Issue 50627 - Add ASAN logs to HTML report
Issue 50545 - Port to lib389 CLI
Issue 50622 - ds_selinux_enabled may crash on suse
Issue 50595 - remove requirement
Issue 50617 - disable cargo lock
Issue 50620 - Fix regressions from 50506 (slapi_enry_attr_get_ref)
Issue 50615 - Log current test name to journald
Issue 50610 - memory leak in dbscan
Rebuilt for Python 3.8
Bump version to
Issue 50581 - ns-slapd crashes during ldapi search
Issue 50604 - Fix UI validation
Issue 50510 - etime can contain invalid nanosecond value
Issue 50593 - Investigate URP handling on standalone instance
Issue 50506 - Fix regression for relication stripattrs
Issue 50580 - Perl can't be disabled in configure
Issue 50584, 49212 - docker healthcheck and configuration
Issue 50546 - fix more UI issues(part 2)
Do not use comparision with "is" for empty value
Issue 50546 - fix more UI issues
Issue 50586 - lib389 - Fix DSEldif long line processing
Issue 50173 - Add the validate-syntax task to the dsconf schema
Issue 50546 - Fix various issues in UI
Bump version to
Issue 50576 - Same proc uid/gid maps to rootdn for ldapi sasl
Issue 50567, 50568 - strict host check disable and display container version
Issue 50550 - DS installer debug messages leaking to ipa-server-install
Issue 50545 - Port fixup-memberuid and add the functionality to CLI and UI
Issue 50572 - After running cl-dump dbdir/cldb/*ldif.done are not deleted
Issue 50578 - Add SKIP_AUDIT_CI flag for Cockpit builds
Issue 50349 - filter schema validation
Issue 48055 - CI test-(Plugin configuration should throw proper error messages if not configured properly)
Issue 49324 - idl_new fix assert
Issue 50564 - Fix rust libraries by default and improve docker
Issue 50206 - Refactor lock, unlock and status of dsidm account/role
Issue 49324 - idl_new report index name in error conditions
Issue 49761 - Fix CI test suite issues
Issue 50506 - Fix regression from slapi_entry_attr_get_ref refactor
Issue 50499 - Audit fix - Update npm 'eslint-utils' version
Issue 49624 - modrdn silently fails if DB deadlock occurs
Issue 50542 - Fix crashes in filter tests
Issue 49761 - Fix CI test suite issues
Issue 50542 - Entry cache contention during base search
Issue 50462 - Fix CI tests
Issue 50490 - objects and memory leaks
Issue 50538 - Move CI test to individual file
Issue 50538 - cleanAllRUV task limit is not enforced for replicated tasks
Issue 50536 - Audit log heading written to log after every update
Issue 50525 - nsslapd-defaultnamingcontext does not change when the assigned suffix gets deleted
Issue 50534 - CLI change schema edit subcommand to replace
Issue 50506 - cont Fix invalid frees from pointer reference calls
Issue 50507 - Fix Cockpit UI styling for PF4
Issue 48851 - investigate and port TET matching rules filter tests(indexing final)
Issue 48851 - Add more test cases to the match test suite(mode replace)
Issue 50530 - Directory Server not RFC 4511 compliant with requested attr "1.1"
Issue 50529 - LDAP server returning PWP controls in different sequence
Issue 50506 - Fix invalid frees from pointer reference calls.
Issue 50506 - Replace slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr() with slapi_entry_attr_get_ref()
Issue 50521 - Add regressions in CI tests
Issue 50510 - etime can contain invalid nanosecond value
Issue 50488 - Create a monitor for disk space usagedisk-space-mon
Issue 50511 - lib389 PosixGroups type can not handle rdn properly
Issue 50508 - UI - fix local password policy form
Issue 50355 - SSL version min and max not correctly applied
Issue 50497 - Port tool to Python using lib389
Issue 48851 - investigate and port TET matching rules filter tests(Final)
Issue 50417 - fix regression from previous commit
Issue 50425 - Add jemalloc LD_PRELOAD to systemd drop-in file
Issue 50325 - Add Security tab to UI
Issue 49789 - By default, do not manage unhashed password
Issue 49421 - Implement password hash upgrade on bind.
