Haibo Lin 65aa8fde2f Fix other flake8 complaints
E231 missing whitespace after ','
E265 block comment should start with '# '
E266 too many leading '#' for block comment
E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 1
E501 line too long (115 > 88 characters)
E713 test for membership should be 'not in'
E722 do not use bare 'except'
F812 list comprehension redefines 'g' from line 1499
F821 undefined name 'cmp'
F841 local variable 'ex' is assigned to but never used

Signed-off-by: Haibo Lin <hlin@redhat.com>
2020-02-07 16:14:09 +08:00

367 lines
9.7 KiB

# A copy of some necessary parts from yum.rpmUtils.arch, with slightly changes:
# 1. _ppc64_native_is_best changed to True
# 2. code style fixes for flake8 reported errors
import os
import rpm
import ctypes
import struct
# _ppc64_native_is_best is False in yum's source code, but patched with a
# separate patch when built from source rpm, so we set it to True here.
_ppc64_native_is_best = True
# dict mapping arch -> ( multicompat, best personality, biarch personality )
multilibArches = {
"x86_64": ("athlon", "x86_64", "athlon"),
"sparc64v": ("sparcv9v", "sparcv9v", "sparc64v"),
"sparc64": ("sparcv9", "sparcv9", "sparc64"),
"ppc64": ("ppc", "ppc", "ppc64"),
"s390x": ("s390", "s390x", "s390"),
if _ppc64_native_is_best:
multilibArches["ppc64"] = ("ppc", "ppc64", "ppc64")
arches = {
# ia32
"athlon": "i686",
"i686": "i586",
"geode": "i586",
"i586": "i486",
"i486": "i386",
"i386": "noarch",
# amd64
"x86_64": "athlon",
"amd64": "x86_64",
"ia32e": "x86_64",
# ppc64le
"ppc64le": "noarch",
# ppc
"ppc64p7": "ppc64",
"ppc64pseries": "ppc64",
"ppc64iseries": "ppc64",
"ppc64": "ppc",
"ppc": "noarch",
# s390{,x}
"s390x": "s390",
"s390": "noarch",
# sparc
"sparc64v": "sparcv9v",
"sparc64": "sparcv9",
"sparcv9v": "sparcv9",
"sparcv9": "sparcv8",
"sparcv8": "sparc",
"sparc": "noarch",
# alpha
"alphaev7": "alphaev68",
"alphaev68": "alphaev67",
"alphaev67": "alphaev6",
"alphaev6": "alphapca56",
"alphapca56": "alphaev56",
"alphaev56": "alphaev5",
"alphaev5": "alphaev45",
"alphaev45": "alphaev4",
"alphaev4": "alpha",
"alpha": "noarch",
# arm
"armv7l": "armv6l",
"armv6l": "armv5tejl",
"armv5tejl": "armv5tel",
"armv5tel": "noarch",
# arm hardware floating point
"armv7hnl": "armv7hl",
"armv7hl": "armv6hl",
"armv6hl": "noarch",
# arm64
"arm64": "noarch",
# aarch64
"aarch64": "noarch",
# super-h
"sh4a": "sh4",
"sh4": "noarch",
"sh3": "noarch",
# itanium
"ia64": "noarch",
# Will contain information parsed from /proc/self/auxv via _parse_auxv().
# Should move into rpm really.
_aux_vector = {
"platform": "",
"hwcap": 0,
def isMultiLibArch(arch=None): # pragma: no cover
"""returns true if arch is a multilib arch, false if not"""
if arch is None:
arch = canonArch
if arch not in arches: # or we could check if it is noarch
return 0
if arch in multilibArches:
return 1
if arches[arch] in multilibArches:
return 1
return 0
def getArchList(thisarch=None): # pragma: no cover
# this returns a list of archs that are compatible with arch given
if not thisarch:
thisarch = canonArch
archlist = [thisarch]
while thisarch in arches:
thisarch = arches[thisarch]
# hack hack hack
# sparc64v is also sparc64 compat
if archlist[0] == "sparc64v":
archlist.insert(1, "sparc64")
# if we're a weirdo arch - add noarch on there.
if len(archlist) == 1 and archlist[0] == thisarch:
return archlist
def _try_read_cpuinfo(): # pragma: no cover
""" Try to read /proc/cpuinfo ... if we can't ignore errors (ie. proc not
mounted). """
with open("/proc/cpuinfo", "r") as f:
return f.readlines()
except Exception:
return []
def _parse_auxv(): # pragma: no cover
""" Read /proc/self/auxv and parse it into global dict for easier access
later on, very similar to what rpm does. """
# In case we can't open and read /proc/self/auxv, just return
with open("/proc/self/auxv", "rb") as f:
data = f.read()
except Exception:
# Define values from /usr/include/elf.h
fmtlen = struct.calcsize("LL")
offset = 0
platform = ctypes.c_char_p()
# Parse the data and fill in _aux_vector dict
while offset <= len(data) - fmtlen:
at_type, at_val = struct.unpack_from("LL", data, offset)
if at_type == AT_PLATFORM:
platform.value = at_val
_aux_vector["platform"] = platform.value
if at_type == AT_HWCAP:
_aux_vector["hwcap"] = at_val
offset = offset + fmtlen
