diff --git a/0003-wifi-set-mac-addr-workaround-rh1371478-v2.patch b/0003-wifi-set-mac-addr-workaround-rh1371478-v2.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2038b2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/0003-wifi-set-mac-addr-workaround-rh1371478-v2.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+From 3c701b60dc169a24cf52c0397560125ddce3d54c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2016 23:47:14 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] device: workaround driver issue with delayed change of
+ MAC address
+brcmfmac and possibly other drivers don't change the MAC address
+right away, but instead the result is delayed. That is problematic
+because we cannot continue activation before the MAC address is
+Add a hack to workaround the issue by waiting until the MAC address
+The previous attempt to workaround this was less intrusive: we would
+just refresh the link once and check the result. But that turns out
+not to be sufficent for all cases. Now, wait and poll.
+(cherry picked from commit 1a85103765d4eaa0acab6b03658a4f9cfe684a64)
+(cherry picked from commit 8d575403685208aad75f918484ae7adbc1a46085)
+ src/devices/nm-device.c | 85 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
+ src/devices/nm-device.h |  2 +-
+ 2 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
+index 674563f..3e549c5 100644
+--- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
++++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
+@@ -11549,16 +11549,17 @@ nm_device_get_hw_address (NMDevice *self)
+ 	return priv->hw_addr;
+ }
+ nm_device_update_hw_address (NMDevice *self)
+ {
+ 	NMDevicePrivate *priv;
+ 	const guint8 *hwaddr;
+ 	gsize hwaddrlen = 0;
++	gboolean changed = FALSE;
+ 	priv = NM_DEVICE_GET_PRIVATE (self);
+ 	if (priv->ifindex <= 0)
+-		return;
++		return FALSE;
+ 	hwaddr = nm_platform_link_get_address (NM_PLATFORM_GET, priv->ifindex, &hwaddrlen);
+@@ -11585,6 +11586,7 @@ nm_device_update_hw_address (NMDevice *self)
+ 				 * update our inital hw-address as well. */
+ 				nm_device_update_initial_hw_address (self);
+ 			}
++			changed = TRUE;
+ 		}
+ 	} else {
+ 		/* Invalid or no hardware address */
+@@ -11597,6 +11599,7 @@ nm_device_update_hw_address (NMDevice *self)
+ 			       "hw-addr: failed reading current MAC address");
+ 		}
+ 	}
++	return changed;
+ }
+ void
+@@ -11756,6 +11759,15 @@ nm_device_hw_addr_is_explict (NMDevice *self)
+ }
+ static gboolean
++_hw_addr_matches (NMDevice *self, const char *addr)
++	const char *cur_addr;
++	cur_addr = nm_device_get_hw_address (self);
++	return cur_addr && nm_utils_hwaddr_matches (cur_addr, -1, addr, -1);
++static gboolean
+ _hw_addr_set (NMDevice *self,
+               const char *addr,
+               const char *operation,
+@@ -11765,7 +11777,6 @@ _hw_addr_set (NMDevice *self,
+ 	gboolean success = FALSE;
+ 	gboolean needs_refresh = FALSE;
+ 	NMPlatformError plerr;
+-	const char *cur_addr;
+ 	guint8 addr_bytes[NM_UTILS_HWADDR_LEN_MAX];
+ 	guint hw_addr_len;
+ 	gboolean was_up;
+@@ -11776,11 +11787,9 @@ _hw_addr_set (NMDevice *self,
+ 	priv = NM_DEVICE_GET_PRIVATE (self);
+-	cur_addr = nm_device_get_hw_address (self);
+ 	/* Do nothing if current MAC is same */
+-	if (cur_addr && nm_utils_hwaddr_matches (cur_addr, -1, addr, -1)) {
+-		_LOGT (LOGD_DEVICE, "set-hw-addr: no MAC address change needed (%s)", cur_addr);
++	if (_hw_addr_matches (self, addr)) {
++		_LOGT (LOGD_DEVICE, "set-hw-addr: no MAC address change needed (%s)", addr);
+ 		return TRUE;
+ 	}
+@@ -11804,8 +11813,7 @@ _hw_addr_set (NMDevice *self,
+ 	if (success) {
+ 		/* MAC address succesfully changed; update the current MAC to match */
+ 		nm_device_update_hw_address (self);
+-		cur_addr = nm_device_get_hw_address (self);
+-		if (cur_addr && nm_utils_hwaddr_matches (cur_addr, -1, addr, -1)) {
++		if (_hw_addr_matches (self, addr)) {
+ 			_LOGI (LOGD_DEVICE, "set-hw-addr: %s MAC address to %s (%s)",
+ 			       operation, addr, detail);
+ 		} else {
+@@ -11827,24 +11835,51 @@ _hw_addr_set (NMDevice *self,
+ 	}
+ 	if (needs_refresh) {
+-		/* The platform call indicated success, however the address is not
+-		 * as expected. May be a kernel issue and the MAC address takes
+-		 * a moment to change (bgo#770456).
