@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import requests
from .config import Config
from .package import Package
from .sa import SecurityAdvisory
from .advisory import Advisory
def download_oval(url: str, download_dir: Path) -> str:
@ -46,9 +46,21 @@ def download_errata(url: str, release_version: int, download_dir: Path) -> str:
return fpath
def parse_oval(fpath: str, not_before: datetime.datetime) -> Dict[str, SecurityAdvisory]:
def extract_id_and_type(string: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
converting oval xml file to dict
Extracts advisory id and advisory type from OVAL title or errata id
oval: "RHSA-2022:5749: .NET 6.0 bugfix update (Moderate)" -> (2022:5749, SA)
errata: ALSA-2022:6165 -> (id=2022:6165, SA)
regexp = r'((RH|AL)(SA|BA|EA))-(\d{4}:\d+)'
res = re.search(regexp, string)
return res.group(4), res.group(3)
def parse_oval(fpath: str, not_before: datetime.datetime) -> Dict[str, Advisory]:
Converts OVAL XML file to Dict of Advisories
def extract_package(title: str) -> Package:
@ -58,11 +70,6 @@ def parse_oval(fpath: str, not_before: datetime.datetime) -> Dict[str, SecurityA
version = res.group(2)
return Package(name=name, version=version)
def extract_id(title: str) -> str:
regexp = r'[RH|AL]SA-(\d{4}:\d+)(.*)'
res = re.search(regexp, title)
return res.group(1)
tree = ET.parse(fpath)
root = tree.getroot()
namespase = {
@ -76,43 +83,57 @@ def parse_oval(fpath: str, not_before: datetime.datetime) -> Dict[str, SecurityA
'n:metadata/n:advisory/n:issued', namespase).attrib['date']
issued_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(issued, "%Y-%m-%d")
# we are only interesed in Security advisories after RHEL 8.3
if ('RHSA' not in title and 'ALSA' not in title) or issued_dt < not_before:
# we are only interested in RHEL/OVAL SA/BA/EA
# released after RHEL 8.3
if not re.match(r'((RH|AL)(SA|BA|EA))', title) or issued_dt < not_before:
sa_id = extract_id(title)
# we are only interested in security based advisories
severity = definition.find(
'n:metadata/n:advisory/n:severity', namespase)
if severity is None:
if severity.text.lower() not in ['low', 'moderate', 'important', 'critical']:
advisory_id, advisory_type = extract_id_and_type(title)
packages = [extract_package(i.attrib['comment']) for
i in definition.findall(".//n:criterion", namespase)
if 'is earlier than' in i.attrib['comment']]
res[sa_id] = SecurityAdvisory(
title=title, id=sa_id, packages=packages)
res[advisory_id] = Advisory(title=title, id=advisory_id,
return res
def parse_errata(fpath: str) -> Dict[str, SecurityAdvisory]:
def parse_errata(fpath: str) -> Dict[str, Advisory]:
parses alma errata file and converts it to dict of SA instances
Parses Alma Errata file and converts it to dict of Advisory instances
with open(fpath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file_to_load:
erratas = json.load(file_to_load)
res = {}
for errata in erratas['data']:
title = errata['title']
sa_id = errata['id'].split('-')[-1]
advisory_id, advisory_type = extract_id_and_type(errata['id'])
packages = []
for package in errata['packages']:
full_name = f"{package['name']}-{package['version']}"
if full_name not in packages:
res[sa_id] = SecurityAdvisory(
title=title, id=sa_id, packages=packages)
res[advisory_id] = Advisory(title=title,
return res
def compare(rhel_oval: Dict[str, SecurityAdvisory],
alma_oval: Dict[str, SecurityAdvisory],
alma_errata: Dict[str, SecurityAdvisory],
sa_exclude: List[str],
def compare(rhel_oval: Dict[str, Advisory],
alma_oval: Dict[str, Advisory],
alma_errata: Dict[str, Advisory],
advisory_exclude: List[str],
packages_exclude: List[str]) -> Tuple[dict, list]:
compares rhel oval with alma oval and alma errata
@ -120,49 +141,49 @@ def compare(rhel_oval: Dict[str, SecurityAdvisory],
diff = []
report = {
# total amount of security advisories
'total_sa_count': 0,
# amount of SA that match with rhel
'good_sa_count': 0,
'total_advisory_count': 0,
# amount of ALMA advisory that match with RHEL
'good_advisory_count': 0,
# total amount of differencies
'diff_count': 0,
# list of SA excluded from diff check
'excluded_sa': [],
# list of advisories excluded from diff check
'excluded_adv': [],
# list of packages excluded from diff check
'excluded_pkg': [],
# amount of oval SA that dont exists in oval file
'oval_missing_sa_count': 0,
# amount of oval SA that have missing packages
'oval_missing_pkg_sa_count': 0,
# list of missing oval SA
'oval_missing_sa': [],
# list of oval SA that have missing packages
'oval_missing_pkg_sa': [],
# amount of SA that dont exists in errata file
'errata_missing_sa_count': 0,
# amount of errata SA that have missing packages
'errata_missing_pkg_sa_count': 0,
# list of SA that are missing in errata file
'errata_missing_sa': [],
