Lubomír Sedlář f1974d3f03 [live-media] Use subvariants in logging
Print the subvariant together with variant UID and arches. This should
make the global log easier to understand.

The output of koji command should now be split into multiple files in
logs/{arch}/livemedia-{variant}-{subvariant}.{arch}.log instead of
having them all in one file.

The tests were updated to use more sensible value for the subvariant

Signed-off-by: Lubomír Sedlář <lsedlar@redhat.com>
2016-03-17 09:04:50 +01:00

250 lines
10 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import time
from kobo import shortcuts
import traceback
from pungi.util import get_variant_data, resolve_git_url, makedirs, get_mtime, get_file_size
from pungi.phases.base import PhaseBase
from pungi.linker import Linker
from pungi.paths import translate_path
from pungi.wrappers.kojiwrapper import KojiWrapper
from kobo.threads import ThreadPool, WorkerThread
from productmd.images import Image
class LiveMediaPhase(PhaseBase):
"""class for wrapping up koji spin-livemedia"""
name = 'live_media'
config_options = (
"name": "live_media",
"expected_types": [dict],
"optional": True,
"name": "live_media_ksurl",
"expected_types": [str],
"optional": True,
"name": "live_media_target",
"expected_types": [str],
"optional": True,
"name": "live_media_release",
"expected_types": [str, type(None)],
"optional": True,
def __init__(self, compose):
super(LiveMediaPhase, self).__init__(compose)
self.pool = ThreadPool(logger=self.compose._logger)
self._global_ksurl = None
def skip(self):
if super(LiveMediaPhase, self).skip():
return True
if not self.compose.conf.get(self.name):
self.compose.log_info("Config section '%s' was not found. Skipping" % self.name)
return True
return False
def _get_repos(self, image_conf, variant):
Get a comma separated list of repos. First included are those
explicitly listed in config, followed by repos from other variants,
finally followed by repo for current variant.
The `repo_from` key is removed from the dict (if present).
repo = shortcuts.force_list(image_conf.get('repo', []))
extras = shortcuts.force_list(image_conf.pop('repo_from', []))
if not variant.is_empty:
for extra in extras:
v = self.compose.variants.get(extra)
if not v:
raise RuntimeError(
'There is no variant %s to get repo from when building live media for %s.'
% (extra, variant.uid))
self.compose.paths.compose.repository('$basearch', v, create_dir=False)))
return repo
def _get_arches(self, image_conf, arches):
if 'arches' in image_conf:
arches = set(image_conf.get('arches', [])) & arches
return sorted(arches)
def _get_release(self, image_conf):
"""If release is set explicitly to None, replace it with date and respin.
Uses both image configuration and global config.
for key, conf in [('release', image_conf), ('live_media_release', self.compose.conf)]:
if key in conf and conf[key] is None:
return '%s.%s' % (self.compose.compose_date, self.compose.compose_respin)
return image_conf.get('release', self.compose.conf.get('live_media_release'))
def _get_install_tree(self, image_conf, variant):
if 'install_tree_from' in image_conf:
variant_uid = image_conf['install_tree_from']
variant = self.compose.variants[variant_uid]
except KeyError:
raise RuntimeError(
'There is no variant %s to get repo from when building live media for %s.'
% (variant_uid, variant.uid))
return translate_path(
self.compose.paths.compose.os_tree('$basearch', variant, create_dir=False)
def global_ksurl(self):
"""Get globally configure kickstart URL. It will only be resolved once."""
if not self._global_ksurl:
ksurl = self.compose.conf.get('live_media_ksurl')
self._global_ksurl = resolve_git_url(ksurl)
return self._global_ksurl
def _get_ksurl(self, image_conf):
"""Get ksurl from `image_conf`. If not present, fall back to global one."""
if 'ksurl' in image_conf:
return resolve_git_url(image_conf['ksurl'])
return self.global_ksurl
def _get_config(self, image_conf, opt):
return image_conf.get(opt, self.compose.conf.get('live_media_' + opt))
def run(self):
for variant in self.compose.get_variants():
