#!/bin/bash SCRIPT_VERSION=0.4.52 CHANGELOG="http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh.changelog" ################################################################################# #Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation. #This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #(at your option) any later version. #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software #Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ################################################################################## #The script was written for 2 main reasons: # 1. Remove the need for the devs/helpers to ask several questions before we can easily help the user. # 2. Allow newer/inexperienced ALSA users to give us all the info we need to help them. #Change the PATH variable, so we can run lspci (needed for some distros) PATH=$PATH:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin BGTITLE="ALSA-Info v $SCRIPT_VERSION" PASTEBINKEY="C9cRIO8m/9y8Cs0nVs0FraRx7U0pHsuc" #Define some simple functions pbcheck(){ if [[ -z $PASTEBIN ]]; then [[ $(ping -c1 www.alsa-project.org) ]] || KEEP_FILES="yes" NOUPLOAD="yes" PBERROR="yes" else [[ $(ping -c1 www.pastebin.ca) ]] || KEEP_FILES="yes" NOUPLOAD="yes" PBERROR="yes" fi } update() { wget -O /tmp/alsa-info.sh "http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh" >/dev/null 2>&1 REMOTE_VERSION=`grep SCRIPT_VERSION /tmp/alsa-info.sh |head -n1 |sed 's/.*=//'` if [ "$REMOTE_VERSION" != "$SCRIPT_VERSION" ]; then if [[ -n $DIALOG ]] then if [ -w $0 ]; then dialog --yesno "Newer version of ALSA-Info has been found\n\nDo you wish to install it?" 0 0 else dialog --yesno "Newer version of ALSA-Info has been found\n\nDo you wish to download it?" 0 0 fi DIALOG_EXIT_CODE=$? if [[ $DIALOG_EXIT_CODE = 0 ]] then echo "Newer version detected: $REMOTE_VERSION" echo "To view the ChangeLog, please visit $CHANGELOG" if [ -w $0 ]; then cp /tmp/alsa-info.sh $0 echo "ALSA-Info script has been updated to v $REMOTE_VERSION" echo "Please re-run the script" rm /tmp/alsa-info.sh 2>/dev/null else echo "ALSA-Info script has been downloaded as /tmp/alsa-info.sh." echo "Please re-run the script from new location." fi exit else rm /tmp/alsa-info.sh 2>/dev/null fi else echo "Newer version detected: $REMOTE_VERSION" echo "To view the ChangeLog, please visit $CHANGELOG" if [ -w $0 ]; then cp /tmp/alsa-info.sh $0 echo "ALSA-Info script has been updated. Please re-run it." rm /tmp/alsa-info.sh 2>/dev/null else echo "ALSA-Info script has been downloaded as /tmp/alsa-info.sh." echo "Please, re-run it from new location." fi exit fi else rm /tmp/alsa-info.sh 2>/dev/null fi } cleanup() { rm -r $TEMPDIR 2>/dev/null } withaplay() { echo "!!Aplay/Arecord output" >> $FILE echo "!!------------" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE echo "APLAY" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE aplay -l >> $FILE 2>&1 echo "" >> $FILE echo "ARECORD" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE arecord -l >> $FILE 2>&1 echo "" >> $FILE } withlsmod() { echo "!!All Loaded Modules" >> $FILE echo "!!------------------" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE lsmod |awk {'print $1'} >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE } withamixer() { echo "!!Amixer output" >> $FILE echo "!!-------------" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE for i in `grep "]: " /proc/asound/cards | awk -F ' ' '{ print $1} '` ; do CARD_NAME=`grep "^ *$i " /tmp/alsainfo/alsacards.tmp|awk {'print $2'}` echo "!!-------Mixer controls for card $i $CARD_NAME]" >> $FILE echo "" >>$FILE amixer -c$i info>> $FILE 2>&1 amixer -c$i>> $FILE 2>&1 echo "" >> $FILE done echo "" >> $FILE } withalsactl() { echo "!!Alsactl output" >> $FILE echo "!!