# fedora-livecd-lxde-ja_JP.ks # # Description: # - Japanese Fedora Live Spin with the LXDE Desktop Environment # # Maintainer(s): # - Shintaro Fujiwara <shintaro.fujiwara@miraclelinux.com> %include ../fedora-live-lxde.ks lang ja_JP.UTF-8 keyboard jp timezone Asia/Tokyo %packages langpacks-ja # exclude input methods except ibus: -m17n* -scim* -iok # Better more popular browser firefox # ibus stuff ibus-kkc imsettings %end %post cat >> /etc/rc.d/init.d/livesys << EOF #### setting env and start ibus-deamon #### #mkdir /home/liveuser cat >> /home/liveuser/.bash_profile << FOE export XMODIFIERS="@im=ibus" export GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus export QT_IM_MODULE=ibus ibus-daemon -drx FOE #### autostart ibus and stuff #### cat > /etc/xdg/autostart/imsettings-start.desktop << "FOE" [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Type=Application Version=1.0 Name=Input Method starter Name[ja]=入力メソッドのスターター Exec=imsettings-switch -n -q -x Terminal=false FOE EOF cat > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf << "EOF" # Read and parsed by systemd-localed. It's probably wise not to edit this file # manually too freely. Section "InputClass" Identifier "system-keyboard" MatchIsKeyboard "on" Option "XkbLayout" "jp" Option "XkbModel" "jp106" EndSection EOF %end