Issue 49421 - on bind password upgrade proof of concept
Issue 50493 - connection_is_free to trylock
Issue 50459 - Correct issue with allocation state
Issue 50499 - Fix audit issues and remove jquery from the whitelist
Issue 50459 - c_mutex to use pthread_mutex to allow ns sharing
Issue 50484 - Add a release build dockerfile and dscontainer improvements
Issue 50486 - Update jemalloc to 5.2.0
Issue 50431 - Fix regression from coverity fix (crash in memberOf plugin)
Issue 49239 - Add a new CI test case
Issue 49997 - Add a new CI test case
Issue 50177 - Add a new CI test case, also added fixes in lib389
Issue 49761 - Fix CI test suite issues
Issue 50474 - Unify result codes for add and modify of repl5 config
Issue 50472 - memory leak with encryption
Issue 50462 - Fix Root DN access control plugin CI tests
Issue 50462 - Fix CI tests
Issue 50217 - Implement dsconf security section
Issue 48851 - Add more test cases to the match test suite.
Issue 50378 - ACI's with IPv4 and IPv6 bind rules do not work for IPv6 clients
Issue 50439 - fix waitpid issue when pid does not exist
Issue 50454 - Fix Cockpit UI branding
Issue 48851 - investigate and port TET matching rules filter tests(index)
Issue 49232 - Truncate the message when buffer capacity is exceeded
Issue 49361 - Use IPv6 friendly network functions
Issue 48851 - Investigate and port TET matching rules filter tests(bug772777)
Issue 50446 - NameError: name 'ds_is_older' is not defined
Issue 49602 - Revise replication status messages
Issue 50439 - Update docker integration to work out of source directory
Issue 50037 - revert path changes as it breaks prefix/rpm builds
Issue 50431 - Fix regression from coverity fix
Issue 50370 - CleanAllRUV task crashing during server shutdown
Issue 48851 - investigate and port TET matching rules filter tests(match)
Issue 50417 - Fix missing quote in some legacy tools
Issue 50431 - Fix covscan warnings
Revert "Issue 49960 - Core schema contains strings instead of numer oids"
Issue 50426 - nsSSL3Ciphers is limited to 1024 characters
Issue 50052 - Fix according to audit-ci change
Issue 50365 - PIDFile= references path below legacy directory /var/run/
Issue 50428 - Log the actual base DN when the search fails with "invalid attribute request"
Issue 50329 - (2nd) Possible Security Issue: DOS due to ioblocktimeout not applying to TLS
Issue 50417 - Revise legacy tool scripts to work with new systemd changes
Issue 48851 - Add more search filters to vfilter_simple test suite
Issue 49761 - Fix CI test suite issues
Issue 49875 - Move SystemD service config to a drop-in file
Issue 50413 - ds-replcheck - Always display the Result Summary
Issue 50052 - Add package-lock.json and use "npm ci"
Issue 48851 - investigate and port TET matching rules filter tests(vfilter simple)
Issue 50355 - NSS can change the requested SSL min and max versions
Issue 48851 - investigate and port TET matching rules filter tests(vfilter_ld)
Issue 50390 - Add Managed Entries Plug-in Config Entry schema
Issue 49730 - Remove unused Mozilla ldapsdk variables
Issue 49761 - Fix CI test suite issues
Issue 50041 - Add the rest UI Plugin tabs - Part 2
Issue 50340 - 2nd try - structs for diabled plugins will not be freed
Issue 50403 - Instance creation fails on 1.3.9 using perl utils and latest lib389
Issue 50389 - ns-slapd craches while two threads are polling the same connection
Issue 48851 - investigate and port TET matching rules filter tests(scanlimit)
Issue 50037 - lib389 fails to install in venv under non-root user
Issue 50112 - Port ACI test suit from TET to python3(userattr)
Issue 50393 - maxlogsperdir accepting negative values
Issue 50112 - Port ACI test suit from TET to python3(roledn)
Issue 49960 - Core schema contains strings instead of numer oids
Issue 50396 - Crash in PAM plugin when user does not exist
Issue 50387 - enable_tls() should label ports with ldap_port_t
Issue 50390 - Add Managed Entries Plug-in Config Entry schema
Issue 50306 - Fix regression with maxbersize
Issue 50384 - Missing dependency: cracklib-dicts