+-		 *
+-		 * Try to reload the link and check again. */
+-		nm_platform_link_refresh (NM_PLATFORM_GET, nm_device_get_ip_ifindex (self));
+-		nm_device_update_hw_address (self);
+-		cur_addr = nm_device_get_hw_address (self);
+-		if (cur_addr && nm_utils_hwaddr_matches (cur_addr, -1, addr, -1)) {
+-			_LOGI (LOGD_DEVICE, "set-hw-addr: %s MAC address to %s (%s)",
+-			       operation, addr, detail);
++		if (_hw_addr_matches (self, addr)) {
++			/* the MAC address already changed during nm_device_bring_up() above. */
+ 		} else {
+-			       "set-hw-addr: new MAC address %s not successfully %s (%s)",
+-			       addr, operation, detail);
+-			return FALSE;
++			gint64 poll_end, now;
++			/* The platform call indicated success, however the address is not
++			 * as expected. That is either due to a driver issue (brcmfmac, bgo#770456,
++			 * rh#1374023) or a race where externally the MAC address was reset.
++			 * The race is rather unlikely.
++			 *
++			 * The alternative would be to postpone the activation in case the
++			 * MAC address is not yet ready and poll without blocking. However,
++			 * that is rather complicated and it is not expected that this case
++			 * happens for regular drivers.
++			 * Note that brcmfmac can block NetworkManager for 500 msec while
++			 * taking down the device. Let's add annother 100 msec to that.
++			 *
++			 * wait/poll up to 100 msec until it changes. */
++			poll_end = nm_utils_get_monotonic_timestamp_us () + (100 * 1000);
++			for (;;) {
++				if (!nm_platform_link_refresh (NM_PLATFORM_GET, nm_device_get_ip_ifindex (self)))
++					goto handle_fail;
++				if (!nm_device_update_hw_address (self))
++					goto handle_wait;
++				if (!_hw_addr_matches (self, addr))
++					goto handle_fail;
++				break;
++				now = nm_utils_get_monotonic_timestamp_us ();
++				if (now < poll_end) {
++					g_usleep (NM_MIN (poll_end - now, 500));
++					continue;
++				}
++				       "set-hw-addr: new MAC address %s not successfully %s (%s)",
++				       addr, operation, detail);
++				return FALSE;
++			}
+ 		}
++		_LOGI (LOGD_DEVICE, "set-hw-addr: %s MAC address to %s (%s)",
++		       operation, addr, detail);
+ 	}
+ 	return success;
+diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.h b/src/devices/nm-device.h
+index be12ce7..a757a37 100644
+--- a/src/devices/nm-device.h
++++ b/src/devices/nm-device.h
+@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ void nm_device_reactivate_ip6_config (NMDevice *device,
+                                       NMSettingIPConfig *s_ip6_old,
+                                       NMSettingIPConfig *s_ip6_new);
+-void nm_device_update_hw_address (NMDevice *self);
++gboolean nm_device_update_hw_address (NMDevice *self);
+ void nm_device_update_initial_hw_address (NMDevice *self);
+ void nm_device_update_permanent_hw_address (NMDevice *self);
+ void nm_device_update_dynamic_ip_setup (NMDevice *self);
+From d99c3b63e81347fb861e1306eb0b603cfa15223e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com>
+Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2016 09:48:56 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] device: wait for MAC address change to complete before
+ setting interface up
+Some drivers (brcmfmac) don't change the MAC address right away.
