Jeremy Cline ee1ee0467b extra-files: Write a metadata file enumerating extra files
Introduces a new metadata file to track arbitrary files added during the
extra-files phase. This file is placed in the root of each tree and is
called ``extra_files.json``. It is a JSON file containing a single
object, which contains a "header" key with an object describing the
metadata, and a "data" key, which is an array of objects, where each
object represents a file. Each object contains the "file", "checksums",
and "size" keys. "file" is the relative path from the tree root to the
extra file. "checksums" is an object containing one or more checksums,
where the key is the digest type and the value of that key is the hex
digest. Finally, the size is the size of the file in bytes.

For example:
  "header": {"version": "1.0},
  "data": [
      "file": "GPL",
      "checksums": {
        "sha256": "8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643"
      "size": 18092
      "file": "release-notes/notes.html",
      "checksums": {
        "sha256": "82b1ba8db522aadf101dca6404235fba179e559b95ea24ff39ee1e5d9a53bdcb"
      "size": 1120

Signed-off-by: Jeremy Cline <jeremy@jcline.org>
Fixes: #295
2016-09-07 13:02:48 +02:00

365 lines
17 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import os
import time
import json
import productmd.composeinfo
import productmd.treeinfo
from productmd.common import get_major_version
from kobo.shortcuts import relative_path
from pungi.compose_metadata.discinfo import write_discinfo as create_discinfo
from pungi.compose_metadata.discinfo import write_media_repo as create_media_repo
from pungi import util as pungi_util
def get_description(compose, variant, arch):
if "release_discinfo_description" in compose.conf:
result = compose.conf["release_discinfo_description"]
elif variant.type == "layered-product":
# we need to make sure the layered product behaves as it was composed separately
result = "%s %s for %s %s" % (variant.release_name, variant.release_version, compose.conf["release_name"], get_major_version(compose.conf["release_version"]))
result = "%s %s" % (compose.conf["release_name"], compose.conf["release_version"])
if compose.conf["release_is_layered"]:
result += " for %s %s" % (compose.conf["base_product_name"], compose.conf["base_product_version"])
result = result % {"variant_name": variant.name, "arch": arch}
return result
def write_discinfo(compose, arch, variant):
if variant.type == "addon":
os_tree = compose.paths.compose.os_tree(arch, variant)
path = os.path.join(os_tree, ".discinfo")
# description = get_volid(compose, arch, variant)
description = get_description(compose, variant, arch)
return create_discinfo(path, description, arch)
def write_media_repo(compose, arch, variant, timestamp=None):
if variant.type == "addon":
os_tree = compose.paths.compose.os_tree(arch, variant)
path = os.path.join(os_tree, "media.repo")
# description = get_volid(compose, arch, variant)
description = get_description(compose, variant, arch)
return create_media_repo(path, description, timestamp)
def compose_to_composeinfo(compose):
ci = productmd.composeinfo.ComposeInfo()
# compose
ci.compose.id = compose.compose_id
ci.compose.type = compose.compose_type
ci.compose.date = compose.compose_date
ci.compose.respin = compose.compose_respin
ci.compose.label = compose.compose_label
ci.compose.final = compose.supported
# product
ci.release.name = compose.conf["release_name"]
ci.release.version = compose.conf["release_version"]
ci.release.short = compose.conf["release_short"]
ci.release.is_layered = compose.conf["release_is_layered"]
ci.release.type = compose.conf["release_type"].lower()
# base product
if ci.release.is_layered:
ci.base_product.name = compose.conf["base_product_name"]
ci.base_product.version = compose.conf["base_product_version"]
ci.base_product.short = compose.conf["base_product_short"]
ci.base_product.type = compose.conf["base_product_type"].lower()