Issue 49029 - [RFE] improve internal operations logging
Issue 49761 - Fix CI test suite issues
Issue 50374 - dsdim posixgroup create fails with ERROR
Issue 50251 - clear text passwords visable in CLI verbose mode logging
Issue 50378 - ACI's with IPv4 and IPv6 bind rules do not work for IPv6 clients
Issue 48851 - investigate and port TET matching rules filter tests
Issue 50220 - attr_encryption test suite failing
Issue 50370 - CleanAllRUV task crashing during server shutdown
Issue 50340 - structs for disabled plugins will not be freed
Issue 50164 - Add test for dscreate to basic test suite
Issue 50363 - ds-replcheck incorrectly reports error out of order multi-valued attributes
Issue 49730 - MozLDAP bindings have been unsupported for a while
Issue 50353 - Categorize tests by tiers
Issue 50303 - Add creation date to task data
Issue 50358 - Create a Bitwise Plugin class in
Remove the nss3 path prefix from the cert.h C preprocessor source file inclusion
Issue 50329 - revert fix
Issue 50112 - Port ACI test suit from TET to python3(keyaci)
Issue 50344 - tidy rpm vs build systemd flag handling
Issue 50067 - Fix krb5 dependency in a specfile
Issue 50340 - structs for diabled plugins will not be freed
Issue 50327 - Add replication conflict support to UI
Issue 50327 - Add replication conflict entry support to lib389/CLI
Issue 50329 - improve connection default parameters
Issue 50313 - Add a NestedRole type to lib389
Issue 50112 - Port ACI test suit from TET to python3(Delete and Add)
Issue 49390, 50019 - support cn=config compare operations
Issue 50041 - Add the rest UI Plugin tabs - Part 1
Issue 50329 - Possible Security Issue: DOS due to ioblocktimeout not applying to TLS
Issue 49990 - Increase the default FD limits
Issue 50306 - (cont typo) Move connection config inside struct
Issue 50291 - Add monitor tab functionality to Cockpit UI
Issue 50317 - fix ds-backtrace issue on latest gdb
Issue 50305 - Revise CleanAllRUV task restart process
Issue 49915 - Fix typo
Issue 50026 - Audit log does not capture the operation where nsslapd-lookthroughlimit is modified
Issue 49899 - fix pin.txt and pwdfile permissions
Issue 49915 - Add regression test
Issue 50303 - Add task creation date to task data
Issue 50306 - Move connection config inside struct
Issue 50240 - Improve task logging
Issue 50032 - Fix deprecation warnings in tests
Issue 50310 - fix sasl header include
Issue 49390 - improve compare and cn=config compare tests
Ticket 50308 - Revise memory leak fix
Ticket 50308 - Fix memory leaks for repeat binds and replication
Ticket 40067 - Use PKG_CHECK_MODULES to detect libraries
Ticket 49873 - (cont 3rd) cleanup debug log
Ticket 49873 - (cont 2nd) Contention on virtual attribute lookup
Ticket 50292 - Fix Plugin CLI and UI issues
Ticket 50112 - Port ACI test suit from TET to python3(misc and syntax)
Ticket 50289 - Fix various database UI issues
Ticket 49463 - After cleanALLruv, replication is looping on keep alive DEL
Ticket 50300 - Fix memory leak in automember plugin
Ticket 50265 - the warning about skew time could last forever
Ticket 50260 - Invalid cache flushing improvements
Ticket 49561 - MEP plugin, upon direct op failure, will delete twice the same managed entry
Ticket 50077 - Do not automatically turn automember postop modifies on
Ticket 50282 - OPERATIONS ERROR when trying to delete a group with automember members
Ticket 49715 - extend account functionality
Ticket 49873 - (cont) Contention on virtual attribute lookup
Ticket 50260 - backend txn plugins can corrupt entry cache
Ticket 50255 - Port password policy test to use DSLdapObject
Ticket 49667 - 49668 - remove old spec files
Ticket 50276 - 389-ds-console is not built on RHEL8 if cockpit_dist is already present
Ticket 50112 - Port ACI test suit from TET to python3(Search)
Ticket 50259 - implement dn construction test
Ticket 50273 - reduce default replicaton agmt timeout
Ticket 50208 - lib389- Fix issue with list all instances
Ticket 50112 - Port ACI test suit from TET to python3(Global Group)
Ticket 50041 - Add CLI functionality for special plugins