+NetworkManager works around that by waiting synchronously until
+the address changes (commit 1a85103765d4eaa0acab6b03658a4f9cfe684a64).
+wpa_supplicant on the other hand, only re-reads the MAC address
+when changing state from DISABLED to ENABLED, which happens when
+the interface comes up.
+That is a bug in wpa_supplicant and the driver, but we can work-around by
+waiting until the MAC address actually changed before setting the interface
+IFF_UP. Also note, that there is still a race in wpa_supplicant which might
+miss a change to DISABLED state altogether.
+(cherry picked from commit 32f7c1d4b9aba597a99128631f07c2985149f303)
+(cherry picked from commit cd8f2ecc617a896d8007e6fe825c676a626a3b8d)
+ src/devices/nm-device.c | 27 ++++++++++++++++-----------
+ 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/devices/nm-device.c b/src/devices/nm-device.c
+index 3e549c5..47e858b 100644
+--- a/src/devices/nm-device.c
++++ b/src/devices/nm-device.c
+@@ -11829,12 +11829,8 @@ _hw_addr_set (NMDevice *self,
+ 		        nm_platform_error_to_string (plerr));
+ 	}
+-	if (was_up) {
+-		if (!nm_device_bring_up (self, TRUE, NULL))
+-			return FALSE;
+-	}
+ 	if (needs_refresh) {
++		success = TRUE;
+ 		if (_hw_addr_matches (self, addr)) {
+ 			/* the MAC address already changed during nm_device_bring_up() above. */
+ 		} else {
+@@ -11871,15 +11867,24 @@ handle_wait:
+ 					continue;
+ 				}
+ handle_fail:
+-				       "set-hw-addr: new MAC address %s not successfully %s (%s)",
+-				       addr, operation, detail);
+-				return FALSE;
++				success = FALSE;
++				break;
+ 			}
+ 		}
+-		_LOGI (LOGD_DEVICE, "set-hw-addr: %s MAC address to %s (%s)",
+-		       operation, addr, detail);
++		if (success) {
++			_LOGI (LOGD_DEVICE, "set-hw-addr: %s MAC address to %s (%s)",
++			       operation, addr, detail);
++		} else {
++			       "set-hw-addr: new MAC address %s not successfully %s (%s)",
++			       addr, operation, detail);
++		}
++	}
++	if (was_up) {
++		if (!nm_device_bring_up (self, TRUE, NULL))
++			return FALSE;
+ 	}
+ 	return success;
diff --git a/NetworkManager.spec b/NetworkManager.spec
index caebac9..94b22c6 100644
--- a/NetworkManager.spec
+++ b/NetworkManager.spec
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 %global rpm_version 1.4.0
 %global real_version 1.4.0
-%global release_version 3
+%global release_version 4
 %global epoch_version 1
 %global obsoletes_nmver 1:
@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ Source3: 20-connectivity-fedora.conf
 #Patch1: 0001-some.patch
 Patch1: 0001-wifi-set-mac-addr-workaround-rh1371478
 Patch2: 0002-dhcp-helper-sync-notify-rh1372854.patch
+Patch3: 0003-wifi-set-mac-addr-workaround-rh1371478-v2.patch
 Requires(post): systemd
 Requires(preun): systemd
@@ -344,6 +345,7 @@ by nm-connection-editor and nm-applet in a non-graphical environment.
 %patch1 -p1
 %patch2 -p1
+%patch3 -p1
 %if %{with regen_docs}
@@ -651,6 +653,9 @@ fi
+* Tue Sep 13 2016 Thomas Haller <thaller@redhat.com> - 1:1.4.0-4
+- wifi: fix another activation failure when changing MAC address (rh#1371478, bgo#770456, bgo#770504)
 * Thu Sep  8 2016 Thoams Haller <thaller@redhat.com> - 1:1.4.0-3
 - dhcp: fix race to miss DHCP lease event (rh#1372854)