-------------" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE exe="" if [ -x /usr/sbin/alsactl ]; then exe="/usr/sbin/alsactl" fi if [ -x /usr/local/sbin/alsactl ]; then exe="/usr/local/sbin/alsactl" fi if [ -z "$exe" ]; then exe=`whereis alsactl | cut -d ' ' -f 2` fi $exe -f /tmp/alsainfo/alsactl.tmp store echo "--startcollapse--" >> $FILE cat /tmp/alsainfo/alsactl.tmp >> $FILE echo "--endcollapse--" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE } withdevices() { echo "!!ALSA Device nodes" >> $FILE echo "!!-----------------" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE ls -la /dev/snd/* >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE } withconfigs() { if [[ -e $HOME/.asoundrc ]] || [[ -e /etc/asound.conf ]] || [[ -e $HOME/.asoundrc.asoundconf ]] then echo "!!ALSA configuration files" >> $FILE echo "!!------------------------" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE #Check for ~/.asoundrc if [[ -e $HOME/.asoundrc ]] then echo "!!User specific config file (~/.asoundrc)" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE cat $HOME/.asoundrc >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE fi #Check for .asoundrc.asoundconf (seems to be Ubuntu specific) if [[ -e $HOME/.asoundrc.asoundconf ]] then echo "!!asoundconf-generated config file" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE cat $HOME/.asoundrc.asoundconf >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE fi #Check for /etc/asound.conf if [[ -e /etc/asound.conf ]] then echo "!!System wide config file (/etc/asound.conf)" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE cat /etc/asound.conf >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE fi fi } #Run checks to make sure the programs we need are installed. LSPCI=$(which lspci 2>/dev/null| sed 's|^[^/]*||' 2>/dev/null); TPUT=$(which tput 2>/dev/null| sed 's|^[^/]*||' 2>/dev/null); DIALOG=$(which dialog 2>/dev/null | sed 's|^[^/]*||' 2>/dev/null); #Check to see if sysfs is enabled in the kernel. We'll need this later on SYSFS=$(mount |grep sysfs|awk {'print $3'}); #Check modprobe config files for sound related options SNDOPTIONS=$(modprobe -c|sed -n 's/^options \(snd[-_][^ ]*\)/\1:/p') PASTEBIN="" WWWSERVICE="www.alsa-project.org" QUESTION="yes" PROCEED="yes" REPEAT="" while [ -z "$REPEAT" ]; do REPEAT="no" case "$1" in --update|--help|--about) QUESTION="no" PROCEED="no" ;; --no-upload) NOUPLOAD="yes" ;; --pastebin) PASTEBIN="yes" WWWSERVICE="pastebin" ;; --no-dialog) DIALOG="" REPEAT="" shift ;; esac done #Script header output. if [ "$QUESTION" = "yes" ]; then if [[ -n "$DIALOG" ]] then if [ -z "$NOUPLOAD" ]; then dialog --backtitle "$BGTITLE" --title "ALSA-Info script v $SCRIPT_VERSION" --yesno "\nThis script will collect information about your ALSA installation and sound related hardware, to help diagnose your problem\n\nBy default, this script will AUTOMATICALLY UPLOAD your information to a $WWWSERVICE site.\n\nSee $0 --help for options\n\nDo you want to run this script?" 0 0 else dialog --backtitle "$BGTITLE" --title "ALSA-Info script v $SCRIPT_VERSION" --yesno "\nThis script will collect information about your ALSA installation and sound related hardware, to help diagnose your problem\n\nSee $0 --help for options\n\nDo you want to run this script?" 