Ticket 50263 - LDAPS port not listening after installation
Ticket 49575 - Indicate autosize value errors and corrective actions
Ticket 50137 - create should not check in non-stateful mode for exist
Ticket 49655 - remove doap file
Ticket 50197 - Fix dscreate regression
Ticket 50234 - one level search returns not matching entry
Ticket 50257 - lib389 - password policy user vs subtree checks are broken
Ticket 50253 - Making an nsManagedRoleDefinition type in src/lib389/lib389/idm/
Ticket 49029 - [RFE] improve internal operations logging
Ticket 50230 - improve ioerror msg when not root/dirsrv
Ticket 50246 - Fix the regression in old control tools
Ticket 50197 - Container integration part 2
Ticket 50197 - Container init tools
Ticket 50232 - export creates not importable ldif file
Ticket 50215 - UI - implement Database Tab in reachJS
Ticket 50243 - refint modrdn stress test
Ticket 50238 - Failed modrdn can corrupt entry cache
Ticket 50236 - memberOf should be more robust
Ticket 50213 - fix list instance issue
Ticket 50219 - Add generic filter to DSLdapObjects
Ticket 50227 - Making an cosClassicDefinition type in src/lib389/lib389/
Ticket 50112 - Port ACI test suit from TET to python3(modify)
Ticket 50224 - warnings on deprecated API usage
Ticket 50112 - Port ACI test suit from TET to python3(valueaci)
Ticket 50112 - Port ACI test suit from TET to python3(Aci Atter)
Ticket 50208 - make instances mark off based on dse.ldif not sysconfig
Ticket 50170 - composable object types for nsRole in lib389
Ticket 50199 - disable perl by default
Ticket 50211 - Making an actual Anonymous type in lib389/idm/
Ticket 50155 - password history check has no way to just check the current password
Ticket 49873 - Contention on virtual attribute lookup
Ticket 50197 - Container integration improvements
Ticket 50195 - improve selinux error messages in interactive
Ticket 49658 - In replicated topology a single-valued attribute can diverge
Ticket 50111 - Use pkg-config to detect icu
Ticket 50165 - Fix issues with dscreate
Ticket 50177 - import task should not be deleted too rapidely after import finishes to be able to query the status
Ticket 50140 - Use high ports in container installs
Ticket 50184 - Add cli tool parity to dsconf/dsctl
Ticket 50159 - sssd and config display
Ticket 50308 - Revise memory leak fix
Ticket 50308 - Fix memory leaks for repeat binds and replication
Ticket 40067 - Use PKG_CHECK_MODULES to detect libraries
Ticket 49873 - (cont 3rd) cleanup debug log
Ticket 49873 - (cont 2nd) Contention on virtual attribute lookup
Ticket 50292 - Fix Plugin CLI and UI issues
Ticket 50112 - Port ACI test suit from TET to python3(misc and syntax)
Ticket 50289 - Fix various database UI issues
Ticket 49463 - After cleanALLruv, replication is looping on keep alive DEL
Ticket 50300 - Fix memory leak in automember plugin
Ticket 50265 - the warning about skew time could last forever
Ticket 50260 - Invalid cache flushing improvements
Ticket 49561 - MEP plugin, upon direct op failure, will delete twice the same managed entry
Ticket 50077 - Do not automatically turn automember postop modifies on
Ticket 50282 - OPERATIONS ERROR when trying to delete a group with automember members
Ticket 49715 - extend account functionality
Ticket 49873 - (cont) Contention on virtual attribute lookup
Ticket 50260 - backend txn plugins can corrupt entry cache
Ticket 50255 - Port password policy test to use DSLdapObject
Ticket 49667 - 49668 - remove old spec files
Ticket 50276 - 389-ds-console is not built on RHEL8 if cockpit_dist is already present
Ticket 50112 - Port ACI test suit from TET to python3(Search)
Ticket 50259 - implement dn construction test
Ticket 50273 - reduce default replicaton agmt timeout
Ticket 50208 - lib389- Fix issue with list all instances
Ticket 50112 - Port ACI test suit from TET to python3(Global Group)
Ticket 50041 - Add CLI functionality for special plugins
Ticket 50263 - LDAPS port not listening after installation
Ticket 49575 - Indicate autosize value errors and corrective actions
Ticket 50137 - create should not check in non-stateful mode for exist
