#!/bin/sh PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin # Check session status using systemd session_ids=$(systemd-loginctl list-sessions 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $1}') for session in ${session_ids} ; do session_status=$(systemd-loginctl session-status ${session}) if [ -n "$(echo "${session_status}" | grep "Active: yes" 2> /dev/null)" ]; then echo "${session_status}" | grep -e '\(gnome-settings-daemon\|kded4\|xfce4-power-manager\)' >& /dev/null && exit 0 fi done # Get the ID of the first active X11 session: using ConsoleKit uid_session=$( ck-list-sessions | \ awk ' /^Session[0-9]+:$/ { uid = active = x11 = "" ; next } { gsub(/'\''/, "", $3) } $1 == "unix-user" { uid = $3 } $1 == "active" { active = $3 } $1 == "x11-display" { x11 = $3 } active == "TRUE" && x11 != "" { print uid exit }') # Check that there is a power manager, otherwise shut down. [ "$uid_session" ] && ps axo uid,cmd | \ awk ' $1 == '$uid_session' && ($2 ~ /gnome-power-manager/ || $2 ~ /kpowersave/ || $2 ~ /xfce4-power-manager/ || $2 ~ /\/usr\/libexec\/gnome-settings-daemon/ || $2 ~ /kded4/ || $3 ~ /guidance-power-manager/) \ { found = 1; exit } END { exit !found } ' || shutdown -h now