# Kickstart file for composing the "Fedora Cloud" spin of Fedora (rawhide) # Maintained by the Fedora Release Engineering team: # https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ReleaseEngineering # mailto:rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org # Use a part of 'iso' to define how large you want your isos. # Only used when composing to more than one iso. # Default is 695 (megs), CD size. # Listed below is the size of a DVD if you wanted to split higher. #part iso --size=4998 # Add the repos you wish to use to compose here. At least one of them needs group data. # Only uncomment repo commands in one of the two following sections. # Because the install kickstart doesn't use the updates repo and does # use the source repo, we can't just include fedora-repo.ks # In the master branch the rawhide repo commands should be uncommented. #repo --name=rawhide --mirrorlist=http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=rawhide&arch=$basearch --excludepkgs=fedora-productimg-workstation,fedora-productimg-server #repo --name=rawhide-source --mirrorlist=http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=rawhide-source&arch=$basearch --excludepkgs=fedora-productimg-workstation,fedora-productimg-server # In non-master branches the fedora repo commands should be uncommented repo --name=fedora --mirrorlist=http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=fedora-$releasever&arch=$basearch --excludepkgs=fedora-productimg-workstation,fedora-productimg-server repo --name=fedora-source --mirrorlist=http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=fedora-source-$releasever&arch=$basearch --excludepkgs=fedora-productimg-workstation,fedora-productimg-server # Package manifest for the compose. Uses repo group metadata to translate groups. # (default groups for the configured repos are added by --default) # @base got renamed to @standard, but @base is still included by default by pungi. %packages --default # pungi is an inclusive depsolver so that multiple packages are brought # in to satisify dependencies and we don't always want that. So we use # an exclusion list to cut out things we don't want -kernel*debug* -kernel-kdump* -kernel-tools* -syslog-ng* -astronomy-bookmarks # generic* would match generic-jms-ra, so don't 'simplify' this -generic-logos* -generic-release* -GConf2-dbus* -bluez-gnome -community-mysql* # jruby used to be in this list, but springframework-context explicitly # requires it, not just 'any ruby implemention' - please check for things # on the image that require mvn(org.jruby:jruby) before adding jruby to # this list again - adamw 2014/09 #-jruby # core kernel* dracut-* # Things needed for installation @anaconda-tools fedora-productimg-cloud # Packages to enable server images to run in cloud environments @cloud-server @core @standard @headless-management @dogtag @directory-server @dns-server @freeipa-server @ftp-server @guest-agents @ha @load-balancer @mail-server @mysql @network-server @smb-server @sql-server @web-server # Langpacks autocorr-* hunspell-* hyphen-* man-pages-* -gimp-help-* # Removals -PackageKit-zif -zif %end