# This is a minimal Fedora install designed to serve as a Docker base image. # # To keep this image minimal it only installs English language. You need to change # yum configuration in order to enable other languages. cmdline bootloader --location=none timezone America/New_York --isUtc --nontp rootpw --plaintext qweqwe keyboard us firewall --disable zerombr clearpart --all part / --size 3000 --fstype ext4 <<<<<<< HEAD network --bootproto=dhcp --device=link --activate --onboot=on ======= >>>>>>> origin reboot %packages --excludedocs --instLangs=en --nocore bash fedora-release vim-minimal yum #fakesystemd #TODO: waiting for review https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1118740 -kernel %end %post --log=/tmp/anaconda-post.log # Set the language rpm nodocs transaction flag persistently in the # image yum.conf and rpm macros LANG="en_US" echo "%_install_lang $LANG" > /etc/rpm/macros.image-language-conf awk '(NF==0&&!done){print "override_install_langs='$LANG'\ntsflags=nodocs";done=1}{print}' \ < /etc/yum.conf > /etc/yum.conf.new mv /etc/yum.conf.new /etc/yum.conf echo "Import RPM GPG key" releasever=$(rpm -q --qf '%{version}\n' fedora-release) basearch=$(uname -i) rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-$releasever-$basearch rm -f /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive rm -rf /var/cache/yum/* rm -f /tmp/ks-script* %end