#fedora-live-astronomy-kde.ks # With KDE Desktop # Fedora Astronomy: For astronomers and astrophysicists # Fedora-Astronomy aims to create a Fedora which has the generic # toolset for the astronomer # # Web: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Astronomy/AstroSpin # # Partly based on Scientific KDE Spin # https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Scientific_Spin # # Maintainer: Christian Dersch # https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Lupinix %include fedora-live-kde-base.ks %include fedora-live-minimization.ks # The recommended part size for DVDs is too close to use for the astronomy spin part / --size 14500 %packages # Installing the default/mandatory packages from engineering & scientific @engineering-and-scientific # Basic development @development-tools @c-development # astronomical data analysis astrometry astrometry-tycho2 cdsclient fpack psfex scamp sextractor siril skyviewer swarp wcstools # Observatory: KStars + INDI drivers indi-aagcloudwatcher indi-apogee indi-eqmod indi-gphoto indi-sx indistarter kstars # misc. astronomy celestia stellarium virtualplanet # Some astro environment stuff astronomy-menus astronomy-menus-toplevel #python 3 and tools/libraries not included from the groups python3 python3-tools python3-matplotlib python3-scipy python3-numpy python3-ipython python3-ipython-console python3-ipython-notebook python3-sympy python3-networkx python3-pandas python3-pillow python3-seaborn python3-statsmodels python3-scikit-learn python3-scikit-image # Python 3 astronomy astropy-tools ginga python3-astropy python3-astroML python3-astroML-addons python3-astroquery python3-astroscrappy python3-APLpy python3-ATpy python3-ccdproc python3-fitsio python3-gatspy python3-photutils python3-pyvo python3-reproject python3-sep python3-wcsaxes # matplotlib backends python3-matplotlib-qt4 python3-matplotlib-qt5 python3-matplotlib-tk # Python IDE very useful for scientific use python3-spyder #Version control- a GUI for each as well # Installing rapidsvn will also install subversion package rapidsvn git git-gui #Drawing, Picture viewing tools, Visualization tools dia gimp kst kst-docs kst-fits LabPlot #Misc. Utils # icedtea-web to have webstart useful for VO tools icedtea-web ImageMagick kate kate-plugins rlwrap screen plasma-applet-redshift-control # Omit KDE 4 translations for now: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1197940 -kde-l10n-* -calligra-l10n-* %end %post %end