commit b79a355c4c46832d6002e4278d53f0bcdcb6d6cb
Author: Sofia Boldyreva <>
Date:   Tue Jan 21 19:59:39 2025 +0100

    Initial commit

diff --git a/config.yaml b/config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a30d7a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+  - replace:
+      - target: "grub.macros"
+        find: |
+              Provides:	%{name}-efi = %{evr}					\
+        replace: |
+              Provides:	almalinux(grub2-sig-key) = 202303				\
+              %{expand:%%ifarch x86_64						\
+              Conflicts:	shim-x64 <= 15.6-1.el9.alma					\
+              Conflicts:	shim-ia32 <= 15.6-1.el9.alma				\
+              %%endif}
+        count: 1
+      - target: ""
+        find: "grub.rh,2,Red Hat,grub2,@@VERSION_RELEASE@@,"
+        replace: |
+              grub.rh,2,Red Hat,grub2,@@RHEL_VERSION_RELEASE@@,
+              grub.almalinux,2,AlmaLinux,grub2,@@VERSION_RELEASE@@,
+        count: 1
+      - target: "spec"
+        find: |
+              %if 0%{?centos}
+              %ifarch x86_64 aarch64 ppc64le
+              %define sb_key		centossecureboot202
+              %endif
+              %else
+              %ifarch x86_64 aarch64
+              %define sb_key		redhatsecureboot502
+              %endif
+              %ifarch ppc64le
+              %define sb_key		redhatsecureboot702
+              %endif
+              %endif
+        replace: "%define sb_key		almalinuxsecurebootca0"
+        count: 1
+      - target: "spec"
+        find: |
+              # generate with do-rebase
+              %include %{SOURCE11}
+        replace: |
+              # AlmaLinux: keep upstream EVR for RHEL SBAT entry
+              %define rhel_version_release $(echo %{version}-%{release} | sed 's/\.alma.*//')
+              # generate with do-rebase
+              %include %{SOURCE11}
+        count: 1
+      - target: "spec"
+        find: "sed -e \"s,@@VERSION@@,%{version},g\" -e \"s,@@VERSION_RELEASE@@,%{version}-%{release},g\" \\"
+        replace: "sed -e \"s,@@VERSION@@,%{version},g\" -e \"s,@@VERSION_RELEASE@@,%{version}-%{release},g\" -e \"s,@@RHEL_VERSION_RELEASE@@,%{rhel_version_release},g\" \\"
+        count: 1
+  - modify_release:
+    - suffix: ".alma.1"
+      enabled: true
+  - changelog_entry:
+      - name: "Eduard Abdullin"
+        email: ""
+        line:
+          - "Debrand for AlmaLinux"