def dump_variant(variant, parent=None):
var = productmd.composeinfo.Variant(ci)
tree_arches = compose.conf.get("tree_arches")
if tree_arches and not (set(variant.arches) & set(tree_arches)):
return None
# variant details
# remove dashes from variant ID, rely on productmd verification
var.id = variant.id.replace("-", "")
var.uid = variant.uid
var.name = variant.name
var.type = variant.type
var.arches = set(variant.arches)
if var.type == "layered-product":
var.release.name = variant.release_name
var.release.short = variant.release_short
var.release.version = variant.release_version
var.release.is_layered = True
var.release.type = ci.release.type
for arch in variant.arches:
# paths: binaries
var.paths.os_tree[arch] = relative_path(compose.paths.compose.os_tree(arch=arch, variant=variant, create_dir=False).rstrip("/") + "/", compose.paths.compose.topdir().rstrip("/") + "/").rstrip("/")
var.paths.repository[arch] = relative_path(compose.paths.compose.repository(arch=arch, variant=variant, create_dir=False).rstrip("/") + "/", compose.paths.compose.topdir().rstrip("/") + "/").rstrip("/")
var.paths.packages[arch] = relative_path(compose.paths.compose.packages(arch=arch, variant=variant, create_dir=False).rstrip("/") + "/", compose.paths.compose.topdir().rstrip("/") + "/").rstrip("/")
iso_dir = compose.paths.compose.iso_dir(arch=arch, variant=variant, create_dir=False) or ""
if iso_dir and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(compose.paths.compose.topdir(), iso_dir)):
var.paths.isos[arch] = relative_path(iso_dir, compose.paths.compose.topdir().rstrip("/") + "/").rstrip("/")
jigdo_dir = compose.paths.compose.jigdo_dir(arch=arch, variant=variant, create_dir=False) or ""
if jigdo_dir and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(compose.paths.compose.topdir(), jigdo_dir)):
var.paths.jigdos[arch] = relative_path(jigdo_dir, compose.paths.compose.topdir().rstrip("/") + "/").rstrip("/")
# paths: sources
var.paths.source_tree[arch] = relative_path(compose.paths.compose.os_tree(arch="source", variant=variant, create_dir=False).rstrip("/") + "/", compose.paths.compose.topdir().rstrip("/") + "/").rstrip("/")
var.paths.source_repository[arch] = relative_path(compose.paths.compose.repository(arch="source", variant=variant, create_dir=False).rstrip("/") + "/", compose.paths.compose.topdir().rstrip("/") + "/").rstrip("/")
var.paths.source_packages[arch] = relative_path(compose.paths.compose.packages(arch="source", variant=variant, create_dir=False).rstrip("/") + "/", compose.paths.compose.topdir().rstrip("/") + "/").rstrip("/")
source_iso_dir = compose.paths.compose.iso_dir(arch="source", variant=variant, create_dir=False) or ""
if source_iso_dir and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(compose.paths.compose.topdir(), source_iso_dir)):
var.paths.source_isos[arch] = relative_path(source_iso_dir, compose.paths.compose.topdir().rstrip("/") + "/").rstrip("/")
source_jigdo_dir = compose.paths.compose.jigdo_dir(arch="source", variant=variant, create_dir=False) or ""
if source_jigdo_dir and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(compose.paths.compose.topdir(), source_jigdo_dir)):
var.paths.source_jigdos[arch] = relative_path(source_jigdo_dir, compose.paths.compose.topdir().rstrip("/") + "/").rstrip("/")
# paths: debug
var.paths.debug_tree[arch] = relative_path(compose.paths.compose.debug_tree(arch=arch, variant=variant, create_dir=False).rstrip("/") + "/", compose.paths.compose.topdir().rstrip("/") + "/").rstrip("/")
var.paths.debug_repository[arch] = relative_path(compose.paths.compose.debug_repository(arch=arch, variant=variant, create_dir=False).rstrip("/") + "/", compose.paths.compose.topdir().rstrip("/") + "/").rstrip("/")
var.paths.debug_packages[arch] = relative_path(compose.paths.compose.debug_packages(arch=arch, variant=variant, create_dir=False).rstrip("/") + "/", compose.paths.compose.topdir().rstrip("/") + "/").rstrip("/")