Ticket 49655 - remove doap file
Ticket 50197 - Fix dscreate regression
Ticket 50234 - one level search returns not matching entry
Ticket 50257 - lib389 - password policy user vs subtree checks are broken
Ticket 50253 - Making an nsManagedRoleDefinition type in src/lib389/lib389/idm/
Ticket 49029 - [RFE] improve internal operations logging
Ticket 50230 - improve ioerror msg when not root/dirsrv
Ticket 50246 - Fix the regression in old control tools
Ticket 50197 - Container integration part 2
Ticket 50197 - Container init tools
Ticket 50232 - export creates not importable ldif file
Ticket 50215 - UI - implement Database Tab in reachJS
Ticket 50243 - refint modrdn stress test
Ticket 50238 - Failed modrdn can corrupt entry cache
Ticket 50236 - memberOf should be more robust
Ticket 50213 - fix list instance issue
Ticket 50219 - Add generic filter to DSLdapObjects
Ticket 50227 - Making an cosClassicDefinition type in src/lib389/lib389/
Ticket 50112 - Port ACI test suit from TET to python3(modify)
Ticket 50224 - warnings on deprecated API usage
Ticket 50112 - Port ACI test suit from TET to python3(valueaci)
Ticket 50112 - Port ACI test suit from TET to python3(Aci Atter)
Ticket 50208 - make instances mark off based on dse.ldif not sysconfig
Ticket 50170 - composable object types for nsRole in lib389
Ticket 50199 - disable perl by default
Ticket 50211 - Making an actual Anonymous type in lib389/idm/
Ticket 50155 - password history check has no way to just check the current password
Ticket 49873 - Contention on virtual attribute lookup
Ticket 50197 - Container integration improvements
Ticket 50195 - improve selinux error messages in interactive
Ticket 49658 - In replicated topology a single-valued attribute can diverge
Ticket 50111 - Use pkg-config to detect icu
Ticket 50165 - Fix issues with dscreate
Ticket 50177 - import task should not be deleted too rapidely after import finishes to be able to query the status
Ticket 50140 - Use high ports in container installs
Ticket 50184 - Add cli tool parity to dsconf/dsctl
Ticket 50159 - sssd and config display
Ticket 49994 - Add test for backend/suffix CLI functions
Ticket 50090 - refactor fetch_attr() to slapi_fetch_attr()
Ticket 50091 - shadowWarning is not generated if passwordWarning is lower than 86400 seconds (1 day)
Ticket 50056 - Fix CLI/UI bugs
Ticket 49864 - Revised replication status messages for transient errors
Ticket 50071 - Set ports in local_simple_allocate function
Ticket 50065 - lib389 aci parsing is too strict
Ticket 50061 - Improve schema loading in UI
Ticket 50063 - Crash after attempting to restore a single backend
Ticket 50062 - Replace error by warning in the state machine defined in repl5_inc_run
Ticket 50041 - Set the React dataflow foundation and add basic plugin UI
Ticket 50028 - Revise ds-replcheck usage
TIcket 50057 - Pass argument into hashtable_new
Ticket 50053 - improve testcase
Ticket 50053 - Subtree password policy overrides a user-defined password policy
Ticket 49974 - lib389 - List instances with initconfig_dir instead of sysconf_dir
Ticket 49984 - Add an empty domain creation to the dscreate
Ticket 49950 - PassSync not setting pwdLastSet attribute in Active Directory after Pw update from LDAP sync for normal user
Ticket 50046 - Remove irrelevant debug-log messages from CLI tools
Ticket 50022, 50012, 49956, and 49800: Various dsctl/dscreate fixes
Ticket 49927 - dsctl db2index does not work
Ticket 49814 - dscreate should handle selinux ports that are in a range
Ticket 49543 - fix certmap dn comparison
Ticket 49994 - comment out dev paths
Ticket 49994 - Add backend features to CLI
Ticket 48081 - Add new CI tests for password
Ticket 50026 - audit logs does not capture the operation where nsslapd-lookthroughlimit is modified
Ticket 50020 - during MODRDN referential integrity can fail erronously while updating large groups
Ticket 49999 - Finish up the transfer to React
Ticket 50004 - lib389 - improve X-ORIGIN schema parsing
Ticket 50013 - Log warn instead of ERR when aci target does not exist.
