Rich Megginson 84eb0d0d8f 389-ds-base-1.2.9.a2 - several bug fixes - automember improvements
look for separate openldap ldif library
Split automember regex rules into separate entries
writing Inf file shows SchemaFile = ARRAY(0xhexnum)
add support for ldif files with changetype: add
Bug 716980 - winsync uses old AD entry if new one not found
Bug 697694 - rhds82 - incr update state stop_fatal_error "requires administrator action", with extop_result: 9
bump console version to 1.2.6
Bug 711679 - unresponsive LDAP service when deleting vlv on replica
Bug 703703 - setup-ds-admin.pl asks for legal agreement to a non-existant file
Bug 706209 - LEGAL: RHEL6.1 License issue for 389-ds-base package
Bug 663752 - Cert renewal for attrcrypt and encchangelog
Bug 706179 - DS can not restart after create a new objectClass has entryusn attribute
Bug 711906 - ns-slapd segfaults using suffix referrals
Bug 707384 - only allow FIPS approved cipher suites in FIPS mode
Bug 710377 - Import with chain-on-update crashes ns-slapd
Bug 709826 - Memory leak: when extra referrals configured
2011-06-28 09:28:05 -06:00

2 lines
63 B

d608d6f38dec965a07b5a7f8529e93a4 389-ds-base-1.2.9.a2.tar.bz2