0 0 fi DIALOG_EXIT_CODE=$? if [ $DIALOG_EXIT_CODE != 0 ]; then echo "Thank you for using the ALSA-Info Script" exit 0; fi else echo "ALSA Information Script v $SCRIPT_VERSION" echo "--------------------------------" echo "" echo "This script will collect information about your ALSA installation and sound related hardware, to help diagnose your problem." echo "" if [ -z "$NOUPLOAD" ]; then if [[ -n "$TPUT" ]]; then tput bold echo "By default, the collected information will be AUTOMATICALLY uploaded to a $WWWSERVICE site." echo "If you do not wish for this to occur, run the script with the --no-upload argument" tput sgr0 else echo "By default, the collected information will be AUTOMATICALLY uploaded to a $WWWSERVICE site." echo "If you do not wish for this to occur, run the script with the --no-upload argument" fi echo "" fi # NOUPLOAD echo -n "Do you want to run this script? [y/n] : " read -e CONFIRM if [ "$CONFIRM" != "y" ]; then echo "" echo "Thank you for using the ALSA-Info Script" exit 0; fi fi fi # question #Set the output file TEMPDIR="/tmp/alsainfo/" FILE="/tmp/alsa-info.txt" if [ "$PROCEED" = "yes" ]; then if [[ -z "$LSPCI" ]] then echo "This script requires lspci. Please install it, and re-run this script." exit 0 fi #Create the temporary work dir. mkdir $TEMPDIR 2>/dev/null #Fetch the info and store in temp files/variables DISTRO=`grep -ihs "buntu\|SUSE\|Fedora\|PCLinuxOS\|MEPIS\|Mandriva\|Debian\|Damn\|Sabayon\|Slackware\|KNOPPIX\|Gentoo\|Zenwalk\|Mint\|Kubuntu\|FreeBSD\|Puppy\|Freespire\|Vector\|Dreamlinux\|CentOS\|Arch\|Xandros\|Elive\|SLAX\|Red\|BSD\|KANOTIX\|Nexenta\|Foresight\|GeeXboX\|Frugalware\|64\|SystemRescue\|Novell\|Solaris\|BackTrack\|KateOS\|Pardus" /etc/{issue,*release,*version}` KERNEL_VERSION=`uname -r` KERNEL_PROCESSOR=`uname -p` KERNEL_MACHINE=`uname -m` KERNEL_OS=`uname -o` [[ `uname -v |grep SMP` ]] && KERNEL_SMP="Yes" || KERNEL_SMP="No" ALSA_DRIVER_VERSION=`cat /proc/asound/version |head -n1|awk {'print $7'} |sed 's/\.$//'` ALSA_LIB_VERSION=`grep VERSION_STR /usr/include/alsa/version.h 2>/dev/null|awk {'print $3'}|sed 's/"//g'` ALSA_UTILS_VERSION=`amixer -v |awk {'print $3'}` VENDOR_ID=`lspci -vn |grep 040[1-3] | awk -F':' '{print $3}'|awk {'print substr($0, 2);}' >/tmp/alsainfo/vendor_id.tmp` DEVICE_ID=`lspci -vn |grep 040[1-3] | awk -F':' '{print $4}'|awk {'print $1'} >/tmp/alsainfo/device_id.tmp` LAST_CARD=$((`grep "]: " /proc/asound/cards | wc -l` - 1 )) cat /proc/asound/modules 2>/dev/null|awk {'print $2'}>/tmp/alsainfo/alsamodules.tmp cat /proc/asound/cards >/tmp/alsainfo/alsacards.tmp lspci |grep -i "multi\|audio">/tmp/alsainfo/lspci.tmp #Check for HDA-Intel cards codec#* cat /proc/asound/card*/codec\#* > /tmp/alsainfo/alsa-hda-intel.tmp 2> /dev/null #Check for AC97 cards codec cat /proc/asound/card*/codec97\#0/ac97\#0-0 > /tmp/alsainfo/alsa-ac97.tmp 2> /dev/null cat /proc/asound/card*/codec97\#0/ac97\#0-0+regs > /tmp/alsainfo/alsa-ac97-regs.tmp 2> /dev/null #Fetch the info, and put it in $FILE in a nice readable format. if [[ -z $PASTEBIN ]]; then echo "upload=true&script=true&cardinfo=" > $FILE else echo "name=$USER&type=33&description=/tmp/alsa-info.txt&expiry=&s=Submit+Post&content=" > $FILE fi echo "!!################################" >> $FILE echo "!!ALSA Information Script v $SCRIPT_VERSION" >> $FILE echo "!!################################" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE echo "!!Script ran on: `LANG=C date`" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE echo "!!Linux Distribution" >> $FILE echo "!!------------------" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE echo $DISTRO >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE echo "!!Kernel Information" >> $FILE echo "!!------------------" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE echo "Kernel release: $KERNEL_VERSION" >> $FILE echo "Operating System: $KERNEL_OS" >> $FILE echo "Architecture: $KERNEL_MACHINE" >> $FILE echo "Processor: $KERNEL_PROCESSOR" >> $FILE echo "SMP Enabled: $KERNEL_SMP" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE echo "!!ALSA Version" >> $FILE echo "!!