Ticket 49975 - followup for broken prefix deployment
Ticket 49999 - Add dist-bz2 target for Koji build system
Ticket 49814 - Add specfile requirements for python3-libselinux
Ticket 49814 - Add specfile requirements for python3-selinux
Ticket 49999 - Integrate React structure into cockpit-389-ds
Ticket 49995 - Fix Tickets with internal op logging
Ticket 49997 - RFE: ds-replcheck could validate suffix exists and it's replicated
Ticket 49985 - memberof may silently fails to update a member
Ticket 49967 - entry cache corruption after failed MODRDN
Ticket 49975 - Add missing include file to main.c
Ticket 49814 - skip standard ports for selinux labelling
Ticket 49814 - dscreate should set the port selinux labels
Ticket 49856 - Remove backend option from bak2db
Ticket 49926 - Fix various Tickets with replication UI
Ticket 49975 - SUSE rpmlint Tickets
Ticket 49939 - Fix ldapi path in lib389
Ticket 49978 - Add CLI logging function for UI
Ticket 49929 - Modifications required for the Test Case Management System
Ticket 49979 - Fix regression in last commit
Ticket 49979 - Remove dirsrv tests subpackage
Ticket 49928 - Fix various small WebUI schema Tickets
Ticket 49926 - UI - comment out dev cli patchs
Ticket 49926 - Add replication functionality to UI
Ticket 49969 - DOS caused by malformed search operation (security fix)
Ticket 49943 - rfc3673_all_oper_attrs_test is not strict enough
Ticket 49915 - Master ns-slapd had 100% CPU usage after starting replication and replication cannot finish
Ticket 49963 - ASAN build fails on F28
Ticket 49947 - Coverity Fixes
Ticket 49958 - extended search fail to match entries
Ticket 49928 - WebUI schema functionality and improve CLI part
Ticket 49954 - On s390x arch retrieved DB page size is stored as size_t rather than uint32_t
Ticket 49928 - Refactor and improve schema CLI/lib389 part to DSLdapObject
Ticket 49926 - Fix replication tests on 1.3.x
Ticket 49926 - Add replication functionality to dsconf
Ticket 49887 - Clean up thread local usage
Ticket 49937 - Log buffer exceeded emergency logging msg is not thread-safe (security fix)
Ticket 49866 - fix typo in cos template in pwpolicy subtree create
Ticket 49930 - Correction of the existing fixture function names to remove test_ prefix
Ticket 49932 - Crash in delete_passwdPolicy when persistent search connections are terminated unexpectedly
Ticket 48053 - Add attribute encryption test cases
Ticket 49866 - Refactor PwPolicy lib389/CLI module
Ticket 49877 - Add log level functionality to UI
Ticket 49947 - Coverity: 389-ds-base-
Ticket 49958 - extended search fail to match entries
Ticket 49928 - WebUI schema functionality and improve CLI part
Ticket 49954 - On s390x arch retrieved DB page size is stored as size_t rather than uint32_t
Ticket 49928 - Refactor and improve schema CLI/lib389 part to DSLdapObject
Ticket 49926 - Fix replication tests on 1.3.x
Ticket 49926 - Add replication functionality to dsconf
Ticket 49887 - Clean thread local usage
Ticket 49937 - Log buffer exceeded emergency logging msg is not thread-safe
Ticket 49866 - fix typo in cos template in pwpolicy subtree create
Ticket 49930 - Correction of the existing fixture function names to remove test_ prefix
Ticket 49932 - Crash in delete_passwdPolicy when persistent search connections are terminated unexpectedly
Ticket 48053 - Add attribute encryption test cases
Ticket 49866 - Refactor PwPolicy lib389/CLI module
Ticket 49877 - Add log level functionality to UI