# XXX: not suported (yet?)
debug_iso_dir = compose.paths.compose.debug_iso_dir(arch=arch, variant=variant) or ""
if debug_iso_dir:
var.debug_iso_dir[arch] = relative_path(debug_iso_dir, compose.paths.compose.topdir().rstrip("/") + "/").rstrip("/")
debug_jigdo_dir = compose.paths.compose.debug_jigdo_dir(arch=arch, variant=variant) or ""
if debug_jigdo_dir:
var.debug_jigdo_dir[arch] = relative_path(debug_jigdo_dir, compose.paths.compose.topdir().rstrip("/") + "/").rstrip("/")
for v in variant.get_variants(recursive=False):
x = dump_variant(v, parent=variant)
if x is not None:
return var
for variant_id in sorted(compose.variants):
variant = compose.variants[variant_id]
v = dump_variant(variant)
if v is not None:
return ci
def write_compose_info(compose):
ci = compose_to_composeinfo(compose)
msg = "Writing composeinfo"
compose.log_info("[BEGIN] %s" % msg)
path = compose.paths.compose.metadata("composeinfo.json")
compose.log_info("[DONE ] %s" % msg)
def write_tree_info(compose, arch, variant, timestamp=None):
if variant.type in ("addon", ) or variant.is_empty:
if not timestamp:
timestamp = int(time.time())
timestamp = int(timestamp)
os_tree = compose.paths.compose.os_tree(arch=arch, variant=variant).rstrip("/") + "/"
ti = productmd.treeinfo.TreeInfo()
# load from buildinstall .treeinfo
if variant.type == "layered-product":
# we need to make sure the layered product behaves as it was composed separately
# release
# TODO: read from variants.xml
ti.release.name = variant.release_name
ti.release.version = variant.release_version
ti.release.short = variant.release_short
ti.release.is_layered = True
ti.release.type = compose.conf["release_type"].lower()
# base product
ti.base_product.name = compose.conf["release_name"]
if "." in compose.conf["release_version"]:
# remove minor version if present
ti.base_product.version = get_major_version(compose.conf["release_version"])
ti.base_product.version = compose.conf["release_version"]
ti.base_product.short = compose.conf["release_short"]
# release
ti.release.name = compose.conf["release_name"]
ti.release.version = compose.conf["release_version"]
ti.release.short = compose.conf["release_short"]
ti.release.is_layered = compose.conf["release_is_layered"]
ti.release.type = compose.conf["release_type"].lower()
# base product
if ti.release.is_layered:
ti.base_product.name = compose.conf["base_product_name"]
ti.base_product.version = compose.conf["base_product_version"]
ti.base_product.short = compose.conf["base_product_short"]
# tree
ti.tree.arch = arch
ti.tree.build_timestamp = timestamp
# ti.platforms
# main variant
var = productmd.treeinfo.Variant(ti)
if variant.type == "layered-product":
var.id = variant.parent.id
var.uid = variant.parent.uid
var.name = variant.parent.name
var.type = "variant"
# remove dashes from variant ID, rely on productmd verification
var.id = variant.id.replace("-", "")
var.uid = variant.uid
var.name = variant.name
var.type = variant.type
var.packages = relative_path(compose.paths.compose.packages(arch=arch, variant=variant, create_dir=False).rstrip("/") + "/", os_tree).rstrip("/") or "."
var.repository = relative_path(compose.paths.compose.repository(arch=arch, variant=variant, create_dir=False).rstrip("/") + "/", os_tree).rstrip("/") or "."
repomd_path = os.path.join(var.repository, "repodata", "repomd.xml")
if os.path.isfile(repomd_path):
ti.checksums.add(repomd_path, "sha256", root_dir=os_tree)
for i in variant.get_variants(types=["addon"], arch=arch):
addon = productmd.treeinfo.Variant(ti)
addon.id = i.id
addon.uid = i.uid
addon.name = i.name
addon.type = i.type
os_tree = compose.paths.compose.os_tree(arch=arch, variant=i).rstrip("/") + "/"
addon.packages = relative_path(compose.paths.compose.packages(arch=arch, variant=i, create_dir=False).rstrip("/") + "/", os_tree).rstrip("/") or "."
