004 Jeremy Katz - - Fix traceback from auto-partitioning if you don't have enough space (#131325) - Update FCP config for adding SCSI LUNs (#133290) * Mon Sep 27 2004 Jeremy Katz - - Fix driver disk segfault when using a partition (#133036) - Let driver disk images on ext2 partitions work - Fix nonet/nostorage - Allow name.arch syntax in ks.cfg (#124456) - Fix traceback unselecting last language (#133164) - Skip version 0 swap (#122101) - Handle /dev being present in device names of ks.cfg (#121486) - Use no instead of no-latin1 for Norwegian keyboard (#133757) - include other dm modules (#132001) * Fri Sep 24 2004 Jeremy Katz - - fix megaraid module name (notting) - don't prompt for a driver disk on pSeries boxes with just virtual devices (#135292) - don't use PROBE_LOADED for cd probe (#131033) - i2o devices don't use a "p" separator (#133379) - switch back zh_CN font to default (#133330) - add 3w-9xxx to modules.cgz (#133525) - fix showing of freespace (#133425) * Wed Sep 22 2004 Jeremy Katz - - fix going back unmount of /dev/pts (#133301) - fix SRPMs disc (#122737) - add localboot option to isolinux.cfg (#120687) - fix tree build on ia64 and x86_64 - fix a syntax error for text mode selinux config * Tue Sep 21 2004 Jeremy Katz - - some fixes for Arabic (#122228) - support using ksdevice=macaddr (#130605) - add an images/pxeboot directory on ia64 * Tue Sep 21 2004 Jeremy Katz - - improve handling of non-physical consoles on some ppc and ia64 machines - add Bengali(India) and Gujarati to the lang-table (#126108) - add support for setting the CTC protocol on s/390 (#132324, #132325) - don't offer to do vnc if we don't have active nwtorking (#132833) - various typo/grammar fixes - add support for 'nostorage' and 'nonet' command line options to avoid auto-loading just network or storage devices - fix editing of pre-existing lvm (#132217) - fix going back from the partitions list on a driver disk (#132096) - don't show login error if silent errors (#132673) * Thu Jun 3 2004 Jeremy Katz - require system-logos and anaconda-help, obsolete anaconda-images * Fri Apr 30 2004 Jeremy Katz - Update description, remove prereq on stuff that was only needed for reconfig mode * Tue Feb 24 2004 Jeremy Katz - buildrequire libselinux-devel * Thu Nov 6 2003 Jeremy Katz - require booty (#109272) * Tue Oct 8 2002 Jeremy Katz - back to mainstream rpm instead of rpm404 * Mon Sep 9 2002 Jeremy Katz - can't buildrequire dietlibc and kernel-pcmcia-cs since they don't always exist * Wed Aug 21 2002 Jeremy Katz - added URL * Thu May 23 2002 Jeremy Katz - add require and buildrequire on rhpl * Tue Apr 02 2002 Michael Fulbright - added some more docs * Fri Feb 22 2002 Jeremy Katz - buildrequire kernel-pcmcia-cs as we've sucked the libs the loader needs to there now * Thu Feb 07 2002 Michael Fulbright - goodbye reconfig * Thu Jan 31 2002 Jeremy Katz - update the BuildRequires a bit * Fri Jan 4 2002 Jeremy Katz - ddcprobe is now done from kudzu * Wed Jul 18 2001 Jeremy Katz - own /usr/lib/anaconda and /usr/share/anaconda * Fri Jan 12 2001 Matt Wilson - sync text with specspo * Thu Aug 10 2000 Matt Wilson - build on alpha again now that I've fixed the stubs * Wed Aug 9 2000 Michael Fulbright - new build * Fri Aug 4 2000 Florian La Roche - allow also subvendorid and subdeviceid in trimpcitable * Fri Jul 14 2000 Matt Wilson - moved init script for reconfig mode to /etc/init.d/reconfig - move the initscript back to /etc/rc.d/init.d - Prereq: /etc/init.d * Thu Feb 03 2000 Michael Fulbright - strip files - add lang-table to file list * Wed Jan 05 2000 Michael Fulbright - added requirement for rpm-python * Mon Dec 06 1999 Michael Fulbright - rename to 'anaconda' instead of 'anaconda-reconfig' * Fri Dec 03 1999 Michael Fulbright - remove ddcprobe since we don't do X configuration in reconfig now * Tue Nov 30 1999 Michael Fulbright - first try at packaging reconfiguration tool