from pathlib import Path from pydantic import HttpUrl, Field, BaseModel # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module from .db_config import DbConfig # DEFAULTS ALBS_URL_DEFAULT = '' LOG_FILE_DEFAULT = '/tmp/extractor.log' API_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = 30 SCRAPE_INTERVAL_DEFAULT = 3600 START_FROM_DEFAULT = 5808 OLDEST_TO_UPDATE_DAYS_DEFAULT = 7 class ExtractorConfig(BaseModel): """ config model for Extractor service """ log_file: Path = Field(description='logfile path', default=LOG_FILE_DEFAULT) albs_url: HttpUrl = Field(description='ALBS root URL', default=ALBS_URL_DEFAULT) data_store_days: int = \ Field(description='oldest build (in days) to keep in DB') jwt: str = Field(description='ALBS JWT token') db_config: DbConfig = Field(description="database configuration") api_timeout: int = Field( description="max time in seconds to wait for API response", default=API_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) scrape_interval: int = Field(description='how often (in seconds) we will extract data from ALBS', default=SCRAPE_INTERVAL_DEFAULT) start_from: int = Field(description='build id to start populating empty db with', default=START_FROM_DEFAULT) oldest_to_update_days: int = \ Field(description='oldest (in days) unfinished object (build/task/step...) that we will try to update', default=OLDEST_TO_UPDATE_DAYS_DEFAULT)