def getCanonX86Arch(arch): # pragma: no cover
if arch == "i586":
for line in _try_read_cpuinfo():
if line.startswith("model name"):
if line.find("Geode(TM)") != -1:
return "geode"
return arch
# only athlon vs i686 isn't handled with uname currently
if arch != "i686":
return arch
# if we're i686 and AuthenticAMD, then we should be an athlon
for line in _try_read_cpuinfo():
if line.startswith("vendor") and line.find("AuthenticAMD") != -1:
return "athlon"
elif line.startswith("vendor") and line.find("HygonGenuine") != -1:
return "athlon"
# i686 doesn't guarantee cmov, but we depend on it
elif line.startswith("flags"):
if line.find("cmov") == -1:
return "i586"
return arch
def getCanonARMArch(arch): # pragma: no cover
# the %{_target_arch} macro in rpm will let us know the abi we are using
target = rpm.expandMacro("%{_target_cpu}")
if target.startswith("armv6h"):
return target
if target.startswith("armv7h"):
return target
return arch
def getCanonPPCArch(arch): # pragma: no cover
# FIXME: should I do better handling for mac, etc?
if arch != "ppc64":
return arch
machine = None
for line in _try_read_cpuinfo():
if line.find("machine") != -1:
machine = line.split(":")[1]
platform = _aux_vector["platform"]
if machine is None and not platform:
return arch
if platform.startswith("power") and int(platform[5:].rstrip("+")) >= 7:
return "ppc64p7"
except Exception:
if machine is None:
return arch
if machine.find("CHRP IBM") != -1:
return "ppc64pseries"
if machine.find("iSeries") != -1:
return "ppc64iseries"
return arch
def getCanonSPARCArch(arch): # pragma: no cover
# Deal with sun4v, sun4u, sun4m cases
SPARCtype = None
for line in _try_read_cpuinfo():
if line.startswith("type"):
SPARCtype = line.split(":")[1]
if SPARCtype is None:
return arch
if SPARCtype.find("sun4v") != -1:
if arch.startswith("sparc64"):
return "sparc64v"
return "sparcv9v"
if SPARCtype.find("sun4u") != -1:
if arch.startswith("sparc64"):
return "sparc64"
return "sparcv9"
if SPARCtype.find("sun4m") != -1:
return "sparcv8"
return arch
def getCanonX86_64Arch(arch): # pragma: no cover
if arch != "x86_64":
return arch
vendor = None
for line in _try_read_cpuinfo():
if line.startswith("vendor_id"):
vendor = line.split(":")[1]
if vendor is None:
return arch
if vendor.find("Authentic AMD") != -1 or vendor.find("AuthenticAMD") != -1:
return "amd64"
if vendor.find("HygonGenuine") != -1:
return "amd64"
if vendor.find("GenuineIntel") != -1:
return "ia32e"
return arch
def getCanonArch(skipRpmPlatform=0): # pragma: no cover
if not skipRpmPlatform and os.access("/etc/rpm/platform", os.R_OK):
f = open("/etc/rpm/platform", "r")
line = f.readline()
(arch, vendor, opersys) = line.split("-", 2)
return arch
except Exception:
arch = os.uname()[4]
if len(arch) == 4 and arch[0] == "i" and arch[2:4] == "86":
return getCanonX86Arch(arch)
if arch.startswith("arm"):
return getCanonARMArch(arch)
if arch.startswith("ppc"):
return getCanonPPCArch(arch)
if arch.startswith("sparc"):
return getCanonSPARCArch(arch)
if arch == "x86_64":
return getCanonX86_64Arch(arch)
return arch
canonArch = getCanonArch()
# this gets you the "compat" arch of a biarch pair
def getMultiArchInfo(arch=canonArch): # pragma: no cover
if arch in multilibArches:
return multilibArches[arch]
if arch in arches and arches[arch] != "noarch":
return getMultiArchInfo(arch=arches[arch])
return None
def getBaseArch(myarch=None): # pragma: no cover
"""returns 'base' arch for myarch, if specified, or canonArch if not.
base arch is the arch before noarch in the arches dict if myarch is not
a key in the multilibArches."""
if not myarch:
myarch = canonArch
if myarch not in arches: # this is dumb, but <shrug>
return myarch
if myarch.startswith("sparc64"):
return "sparc"
elif myarch == "ppc64le":
return "ppc64le"
elif myarch.startswith("ppc64") and not _ppc64_native_is_best:
return "ppc"
elif myarch.startswith("arm64"):
return "arm64"
elif myarch.startswith("armv6h"):
return "armhfp"
elif myarch.startswith("armv7h"):
return "armhfp"
elif myarch.startswith("arm"):
return "arm"
if isMultiLibArch(arch=myarch):
if myarch in multilibArches:
return myarch
return arches[myarch]
if myarch in arches:
basearch = myarch
value = arches[basearch]
while value != "noarch":
basearch = value
value = arches[basearch]
return basearch