------------" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE echo "Driver version: $ALSA_DRIVER_VERSION" >> $FILE echo "Library version: $ALSA_LIB_VERSION" >> $FILE echo "Utilities version: $ALSA_UTILS_VERSION" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE echo "!!Loaded ALSA modules" >> $FILE echo "!!-------------------" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE cat /tmp/alsainfo/alsamodules.tmp >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE echo "!!Soundcards recognised by ALSA" >> $FILE echo "!!-----------------------------" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE cat /tmp/alsainfo/alsacards.tmp >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE echo "!!PCI Soundcards installed in the system" >> $FILE echo "!!--------------------------------------" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE cat /tmp/alsainfo/lspci.tmp >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE echo "!!Advanced information - PCI Vendor/Device/Susbsystem ID's" >> $FILE echo "!!--------------------------------------------------------" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE lspci -vvn |grep -A1 040[1-3] >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE if [ "$SNDOPTIONS" ] then echo "!!Modprobe options (Sound related)" >> $FILE echo "!!--------------------------------" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE modprobe -c|sed -n 's/^options \(snd[-_][^ ]*\)/\1:/p' >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE fi if [ -d "$SYSFS" ] then echo "!!Loaded sound module options" >> $FILE echo "!!--------------------------" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE for mod in `cat /proc/asound/modules|awk {'print $2'}`;do echo "!!Module: $mod" >> $FILE for params in `ls $SYSFS/module/$mod/parameters/*`; do /bin/echo -ne "\t";/bin/echo "$params : `cat $params`"|sed 's:.*/::' >> $FILE;done echo "" >> $FILE done echo "" >> $FILE fi if [ -s "/tmp/alsainfo/alsa-hda-intel.tmp" ] then echo "!!HDA-Intel Codec information" >> $FILE echo "!!---------------------------" >> $FILE echo "--startcollapse--" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE cat /tmp/alsainfo/alsa-hda-intel.tmp >> $FILE echo "--endcollapse--" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE fi if [ -s "/tmp/alsainfo/alsa-ac97.tmp" ] then echo "!!AC97 Codec information" >> $FILE echo "!!---------------------------" >> $FILE echo "--startcollapse--" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE cat /tmp/alsainfo/alsa-ac97.tmp >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE cat /tmp/alsainfo/alsa-ac97-regs.tmp >> $FILE echo "--endcollapse--" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE fi #If no command line options are specified, then run as though --with-all was specified if [[ -z "$1" ]] then update withdevices withconfigs withaplay withamixer withalsactl withlsmod pbcheck fi fi # proceed #loop through command line arguments, until none are left. if [[ -n "$1" ]] then until [ -z "$1" ] do case "$1" in --pastebin) update withdevices withconfigs withaplay withamixer withalsactl withlsmod pbcheck ;; --update) update exit ;; --no-upload) NOUPLOAD="yes" KEEP_FILES="yes" withdevices withconfigs withaplay withamixer withalsactl withlsmod ;; --debug) echo "Debugging enabled. $FILE and $TEMPDIR will not be deleted" KEEP_FILES="yes" echo "" withdevices withconfigs withaplay withamixer withalsactl withlsmod ;; --with-all) withdevices withconfigs withaplay withamixer withalsactl withlsmod ;; --with-aplay) withaplay ;; --with-amixer) withamixer ;; --with-alsactl) withalsactl ;; --with-devices) withdevices ;; --with-configs) if [[ -e $HOME/.asoundrc ]] || [[ -e /etc/asound.conf ]] then echo "!!ALSA configuration files" >> $FILE echo "!!