# list of errata SA with missing packages
'errata_missing_pkg_sa': [],
# amount of oval advisories that dont exists in oval file
'oval_missing_advisory_count': 0,
# amount of oval advisories that have missing packages
'oval_missing_pkg_advisory_count': 0,
# list of missing oval advisories
'oval_missing_advisory': [],
# list of oval advisories that have missing packages
'oval_missing_pkg_advisory': [],
# amount of advisories that dont exists in errata file
'errata_missing_advisory_count': 0,
# amount of errata advisories that have missing packages
'errata_missing_pkg_advisory_count': 0,
# list of advisories that are missing in errata file
'errata_missing_advisory': [],
# list of errata advisories with missing packages
'errata_missing_pkg_advisory': [],
# total amount of unique missing packages across all alma SA
'missing_packages_unique_count': 0,
# list of unique packages that missing across all alma SA
'missing_packages_unique': []
for rhel_sa_id, rhel_sa in rhel_oval.items():
report['total_sa_count'] += 1
sa_name = f'ALSA-{rhel_sa_id}'
for rhel_advisory_id, rhel_advisory in rhel_oval.items():
report['total_advisory_count'] += 1
advisory_name = f'AL{rhel_advisory.advisory_type}-{rhel_advisory_id}'
# filtering out SA
if sa_name in sa_exclude:
# filtering out advisories
if advisory_name in advisory_exclude:
# filtefing out packages
packages_to_check: List[Package] = []
for package in rhel_sa.packages:
for package in rhel_advisory.packages:
if any(package.name == i for i in packages_exclude):
if str(package) not in report['excluded_pkg']:
@ -171,24 +192,25 @@ def compare(rhel_oval: Dict[str, SecurityAdvisory],
# check oval
alma_oval_sa = alma_oval[rhel_sa_id]
alma_oval_advisory = alma_oval[rhel_advisory_id]
except KeyError:
report['diff_count'] += 1
diff.append({'sa_name': sa_name, 'diff': 'SA is missing in oval'})
report['oval_missing_sa_count'] += 1
diff.append({'advisory_name': advisory_name,
'diff': 'Advisory is missing in OVAL'})
report['oval_missing_advisory_count'] += 1
# check if some packages are missing from oval SA
alma_oval_packages = alma_oval_sa.packages
# check if some packages are missing from OVAL advisories
alma_oval_packages = alma_oval_advisory.packages
alma_oval_missing_packages = [str(r) for r in packages_to_check
if str(r) not in [str(i) for i in alma_oval_packages]]
if alma_oval_missing_packages:
report['diff_count'] += 1
diff_str = f"missing packages in oval SA: {','.join(alma_oval_missing_packages)}"
diff.append({'sa_name': sa_name,
diff_str = f"OVAL advisory has missing packages: {','.join(alma_oval_missing_packages)}"
diff.append({'advisory_name': advisory_name,
'diff': diff_str})
report['oval_missing_pkg_sa_count'] += 1
report['oval_missing_pkg_advisory_count'] += 1
for missing_package in alma_oval_missing_packages:
if missing_package not in report['missing_packages_unique']:
@ -197,13 +219,13 @@ def compare(rhel_oval: Dict[str, SecurityAdvisory],
# check errata
alma_errata_sa = alma_errata[rhel_sa_id]
alma_errata_sa = alma_errata[rhel_advisory_id]
except KeyError:
report['errata_missing_sa_count'] += 1
report['errata_missing_advisory_count'] += 1
report['diff_count'] += 1
{'sa_name': sa_name, 'diff': 'SA is missing in errata'})
{'advisory_name': advisory_name, 'diff': 'Advisory is missing in Errata'})
# check if some packages are missing from errata SA
alma_errata_packages = alma_errata_sa.packages
@ -212,18 +234,18 @@ def compare(rhel_oval: Dict[str, SecurityAdvisory],
if str(r) not in [str(i) for i in alma_errata_packages]]
if alma_errata_missing_packages:
report['diff_count'] += 1
diff_str = f"missing packages in errata SA: {','.join(alma_errata_missing_packages)}"
diff.append({'sa_name': sa_name,
diff_str = f"Errata advisory has missing packages: {','.join(alma_errata_missing_packages)}"
diff.append({'advisory_name': advisory_name,
'diff': diff_str})
report['errata_missing_pkg_sa_count'] += 1
report['errata_missing_pkg_advisory_count'] += 1
for missing_package in alma_errata_missing_packages:
if missing_package not in report['missing_packages_unique']:
report['missing_packages_unique_count'] += 1
# if we here, all checks were passed
report['good_sa_count'] += 1
report['good_advisory_count'] += 1
for item in report.values():
if isinstance(item, list):
@ -262,7 +284,7 @@ def comparer_run(config: Config) -> Dict[str, Any]:
result[release] = {'report': report_release,
'diff': diff_release,
@ -271,6 +293,6 @@ def comparer_run(config: Config) -> Dict[str, Any]:
'alma_errata_url': urls.alma_errata_url}
result['report_generated'] = datetime.datetime.now().timestamp() * 1000
result['sa_not_before'] = config.not_before.timestamp() * 1000
result['advisory_not_before'] = config.not_before.timestamp() * 1000
return result