- name: Install TKS master shell: pkispawn -s TKS -f /tmp/test_dir/tks.cfg - name : Stopping TKS Subsystem shell: echo "Stopping Subsystem for enabling Audit logging" notify: - STOPTKS - INC_CONSTANTS - meta: flush_handlers - name: Enable SignedAudit replace: dest=/etc/pki/{{ topology }}-TKS/tks/CS.cfg regexp="log.instance.SignedAudit.logSigning=false" replace="log.instance.SignedAudit.logSigning=true" - name: Enable OCSP for TKS replace: dest=/etc/pki/{{ topology }}-TKS/server.xml regexp='enableOCSP="false"' replace='enableOCSP="true"' - name: Pointing TKS to correct OCSP port replace: dest=/etc/pki/{{ topology }}-TKS/server.xml regexp='([0-9]+)/ca/ocsp' replace={{ variable.CA_HTTP_PORT }}/ca/ocsp - name: Picking the password in run-time from password.conf of TKS shell: grep -i "internal=" /etc/pki/{{ topology }}-TKS/password.conf | awk -F"=" ' { print $2 } ' > /tmp/test_dir/certutil_password - name: Importing OCSP certificate in TKS nssdb shell: certutil -A -d /etc/pki/{{ topology }}-TKS/alias -n "ocspSigningCert cert-pki-ca" -t "C,," -i /tmp/test_dir/ocsp_signing.crt -f /tmp/test_dir/certutil_password notify: - STARTTKS - meta: flush_handlers - name: Sleep for a while to start TKS shell: sleep 3s - name: Removing file generated with password file: path: "{{ item }}" state: absent with_items: - /tmp/test_dir/certutil_password