"rawSql":"SELECT \n b.id, \n b.url, \n b.created_at * 1000 as created,\n b.finished_at * 1000 as finished,\n (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM build_tasks AS bt WHERE bt.build_id = b.id) AS task_count,\n b.finished_at - b.created_at as duration\nFROM builds as b \nWHERE id = $build_id ",
"rawSql":"SELECT COUNT(id) AS idle FROM build_tasks \nWHERE build_id = $build_id AND status_id = 0;",
"rawSql":"SELECT COUNT(id) AS started FROM build_tasks \nWHERE build_id = $build_id AND status_id = 1;",
"rawSql":"SELECT COUNT(id) AS completed FROM build_tasks \nWHERE build_id = $build_id AND status_id = 2;",
"rawSql":"SELECT COUNT(id) AS failed FROM build_tasks \nWHERE build_id = $build_id AND status_id = 3;",
"rawSql":"SELECT COUNT(id) AS excluded FROM build_tasks \nWHERE build_id = $build_id AND status_id = 4;",
"title":"Build tasks by status",
"rawSql":"SELECT COUNT(id) AS i686 FROM build_tasks \nWHERE build_id = $build_id AND arch_id = 0;",
"rawSql":"SELECT COUNT(id) AS x86_64 FROM build_tasks \nWHERE build_id = $build_id AND arch_id = 1;",
"rawSql":"SELECT COUNT(id) AS aarch64 FROM build_tasks \nWHERE build_id = $build_id AND arch_id = 2;",
"rawSql":"SELECT COUNT(id) AS ppc64le FROM build_tasks \nWHERE build_id = $build_id AND arch_id = 3;",
"rawSql":"SELECT COUNT(id) AS s390x FROM build_tasks \nWHERE build_id = $build_id AND arch_id = 4;",
"title":"Build tasks by arch",
"description":"Averages for build tasks with \"completed\"\nstatus",
"rawSql":"SELECT MAX(finished_at - started_at) AS MAX\nFROM build_tasks\nWHERE build_id = $build_id AND status_id = 2",
"rawSql":"SELECT MIN(finished_at - started_at) AS MIN\nFROM build_tasks\nWHERE build_id = $build_id AND status_id = 2",
"rawSql":"SELECT PERCENTILE_CONT(0.5) WITHIN GROUP(ORDER BY durations.duration) as median FROM \n(SELECT (finished_at - started_at) AS duration\nFROM build_tasks\nWHERE build_id = $build_id AND status_id = 2) as durations\n\n\n",
"rawSql":"SELECT PERCENTILE_CONT(0.95) WITHIN GROUP(ORDER BY durations.duration) as \"95th percentile\" FROM \n(SELECT (finished_at - started_at) AS duration\nFROM build_tasks\nWHERE build_id = $build_id AND status_id = 2) as durations",
"refId":"95th percentile",
"title":"Build tasks duration (completed)",
"description":"How much time were spent in queue. \n\nStats for \"completed\" build tasks only",
"rawSql":"SELECT\n bt.id, \n SUM(bt.finished_at - bt.started_at) AS task_duration,\n (SELECT SUM(end_ts - start_ts) \n FROM web_node_stats AS ws \n WHERE ws.build_task_id = bt.id AND stat_name_id=0) AS web_node_duration,\n (SELECT SUM(end_ts - start_ts) \n FROM build_node_stats AS bs \n WHERE bs.build_task_id = bt.id AND stat_name_id=6) AS build_node_duration\nFROM build_tasks AS bt\nWHERE build_id = $build_id AND status_id = 2\nGROUP BY bt.id;",
"rawSql":"SELECT\n bt.id,\n bt.name,\n arch_enum.value AS arch,\n status_enum.value AS status,\n bt.started_at * 1000 AS started,\n bt.finished_at * 1000 AS finished,\n bt.finished_at - bt.started_at AS duration \nFROM build_tasks AS bt\nJOIN build_task_status_enum AS status_enum ON bt.status_id = status_enum.id\nJOIN arch_enum on bt.arch_id = arch_enum.id\nWHERE bt.build_id = $build_id;",
"rawSql":"SELECT\n bt.id,\n bt.name,\n arch_enum.value AS arch,\n bt.started_at * 1000 AS started,\n bt.finished_at * 1000 AS finished,\n task_duration AS \"task duration\",\n web_node_duration AS \"web node duration\",\n build_node_duration AS \"build node duration\",\n task_duration - web_node_duration - build_node_duration as \"wait time\"\n FROM build_tasks AS bt\n JOIN arch_enum on bt.arch_id = arch_enum.id \n LEFT JOIN \n (\n SELECT\n bt.id,\n bt.finished_at - bt.started_at AS task_duration,\n (SELECT SUM(end_ts - start_ts) \n FROM web_node_stats AS ws \n WHERE ws.build_task_id = bt.id AND stat_name_id=0) AS web_node_duration,\n (SELECT SUM(end_ts - start_ts) \n FROM build_node_stats AS bs \n WHERE bs.build_task_id = bt.id AND stat_name_id=6) AS build_node_duration\n FROM build_tasks AS bt\n WHERE bt.build_id = $build_id AND status_id = 2\n GROUP BY bt.id\n ) as d\n ON bt.id = d.id\n WHERE bt.build_id = $build_id AND status_id = 2",