# fedora-livecd-lxde.ks # # Description: # - Fedora Live Spin with the light-weight LXDE Desktop Environment # # Maintainer(s): # - Christoph Wickert %include fedora-live-base.ks %packages # LXDE desktop @lxde-desktop lxlauncher obconf parcellite slim # internet midori sylpheed lostirc transmission gftp # office abiword gnumeric osmo #glista # graphics epdfview mtpaint # audio & video pavucontrol lxmusic asunder gxine gxine-mozplugin # I'm looking for something smaller than gnomebaker # development #geany # More Desktop stuff xdg-user-dirs @java alsa-plugins-pulseaudio NetworkManager-gnome galculator xpad cups-pdf # use yumex instead of gnome-packagekit #-gnome-packagekit #yumex # Command line powertop wget yum-utils # dictionaries are big -aspell-* -hunspell-* -man-pages-* -words # save some space -nss_db -sendmail ssmtp -acpid %end %post # LXDE and SLiM configuration # create /etc/sysconfig/desktop (needed for installation) cat >> /etc/sysconfig/desktop <> /etc/rc.d/init.d/livesys << EOF chown -R liveuser:liveuser /home/liveuser restorecon -R /home/liveuser # set up timed auto-login for after 60 seconds cat >> /etc/slim.conf << FOE auto_login yes default_user liveuser FOE EOF %post %end