arches = set([x for x in variant.arches if x != 'src'])
for image_conf in get_variant_data(self.compose.conf, self.name, variant):
subvariant = image_conf.get('subvariant', variant.uid)
name = image_conf.get(
'name', "%s-%s-Live" % (self.compose.ci_base.release.short, subvariant))
config = {
'target': self._get_config(image_conf, 'target'),
'arches': self._get_arches(image_conf, arches),
'ksfile': image_conf['kickstart'],
'ksurl': self._get_ksurl(image_conf),
'ksversion': image_conf.get('ksversion'),
'scratch': image_conf.get('scratch', False),
'release': self._get_release(image_conf),
'skip_tag': image_conf.get('skip_tag'),
'name': name,
'subvariant': subvariant,
'title': image_conf.get('title'),
'repo': self._get_repos(image_conf, variant),
'install_tree': self._get_install_tree(image_conf, variant),
'version': self._get_config(image_conf, 'version'),
self.pool.queue_put((self.compose, variant, config))
class LiveMediaThread(WorkerThread):
def process(self, item, num):
compose, variant, config = item
subvariant = config.pop('subvariant')
self.num = num
self.worker(compose, variant, subvariant, config)
except Exception as exc:
if not compose.can_fail(variant, '*', 'live-media'):
msg = ('[FAIL] live-media for variant %s (%s) failed, but going on anyway.\n%s'
% (variant.uid, subvariant, exc))
tb = traceback.format_exc()
def _get_log_file(self, compose, variant, subvariant, config):
arches = '-'.join(config['arches'])
return compose.paths.log.log_file(arches, 'livemedia-%s-%s'
% (variant.uid, subvariant))
def _run_command(self, koji_wrapper, cmd, compose, log_file):
time.sleep(self.num * 3)
output = koji_wrapper.run_blocking_cmd(cmd, log_file=log_file)
self.pool.log_debug('live media outputs: %s' % (output))
if output['retcode'] != 0:
compose.log_error('Live media task failed.')
raise RuntimeError('Live media task failed: %s. See %s for more details.'
% (output['task_id'], log_file))
return output
def _get_cmd(self, koji_wrapper, config):
"""Replace `arches` (as list) with `arch` as a comma-separated string."""
copy = dict(config)
copy['arch'] = ','.join(copy.pop('arches', []))
return koji_wrapper.get_live_media_cmd(copy)
def worker(self, compose, variant, subvariant, config):
msg = ('Live media: %s (arches: %s, variant: %s, subvariant: %s)'
% (config['name'], ' '.join(config['arches']), variant.uid, subvariant))
self.pool.log_info('[BEGIN] %s' % msg)
koji_wrapper = KojiWrapper(compose.conf['koji_profile'])
cmd = self._get_cmd(koji_wrapper, config)
log_file = self._get_log_file(compose, variant, subvariant, config)
output = self._run_command(koji_wrapper, cmd, compose, log_file)
# collect results and update manifest
image_infos = []
paths = koji_wrapper.get_image_paths(output['task_id'])
for arch, paths in paths.iteritems():
for path in paths:
if path.endswith('.iso'):
image_infos.append({'path': path, 'arch': arch})
if len(image_infos) != len(config['arches']):
'Error in koji task %s. Expected to find one image for each arch (%s). Got %s.'
% (output['task_id'], len(config['arches']), len(image_infos)))
raise RuntimeError('Image count mismatch in task %s.' % output['task_id'])
linker = Linker(logger=compose._logger)
link_type = compose.conf.get("link_type", "hardlink-or-copy")
for image_info in image_infos:
image_dir = compose.paths.compose.iso_dir(image_info['arch'], variant)
relative_image_dir = (
compose.paths.compose.iso_dir(image_info['arch'], variant, relative=True)
# let's not change filename of koji outputs
image_dest = os.path.join(image_dir, os.path.basename(image_info['path']))
linker.link(image_info['path'], image_dest, link_type=link_type)
# Update image manifest
img = Image(compose.im)
img.type = 'live'
img.format = 'iso'
img.path = os.path.join(relative_image_dir, os.path.basename(image_dest))
img.mtime = get_mtime(image_dest)
img.size = get_file_size(image_dest)
img.arch = image_info['arch']
img.disc_number = 1 # We don't expect multiple disks
img.disc_count = 1
img.bootable = True
img.subvariant = subvariant
compose.im.add(variant=variant.uid, arch=image_info['arch'], image=img)
self.pool.log_info('[DONE ] %s' % msg)