2006-10-23 21:37:13 -04:00

30 lines
959 B

This is the "pungi" module. This module is used to run anaconda tools on
downloaded packages. Options for anaconda tools will come from the
main interface.
a) Run buildinstall
Pretty straight forward. Needs to be ran on arch specific chroots so
mock may be involved, if this entire process isn't. THere is some talk
of making stage2 type stuff a package itself, so that we don't have to
create it at compose time. This will cut down the necessary packages
for building a tree and time it would take.
b) Run pkgorder
Again, pretty straight forward
c) Run splittree
Gets more tricky here, have to know disk sizes before hand. Should noop if
isos are not requested.
d) Create Isos
There are some arch specific calls here, but doesn't have to be ran ON the
different arches. Should be able to opt out of this task.
How much of the tree layout do we hardcode, and how much do we allow to be