------------------------" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE #Check for ~/.asoundrc if [[ -e $HOME/.asoundrc ]] then echo "!!User specific config file ($HOME/.asoundrc)" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE cat $HOME/.asoundrc >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE fi #Check for /etc/asound.conf if [[ -e /etc/asound.conf ]] then echo "!!System wide config file (/etc/asound.conf)" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE cat /etc/asound.conf >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE echo "" >> $FILE fi fi ;; --about) echo "Written/Tested by the following users of #alsa on irc.freenode.net:" echo "" echo " wishie - Script author and developer / Testing" echo " crimsun - Various script ideas / Testing" echo " gnubien - Various script ideas / Testing" echo " GrueMaster - HDA Intel specific items / Testing" echo " olegfink - Script update function" cleanup exit 0 ;; *) echo "alsa-info.sh version $SCRIPT_VERSION" echo "" echo "Available options:" echo " --with-aplay (includes the output of aplay -l)" echo " --with-amixer (includes the output of amixer)" echo " --with-alsactl (includes the output of alsactl)" echo " --with-configs (includes the output of ~/.asoundrc and" echo " /etc/asound.conf if they exist)" echo " --with-devices (shows the device nodes in /dev/snd/)" echo "" echo " --update (check server for script updates)" echo " --no-upload (do not upload contents to remote server)" echo " --pastebin (use http://pastebin.ca) as remote server" echo " instead www.alsa-project.org" echo " --about (show some information about the script)" echo " --debug (will run the script as normal, but will not" echo " delete $FILE)" cleanup exit 0 ;; esac shift 1 done fi if [ "$PROCEED" = "yes" ]; then #Test that wget is installed, and supports --post-file. Upload $FILE if it does, and prompt user to upload file if it doesnt. if WGET=$(which wget 2>/dev/null| sed 's|^[^/]*||' 2>/dev/null); [[ -n "${WGET}" ]] && [[ -x "${WGET}" ]] && [[ `wget --help |grep post-file` ]] then if [[ -n "$DIALOG" ]] then if [[ -z $NOUPLOAD ]]; then if [[ -z $PASTEBIN ]]; then wget -O - --tries=5 --timeout=60 --post-file=/tmp/alsa-info.txt "http://www.alsa-project.org/cardinfo-db/" &>/tmp/alsainfo/wget.tmp || echo "Upload failed; exit" { for i in 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90; do echo $i sleep 0.2 done echo; } |dialog --backtitle "$BGTITLE" --guage "Uploading information to www.alsa-project.org ..." 6 70 0 else wget -O - --tries=5 --timeout=60 --post-file=/tmp/alsa-info.txt "http://pastebin.ca/quiet-paste.php?api=$PASTEBINKEY&encrypt=t&encryptpw=blahblah" &>/tmp/alsainfo/wget.tmp || echo "Upload failed; exit" { for i in 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90; do echo $i sleep 0.2 done echo; } |dialog --backtitle "$BGTITLE" --guage "Uploading information to www.pastebin.ca ..." 6 70 0 fi fi else if [[ -z $NOUPLOAD ]]; then if [[ -z $PASTEBIN ]]; then echo -n "Uploading information to www.alsa-project.org ... " wget -O - --tries=5 --timeout=60 --post-file=/tmp/alsa-info.txt http://www.alsa-project.org/cardinfo-db/ &>/tmp/alsainfo/wget.tmp & else echo -n "Uploading information to www.pastebin.ca ... " wget -O - --tries=5 --timeout=60 --post-file=/tmp/alsa-info.txt http://pastebin.ca/quiet-paste.php?api=$PASTEBINKEY &>/tmp/alsainfo/wget.tmp & fi fi fi #Progess spinner for wget transfer. if [[ -z "$DIALOG" ]] then i=1 sp="/-\|" echo -n ' ' while pgrep wget &>/dev/null do echo -en "\b${sp:i++%${#sp}:1}" done fi #See if tput is available, and use it if it is. if [[ -z $NOUPLOAD ]]; then if [[ -n "$TPUT" ]] then if [[ -z $PASTEBIN ]]; then FINAL_URL=`tput setaf 1; grep "SUCCESS:" /tmp/alsainfo/wget.tmp | cut -d ' ' -f 2 ; tput sgr0` else FINAL_URL=`tput setaf 1; grep "SUCCESS:" /tmp/alsainfo/wget.tmp |sed -n 's/.