Ticket 49029 - Internal logging thread data needs to allocate int pointers
Ticket 48061 : CI test - config
Ticket 48377 - Only ship
Ticket 49885 - On some platform fips does not exist
Ticket 49891 - Use "__python3" macro for python scripts
Ticket 49890 - ldapsearch with server side sort crashes the ldap server
Ticket 49029 - RFE -improve internal operations logging
Ticket 49893 - disable nunc-stans by default
Ticket 48377 - Update file name for LD_PRELOAD
Ticket 49884 - Improve nunc-stans test to detect socket errors sooner
Ticket 49888 - Use perl filter in rpm specfile
Ticket 49866 - Add password policy features to CLI/UI
Ticket 49881 - Missing check for crack.h
Ticket 48056 - Add more test cases to the basic suite
Ticket 49761 - Fix replication test suite issues
Ticket 49381 - Refactor the plugin test suite docstrings
Ticket 49837 - Add new password policy attributes to UI
Ticket 49794 - RFE - Add pam_pwquality features to password syntax checking
Ticket 49867 - Fix CLI tools' double output
Ticket 49854 - ns-slapd should create run_dir and lock_dir directories at startup
Ticket 49806 - Add SASL functionality to CLI/UI
Ticket 49789 - backout original security fix as it caused a regression in FreeIPA
Ticket 49857 - RPM scriptlet for 389-ds-base-legacy-tools throws an error
Ticket 48377 - Move jemalloc license to /usr/share/licences
Ticket 49813 - Revised interactive installer
Ticket 49789 - By default, do not manage unhashed password
Ticket 49844 - lib389: don't set up logging at module scope
Ticket 49546 - Fix issues with MIB file
Ticket 49840 - ds-replcheck command returns traceback errors against ldif files having garbage content when run in offline mode
Ticket 49640 - Cleanup plugin bootstrap logging
Ticket 49835 - lib389: fix logging
Ticket 48818 - For a replica bindDNGroup, should be fetched the first time it is used not when the replica is started
Ticket 49780 - acl_copyEval_context double free
Ticket 49830 - Import fails if backend name is "default"
Ticket 49832 - remove tcmalloc references
Ticket 49813 - dscreate - add interactive installer
Ticket 49808 - Add option to add backend to dscreate
Ticket 49811 - lib389 should install autogenerated man pages
Ticket 49795 - UI - add "action" backend funtionality
Ticket 49588 - Add py3 support for tickets : part-3
Ticket 49820 - lib389 requires wrong python ldap library
Ticket 49791 - Update docker file for new dscreate options
Ticket 49761 - Fix more CI test issues
Ticket 49811 - Update man pages
Ticket 49783 - UI - add server configuration backend
Ticket 49717 - Add for tests
Ticket 49588 - Add py3 support for tickets
Ticket 49793 - Updated descriptions in dscreate example INF file
Ticket 49471 - Rename dscreate options
Ticket 49751 - passwordMustChange attribute is not honored by a RO consumer if using "Chain on Update"
Ticket 49734 - Fix various issues with Disk Monitoring
Update Source0 URL in rpm/
Test for issue #49788
Fixing 4-byte UTF-8 character validation
Ticket 49777 - add config subcommand to dsconf
Ticket 49712 - lib389 CLI tools should return a result code on failures
Issue 49588 - Add py3 support for tickets : part-2
Remove old RHEL/fedora version checking from upstream specfile
Ticket 48204 - remove python2 from scripts
Ticket 49576 - ds-replcheck: fix certificate directory verification
Bug 1591761 - 389-ds-base: Remove jemalloc exports
Ticket 49640 - Errors about PBKDF2 password storage plugin at server startup
