# -*- python -*- # vim: ft=python config = { "buildrequires": [ "javapackages-tools", ], "requires": [ "platform", ], "bootstrap": False, "full_refs": False, "default_ref": "stream-javapackages-tools-201801", "include_build_deps": True, "closure": True, "filter_unused": False, "api": [ "ivy-local", "javapackages-local", "javapackages-tools", "maven-local", "os-maven-plugin", ], "profiles": { "default": ["javapackages-tools"], }, "filter": [ ], "includes": [ "byaccj", ], "excludes": [ "java-1.7.0-openjdk", "java-1.8.0-openjdk", ], "frozen_refs": [ ], "stream_override": { "platform": { "201801": "[el8]", }, "javapackages-tools": { "201801": "[201801]", }, }, "macros": { "_with_xmvn_javadoc": 1, "_without_asciidoc": 1, "_without_avalon": 1, "_without_bouncycastle": 1, "_without_cython": 1, "_without_dafsa": 1, "_without_desktop": 1, "_without_dom4j": 1, "_without_doxygen": 1, "_without_dtd": 1, "_without_eclipse": 1, "_without_ehcache": 1, "_without_emacs": 1, "_without_equinox": 1, "_without_fop": 1, "_without_ftp": 1, "_without_gradle": 1, "_without_groovy": 1, "_without_hadoop": 1, "_without_hsqldb": 1, "_without_itext": 1, "_without_jackson": 1, "_without_jmh": 1, "_without_jna": 1, "_without_jpa": 1, "_without_junit5": 1, "_without_logback": 1, "_without_markdown": 1, "_without_memcached": 1, "_without_memoryfilesystem": 1, "_without_obr": 1, "_without_python": 1, "_without_reporting": 1, "_without_scm": 1, "_without_snakeyaml": 1, "_without_snappy": 1, "_without_spring": 1, "_without_ssh": 1, "_without_testlib": 1, "_without_vfs": 1, }, "summary": "Tools and macros for Java packaging support", "description": """\ Java Packages Tools is a collection of tools that make it easier to build RPM packages containing software running on Java platform. """, "koji_config": { "server": "https://koji.kjnet.xyz/kojihub", "topurl": "https://koji.kjnet.xyz/kojifiles", "multicall_chunk_size": 1000, "tag_name": "hybrid", }, "dependency": { "repo_arch": "x86_64", "resolve_for_arch": "x86_64", "ignore_weak_deps": True, "cache_l2_capacity": 2, }, "directories": { "cachedir": "/tmp/maven-modulemd-gen", }, "logging": { "version": 1, "loggers": { "": { "level": "INFO", "handlers": ["stderr"], }, }, "handlers": { "stderr": { "class": "logging.StreamHandler", "stream": "ext://sys.stderr" }, }, }, }