*\:\([0-9]\+\).*/http:\/\/pastebin.ca\/\1/p';tput sgr0` fi else if [[ -z $PASTEBIN ]]; then FINAL_URL=`grep "SUCCESS:" /tmp/alsainfo/wget.tmp | cut -d ' ' -f 2` else FINAL_URL=`grep "SUCCESS:" /tmp/alsainfo/wget.tmp |sed -n 's/.*\:\([0-9]\+\).*/http:\/\/pastebin.ca\/\1/p'` fi fi fi #Output the URL of the uploaded file. if [[ -z $DIALOG ]] then echo -e "\b Done!" echo "" if [[ -z $NOUPLOAD ]]; then echo "Your ALSA information is located at $FINAL_URL" echo "Please inform the person helping you." echo "" fi fi if [[ -n $DIALOG ]] then if [[ -n $NOUPLOAD ]]; then if [[ -n $PBERROR ]]; then dialog --backtitle "$BGTITLE" --title "Information collected" --msgbox "An error occured while contacting the $WWWSERVICE. Your information was NOT automatically uploaded.\n\nYour ALSA information can be seen by looking in $FILE" 10 100 else dialog --backtitle "$BGTITLE" --title "Information collected" --msgbox "You requested that your information was NOT automatically uploaded to the $WWWSERVICE\n\nYour ALSA information can be seen by looking in $FILE" 10 100 fi else dialog --backtitle "$BGTITLE" --title "Information uploaded" --yesno "Would you like to see the uploaded information?" 5 100 DIALOG_EXIT_CODE=$? if [ $DIALOG_EXIT_CODE = 0 ]; then grep -v "alsa-info.txt" /tmp/alsa-info.txt >/tmp/alsainfo/uploaded.txt dialog --backtitle "$BGTITLE" --textbox /tmp/alsainfo/uploaded.txt 0 0 fi fi fi clear if [[ -n $NOUPLOAD ]]; then if [[ -n $PBERROR ]]; then echo "An error occured while contacting the $WWWSERVICE. Your information was NOT automatically uploaded." echo "" echo "Your ALSA information can be seen by looking in $FILE" echo "" else echo "You requested that your information was NOT automatically uploaded to the $WWWSERVICE" echo "" echo "Your ALSA information can be seen by looking in $FILE" echo "" fi fi if [[ -z $NOUPLOAD ]]; then echo "Your ALSA information is located at $FINAL_URL" echo "Please inform the person helping you." echo "" fi #We posted the file , so we dont need it anymore. delete it. if [ -z $KEEP_FILES ] then rm $FILE fi #We couldnt find a suitable wget, so tell the user to upload manually. else if [[ -z $DIALOG ]] then if [[ -z $PASTEBIN ]]; then echo "" echo "Could not automatically upload output to http://www.alsa-project.org" echo "Possible reasons are:" echo " 1. Couldnt find 'wget' in your PATH" echo " 2. Your version of wget is less than 1.8.2" echo "" echo "Please manually upload $FILE to http://www.alsa-project.org/cardinfo-db/ and submit your post." echo "" else echo "" echo "Could not automatically upload output to http://www.pastebin.ca" echo "Possible reasons are:" echo " 1. Couldnt find 'wget' in your PATH" echo " 2. Your version of wget is less than 1.8.2" echo "" echo "Please manually upload $FILE to http://www.pastebin.ca/upload.php and submit your post." echo "" fi fi if [[ -n $DIALOG ]] then if [[ -z $PASTEBIN ]]; then dialog --backtitle "$BGTITLE" --msgbox "Could not automatically upload output to http://www.alsa-project.org.\nPossible reasons are:\n\n 1. Couldn't find 'wget' in your PATH\n 2. Your version of wget is less than 1.8.2\n\nPlease manually upload $FILE to http://www.alsa-project,org/cardinfo-db/ and submit your post." 25 100 else dialog --backtitle "$BGTITLE" --msgbox "Could not automatically upload output to http://www.pastebin.ca.\nPossible reasons are:\n\n 1. Couldn't find 'wget' in your PATH\n 2. Your version of wget is less than 1.8.2\n\nPlease manually upload $FILE to http://www.pastebin.ca/upload.php and submit your post." 25 100 fi fi fi #Clean up the temp files if [ -z $KEEP_FILES ] then cleanup fi fi # proceed