addon.repository = relative_path(compose.paths.compose.repository(arch=arch, variant=i, create_dir=False).rstrip("/") + "/", os_tree).rstrip("/") or "."
repomd_path = os.path.join(addon.repository, "repodata", "repomd.xml")
if os.path.isfile(repomd_path):
ti.checksums.add(repomd_path, "sha256", root_dir=os_tree)
class LoraxProduct(productmd.treeinfo.Release):
def _check_short(self):
# HACK: set self.short so .treeinfo produced by lorax can be read
if not self.short:
self.short = compose.conf["release_short"]
class LoraxTreeInfo(productmd.treeinfo.TreeInfo):
def clear(self):
super(LoraxTreeInfo, self).clear()
self.product = LoraxProduct(self)
# images
if variant.type == "variant":
os_tree = compose.paths.compose.os_tree(arch, variant)
# clone all but 'general' sections from buildinstall .treeinfo
bi_treeinfo = os.path.join(compose.paths.work.buildinstall_dir(arch), variant.uid, ".treeinfo")
if os.path.exists(bi_treeinfo):
bi_ti = LoraxTreeInfo()
# stage2 - mainimage
if bi_ti.stage2.mainimage:
ti.stage2.mainimage = bi_ti.stage2.mainimage
ti.checksums.add(ti.stage2.mainimage, "sha256", root_dir=os_tree)
# stage2 - instimage
if bi_ti.stage2.instimage:
ti.stage2.instimage = bi_ti.stage2.instimage
ti.checksums.add(ti.stage2.instimage, "sha256", root_dir=os_tree)
# images
for platform in bi_ti.images.images:
ti.images.images[platform] = {}
for image, path in bi_ti.images.images[platform].items():
if not path:
# The .treeinfo file contains an image without a path.
# We can't add that.
ti.images.images[platform][image] = path
ti.checksums.add(path, "sha256", root_dir=os_tree)
# add product.img to images-$arch
product_img = os.path.join(os_tree, "images", "product.img")
product_img_relpath = relative_path(product_img, os_tree.rstrip("/") + "/")
if os.path.isfile(product_img):
for platform in ti.images.images:
ti.images.images[platform]["product.img"] = product_img_relpath
ti.checksums.add(product_img_relpath, "sha256", root_dir=os_tree)
path = os.path.join(compose.paths.compose.os_tree(arch=arch, variant=variant), ".treeinfo")
compose.log_info("Writing treeinfo: %s" % path)
def write_extra_files(tree_path, files, checksum_type='sha256', logger=None):
Write the metadata for all extra files added to the compose.
:param tree_path:
Root of the tree to write the ``extra_files.json`` metadata file for.
:param files:
A list of files that should be included in the metadata file. These
should be paths that are relative to ``tree_path``.
Path to the metadata file written.
metadata_path = os.path.join(tree_path, 'extra_files.json')
if logger:
logger.info('Calculating content of {metadata}'.format(metadata=metadata_path))
metadata = {'header': {'version': '1.0'}, 'data': []}
for f in files:
if logger:
logger.debug('Processing {file}'.format(file=f))
path = os.path.join(tree_path, f)
checksum = pungi_util._doCheckSum(path, checksum_type, logger)
# _doCheckSum returns in the format <type>:<digest> _or_ False for failure
if checksum is False:
err = 'Failed to calculate the checksum for {file}.'.format(file=path)
raise RuntimeError(err)
checksum = checksum.split(':')[1]
entry = {
'file': f,
'checksums': {checksum_type: checksum},
'size': os.path.getsize(path),
if logger:
logger.info('Writing {metadata}'.format(metadata=metadata_path))
with open(metadata_path, 'w') as fd:
json.dump(metadata, fd, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
return metadata_path