Ticket 49571 - perl subpackage and python installer by default
Ticket 49740 - UI - Replication monitor color coding is not colorblind friendly
Ticket 49741 - UI - View/Edit replication agreement hangs WebUI
Ticket 49703 - UI - Set default values in create instance form
Ticket 49742 - Fine grained password policy can impact search performance
Ticket 49768 - Under network intensive load persistent search can erronously decrease connection refcnt
Ticket 49765 - compiler warning
Ticket 49689 - Cockpit subpackage does not build in PREFIX installations
Ticket 49765 - Async operations can hang when the server is running nunc-stans
Ticket 49745 - UI add filter options for error log severity levels
Ticket 49761 - Fix test suite issues
Ticket 49754 - instances created with dscreate can not be upgraded with
Ticket 47902 - UI - add continuous refresh log feature
Ticket 49381 - Add docstrings to plugin test suites - Part 1
Ticket 49646 - Improve TLS cert processing in lib389 CLI
Ticket 49748 - Passthru plugin startTLS option not working
Ticket 49732 - Optimize resource limit checking for rootdn issued searches
Ticket 48377 - Bundle jemalloc
Ticket 49736 - Hardening of active connection list
Ticket 48184 - clean up and delete connections at shutdown (3rd)
Ticket 49675 - Revise coverity fix
Ticket 49333 - Do not remove versioned man pages
Ticket 49683 - Add support for JSON option in lib389 CLI tools
Ticket 49704 - Error log from the installer is concatenating all lines into one
Ticket 49726 - DS only accepts RSA and Fortezza cipher families
Ticket 49722 - Errors log full of " WARN - keys2idl - recieved NULL idl from index_read_ext_allids, treating as empty set" messages
Ticket 49582 - Add py3 support to memberof_plugin test suite
Ticket 49675 - Fix coverity issues
Ticket 49576 - Add support of ";deletedattribute" in ds-replcheck
Ticket 49706 - Finish UI patternfly convertions
Ticket 49684 - AC_PROG_CC clobbers CFLAGS set by --enable-debug
Ticket 49678 - organiSational vs organiZational spelling in lib389
Ticket 49689 - Fix local "make install" after adding cockpit subpackage
Ticket 49689 - Move Cockpit UI plugin to a subpackage
Ticket 49679 - Missing nunc-stans documentation and doxygen warnings
Ticket 49588 - Add py3 support for tickets : part-1
Ticket 49576 - Update ds-replcheck for new conflict entries
Ticket 48184 - clean up and delete connections at shutdown (2nd try)
Ticket 49698 - Remove unneeded patternfly files from Cockpit package
Ticket 49581 - Fix dynamic plugins test suite
Ticket 49665 - remove obsoleted upgrade scripts
Ticket 49693 - A DB_DEADLOCK while adding a tombstone (RUV) leads to access of an already freed entry
Ticket 49696 - replicated operations should be serialized
Ticket 49669 - Invalid cachemem size can crash the server during a restore
Ticket 49684 - AC_PROG_CC clobbers CFLAGS set by --enable-debug
Ticket 49685 - make clean fails if cargo is not installed
Ticket 49106 - Move ds_* scripts to libexec
Ticket 49657 - Fix cascading replication scenario in lib389 API
Ticket 49671 - Readonly replicas should not write internal ops to changelog
Ticket 49673 - nsslapd-cachememsize can't be set to a value bigger than MAX_INT
Ticket 49519 - Convert Cockpit UI to use strictly patternfly stylesheets
Ticket 49665 - Upgrade script doesn't enable CRYPT password storage plug-in
Ticket 49665 - Upgrade script doesn't enable PBKDF2 password storage plug-in