jkeating@harpoon.lab.boston.redhat.com 95f6a0b642 First pass at using a config file for options rather than CLI
Much churn, add a new config file.  Seems to still work
2006-11-17 18:01:10 -05:00

214 lines
8.0 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/python -tt
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import yum
import os
import shutil
class Gather(yum.YumBase):
def __init__(self, config, pkglist):
# Create a yum object to use
self.doConfigSetup(fn=config.get('default', 'yumconf'))
self.cleanMetadata() # clean metadata that might be in the cache from previous runs
self.cleanSqlite() # clean metadata that might be in the cache from previous runs
if config.get('default', 'arch') == 'i386':
arches = yum.rpmUtils.arch.getArchList('i686')
arches = yum.rpmUtils.arch.getArchList(config.get('default', 'arch'))
self.logger = yum.logging.getLogger("yum.verbose.pungi")
self.config = config
self.pkglist = pkglist
self.polist = []
def getPackageDeps(self, po):
"""Return the dependencies for a given package, as well
possible solutions for those dependencies.
Returns the deps as a list"""
if not self.config.has_option('default', 'quiet'):
self.logger.info('Checking deps of %s.%s' % (po.name, po.arch))
reqs = po.requires;
pkgresults = {}
for req in reqs:
(r,f,v) = req
if r.startswith('rpmlib('):
provides = self.whatProvides(r, f, v)
for provide in provides:
if not pkgresults.has_key(provide):
pkgresults[provide] = None
return pkgresults.keys()
def getPackageObjects(self):
"""Cycle through the list of packages, get package object
matches, and resolve deps.
Returns a list of package objects"""
unprocessed_pkgs = {} # list of packages yet to depsolve ## Use dicts for speed
final_pkgobjs = {} # The final list of package objects
for pkg in self.pkglist: # cycle through our package list and get repo matches
matches = self.pkgSack.searchNevra(name=pkg)
for match in matches:
unprocessed_pkgs[match] = None
if not self.config.has_option('default', 'quiet'):
for pkg in unprocessed_pkgs.keys():
self.logger.info('Found %s.%s' % (pkg.name, pkg.arch))
if len(unprocessed_pkgs) == 0:
raise yum.Errors.MiscError, 'No packages found to download.'
while len(unprocessed_pkgs) > 0: # Our fun loop
for pkg in unprocessed_pkgs.keys():
if not final_pkgobjs.has_key(pkg):
final_pkgobjs[pkg] = None # Add the pkg to our final list
deplist = self.getPackageDeps(pkg) # Get the deps of our package
for dep in deplist: # Cycle through deps, if we don't already have it, add it.
if not unprocessed_pkgs.has_key(dep) and not final_pkgobjs.has_key(dep):
unprocessed_pkgs[dep] = None
del unprocessed_pkgs[pkg] # Clear the package out of our todo list.
self.polist = final_pkgobjs.keys()
def downloadPackages(self):
"""Cycle through the list of package objects and
download them from their respective repos."""
if not self.config.has_option('default', 'quiet'):
downloads = []
for pkg in self.polist:
downloads.append('%s.%s' % (pkg.name, pkg.arch))
self.logger.info("Download list: %s" % downloads)
# Package location within destdir, name subject to change/config
pkgdir = os.path.join(self.config.get('default', 'destdir'), self.config.get('default', 'version'),
self.config.get('default', 'arch'), 'os', 'Fedora')
if not os.path.exists(pkgdir):
for pkg in self.polist:
repo = self.repos.getRepo(pkg.repoid)
remote = pkg.returnSimple('relativepath')
local = os.path.basename(remote)
local = os.path.join(self.config.get('default', 'cachedir'), local)
if (os.path.exists(local) and
str(os.path.getsize(local)) == pkg.returnSimple('packagesize')):
if not self.config.has_option('default', 'quiet'):
self.logger.info("%s already exists and appears to be complete" % local)
os.link(local, os.path.join(pkgdir, os.path.basename(remote)))
# Disable cache otherwise things won't download
repo.cache = 0
if not self.config.has_option('default', 'quiet'):
self.logger.info('Downloading %s' % os.path.basename(remote))
pkg.localpath = local # Hack: to set the localpath to what we want.
# do a little dance for file:// repos...
path = repo.getPackage(pkg)
if not os.path.exists(local) or not os.path.samefile(path, local):
shutil.copy2(path, local)
os.link(local, os.path.join(pkgdir, os.path.basename(remote)))
def main():
# This is used for testing the module
(opts, args) = get_arguments()
pkglist = get_packagelist(opts.comps)
if not os.path.exists(opts.destdir):
except OSError, e:
print >> sys.stderr, "Error: Cannot create destination dir %s" % opts.destdir
if not os.path.exists(opts.cachedir):
except OSError, e:
print >> sys.stderr, "Error: Cannot create cache dir %s" % opts.cachedir
mygather = Gather(opts, pkglist)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from optparse import OptionParser
import sys
def get_arguments():
# hack job for now, I'm sure this could be better for our uses
usage = "usage: %s [options]" % sys.argv[0]
parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.add_option("--destdir", default=".", dest="destdir",
help='destination directory (defaults to current directory)')
parser.add_option("--cachedir", default="./cache", dest="cachedir",
help='cache directory (defaults to cache subdir of current directory)')
parser.add_option("--comps", default="comps.xml", dest="comps",
help='comps file to use')
parser.add_option("--yumconf", default="yum.conf", dest="yumconf",
help='yum config file to use')
parser.add_option("--arch", default="i386", dest="arch",
help='Base arch to use')
parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Output as little as possible")
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
#if len(opts) < 1:
# parser.print_help()
# sys.exit(0)
return (opts, args)
def get_packagelist(myComps):
# Get the list of packages from the comps file
compsobj = yum.comps.Comps()
except IOError:
print >> sys.stderr, "gather.py: No such file:\'%s\'" % opts.comps
pkglist = []
for group in compsobj.groups:
pkglist += group.packages
return pkglist